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KKK Wear Hoods to Hide That They're Reptillians

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posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
My uncle was once a member of the KKK. Recently I was discussing it with him and he shared some pretty scary stuff with me. First of all, my family all thought he left the KKK because he got God or just started to stop hating non-whites so much.

Recently he told me that in fact the reason he left was because years ago the KKK was infiltrated by retillians and most of the members today are in fact, reptillians. He left because he was scared for his life. He is still scared for his life now because they were told that if any of them left the organization, they would be destroyed. They were also made to recruit new members by the reptillians.

After he shared this with me, he left. He said he needed to hide, but wasn't sure if he was going to be able to hide from them, but didn't want us to be put in danger. He didn't tell us where he was going and I hope he is okay.

Has anyone ever heard of this correlation of the KKK and the reptillians? Pretty chilling stuff. I wonder if they infiltrated the KKK because of the hoods to hide that they were not human.

I think your scumbag uncle is having you on.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by sensfan

Finally, someone with a little sanity :-)


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by keymaster
Why would the reptilians conspire against minorities and not all of mankind?

Need I remind you of the Aryans?

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:50 PM
Historical revisionism is alive and well and living in the KKK.
Nice to see how those sick racist murdering hate mongers now try to say that they are just a group of people who do good works.

Hey guys, Al Quaeda is really a charity helping to look after little old ladies and feed the poor. All they want is the best for you and your family, and to teach people how to fly.

Originally posted by keymaster
A little info about how they might be using the robes to hide themselves
We do not wear the robe at rallies or during literature distributions. We don't march down the streets in robes and hoods. If you see a Klan group and they are wearing robes and hoods then they aren't with the national Klan group of The Knights.
We don't wear the robes and hoods for several reasons.

3. The Knights is not a secret organization. We do keep our members affiliation confidential, but we aren't interested in being publicly active in the streets and hiding our identity with hoods. We are not ashamed of our beliefs.

The robe and hood was originally used during the doing of good works. The Pastas of Spain, an ancient religious order, used a robe and hood as a means of modesty and humility. During the twenties, the Klan gave millions of dollars to charitable causes, built orphanages, libraries, soup kitchens, etc. It was a common occurrence for a local Klan to don their robes, hoods, and masks, silently enter a church during service and make a large offering.
Today, the robe and hood is worn at the Christian Cross lighting Ceremony once a year at our national meeting as a matter of tradition. A judge wears a black robe as a matter of tradition. The parliament in England wears white wigs as a matter of tradition. The Knights likewise wears the traditional garb once a year as a matter of tradition.

taken from

[edit on 2/19/2005 by keymaster]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:54 PM
Well, as I posted earlier in this thread they did begin as something more benign then what they became. It was a community organization then it got involved in politics, got a taste of power, and the more base evils of the power base came out and it became the hate group we have today. Its actually a good study in how something that starts innocently can go horribly wrong. To quote the old adage, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:36 PM
i'm from Oklahoma, and KKK is still big here. I don't know why. I personally don't know anyone who is in it. But I don't believe what your unlce is tell you is true. I just.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:48 PM
i think that your uncle really enjoyed the TV series V from the 80's.
LOL i'm just kidding by the way.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:50 PM
Maybe your uncle is hiding the real reason that he left and instead gave you a very humorous one.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:58 PM
No offense or anything but did your uncle by accident somehow watch the x-files episode "the unnatural"
it has something to do with kkk and greys..

Read About The Episode Here

Picture 1 Of kkk

Picture 2 of kkk alien

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:36 PM
I went to the Barnes and Noble bookstore and checked inside the David Icke books there.
He did write about the KKK in at least one of his books
"The Biggest Secret" on page 199, he gives the complete history of the KKK:

- A secret society called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" was part of the branch of many other societies that operated behind the scenes.

- The Civil War happend in order to bankrupt America. To try to force America to create a centralized bank. (When Washington was made 1st president, a centrialized bank was made, the "Bank of America", but it was rebelled against and forced to close down.) The string pullers of the British rulling families made the American Revolutionary War happen on purpose to go from a system of Overt control of America, to covert control of America. The British families continued owning American companies, and land after the Revolutionary War.

- Albert Pike was the Freemason who was the string puller of the American South. Incidently, he was born 1809 in Boston, and educated, and grew up, in the North! LOL!

- Caleb Cushing was the Freemason who was the string puller in the North.

- Pike and Cushing regularly met in Paris with other Freemason leaders. Taking orders from higher up Freemasons ( 33rd degree Freemasons.)

- The American Civil war happens, the Freemasons bank the south and north. Abraham Lincoln is approached and told if he forms a centralized bank, things will go good. He refuses, because it would be destructive to America. Lincoln has the American goverment instead print its own money, that is intrest free.

- The Freemasons get pissed, and have Lincoln whacked. Some say his wife did it, since she was an Opium addict, that mind control was used on her. Some say Booth did it, and an impersonator was burned in the Barn where Booth supposivly died... since the guy incharge of the investigation was a Freemason.

- Whacking a US president brought too much attention to the Knights of the Golden Circle society. Albert Pike decides to change the name of the Knights of the Golden Circle to...... the Ku Klux Klan.
Pike got the idea for the new name from the Greek word Kuklos. Which means... "circle". So he really didn't change the name of Knights of the Golden Circle. He used a different word with the same meaning.

- The idea of hating Blacks, Jews, Asians, Indians, etc... is all a smokescreen hiding the true intentions of the heads at the highest levels of the KKK, formerly the Knights of the Golden Circle.

