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The World Must Stop This Madman

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posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:25 AM
You just stated a point that I stated in the first place... As I said, no they did not attack them because of WMD... So your post was pointless... and do you honestly believe that Sadam does not or did not have some sort of WMD... The fact that we have not found them is no big supprise since Sadam has plenty of room to bury anything he wants... He has a vast desert the size of Texas... So I mean that don't mean a thing.. plus we have proof he has ties to Osama himself. So what scares me is Sadam has most likely given some of his WMD to Osama himself and is plotting an attack that as Osama said himself, will make 9-11 look like a playground. Sadam is a terrorist himself and there is no disbuting that... He rules by fear. When has bush ever said to us that we either like him or die by his hand... never and never will. He is taking that rule by fear out of this world and replacing it with, yes whether you like it or not, a democracy more like america... So whether you think this war was justified or not, I can bet you when all this is over, Iraq will love us as their saviors... not invaders... I guess it is a difference from the north and the south... The south is more intent on protecting outselfs and others while the north is more worried about how their wallets and pocket books look from day to day. We are "country" people down here, and we will protect ourself... You will most likely never see a terriorst plot against the south because we are very very watchful and protective by nature...

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:26 AM
it seems you need to do some reading..

Also, Clinton also know about Osama and his terroist backing, but did nothing.. once again sat back...

we caught the ring leader in the first WTC bombing who is also supposed to be the one who masterminded the second attack...but was caught before he got to see his creation take place..Ramzi Yousef....We can only hope that was the last plan Ramzi Yousef left unfinished on the drawing board...
The No. 3 man in al Qaeda, Khalid Mohammed is the one man most directly responsible for the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The common media parlance for his role is "mastermind,"
Khalid is ramzi yousef's uncle.....

and another seems the best defense you have for bush is that clinton was worse...that doesnt even matter.. they both are terrible presidents.

And it is nice to have a president thats willing to go after the terroists...i dont hear to many people complaining about attacking afganistan..mostly people are complaing about attacking iraq because there was no real threat posed by them...

[Edited on 11-17-2003 by sirCyco]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Peace
Silk - "I have no right to criticise your system or your choices"

I live in London, I'm a British citizen. How on earth do you (Silk) conclude that as Brits we have no right to criticize the American political system or the American people's choices?

Bush stole the election, he wasn't elected by the American people, they had no choice in the matter. Everyone who believes in democracy and equal rights should be screaming as loud as humanely possible that Bush is a cheating lying scumbag. Everytime Bush spouts the words "freedom" or "democracy" with his monkey face grinning away it makes me despise him and his crew of criminal friends even more.

Can't wait till Thursday

Fortunately there have not been any repeats of the tragedy that was 9/11. But ask yourselves how long it had been since America was attacked before Dubya came to office. Anyone confused? Well, I think Dubya was in on 9/11 and allowed it to occur in the manner it did. Anyone who disagrees with me probably hasn't read Cheney and Rumsfeld's PNAC report on "Rebuilding America's defences", their objectives would take years upon years to be fullfilled barring "A catalysing and catastrophic event like a new pearl harbour", Now what did Bush say on Sep 12th, "Yesterday was the 21st Centurys pearl harbour" Coincidence?

Please help! Don't let him out of the UK....make him heir to the throne....we'll take the other wanker with th big ears and desire to be a woman's hygenic device. ANYTHING!!!

Hopefully, they won't lock away protesters into so called 'free speech' zones, as they do here.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:29 AM
Iraq will love us as their saviors... not invaders...


and i live in the south what the hell does that have to do with it..

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:42 AM
If the Brits do not pelt his presidential limo with at least one bag of flaming dog#, i shall forever lose all respect for them.

Pyros, I think before you go telling people to have thier heads examined, I think you had better re examine 9/11 before you go calling us crazy.

Its your attitude that worries me, talking about the necessary sacrifice of personal freedoms and life.....for what...........what have we gained?

NOTHING! And when Americans sacrifice personal freedoms and such for some simian Texans ambitions, the cease to be Americans and become sheeple traitors to the very principal of what was formerly the American spirit:

Absolute distrust and disrespect of authority, and revolution, revolt, and violence against any system or persons who would rob us of our right to be what we are.

Do that, and you may as well be a Euro Union sheeple who thinks the EU is a great thing.

