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We Weren't Designed To Eat Meat, Here Is Proof

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by j_kalin

Gorillas are herbivores[10

If one classifies chimps as frugivores, it is easy to forget that they also consume smaller but nutritionally significant quantities of leaves and animal foods (both invertebrates--insects--and vertebrates, or other mammals).

Harding [1981], noting the widespread reports of predatory behavior and meat consumption by non-human primates, makes the interesting comment (p. 191; my explanatory comments are in brackets [ ] below):
It is now clear that several primate populations make regular and substantial use of precisely the type of food [animal flesh] which the early theories described as instrumental in the emergence of the hominids.
If the diets of these particular nonhuman primates are more broadly based than we had thought, then how accurate is it to characterize contemporary primate diets in general as "vegetarian"?... As Teleki points out (1975: 127ff.), such terms are first used as shorthand references to a particular dietary specialization but then gradually become inclusive descriptions of an animal's entire diet. Essential elements of the diet are ignored, and the result is a generally misleading impression of what a group or population actually eats. As this article shows, diversity rather than specialization is typical of primate diets."

Another observation by anthropologists:

And behavior sometimes differs as well: Chimps in the Tai population, in 26 of 28 mammal kills, were observed to break open the bones with their teeth and use tools to extract the marrow for consumption,[76] reminiscent of early Homo habilis

The views of anthropologists are evolveing as we speak. Many primates, they have observed hunting for meat. Our ancient ancestors seem to like meat.


The fossil record clearly shows that our prehistoric ancestors were omnivores; they ate both plant and animal foods. They were not vegans, fruitarians, or even vegetarians

One population has been observed to eat as much as 4 oz. of flesh per day during the peak hunting season, dwindling to virtually nothing much of the rest of the time, but researchers note that when it is available, it is highly anticipated and prized.[77] It's hard to say exactly, but a reasonable estimate might be that on average flesh may account for about 1-3% of the chimp diet.[78]

Our world view of our ancestors are changing as we OBSERVE our ape "brothers".

[edit on 15-6-2008 by whiteraven]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:48 PM
i checked out that site some interesting points but it looks like some vegetarian mumbo jumbo propaganda on the whole, like the bodybuilder pic, subtle cues like that

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

The reason theya re referencing survival is because this is in the survival forum! Maybe look that up as well. If smething is posted under the survival forum we have to treat it in that vain. I don't think your moral values have any place in survival and neither do mine.

I will say again that here in Britain in the winter there are not enough plant food sources in winter to supply the needed nutrients to survive.

If you don't like the survival arguement then make a new thread in a non survival forum

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Electro38

That is correct but that didn't hold true for the dinosaurs, just another view that sparked my thoughts when you said that???

T rex for example. he loved beef live....

I couldnt help the joke, but seriously how does that hold true with other meat eating animals.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Electro38
It is known that the reason why prehistoric man's brains were able to grow larger is due to the fact the we started to eat meat. Because plants have cell walls, plant matter is harder to digest and requires a lot of blood flow to the abdomen during digestion.

When we started to eat meat, less blood flow to the abdomen meant more for our brains. Hence, out brains were allowed to grow.

Look it up.

I am not sure I believe that theory, wouldn't it mean that carnivores should have bigger brains then us? I think a simple genetic mutation caused our brains to be larger then other animals on this planet.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:03 PM
Many nomadic peoples have had a diet that was up to 80% meat.

But then, maybe classical eskimos were living "out of harmony" with nature. Ditto Mongolian and American plains tribes.

Maybe they needed a whole foods market and a food processor to bring their lives back into balance!

I think the whole thread just shows how endemic cultural imperialism really is. And not just on the right wing, either. Westerners of all stripes are pretty certain they know how everyone else ought to live, and what they should feel guilty about.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm

.....if meat was presented in its natural form, without a bun and ketchup and fries, do you think it would look as tasty?...... i think meat is presented in a way where you dont associate it with an animal at all, if it was....i bet there would be more vegetarians..

Are you kidding me? If I compare some piece of crap McDonalds pattie - a burger - with a nice T-bone I think I know what I'll pick... the natural looking steak.

