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KKK Wear Hoods to Hide That They're Reptillians

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posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:39 PM
A little info about how they might be using the robes to hide themselves

Q. Why do you wear the robe and hood?
A. Members of The Knights have only one occasion in which they wear the traditional robe and hood. The robe and hood is worn for the Christian cross lighting ceremony which is held once a year during the National Klan Congress at headquarters in Harrison, AR. We do not wear the robe at rallies or during literature distributions. We don't march down the streets in robes and hoods. If you see a Klan group and they are wearing robes and hoods then they aren't with the national Klan group of The Knights.
We don't wear the robes and hoods for several reasons.

1. This is the year 2000. We are no longer based on a fraternity style organization. We are a political party.
2. Many people are frightened by the robe and hood. We have enough problems with the way the media portrays the Klan as being scary without helping the image along.

3. The Knights is not a secret organization. We do keep our members affiliation confidential, but we aren't interested in being publicly active in the streets and hiding our identity with hoods. We are not ashamed of our beliefs.

4. We do not wish to give potential trouble makers an easy way to commit violent crimes under disguise of the robe and hood. These losers can go somewhere else. The robe and hood should not make it easier for them.

The robe and hood was originally used during the doing of good works. The Pastas of Spain, an ancient religious order, used a robe and hood as a means of modesty and humility. During the twenties, the Klan gave millions of dollars to charitable causes, built orphanages, libraries, soup kitchens, etc. It was a common occurrence for a local Klan to don their robes, hoods, and masks, silently enter a church during service and make a large offering.
Today, the robe and hood is worn at the Christian Cross lighting Ceremony once a year at our national meeting as a matter of tradition. A judge wears a black robe as a matter of tradition. The parliament in England wears white wigs as a matter of tradition. The Knights likewise wears the traditional garb once a year as a matter of tradition.

taken from

[edit on 2/19/2005 by keymaster]

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:40 PM
Proof, proof, proof. Screw you proof-goers. This guy wanted to know if there was a connection and if anyone has heard of this and thats it. He doesnt need to prove anything if he doesnt want to! He just wants to see what "believers" think! Now lay off and search elsewhere for proof!

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:49 PM
I thought we werent supposed to post "lies" or made up stuff.

So where are the Lie Police?

Oh..i guess they're only around in case someone exagerates a story having to do with Bush.

I'm not surprised.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:52 PM

After he shared this with me, he left. He said he needed to hide, but wasn't sure if he was going to be able to hide from them, but didn't want us to be put in danger.

Would you not already be in danger since he shared this information with you??

Your uncle was right to leave, too bad he left for the wrong reason.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:08 PM
KKK being reptile, what next- God like.

Oh please, no offence to the poster and the people on this thread. But what a load of ....

Your uncle maybe smart, so go figure.

What Im saying is that your uncle may of thought the KKK might be full of it, so intstead of telling the truth to you. He just made up a nice story?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy

they dress like that to resemble the gosts of dead confederate soldiers.

Why would reptillians want to look like dead confederate soldiers?

The KKK is a very NEW "secret" organization.

1. Originally formed right before the American Civil war. They were equivilant to the Secret Service for the South - for the 2nd country that formed in the USA. They started not a secret society. They started off disliking Yankees. Anything not pro-confederate. They were not formed to kill blacks, asians, jews, indians, and any other non-white groups. Southerners were killing blacks, jews, indians, asians, long before and in the open.

2. After the South lost the war, the KKK became an underground group for revenge. Proof of how gullible they were and are, they struck out at the easiest, most visible target that was proof they lost - any non-white they saw who was free.
INSTEAD what they should've done if they had more than 2 brain cells, was make sure every "white" boy got a scholarship to attend all the best colleges.

3. No one likes to talk about the fact the KKK were also anti-women rights. They basically raped any woman they wanted, and saw.

4. Contrary to popular myth, the KKK was not only a southern thing. After the civil war, Union soldiers didn't have such a good life either. KKK chapters spread to every state, including all the northern states. Black Americans, Indians, imigrants, Asians, Jews, were all made scapegoats for everything that was unfair.

The KKK, no matter if they admit it or not, are STILL a smoke screen for the real problems in America. They still use the same old scapegoats instead of making a real effort to address the reasons for the real problems. Like Michael Moore said in his book "Stupid White Men":

Who ships American Jobs over seas? Who lays off Americans? Who loots and embezzels American companies into bankruptcy? How many Black, Mexican, Asian, Indian, CEOs of American companies are there? Who's really screwing whites? (screwing white men?)

A: Other white men!

Is the KKK being manipulated? Hell yeah. It's sooo retarded the reason your uncle left. He left not because he saw the KKK were using others as scapegoats. He left because he thought he saw an alien LOL! OOOoooOOOoooooo yeah there's critters out there who are higher than "white" men. Who eat "white" men for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks LOL!

[edit on 19-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Oh please the kkk hates people that are black, jewish, ext.. like they would let a bunch of 6 foot green lizards from space in their organization

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by keymaster
A little info about how they might be using the robes to hide themselves

Q. Why do you wear the robe and hood?
A. Members of The Knights have only one occasion in which they wear the traditional robe and hood. The robe and hood is worn for the Christian cross lighting ceremony which is held once a year during the National Klan Congress at headquarters in Harrison, AR. We do not wear the robe at rallies or during literature distributions. We don't march down the streets in robes and hoods. If you see a Klan group and they are wearing robes and hoods then they aren't with the national Klan group of The Knights.
We don't wear the robes and hoods for several reasons.

