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Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings

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posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl
Not sure where you came up with my idols as it's incorrect.

An interesting article on Robert Malone, who did write a paper in 1989 which was cited in developing the technology, however he is quite bitter at not being considered the founder of the technology and feels that the scientific community had been out to get him and left him out of being noted as the founder. Accusing them of "intellectual rape" and telling the noted researcher who appears in most of the public articles that "it will not end well" for them. The Atlantic

If you have examples of people grifting that I have said are not, I would love to see them.

She may be sane in your book, but she clearly had an agenda. Now she can profit from it.

As for the postal worker. He is on video recanting with the USPS inspector .

Remember, he had a go fund me as well that was taken away when he recanted. So then he said, "wait, no, I didn't recant."

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Threats of job termination if they treat with Ivermectin infuriates me! That is not a compelling reason to withhold doctor prescribed Ivermectin.

Remember also that its hospital administrators giving those orders, they are not doctors. I have worked in a enough hospitals. They are not being stopped by doctors, they are being stopped by the board that runs the hospital and dont know jack about the gritty details of treating people, meds, or other things.

If anyone wants out of this, you need to pushback on the regular people you run into pushing this crap. Screw the gov, everyone needs to push back on the Karens and the morons that scream BS. Without the useful idiots all over the place the gov mandates would fold in an afternoon.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: tanstaafl
As for the postal worker. He is on video recanting with the USPS inspector .

No video at linky... so I call BS.

Regardless, whistleblowers are always put under extreme pressure to 'recant', and you damn well know it... and this guy posted a video explaining just what they did to him:

Remember, he had a go fund me as well that was taken away when he recanted. So then he said, "wait, no, I didn't recant."

Yes, they are also well known to do things like this for anyone whose political beliefs they don't like.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:59 AM
I know, easily, 500 people who have had either Pfizer or Moderna. Its likely well beyond being conservative. Of all the people mentioned above...the number of issues of any sort report thus far numbers zero.

The only issue anyone reports is either feeling a little sick, or having a sore arm. Par for any vaccine.

I don't want to discount Project Veritas....but nothing in this matches my own personal experience.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

There is another HCP (physician assistant) that came forward to Highwire...her story is very similar. It's in the video here:


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: GravitySucks

Calm down a little...this is part 1. Be patient, as he always releases more, and often more damning stuff, in subsequent videos.

You're free to dismiss it based on the producer (that's a logical fallacy, btw), but doing so at this stage in the releases seems a bit more confirmation-biased than taking the video at face value and waiting for what else comes out.

So, staying on-topic, what in the video can you disprove? Can you prove that doctors and nurses are reporting every instance of adverse side effects to VAERS, as they're mandated by federal law to do? Or that some who are forced to take the vaccine against their will so that they don't lose their profession don't end up becoming patients after a vaccination?

It's one lady in one hospital, so yeah, it's going to be anecdotal evidence, but it's still evidence nonetheless. Let's take logical fallacies out of the equation and have an intelligent discussion on the topic.

Do you believe that everything is being reported properly that goes against both the safety and efficacy that is claimed in the vaccine? Because I'll tell ya, with each emerging study on it's efficacy, it's looking worse and worse. And I can promise you that all adverse side effects are not being reported--I have many people in my circle who work in the medical field, and they are ALL saying that they see many more side effects than the statistics are reflecting, as well as a much higher number of breakthrough infections that require hospitalization than is being reported.

I guess that's just cherry-picking and biased people, and not verifiable claims, huh?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
It won't be long before YouTube pulls it down. That lady is brave- her career is over.

They'll likely suicide her...

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Just because those who you know haven't reported the side effects doesn't mean they wont have them and they might be not telling you fully about them.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe
The NPC seems nervous.

I love how that person claims

"Another finley chopped/chopped picked video, this time to spread covid vaccine disinformation.

Cherry picked videos? isnt that what the mainstream News Media outlets are trying to do when it comes to covid? always blaming the unvaxed and not fully releasing the full data? and always cherry picking data like 98% those in the hospital are unvaxed?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 02:14 PM
The same Pfizer vax drug marker just recently had a drug recall. Which was also FDA approved.

Recall alert: Pfizer recalls anti-smoking drug Chantix over cancer concerns

Those who question the vax are spreading covid vaccine disinformation!

dont worry i am sure the drug chantix is safe and effectvice.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:07 PM
Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear.... have been shouting truth from the rooftops before this Plandemic went live....

edit on 21-9-2021 by PaPaTaco because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: Vasa Croe
The NPC seems nervous.

I love how that person claims

"Another finley chopped/chopped picked video, this time to spread covid vaccine disinformation.