- Lincoln dies. New guy put in. By the end of the 1800's a centralized bank was formed. Later in 1917 it was made stronger, better, and "fuller" by the formation of the Federal Reserve. Which prints all American money. Funny thing is, it is NOT owned by the US Goverment. A private group of bankers from British ruling families own it. They print the American money, then loan it to the US Goverment, and charge intrest to the US Goverment. That is why the US Goverment is "in debt".

(The first time this was done under George Washington, the American people had balls and rebelled against this, BECAUSE it was putting the goverment in debt.) Abraham Lincoln said "hell no! The goverment can print its own damn money! Why should it borrow money instead? And pay intrest on it too?". He got whacked. Same thing happened to JFK when he tried to revalue American money and have the Goverment print its own money - check out the history of silver dollars, silver quarters.)

- Sooo... the KKK is simply a new name from the Greek word for 'circle', a new name for an old secret group called the Knights of the Golden Circle. A group ran by Freemasons in America, who took orders from Freemasons in Europe to further Europen-based Freemason intrests. The Freemasons are a new name for a much older group called the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are a new name for...... even older groups that kept changing their names to keep from making what they've been doing too obvious.

- Albert Pike died in 1891 in Washington, DC. To this day, a statue of him stands near Capital Hill, in DC.

Read the entire chaptor in "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke for all the details surrounding the KKK, the Knights of the Golden Circle which formed the KKK, and the people behind it all! It starts somewhere before page 199.
If you want to know what Icke's take is on the big picture surrounding the big picture - read the entire book, and the rest of his books. I didn't have enough time to check the rest of Icke's books to see if they also had anything about the KKK.

Are there human looking, shape shifting beings? Are there humans being mind controlled by other beings? It's up to each one of you, me, whoever, to find out and decide on your own, my own.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 05:49 PM
I have known personally memebers of the KKK. they are very human. Very stupid, very low browed and inferior specimens of homo sapiens, but still very human.

Ive never heard any mention of reptiles, except as a refrence to Jews, who many believe are a product of Eve and Satan in his snake form.

They wear their hoods because they are a bunch of chicken # white boys with homo erotic fanatsies. Not because they are lizards.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:13 AM

I think your scumbag uncle is having you on.

The guy who posted this....I like the Picture of the Smiths you use for your Avatar, but feel there is no need to call my uncle a scumbag!
If I said your mother was a fat ugly whore, would you like that? Not that I think she is of course, I'm just making an analogy.

My uncle shared the story with me and I shared it here to get some feedback. Pure and simple. What I've gotten is mostly good and I appreciate it.

I'm going to research some of the books mentioned to see what others have printed about the topic. It seems there are several others that have heard of the KKK/reptillian correlation, so my uncle may have been right on. Certainly deserves some investigating!!

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:29 AM
No, the KKK wear hoods because they are w*nkers.

If they were so proud of themselves they'd show their faces. It's nothing to do with Reptillians.

Really, they're not even worth discussing.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:40 AM
not sure if it has been said already but the KKK wear hoods because they are cowards. They hide their indentity for fear of being exposed for what they are: small minded racists. At least the nazis and skinheads aren't afraid to show themselves.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
He's a very smart man. A bit of a redneck, but no idiot.

You already said he was a member of the KKK, de facto he's an idiot. And he only left, not because he wasn't a racist, but because they were lizard people.

With nothing, nothing, to support this idea, there's really not much to it.

Why would they wear hoods? Reptilians are supposed to be able to shape shift into human guise, and the founders of the kkk were at least human, so the hoods wouldn't have been introduced to hide reptilians at least.

[edit to add: re: rappers below, way too funny man, way too funny.bwa!]

[edit on 22-2-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 10:38 AM
hey perhaps rappers are reptillians as well?...i mean there always hooded arent they?......seriously not believe uncle,do not pass GO,do not collect 200$.....B.keep away from poor pitifull souls that use cowardly groups such as the KKK.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 10:48 AM
This thread reminds me of a white hick who once tried to convince me that KKK members wore hoods because they were really black, not white.

Just thought I'd share that.


posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Why would they wear hoods? Reptilians are supposed to be able to shape shift into human guise, and the founders of the kkk were at least human, so the hoods wouldn't have been introduced to hide reptilians at least.

Many of you say you want PROOF PROOF PROOF of things. Many of you talk about reptillians being shaper shifters. Can you give me some proof that proves that reptillians are shape shifters??

And I never said my uncle said the reptillians "started" the KKK. And it was my theory that they infiltrated the group because the hoods could hide their identity. And my uncle said that the members were bascially used as slaves to carry out the bidding of these reptillians. The reptillians didn't care about the racist aspect of the group. Maybe the reps have them killing cows, making crop circles, causing various kinds of mayhem and what not. Who knows?

But don't misquote uncle never said nor did I that the reptillians introduced the hoods. The idea of the hoods (which already existed before they alledgedly joined the group) may have made them interested in joining the group as a means to keep their identity hidden.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Text BlackI don't know if any KKK members are Reptilian, but I know several high ranking members have come here from Remulak....I mean France. They were sent here to "consume mass quantities..." of what? I do not know.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Many of you say you want PROOF PROOF PROOF of things.

No, its just that most people aren't going to accept a story as true merely on your say so.

Many of you talk about reptillians being shaper shifters. Can you give me some proof that proves that reptillians are shape shifters??

How about some proof that they exist at all? David Icke is the big popularizer of the reptiloid alien conspiracy. In his formulation they are shape-shifters.

And I never said my uncle said the reptillians "started" the KKK. And it was my theory that they infiltrated the group because the hoods could hide their identity.

Problem is, KKKers wear the hoods when in public, not in their private ceremonies, from what I understand.

Maybe the reps have them killing cows, making crop circles, causing various kinds of mayhem and what not. Who knows?

Did you uncle say that he was sent out to make crop cirlces or kill cows? SInce crop circles started in england this seems unliklely.

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