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KKK Wear Hoods to Hide That They're Reptillians

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posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor

Originally posted by Zabilgy
I've heard of David Icke here on this site, but don't know much about him. Has he said anything about a KKK/reptillian connection?

... When will David Icke be invited here again? The last time I missed out and he was conversating with a bunch of idiots.

Probably there is a reason for it...sorry just could not help it..

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:41 PM
ok ppl.... you dont have to listen to a word i say...but do yourselves a favor a search on the "serpent seed" teaching and on the "christian identity" their explanation of how anyone who is not white is born of the devil and of the serpent seed... (cain) to be excat ... and tell me this is not Kal ...

like i said KLAN is alive and well...they just got smarter...

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Ive never heard any mention of reptiles, except as a refrence to Jews, who many believe are a product of Eve and Satan in his snake form.

Jews have not existed ever since Rome burned down Jeruselem. Modern day "Jews" go back to the Khazars, who come from the Turks, and tribes from southern Europe, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe. They have no blood relations at all to the Jews in the Bible. The leader of the Kazar Empire did the same thing Emperor Constitine of the Roman Empire did. Constitne one day said "We're all Christians!". The leader of the Khazars one day said "We're all Jews!".

If there's anyone who has any blood relation at all to the Jews in the Bible (the "real Jews") it's the Palistinans, since they've always been in the area. The ones today calling theirselves Jews are really Khazars who changed what they're called to being Jews.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy

Why would they wear hoods? Reptilians are supposed to be able to shape shift into human guise, and the founders of the kkk were at least human, so the hoods wouldn't have been introduced to hide reptilians at least.

Many of you say you want PROOF PROOF PROOF of things. Many of you talk about reptillians being shaper shifters. Can you give me some proof that proves that reptillians are shape shifters??

And I never said my uncle said the reptillians "started" the KKK. And it was my theory that they infiltrated the group because the hoods could hide their identity. And my uncle said that the members were bascially used as slaves to carry out the bidding of these reptillians. The reptillians didn't care about the racist aspect of the group. Maybe the reps have them killing cows, making crop circles, causing various kinds of mayhem and what not. Who knows?

But don't misquote uncle never said nor did I that the reptillians introduced the hoods. The idea of the hoods (which already existed before they alledgedly joined the group) may have made them interested in joining the group as a means to keep their identity hidden.

1. Let's say everything your Uncle said is TRUE!


3. If you're soooo curious about researching Reptillians, then go read all those books by David Icke. His site is
His books are sold in Barnes and Noble bookstore, and whatever other bookstores are in your city.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 12:45 AM
I love post like this because it shows that someone is thinking. David Icke makes the comparision with Reptilians and the KKK in a couple of his books. Your story is without a doubt interesting.

Reptilians infilitrating the KKK in order to use their hoods to hide their true identiy seems too fantastic ever for the most avid Ickist (is that even a word?).

However, reality is much more bizarre than fiction...

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 12:50 AM
Has nobody in all these pages mentioned the possible inspiration for this nonsense?

X-Files Season 6 "The Unnatural"

With the alien bounty hunter Klansman?

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Ive never heard any mention of reptiles, except as a refrence to Jews, who many believe are a product of Eve and Satan in his snake form.

Jews have not existed ever since Rome burned down Jeruselem. Modern day "Jews" go back to the Khazars, who come from the Turks, and tribes from southern Europe, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe. They have no blood relations at all to the Jews in the Bible. The leader of the Kazar Empire did the same thing Emperor Constitine of the Roman Empire did. Constitne one day said "We're all Christians!". The leader of the Khazars one day said "We're all Jews!".

If there's anyone who has any blood relation at all to the Jews in the Bible (the "real Jews") it's the Palistinans, since they've always been in the area. The ones today calling theirselves Jews are really Khazars who changed what they're called to being Jews.

You said the truth but watch out, If a jew gets his feelings hurt you'll get those warning signs. We can't rally help the guy who strted the thread because the information is too scanty. All he have to do is purchase Tales From The Time Loop. The book is so truthful and effective even Farrakhan reads it. The Klansmen still would need to wear hoods even if their Reptilian. They have to live everyday lives at work and can't reveal their identity. David Icke was to drop a book this month. I will get it and see what it says. I believe in his writings. The Klan may have been Reptilians. But I don't know about now. So many whites are into multi-culturism I can't say. I honestly see today's Klansmen as mentally disturbed outcast that have been abused one way or another. They maybe Reptiles. Question: How exactly did your father tell you? Was he peeing outside and seen one shapeshift through the bushes?

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 01:14 PM

Question: How exactly did your father tell you? Was he peeing outside and seen one shapeshift through the bushes?

It wasn't my father, it was my uncle. He never said anything about shape shifting. I learned of that here. If you read my original post to start this thread, you will have all the info I have. He related the story to me before he took off. He's been gone since New Years and we haven't heard from him since. Seems like a rather far fetched story to make up and then I post it on here and hear from different people that there's about three books on the subject. So I think there was definitely something to his story. He was not the type to make up stories. He was a pretty simple guy. Whatever......