If you think that the past 40 years in American politics have been anything but a black spot full of the darkest evil and NWO tendancies, it is YOU who needs your head examined.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:43 AM
i wouldn't consider saddam to be the empire MA, i'd say usa is the dark side

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:49 AM
OH # it.. this is pointless... I can argue with you till we are both blue in the face but lets face it.. we both have our own views... And I thought you were up north... Just meaning more Northerners are stand backish.... None of this was personal towards you, just debate... But I have my feelings, and you have yours... That is what I love about america... I myself like bush, but I am a very Agressive type person also. Meaning I would be doing the same thing he is. I personally don't like anyone to # with this country and take it very personally when someone does. I will admit some of the things Bush has done has not worked out the best way, but also have to remember that this is not solely him.. This is due to the intelligence that he is getting. Also with the ties to Osama that Sadam has, you really have to think, Does he know more than we think he does. He may know what Sadam was planning to do to us by giving Osama some WMD and letting him Drop them on us... So before anyone can say anything about him, we have to remember, Bush and the Gov. know a lot more than we do about what is really going on...

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:03 AM
saddam has links to does the Philippines and alot of other countries that are having severe problems with terroists and we are not attacking them..thats all im saying..we are not attacking iraq for thier freedom or becuase of osama or some mystical WMD,we are attacking them because they knew they could take them out very easily,they would get control over their oil reserves,they get to steal 84 billion$ from the american tax payers to hand out to thier buddys who either contributed to thier campaigns or they have a direct link to the actual companies that are "rebuilding iraq.

[Edited on 11-17-2003 by sirCyco]

[Edited on 11-17-2003 by sirCyco]

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 11:24 AM
First off all Bush did steal the election. Katherine Harris & Jeb Bush took 90,000 voters off the list for being so called fellons. The sad reality is 95%minimum of those voters were guilty of no crime except voting democratic.

Actually Bush did have intelligence before 9-11.

If Bush has nothing to hide, please explain why he has blocked every attempt to stop the 9-11 investigation?

Please explain why they haven't investigated insider trading that predicted the fall of the airline industry?

Please explain why he only funds the investigation $3million, when he promised $11million which is still under funded? (Whitewater got $100million, Columbia Disaster got $40milliion)

Please explain why he has slapped a quick deadline on the commission?

Please explain why the White House is editing documents before they our sent to the investigation?

Please explain why Jeb Bush declared Martial Law 4 days before 9-11?




If were such idiots for thinking Bush is behind 9-11. Then you should be able to answer these questions and prove us wrong very easily.

........I'll be waiting

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 12:17 PM
Dravenn: "Well seems like you might wanna read up on some stuff..... First.... Iraq.... The first G. Bush solved this issue with Iraq and put them in their place... "

Hey, seems like YOU might want to read up on some stuff. How did Bush solve the issue and put them in their place? By deposing Saddam? Nope. By fomenting resistance?

Well, technically yes. The US promised the Kurds that if they revolted, the US would back them up.. The Kurds revolted, the US did nothing. Result: lots of dead Kurds, lots of anti-American sentiment.

"plus we have proof he has ties to Osama himself."


" Sadam is a terrorist himself and there is no disbuting that... He rules by fear. When has bush ever said to us that we either like him or die by his hand... "

Um, how often does Bush use fear in his speeches? Every single time. It's all about impending mushroom clouds, millions of dead Americans, and protecting the homeland from evildoers.

"He is taking that rule by fear out of this world and replacing it with, yes whether you like it or not, a democracy more like america... So whether you think this war was justified or not, I can bet you when all this is over, Iraq will love us as their saviors... not invaders..."

Are you actually basing this prediction on reality, or just guessing? Because based on reality, if you haven't been welcomed as liberators by now, it AIN'T happening.

"I myself like bush, but I am a very Agressive type person also. Meaning I would be doing the same thing he is. "

At least you're admitting he's very aggressive.

". Also with the ties to Osama that Sadam has, you really have to think"

What ties?

"So before anyone can say anything about him, we have to remember, Bush and the Gov. know a lot more than we do about what is really going on...

And this is a GOOD thing?! The only way a democracy actually WORKS is if it is transparent in many ways to the people.

If you trust your government so much that you think it's okay that they make decisions FOR you based on information they won't TELL you about, then you ought to consider moving to a Communist country. Because that's not democracy.