Cherry picked videos? isnt that what the mainstream News Media outlets are trying to do when it comes to covid? always blaming the unvaxed and not fully releasing the full data? and always cherry picking data like 98% those in the hospital are unvaxed?

Yep...they don't like being called out but they inevitably always fail somewhere and get caught.

And they are always hypocrites....always.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

This is interesting. Chantix, as i recall, is buproprion (Wellbutrin). It was a lower dose. Now i am seeing its a different compound.

Did Chantix change formulas? I recall when it hit the market, it came about because of how effect Wellbutrin was at getting mental patients to stop smoking (i worked in a mental hospital at the time).

Im feeling a bit of Mandela here.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: HawkEyi

This is interesting. Chantix, as i recall, is buproprion (Wellbutrin). It was a lower dose. Now i am seeing its a different compound.

Did Chantix change formulas? I recall when it hit the market, it came about because of how effect Wellbutrin was at getting mental patients to stop smoking (i worked in a mental hospital at the time).

Im feeling a bit of Mandela here.

I recall the same thing.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:20 PM
Unfortunately this will just fall on deaf ears .

I was just thinking last night that if Biden came out and said you can only have one child America would gripe about it on the internet but still go along with it .

Society is just about ready for full control 1984 all the way .

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: XXXN3O

How can a video have more likes than views on YouTube?

Must be the views catching up. Never seen a video liked faster than the views before.

Many people today can't handle much past 15 seconds, so many just "like" by reading the title and then move along to something else like a squirrel.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: ELECTEDOFFICIAL
a reply to: XXXN3O

How can a video have more likes than views on YouTube?

You can "like" a video and not watch it. YouTube's algorithm(s) work in mysterious ways and those that may not be able to immediately watch the video can at least increase its exposure by "liking" what they already know to be true.

Interesting analogy. I like things that i read here from Cranky and Rel. With those two, I may click star before I finish what I can see on the page, much less the whole post. Youtubes I tend to click them early but I can take those back later.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:41 PM
BS video, just incoherent rambling and nothing solid in the least. Everyone can have a passionate opinion about something - but that doesn't mean a damn.

Give me numbers, facts, something that can be proven or disproven.

Otherwise the whole thing is just another noise in the idiotic echo chamber. You see what you want to see, you hear what you want to hear. Give me something that I myself can verify or disprove, otherwise shut the **** up (and that goes to everyone, vax believers and vax disbelievers alike).

And before you ask, no, I have not seen any evidence that the vax is doing any good (e.g. look at Israel or the US). And yes, I have seen that alternative treatments are much cheaper and much more effective (e.g. look at India). Doesn't mean I have to shut off my brain as soon as someone says something against the vax.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I guess twisted evidence is considered science's new word of god. I used to have so much respect for science but lately I am seeing it misused so much that I am losing more and more faith in it. I am not a religious person, when I see problems in religion I do say something. Science is becoming the new religion, or should I say that it is being used by deceivers to trick us. It always has been used to control us to a certain point, but lately it has gone bonkers.

As an every day data collecting scientist, I am sick from this whole situation. For me it all started with the CO2 is killing the climate lie. Yet, it got worse. Certainly, I am concerned that the normal person who didn't get all nerdy and study abstract concepts, will never believe those who practice the study of Science.

People/Scientists like me who just follow the data wherever it leads are charlatans to the public if we don't repeat what they expect to hear. Most of it pounded into the collective brains to make us capitulate as a society to a "new normal". We will need much more from our normal friends to challenge the faux data as this Q series on ATS does. If the normies stay on the sideline they will delay their demise to tyranny by a few more months and sink us all with them.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: kangawoo
We had a local paramedic take the gov to court over the vaccine mandates, today he was suspended without reason.

Tumut paramedic suspended

Demand For Cessation of Unlawful Coercion and Unlicensed Medical Practice
PDFs with some good forms to help challenge the mandates

Your inferred or stated "requirement" that employees accept medical treatment as a condition of employment is unlawful and constitute grounds for major remedy to employees wrongly coerced.
International law, Geneva conventions and the Nuremberg Codes, to which USA is a signatory, prohibit coerced and forced medical treatments and any non-consensual medical treatment/s specifically including "vaccinations." This is especially true of experimental vaccines and vaccines that have not had full testing processes and have thereby not been proven safe. “Covid-19” vaccines are not vaccines, are experimental, are untested, have not had standard FDA process of approval, and are not shown to be safe. Various other Constitutional and Statutory authorities also support public protection against non-consensual vaccination such as statutes covering assault, public endangerment, unauthorized and unlicensed administration and practice of medicine and fundamental freedoms and rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.
You have failed in the requirement to show that:
(a) You are a licensed physician.
(b) I have consented to your recommended treatments.
(c) Your treatments are fully tested and proven safe.

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