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DEA to "Temporarily" Add Kratom to Schedule I at September's End

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posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I've been meaning to respond to some of the comments here, only every time I look at my own thread it just pisses me off.

Ugh. They know what they're doing is hurting people. "Tough love", they'll call it--for our own good.

I think everyone should just stop taking their prescribed "medications" they've got everyone hooked on. Let's just everyone go bats# crazy for a few days and see how they like that.

I doubt it would get the point across. Not like they care anyway.

This place is so f# when the grid goes down. It'll be like the cell doors at Arkham flying open for every lunatic in the world to "express himself".

While crapping everywhere too, probably. Good times. Worth every penny over at big pharma and with our tyrannical nanny government. Dependence, dependence, dependence. As far as the eye can see.
edit on 9/3/16 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: NthOther

They must know what they do is so illogical, thinking they are being clever with the power of Law that they think they own all of reality. They are unwise and dangerous. All of them are pathetic meat bags. They are no guardians of peace and justice, just greedy and stupid human organisms serving themselves and pretending to care about the rest of us.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Tindalos2013

It's quite logical from the fascist's perspective. Downright brilliant, in fact.

As long as they keep us all fat, drugged and stupid, no one will be coherent enough to organize any meaningful opposition.

Worked like a charm so far.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: NthOther

double post.

edit on 3-9-2016 by Tindalos2013 because: spoons

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: NthOther

I cant argue with that kind of illogical logical thought process. I'll end up chewing my own teeth.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: Tindalos2013

I'll end up chewing my own teeth.

Better that than tramadol.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: warpig69

I wouldn't be surprised to read the ingredients of some new wonder pill for what ails you and see that the pharma's have screwed around with Kratom by mixing a bunch of junk with it and is passing it off that way. They'll be able to keep the flow of our $$$ coming in and offer up something that halfway works....

posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: NthOther

Well you can't be too surprised, can you? I know Kratom has saved me from worse things countless times. There's no high possible from kratom. No way, no how.... Unless you can call a slight mood improvement (Lift would even be too strong a word for it..).

There's one thing our government is good at... And that is getting ignorant and sometimes unintelligent masses to jump on the bogeyman Lynch wagon.

All the misguided parents who think "abusers" are out to get their children is staggering. Main problem is they lump ALL into the same category...

posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Vitamins be on that list before long. I have been hearing for years that the FEA wants to make vitamins an RX only deal.

posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: fixer1967

Sad but true. It's my body, I should be able to take whatever I want. This country is turning into a passive-aggressive version of Nazi Germany. Why not throw your own citizens into concentration camps while your at it?

posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 11:38 PM
Along with Kratom look into Ibogain as well. I learned about it after it was featured on an episode of Law& Order SVU (the people i live with are always watching that show). The way it was described in the show, is that, a heroin addict takes it, they "trip out" (hallucinate) for somewhere around 12-24 hrs, then they come out of their trip no longer addicted to heroin, no withdrawals. It works for "most people" (a percentage mightve been mentioned, maybe 90, i dont remember), and of course, its illegal in the united states.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: NthOther

I am glad to see that most agree this is absolutely ridiculous, and makes no sense, whatsoever, regarding policy. Why are they making this a Schedule 1 substance? To protect the American people? I think not, as there are many dangerous things out there that take more lives than this substance!

I experimented with Kratom a few years ago, and did not find it appealing, at all. It kinda made me sick to my stomach, but was really just a bit uncomfortable for a couple hours, and had no long term side effects. I'm glad I got a chance to try it, but doubt highly I would ever do it again. Others that I know swear by it, and have used it to kick opiate addiction, successfully. Another friend used it to treat pain from having sprained her wrist, and had issues with opiates and other pain medication. It is just absurd to deny people the God given right to ingest whatever they wish. Comparably, I think freedom of religion or to even choose who you associate with fall well below choosing what to ingest, as far as rights are concerned. Nobody would tell you that you must be a Catholic, or that the Baptist church has become outlawed (although by the look of things, it might not be too far off). Why should anyone, save those that are not of sound mind or too young to know any better, be denied what they choose to put into their own bodies, for whatever personal reason they may have?