Without all the info, you can't be accountable for what your government does. If you're totally unaccountable for your own government and unaware of what it does and why, you are not living in a democratic country.


posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Ok first off you don't watch CNN I take it cause last week they showed the proof of the ties between Osama and Sadam... Sooo... Also, you say bush rules by terror... yeah I remember the last time bush sentenced a woman to be Gang Raped for adultry... And he is always cutting off hands and feet and tounges. And he has prisions designed just for torture.. Yeah that is bush alright. Hell yes he is a aggressive and thank god he is. If not, this country would be full of pedal pushes where their damn peace signs and no #ing balls. Say what you want to about the man, I do not care, but when it comes down to it, he is not going to let anyone # with you. Every president has made a few mistakes and oh well, everyone of them are going to in the future... But I have read many many times where Clinton had the chance to take Osama in custody and didn't... Guess what, if he had, we would not be in this boat in the first place.. If bush had the chance to grab his ass now, there would be no question... And Clinton knew of the connection of Osama and the 93 world trade center bombing. You wanna say I am compairing Bush to Clinton when they both suck, and that is fine, but what I am saying is everyone wants to talk their crap about bush, but the only reason Clinton ever made it was because he pulled his pants down and shoved his thumb up his ass..

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 02:44 PM
OH and by the way Jackmo, I really do not think that you have much room to talk on this.. you are in Canada first off, I mean #, you know why you can sit here and make comments like this about bush... it is because you can sit back, just like your entire country does, and do nothing... We protect you also, so you might want to remember that. And lets face it.. most likely, the terrorist came across the boarder through canada into the US... says a lot about your secrurity as far as getting into your country in the first place. Lets see Canada get bombed to # and the US sit back and do nothing... Canada would call on the US before they could even pick up the phone. YOu wanna sit here and talk crap and bite the hand that feeds you, that is fine, but you do need to remember that you are almost our brother country and treat you like one... We will not take someone harming the US or Canada so don't talk crap about a man that is wanting to Watch over everyone...

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 02:50 PM
Dravenn: "Ok first off you don't watch CNN I take it cause last week they showed the proof of the ties between Osama and Sadam... Sooo... "

LOL, yeah, if CNN says it it's gotta be true, right? I didn't see the "proof" online at their site, please reference it for me, I assume there was also an article, since if they found the link, it is big news.

" And he has prisions designed just for torture.. Yeah that is bush alright. Hell yes he is a aggressive and thank god he is. "

Try Guantanomo. Try extraditing "terror suspects" to Pakistan where they can be tortured. Try Umm Qasr, try the prisons in Afghanistan. Try Jose Padilla.

"If not, this country would be full of pedal pushes where their damn peace signs and no frokin balls."

Errr, riiiiight.

Bush is a madman or a complete idiot. Take your pick.



posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 02:54 PM
I will find you a link, but you need to understand I am not talking about how he treats prisoners of war and suspected terrorist, I am talking about US Citizens... HE is not going door to door here and killing us and having men Rape our women... please know what you are typing before u say it... You knew exactly what I meant by my post... and everyone at those as you called it "prisons for torture" that the us uses, how many of those people in there are actual US citizens... I think very few if any at all... Now lets face the millions that Sadam has had killed in his years or rule...

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Dravenn
Lets see Canada get bombed to # and the US sit back and do nothing...

why would anybody want to bomb cananda..thier are not the ones #ing with everybody.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Dravenn: "OH and by the way Jackmo, I really do not think that you have much room to talk on this.. you are in Canada first off, I mean shyte, you know why you can sit here and make comments like this about bush... it is because you can sit back, just like your entire country does, and do nothing..."

The U.S. protects Canada? From who? I didn't realize Canada had ANY international problems. In fact, we don't. We're probably one of the LEAST hated countries in the world. Ever. And I can make comments about the US as much as I want, I know a lot about it.

"And lets face it.. most likely, the terrorist came across the boarder through canada into the US... says a lot about your secrurity as far as getting into your country in the first place. Lets see Canada get bombed to shyte and the US sit back and do nothing... Canada would call on the US before they could even pick up the phone."

Again, who is going to bomb Canada? Are you aware of any terrorist attacks on Canadian soil? Hmmm.

And if a terrorist comes through Canada to get into the US, it STILL MEANS THEY HAVE TO PASS THROUGH THE U.S. BORDER, AND CAN BE STOPPED THERE IF YOUR BORDER GUARDS HAD ANY BRAINS. So that's YOUR responsibility.

"... please know what you are typing before u say it... You knew exactly what I meant by my post... and everyone at those as you called it "prisons for torture" that the us uses, how many of those people in there are actual US citizens... I think very few if any at all... Now lets face the millions that Sadam has had killed in his years or rule... "

Aha, so in other words you feel it's okay for the US to torture and kill NON-US citizens... Is it also okay for Saddam to torture and kill NON-IRAQI citizens?