Also to the people who keep making the arguments that we don't have teeth like a natural carnivore, nor do we have the teeth of a natural herbivore such as Cattle. SO is it fair to say that we have a mixture of both, making us omnivores?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
I know I'm only one example, but look at my avatar...I'm 42 and outrageously healthy, my diet being mostly vegan apart from the occasional bout of Port Salut...I rest my case!

I would have to agree with you , on you being HOT! for a 42 year old!
uhm besides that I eat meat...sorry

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:15 PM
To those of you who have said about compassion, ethics and morality about eating meat etc, i would like to point out that this is the SURVIVALIST section of ATS.

None of those three things above would not even come into the equation should you face an extreme Situation X. If it did, its quite simple .... you would die.

Please Mods, remove this thread from our beloved Survival section, its totally irrelavent here.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

All I'm stating is that at this moment in time saving animals from the suffering that they endure, the length of the processing, the pollutants involved, the unsanitary enviroments and results of some of the meat, and the stress it causes on our atmosphere would be the best thing to sacrifice.

Plants not only put more oxygen into the environment but they also help curb and convert Carbon.

Would you eat synthetic meat created in a vat?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Would you eat synthetic meat created in a vat?

I'm gettin very tired of this, i wil remind everyone again that this is in the SURVIVALIST section of the website. How many people do you think can operate a lab to create meat when in a survival situation?

If you want to discuss the ethical implications of meat eating then start a new thread, i'm sure it'll be popular.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Danger Girl, the table in your opening post is not evidence of humans not designed to eat meat; rather, it is evidence of humans able to digest only certain amounts and types of meat and vegatables. For example, our underdeveloped canine and incisive teeth are adapted to eat soft meat, such as fish and poultry. We have a hard time chewing meat from bovines and also we a have a hard time digesting pork, and worse if it is not cooked. On the other hand, we also have a hard time chewing pasture as cows and horses do, because our teeth are not as adapted as theirs.

So fruits, fish, poultry, eggs, and vegetables (not plants in general) are definitely part of the diet we evolved to eat. I am not sure about grains, as I have read we aren't adapted to those either and our ancestors didn't eat them. I'll have to find the sources for that.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Danger Girl

Im with you danger girl..instead of trying to peruade people...challenge them, have them go 6 months as a vegian and see how thier bodies and life change...they will never go back..People who are ardently for us eating red meat I truly believe have never tried to be a vegian or a vegaterian. I suggest to all those who wish to oppose this view, just try the lifestyle for 6 months. It wont kill you and if anything else you will gain a broader knowledge of the yourself and the people around you who think this way. Expand your horizions...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
How many people do you think can operate a lab to create meat when in a survival situation?

Hmmm. I don't know... depends on how many people are still alive and close together and whether or not this happened at a future date when there was technology around to create synthetic meat and if those people left had the scientific knowledge to do such.

I said if we want to make our future easier, since there's so much scare going around about what we're doing to the planet (hence if we want to survive) to switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet. It'd be less industrially stressful and it'd be better for the environment.

If you want to discuss the ethical implications of meat eating then start a new thread, i'm sure it'll be popular.

Alright, cool down over there Harry hot head. Everything's going to be A-Okay!

Hmmm... let's stop and think about something... if you really put some thought into it, all of ATS is about what's best for our survival. In fact, that seems to be what all of life is about until you decide you want to commit suicide.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:03 PM
As for myself people. I have battled two types of deadly cancer. My journey thru this battle has left me talking to many many doctors. I have found that 90 percent of all the doctors from nero, to onco, to family practicineers all agree, the human bodie was not designed to eat meat. Out of all the reasons Danger Girl gave, only one really counts. Our intestines are to long and the meat rots and gives off deadly toxins before we can pass it. Common sense would then tell you not to put something in your body that is going to be your system. Think before you talk

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by jalien
Out of all the reasons Danger Girl gave, only one really counts. Our intestines are to long and the meat rots and gives off deadly toxins before we can pass it. Common sense would then tell you not to put something in your body that is going to be your system. Think before you talk

Um...why would it rot? Our body keeps the digestive system at a specific pH to control what bacteria survives. Do you even know what it means when something rots?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Matt.Trakker
why in every thread does someone always find a way to bring up the bible?