I live in Oregon where marijuana has become legal (at least on a state level, Federally it is still a Schedule 1) and you know what has happened here since its change of status? Not much. The sky didn't fall. There was no great increase in accidents, crime, or deviancy. It was basically a non event, and other than smelling its aroma a bit more around town, I've noticed absolutely nothing negative from its legalization. Sure, there are always going to be a few dumbasses who do stupid stuff and happen to be using said substance while being idiots, but if that is the problem, then outlaw idiocy, not pot, or anything else for that matter! Wait, we'd probably have to lock up many legislators, and organizations like the DEA, if that were the case. (which, if you believe in personal freedom, does not sound like a half bad idea).

Who allows this to happen? I don't believe that 'we, the people' are demanding Kratom be removed from shelves. Hell, I would guess a majority of folks don't even know what it is. So, how can the DEA even justify such a ruling? Was there a study done that found it to be a huge health risk that was going to reach epidemic proportions, and they are preempting this horrible fate? In fact, were any scientific studies cited for the reason it should be classed as a Schedule 1? Is there any rhyme or reason as to why they chose to do this? And, even so, has the drug war, when given a unbiased, completely logical once over proved to be a even nominal success? They keep showing us figures regarding increased drug use to justify increased spending, so if it has only increased use, I would have to say it not only hasn't worked, but it has caused things to get even worse! I won't even begin about the 'legal' drugs and pharmaceuticals that for whatever reason, are mostly ignored by these bullying tyrants! I would hasten to bet that Pokeman Go is causing more harm than Kratom, and no one seems to be up in arms about that!

I am kind of jaded regarding the effectiveness of our present government, but would like to suggest to everyone to write your congressman, and tell them that you do not like freedom to be chipped away from the people, as this new ruling has. Even if you don't touch the stuff, like me, it is not about Kratom, rather it is about your right to choose, and (I almost forgot to mention) and a misuse of your tax dollars to fight against said freedom!Probably won't do much good, but at least it is something we can do, to get our voices heard. Remember, today Kratom, tomorrow, our enslavement. I wish that were a joke.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Can someone maybe mention this to Jessie on his Off the grid stuff? Or maybe even a next lvl BS brought up on a pod cast. This plant helps so many including myself.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Rubicon3

I am sure they are using a kratom derivative in a new medication that will be hitting the selves soon. Eliminate the easily accessible competition and then release your new wonder drug. My sister works for a pharmaceutical company in Colorado, she says big Pharma has their fingers on marijuana also.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Rubicon3

I was poking around and came across this. No idea on the website legitimacy, but it was on your same train of thought.

New Pill

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: trollz
It's all about money and it has become completely blatant by now.
Kratom as dangerous as heroin? That's a complete joke and the DEA knows it.

They might as well ban tea and coffee while they're at it, it wouldn't even surprise me at this point.

Heaven forbid you even so much as suggest they ban coffee. I mean really now, do you want hordes of bean addicted people (with me out front carrying a scepter wth a gold bean on it) roaming wildly across the fruited plain in search of just one sip of the glorious drink that is coffee? I cannot even imagine world without it without tearing up, now you've made me sad... great.

Anyhoo, this latest move by the DEA is just par for the course idiocy that will in time be seen by the general apathetic public for what it is, massive government overreach just to try and save the last bits of profit..

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 08:59 PM
The petition is almost at 78,000 now. It needs 100,000 to require a response.
IFLScience put up an article today. Joe Rogan mentioned it on his podcast today, and apparently plans on dedicating another podcast to it soon. I think there's been a lot more exposure about this than the DEA anticipated. That gives me (a little) hope.

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: tombanjo

I'm a little surprised myself. I didn't expect much in the way of resistance to this, but it appears to be garnering some momentum.

I'm still not holding my breath, as the DEA has basically been granted dictatorial powers when it comes to consumable substances, but it's good to see it getting exposure.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: NthOther

It passed 100,000 signatures during the night. The White House HAS to respond now, unless I'm mistaken.

posted on Sep, 8 2016 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: NthOther
Not holding my breath either. The DEA has proven time and time again that their policies aren't based on science or reality as much as political motivation. 1000's of years of use, no overdose potential, it grows out of the ground, and it helps people wean off of government sponsored drugs our politicians profit from. Yep. Schedule 1. Most dangerous. /sarcasm

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