"YOu wanna sit here and talk crap and bite the hand that feeds you, that is fine, but you do need to remember that you are almost our brother country and treat you like one... We will not take someone harming the US or Canada so don't talk crap about a man that is wanting to Watch over everyone... "

BS. The WORST thing Canada could do is cosy up to the States more. It would make us more susceptible to terrorists attacks.

We're just fine as we are, thanks. I like travelling around the world and hearing people tell me how much they love Canada and Canadians.

Because we mind our own damn business.


posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 03:44 PM
I'll say a couple of things:

If america does because nothing more than a peace loving hippy state then maybe the world won't hate it as much.

And since when has Canada ever been threatened by terror attacks? I'm sure if someone was going to do a terror attack it'll be pretty obvious... walking down the streets of Toronto and wondering... hey, wait a sec... why are all the dollar stores closed?

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:21 PM
Sorry. Something just made me think of the Aussie rendition of Silverstein's song by Bill & Boyd. I knew Bill quite well.

Here is a good balance sheet of the Bush admin's performance by the well-regarded and financially literate organ, The Age (Melbourne). It should have a natural kind of affiliation with conservative American politics. But Bush has really missed the mark. In Melbourne, and everywhere else on the planet...

A truly foolish adventure
November 17, 2003

The Iraq invasion has proved a gigantic disaster by almost every measure.

Seven months ago, neoconservative supporters of the war on Iraq proclaimed a stunning victory. Now, as the military situation in that country deteriorates, it is time to attempt a balance sheet on the progress of the invasion and occupation thus far.

Concerning the justification for the invasion, overwhelmingly the most important fact is the failure to find even one "weapon of mass destruction". Oddly enough, it is now obvious that Iraq's oft-repeated pre-war claim - that it did not possess WMDs - was true. One of the most important questions the Anglophone democracies must now face is how and why their citizens were so comprehensively misled.

At present, best evidence suggests the near-total politicisation of the intelligence process by a Washington pro-war cabal, whose leader was US Vice-President Dick Cheney. It is now known that this cabal created its own intelligence unit, the Office of Special Plans; that stale or worthless intelligence, supplied either by carpetbaggers or Iraqi exiles, was re-analysed to get the required results; that the pro-war group overrode the more cautious judgements of intelligence professionals; and that, in the end, they convinced not only President George Bush but even more intelligent people, such as the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, of the deadly danger of Saddam Hussein's vast WMD arsenal.....

...... What, then, beyond their casualties, have the Iraqi people experienced since the invasion? According to US occupation authorities, supplies of electricity and clean water have now finally reached their (dismal) pre-invasion levels. Urban Iraq faces massive unemployment. According to one common figure, 60 per cent of young men in Baghdad have no work. Health problems of Iraqis seem even worse than before the invasion; that is, after a decade of crippling economic sanctions.

These problems are overshadowed in the daily life of urban Iraqis by something quite new. Before the invasion Saddam Hussein set free 100,000 hardened criminals. The occupying powers subsequently dismantled Iraq's army and most of its police. Iraq is awash with weapons. The consequence of all this is the near-total breakdown of law and order. In a recent Gallup poll, 94 per cent of Iraqis said they felt more insecure now than under Saddam; 86 per cent said they or their families felt fearful about leaving their homes at night.

An enterprising American journalist, Jerry Fleischmann, visited the Baghdad morgue in September. He discovered that while before the invasion the morgue investigated 20 firearms deaths a month, in August 2003 it investigated 581. A British journalist, Suzanne Goldenberg, recently examined the post- invasion situation of women in Baghdad. She heard story after story of vicious assault and rape. "Under US occupation," she concluded, "working women have reordered their lives, wearing hijab for the first time, or travelling with male relatives. Some barely venture out at all.".........

..... As things stand, the coalition must now choose in Iraq between two different kinds of disaster. If their troops stay the course, they seem certain to face increasing popular hostility and military threat. If they depart relatively soon, Iraq will almost certainly descend into chaos of a fearful kind. To remain will be terrible; to leave probably worse. In my years of observing Western foreign policy, I have never witnessed a more foolish adventure than the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:57 PM
I think the world should do something about Saddam too!

where in the hell is he anyways?

what about Rothschild?

oh forgot you can't attack the real problem in the world as the elite controllers will hurt you.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 09:00 PM
This week, 'Saddam' is still making popular audiotapes and Bush is denying that they are any good.

I think Dubya is secretly very jealous that Hussein was a better singer and speaker than he could ever be. A lot of that stuff goes on.

In a figurative sense, as well as literal.

[Edited on 17-11-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

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