Thats WHY they are known as ~BIBLE THUMPERS~.............they are banging it over our heads every single chance they get.
They truly believe they are helping others by doing this, for they so believe in the bible.....they really THINK they are doing the right thing......trying to save us all somehow.
I find it hard to be mad at them for this as they are looking out for MY personal best interest according to how they believe. They won't stop for they truly LOVE there fellow man, they are trying to be helpful and save us and so they will continue to do this, for they are trying HARD to get you to come on over to the way they see things. They believe that God has instructed them to behave this way. They really believe this is helping others.

I come from a long line of Mormons so I get thumped on the head with the bible AND the book of Mormon AND the other so called 'divinely inspired' Mormon doctrines......(there are plenty)
They all make sure to let me know they are praying for me............
as I am a Pagan and they think I know not what I am doing.

The religious debates rage on and I see MANY similaritys in the debates between Vegans and Omnivores........
Its all a matter of PERSONAL CHOICE in the end...... call it FREE WILL if you want to.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Meat does not rot in your gut.

If your eat a proper diet for you, food passes through you in 24 hours.

Now every one is different but that's close enough.

The Roper does not care how you live your life, just don't tell me what I should do or not do. I believe we are made to eat meat, tasty meat form a choice steer, aged for 35 days.

I need an steak!


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
My wife is vegan (not to be confused with vegetarian, they're two different things), and even she admits that it's an unnatural lifestyle.

You can try to deny it, you can turn vegetarian (or even vegan, if you have the balls for it), but cutting meat out of your diet is going to have an adverse effect on the way your brain functions. An all-vegetation diet makes you less aggressive, less competitive, less sharp. It diminishes your neural prowess.

Ouch...I feel sorry for your wife.

I doubt it'll change your mind, but here are a few vegetarians that, in my opinion, weren't lacking in neural prowess:

Leonardo da Vinci
George Bernard Shaw

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by jalien
As for myself people. I have battled two types of deadly cancer. My journey thru this battle has left me talking to many many doctors. I have found that 90 percent of all the doctors from nero, to onco, to family practicineers all agree, the human bodie was not designed to eat meat. Out of all the reasons Danger Girl gave, only one really counts. Our intestines are to long and the meat rots and gives off deadly toxins before we can pass it. Common sense would then tell you not to put something in your body that is going to be your system. Think before you talk

Then you have spoken to some odd doctors because meat takes a little longer to rot than the day it takes to pass through you. Not only that but the meat is broken down by enzymes within the first 4 hours in most healthy people and the resulting sludge is mixed with acid. This seriously retards rotting in the sense of spoiled meat. The body as others mentioned keeps a careful pH and bacteria balance that prevents food from rotting.

If meat could rot in a healthy persons gut then fruit and veg could also rot in it.

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Hmmm. I don't know... depends on how many people are still alive and close together and whether or not this happened at a future date when there was technology around to create synthetic meat and if those people left had the scientific knowledge to do such.

I said if we want to make our future easier, since there's so much scare going around about what we're doing to the planet (hence if we want to survive) to switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet. It'd be less industrially stressful and it'd be better for the environment.

When we talk of survival the forum tends to mean going about in the wilderness, rubbing two sticks together, building a shelter and hunting for food.

You think farming crops on a larger scale woudl be good for the enviroment? With all the chemicals invovled, with the petroleum products it requires to run tractors, harvesters, seed planters etc. It's not as easy as you make it sound to quantify the enviromental cost of a scaled up crop farming system.

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
Alright, cool down over there Harry hot head. Everything's going to be A-Okay!

Hmmm... let's stop and think about something... if you really put some thought into it, all of ATS is about what's best for our survival. In fact, that seems to be what all of life is about until you decide you want to commit suicide.

Erm i'm quite calm, i have stopped and thought, maybe you should do the same. If what you are saying is true then there would be no need for categories on ATS, different forums would be obsolete. So as i said, start another topic on the ethical implications of eating meat and i'll happily debate it there, don't want to derail this thread further. It's just like the evolution vs creation threads. It goes from sound science into personal belief, after that it goes all wrong.

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