1. This is the year 2000. We are no longer based on a fraternity style organization. We are a political party.
2. Many people are frightened by the robe and hood. We have enough problems with the way the media portrays the Klan as being scary without helping the image along.

3. The Knights is not a secret organization. We do keep our members affiliation confidential, but we aren't interested in being publicly active in the streets and hiding our identity with hoods. We are not ashamed of our beliefs.

4. We do not wish to give potential trouble makers an easy way to commit violent crimes under disguise of the robe and hood. These losers can go somewhere else. The robe and hood should not make it easier for them.

The robe and hood was originally used during the doing of good works. The Pastas of Spain, an ancient religious order, used a robe and hood as a means of modesty and humility. During the twenties, the Klan gave millions of dollars to charitable causes, built orphanages, libraries, soup kitchens, etc. It was a common occurrence for a local Klan to don their robes, hoods, and masks, silently enter a church during service and make a large offering.
Today, the robe and hood is worn at the Christian Cross lighting Ceremony once a year at our national meeting as a matter of tradition. A judge wears a black robe as a matter of tradition. The parliament in England wears white wigs as a matter of tradition. The Knights likewise wears the traditional garb once a year as a matter of tradition.

taken from

[edit on 2/19/2005 by keymaster]

Continue to do you gatherings,where your robes,and talk about of African americans do not deserve to live their hard earned life.Because at the end of it all,your bringing yourselves down low,real low.

So you gave millions to charitable causes,does that excuse all the false messages you put into your children about how the ``aryans``deserve to be the masters of the world?You make me sick just by the fact your using that as an excuse for your unexceptable acts.

The thing that most sickens me about many of you is how you use Christianity as your weapon.You fail to realise one of the ten commandments,thy shelt love thy neighbour as thy self.You alse failed to read a chapter in the book,``so the lord made all,in all faces,all colours,all places.

You know we have enough problems in the world,we have our nation fighting 2 wars and another 2 upcoming,we have the aids going around like anything,we have reliegons been used in the wrong way and we have millions of kids,loosing possible bright futures everyday.Then your group of people come up,and spread false messages polluting many innoncent young minds and leading people in the wrong way.

Until we all live togather,and we all live in peace,we will never get far.And that i promise you.We may move alittle,but sooner or later we will be pushed back and many who caused this will pay.

Alittle advice to you,take one good look at yourself in the mirror,and think again about how wrong you are.Give yourself a chance to change,or continue like this in false belief and suffer later.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:20 AM
Your ``group``is just another thorn to the ever ending pain the world has to endure today.May the lord have mercy on your misguided souls.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
Your ``group``is just another thorn to the ever ending pain the world has to endure today.May the lord have mercy on your misguided souls.

Thank you for your support.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 03:43 AM
Just to make sure, I'm not with the kkk nor do I condone their actions. My brother is with a black girl and my niece is half black. I love her to death. I was just posting an argument to the reptilians are with the kkk to hide their identity with hoods.

I don't want anyone to think I'm racist. The only people I don't like are the stupid.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Is he a fiction writer or is his writing about true stories. Is there a way to contact him? I'd like to discuss this with him!

non fiction, but his theories can be put into question. Mainly the fact, he, apparently, has so much evidence but fails to show it.

You can try contacting him via his site, but he is probably too busy making money off the crazy minds of the conspiracy world.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:04 AM
My uncle said that the Reptillians pose as black people and that the KKK are the only ones who can save humanity from them

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:01 AM
ok thats realy racist!

and anyway i woulnt take the words of a Redneck ex-kkk member seriously, anyone who hates another kind of person that much has to be fkd in the head.

i think we should close this topic!!

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:21 AM
It depends, some of them are hiding the fact that they are black, others are hiding their really offensive-looking faces. Can't have the sacrificial killings dying of fright and / or confusion before the knifes are dropped.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 07:32 AM
Was the Phantom, and the Lone Ranger members of the KKK?

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 09:47 AM
Ihope you noticed the in jest sign

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:05 AM
hmmmm that wink sign is easly misenterprited

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy

they dress like that to resemble the gosts of dead confederate soldiers.

Why would reptillians want to look like dead confederate soldiers?

There is no evidence that reptillians exist at all.

This is totally speculative because Reptoids probably do not exist on this planet. If they do i seriously doubt they want to take over the world or wish to go about black bashing. Why would aliens dislike one colour of human more than the others.

Also, we can assume they have mastered space travel or some other great tec advance. Which probably wouldn't be possible if they were so petty and so buisy picking on each other. Which we can assume they do if they are picking on us.

And i seriously seriously doubt that they live inside the earth.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:44 AM

There is no evidence that reptillians exist at all.

This is totally speculative because Reptoids probably do not exist on this planet. If they do i seriously doubt they want to take over the world or wish to go about black bashing. Why would aliens dislike one colour of human more than the others.

Also, we can assume they have mastered space travel or some other great tec advance. Which probably wouldn't be possible if they were so petty and so buisy picking on each other. Which we can assume they do if they are picking on us.

And i seriously seriously doubt that they live inside the earth.

Finally, someone with a little sanity :-)

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