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The Government is out to get me, and this is why...

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posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:16 PM
who here wouldent be scared if you were in my position?? fair enough if it really means that much to people on here to belive me ill post SOME in when i get home tonight.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:27 PM
I personally wouldn't be scared one bit. But, that is me.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by 9ine_Lives
who here wouldent be scared if you were in my position?? fair enough if it really means that much to people on here to belive me ill post SOME in when i get home tonight.

Thanks mate.
It's not that it means so much to us, it's that if it's true, we want to help you (at least, I do).

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:39 PM
pff you woudnlt get anything out of howard i think. Try mark latham lol

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by T0by
pff you woudnlt get anything out of howard i think. Try mark latham lol

or better yet, Kim Beazley.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:48 PM
hey 9......I just sent you a u2u about your thread here...please read it and see if my advise does you any good......

best wishes,

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 12:44 AM
So 9ine_Lives, if you are so hesitant to pst any "proof", then what exactly was the point of starting this thread at all?

I fail to see what good creating this thread has done you.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by craig732
So 9ine_Lives, if you are so hesitant to pst any "proof", then what exactly was the point of starting this thread at all?

If you read it all youll know im posting some asap, what would you class as proof?

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 01:32 AM
If this really happened ...

Then your friends should repeat ALL the PREVIOUS work ( Cause they still know what they just did... ) and distribute the files so that another good HDD smashing doesn't leave them High and Dry.

Who knows LOTS of UFO activity and connections associated with Australia.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 01:52 AM
9ine, if you're that worried about it, as insurance, maybe you could throw your name/general location out there... I doubt anything thing would happen to you then. If anything worse did happen we'd certainly know something was going on. They'd have to find everyone who's read this thread and take us out... uh... erm... take us out to lunch so we wouldn't say anything, yeah... I don't know just a suggestion.

In any case you should post some supporting material.

B. Sage

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 02:23 AM
There have been past situations on ATS where a member has posted photos which they shouldn't have. The (FBI I think, maybe DEA) emailed ATS and politely asked them to be taken down. They were merely photos of agents from other governments video-taping riots and demonstrations in San Francisco. We can still talk about them, but the actual photos may not be shown.

And so if anything so "illegal" is shown, the Australian government wont go in and kill the ATS founder and destroy the server, because well..we have over thousands and thousands of visitors a day and that'd be extremely fishy for it to just all perish in one day.

And yes, it would be advisable that you best give us some general evidence, photos of broken HDD's and everything wont get you killed, why would it? If it did it only proves that the government is working against you, while you are working for them. How cynically ironic.

And personally, your accounts are starting to sound like those who've been on here claiming to be from the future, claiming to of been held and interrorgated(sp?), etc. etc. And so after all of this the community shouldn't be blamed when it asks for anything at all, videos/photos/audio files.

Why wouldn't they want you to post photos of broken HDD's? As far as they're concerned you were making tea, spilled hot water on yourself, your hand knocked your book-case, everything fell over and because of a chain-reaction concerning kitchen knives, you were killed and it smashed all of your computers. Far-fetched, but so is 17 guys huttled in a cave in Afghanistan bypassing the most powerful country/army/defense system in the solar system. But everyone believes it.

Sorry if I sounded harsh; I often do, all my intentions are for love and peace. Just asking for some evidence!

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 02:35 AM
9lives, considering that you might work for the government and your conspiracy partners have come within pissing distance of the Prime Minister
, I suggest you not disclose the information IF theres a chance youll have a price on your head. I watch testimonies by former top secret government employes on tv, but those individuals probably quit that job many years ago and maybe just happened to gain another hundred pounds or something like that.

You could have someone else do the dirty work, like someone in a foriegn country. Of course, if you were to learn you had a month or so to live due to illness, you might as well disclose the information and media relentlessly.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:22 AM
No photos yet ?