[edit on 1-3-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 01:16 AM
the reason your uncle was in KKK teh first place means he has mental problems btw, so... i wouden't trust the word of a man who is mad ... oh btw iv heard that someone got his head cut off and pu it back on his neck after

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:11 PM

the reason your uncle was in KKK teh first place means he has mental problems btw, so... i wouden't trust the word of a man who is mad ... oh btw iv heard that someone got his head cut off and pu it back on his neck after

Well put!
My uncle claimed he was a slave in the KKK to the reptillians. Saying he is mental or mad just makes you look ignorant and that combined with your spelling....well

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy

the reason your uncle was in KKK teh first place means he has mental problems btw, so... i wouden't trust the word of a man who is mad ... oh btw iv heard that someone got his head cut off and pu it back on his neck after

Well put!
My uncle claimed he was a slave in the KKK to the reptillians. Saying he is mental or mad just makes you look ignorant and that combined with your spelling....well

Dunno how you work that out. So what he spells bad. (spells, smells get it? :lol
. He isn't a good speller and yet i had no problems reading his post and as far as proving his own ignorance goes i dont really see how he did.

He made a fair point. And the KKK are mad. Most probably got turned down by a coloured girl at school or somthing. There is no excuse for hating other ethnic groups. In most cases it is probably just ahard man exterior they have to show off but must do it in packs with hoods against a minority because they are cowards.

And i thought we had established they arent aliens?

Guess i was wrong.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Most probably got turned down by a coloured girl at school

I'm confused how you can state that the KKK are racist (which they are) and then post a comment like this which is quite racist!

[edit on 2-3-2005 by Zabilgy]


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 01:43 PM
The KKK was about power & control.

Control that somehow said to their sick

and perverse minds that somehow they were superior .

They were monsters ok but Reptillian....naw!!!


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 03:21 PM
The KKK are nothing but white hate mongers, who hide behind a hood. I read this entire thread, and am quite surprised at the misconceptions that some have over these idiots (KKK).
I once had an invitation to go to a sealed rally, in Alabama, when I was a teen, around early 1980's. This rally was not to recruit new members,but we did get an invite, and was sealed to the public. Well, getting to my point, after driving up I-65 to the Evergreen,AL exit we were instructed to follow the red arrows on the side of the road, which would lead us to the site of the rally. We followed them, and ended up in a corn field about 20 miles way back in the middle of nowhere.
Our vehicle was searched upon entry in the field, by a hooded person, holding a riot shotgun. We cleared the checkpoint and entered the field.
There was around a hundred or so hooded members of the KKK, all drinking and acting like fools, then the meeting began. I thought it was stupid. Plain and simple. They were spitting out the hate and black bashing (the grand dragon and imperial wizard were there leading the fools). I did not like it, and we kept to ourselves in the back of the field.
What drove me out and away from there was when they all formed a big circle, carrying lit torches, and began to march in a circle around a large cross, constructed of large timbers, about 25 feet high, it was covered with oil soaked rags.
When they threw their torched into the cross, and it lit up the sky in flames, was when I decided we should get the fluck out of there, and we left, without incident.
The last act confused me, if they are Christians and believe in God and support the church, how can they burn the cross?
The sight of that cross burning will never leave my mind. Know that these people are mainly alcoholic, white, cowards who hide behind a mask, or hood if you will. You can count on them not being reptillians, for sure. As far as what your uncle did, who knows. Maybe he realized what I did and did not want to admit to being stupid to you, so he told you a story to cover his improper participation.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 03:25 PM
Amazing, hehe...

A thread on Reptillian KKK members will quickly generate 5 pages worth of replies, yet one proving the Air Force's Roswell report to be bogus would do well to get a page, hehe...

No wonder we're all so easily ridiculed by those like Peter Jennings...

Seriously though, I'm happy just if people read the stuff, let alone comment on it...
Just thought it was an odd observation...

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Seriously though, I'm happy just if people read the stuff, let alone comment on it...
Just thought it was an odd observation...

I made the same observation a few times and i think it is the most outragous not the best thought out or most sensible thread that gets the msot replies.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:45 PM

Most probably got turned down by a coloured girl at school

I'm confused how you can state that the KKK are racist (which they are) and then post a comment like this which is quite racist!

I'm still curious why SHORTY has no comment on this....

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:00 PM
You say he left the KKK because he got god in his life. Well the kkk believe they are doing god's will. Then you said he was commanded to enlist people by the reptiles and threatened to be killed if he left. How did know they were reptiles? If they told him did he really beleive them or did he see it? You said the KKK was infiltrated by reptiles. According to people that study they say it was started by the Reptilians. So I don't understand. I think you should call the Peoples for your uncle. Pscychiatric treatment should be the first treatment before ruling anything out. We care. Your uncle could be sleeping in some woods, unkept in an inhumane environment.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
My uncle was once a member of the KKK. Recently I was discussing it with him and he shared some pretty scary stuff with me. First of all, my family all thought he left the KKK because he got God or just started to stop hating non-whites so much.

Recently he told me that in fact the reason he left was because years ago the KKK was infiltrated by retillians and most of the members today are in fact, reptillians. He left because he was scared for his life. He is still scared for his life now because they were told that if any of them left the organization, they would be destroyed. They were also made to recruit new members by the reptillians.

After he shared this with me, he left. He said he needed to hide, but wasn't sure if he was going to be able to hide from them, but didn't want us to be put in danger. He didn't tell us where he was going and I hope he is okay.

Has anyone ever heard of this correlation of the KKK and the reptillians? Pretty chilling stuff. I wonder if they infiltrated the KKK because of the hoods to hide that they were not human.

What?? are you crazy I mean an actuall reptilian organization, thats obsern come on?

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 08:33 AM

What?? are you crazy I mean an actuall reptilian organization, thats obsern come on?

Hello newcomer. Have you bothered to read the whld thread??

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