Being from OZ this has my ears pricked up

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:31 AM

I dunno, if i were in his situation and had done so much hard work, i'd have backups on dvds elsewhere.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:36 AM
You've already dug the hole, might as well see where it goes.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by T0by

I dunno, if i were in his situation and had done so much hard work, i'd have backups on dvds elsewhere.

If i was about to reveal information that would trigger govenments destroying my hardrives, i would make 10 copys and hide them EVERYWHERE !. Not to mention install cameras EVERYWHERE in my house, being from OZ i know at Jay car you can get a very nice security camera setup(mutli camera's very small) for under $400.

After all there only human.

[edit on 11-4-2006 by helium3]

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by 9ine_Lives

Originally posted by craig732
So 9ine_Lives, if you are so hesitant to pst any "proof", then what exactly was the point of starting this thread at all?

If you read it all youll know im posting some asap, what would you class as proof?

Perhaps I did not word my question correctly.

What was the original point of your post when you started this thread?

What were you hoping to accomplish by making statements without offering evidence until it was asked for?

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 05:41 AM

You reckon the governments been in to your place to smash up your documentary project. Well, don't you think that if the Australian government was so concerned about australian citizens publicly stating conspiracy theories related to Australia, that they wouldn't have already had every australian ATS member on watch, their postings recorded, them followed etc. Dont you think fellow Aussie ATS members would have had been followed, prank calls etc.

Mate, personally speaking, I criticize the Aussie government 100 times a day and have written conspiracy posts about them, and Im still here and not followed!

If you truly beleive that you have unearthed something significant, then you are already a dead man walking and might as well post us the photos of the evidence. Grow up and grow some balls and put your money where your mouth is.

I know that if I was in your position, I'd record anyone following me, Id approach them with my rifle if they were sitting in my street watching me, and if they didnt run in fear, Id ask them what the F#@K is going on. Take photo's buddy, evidence is needed to back your claims, otherwise crawly back into the vandalised hole you crawled out of and stop starting ridiculous posts that get fellow ATS members barracking for your side when there's nothing to back up your claims.


posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by 9ine_Lives

I work for them, thats probably why its taking them so long...who knows i could be killed in a freak accident on the way home. sorry but the idea of something coming into your house willingly destroying something has made me very worried.

If you 'work' for them, wouldn't it be fairly easy for them to 'keep you in line' so to say.

Have you noticed anything unusual at the workplace that may enhance your suspicions?

One thing that bothers me about your claim, is that 'they' supposedly broke into yours, as well as your friends, resident's and destroyed so called incriminating evidence.
I may be jumping onto the Hollywood persona, but wouldn't it be more 'intelligent' for whoever is involved, as you suspect a top government agency, to leave NO trace of them ever being there?

With the tech world where its at today, Hollywood reference aside, I would have to believe it would be much more advantageous to 'them' not to have ever been there to begin with. I am sure they could destroy any evidence you may think you have without the obvious carnage you mention.

Why would anyone leave tell-tale signs of what they did and what they were after? You may say it to be threat of some type, but why bother when to do it inconspicuously would make more sense.

As far as strange vehicles outside your house... if this is the case, I wouldn't worry too much, if their surveillance techniques are any indication of how they operate, you should be golden.

I would have to imagine so many different and more covert ways to keep their presence unseen and still keep you under surveillance, rather than park a strange vehicle on your street where they would arouse everyones suspicions.

I would suspect you would have had access to a DigiCam to take pictures of said vehicle.

Documentary means to document

I'm not trying to pick your story apart, just noting a few items of interest.

Between you and your mates, you must be able to discern one pinnacle of your investigations that would warrant any of the events you mentioned.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

I know that if I was in your position, I'd record anyone following me, Id approach them with my rifle if they were sitting in my street watching me, and if they didnt run in fear, Id ask them what the F#@K is going on.


Haha, Don't know how laws are in Oz, (I have a couple friends in Melbourne, family in Sydney) but if they're on your private property or you have reason to suspect they're dangerous, you should definitely tackle them or something...If someone was following me I'd walk up to them with a baseball bat, (metal one perhaps?) and definitely ask them who the hell they're.

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