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Breaking: Hillary 'Wiped Clean' Server, Emails Permanently Deleted

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posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Hillary may have incriminated herself during her March 10th. press conference.

That is a very interesting point, and I believe it may have been overlooked by the imbeciles that worship her in the mass, robotic and brain dead media. I am sure we all know what the liar Hillary's reaction will be to any evidence presented, because after all, what difference does it make?

This Women is a complete basket case, and I personally believe that if she somehow wins the Oval Office, her snide remarks against Russia alone will start World War 3. I can just see her now responding to Putin below.............. ~$heopleNation

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 08:49 PM
Bill Clinton says that he still DOES NOT use e-mail.

So there couldn't have been any from him on her server before it was wiped clean.

How many lies are we up to now, from just 1 Hillary press conference? At least 2?

The Democrats shouldn't put all their eggs in one pant-suit!

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Uhm.. interesting...

Bill's comments almost look like an effort to distance himself from this mess.

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust

On March 10th. when Hillary said her server "CONTAINS" emails with her husband (who admits he doesn't write them)...means that she deleted and wiped her email and server AFTER March 10th...or at the time of her speech...she was continuing to perpetrate the lie that she didn't wipe it earlier.

Either way...she is playing her sycophantic supporters for gullible fools and useful idiots.

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 09:02 PM
Bill & Hill coordinate everything they say...There must be another angle to him playing up that he doesn't do emails.

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 09:03 PM
i really do regret that this seems to be a thread for bemoaning Hillary Clinton as a person. She is in no way an unique example of person in the political theater... except perhaps in her devotion to the CFR.

There really are much deeper issues here in the never-ending betrayal of the people by the so-called body politic which happens to be populated with people you have been told are your superiors who should decide for you.

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I understand what she was implying on March 10th. IF Bill were an e-mail user, you could assume that she wiped her server at any point before that March 10th press conference, and exchanged e-mails with Bill between the server wipe and March 10th. Her statement would then be technically and literally TRUE.

However, since Bill doesn't e-mail, she lied on March 10th about conversing with her husband via e-mail. There's no way to for her to save face on that statement.

I take that back...Bill could say that he thought he was texting Hillary, when he was actually sending e-mails all the time. There are people who don't know what they're doing on their smart-phones. They just peck away and hit "send".

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

Exactly how much crap is the American public required to accept before saying enough is enough?

originally posted by: carewemust
However, since Bill doesn't e-mail, she lied on March 10th about conversing with her husband via e-mail. There's no way to for her to save face on that statement.

Since she deleted the emails it will be difficult to call her out on the lie.

edit on 29-3-2015 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

I'm not looking to argue the matter's gravity; clearly this is not a minor transgression.

I only offer the prediction that the American people will be "told" - via press releases - once the matter can be crafted into an expedient political opportunity. Who does the crafting is clearly not a part of what can rightly be referred to as "the people." And whether it endangers the personal world of a megastar of politics is far outside "the people's" ability to effect. That's because we are trained to be unconcerned information consumers, and we are sated when the press makes a good production out of the "news."

People will be more satisfied with some clever person poking fun at, or belittling the Clintons; than they would with a specific understanding of their abuses as leaders. To many it's more important to be able to hang a shameful meme on a political opponent than to really 'know' what's wrong with their position, behavior, posture, etc.

The list of shameful and un-reckoned transgressions does not begin, nor end with this one. Because of it's politically expedient flavor, those responding most heinously fail to equate with with the same exact behaviors in their own select heroes of political wonder.

The fact that it's "Hillary" is a side show. That's why nothing gets resolved when politicians fail ... because as individuals these parties protect each other as themselves ... and often transgressions can be leveraged against 'political' favors... suddenly (quite often) the news of a politicians sliminess will find itself passed off as that 'old news' while new distractions are selected to focus on.

Few ever indict the system which engenders the vilest most unpatriotic behavior one could imagine... (and you can always count on the politician to declare just how patriotic they are.)

And we already know these fools and clowns with political roles generally believe themselves to be worthy of the 'loyalty' of citizens... not because of the love of the country or it's principles is at hand, but because he or she is the "party's" choice.

They are all losers... ALL OF THEM. Hillary is just the least invisible right now... perhaps she's taking the hit for Kerry... perhaps for someone else... but guess what... it's not for the nation.

And the people will ALWAYS be told that "this is the way the system works" and "there is no one else 'worth' voting for."

posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
However, since Bill doesn't e-mail, she lied on March 10th about conversing with her husband via e-mail. There's no way to for her to save face on that statement.

Since she deleted the emails it will be difficult to call her out on the lie.

If Bill says he's never used e-mail, Hillary lied. Not difficult at all to prove it.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 06:01 AM
It's sad what they can do now and not pay a heavy price for. Removing that much data can't even be mistaken as a slip up it can take hours to delete all that data to the point to call it a fully cleared. This takes planning and action, and at both time they have time to do the right thing. But they chose not to, these people are not bad by accident they are this way by their own accord.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Maxmars
i really do regret that this seems to be a thread for bemoaning Hillary Clinton as a person. She is in no way an unique example of person in the political theater... except perhaps in her devotion to the CFR.

There really are much deeper issues here in the never-ending betrayal of the people by the so-called body politic which happens to be populated with people you have been told are your superiors who should decide for you.

Seriously. I came in here earlier with excitement that Rep. Gowdy's House Committee and Mr. Boehner are going to "take the next steps" as they said, which would seem to involve legal and criminal action against Clinton, with the outcome that at least we'd all know the truth at the end.

I was falsely accused of being sarcastic and having an agenda, because some couldn't decide what my angle was except that I seemed to want to take away the Hillary-bashing this discussion was obviously meant for instead of shared excitement that, given the incredibly overwhelming evidence against her as recorded here, the American people would finally have an answer in a court of law.

Deny ignorance. PFfffft.

Not today; not here.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Danny85
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I am going to treat your response as your opinion and you have a right to have one but I honestly think that if this is the way you truly feel about it then you should step away from the conversation. I have had this argument with untold amount of people, if you are willing to walk away from something as important as a politician someone who works for you, who has lied, cheated and allowed people to die to better their own future, then that shows a personality that is very dangerous and sadly one that seems to be growing in this new world that we are living.

She does not have the right to take away those emails for the simple fact that they are not her emails. Yes, they are sent to her and have her name on it, but those emails are for things that almost completely pertain to her work as a politician and therefore are the emails of the public and she has no right to remove and or delete them from the server but the sad part about this, is that it seems the American people (and other nations including my own, UK) do not have the guts to call them up on it and demand they stand trail or explain their reasons without saying 'Oh I'm bored of this now, lets talk about something else. Hey did you hear that Kim Kadashian or some other unworthy celebrity airhead has got a new perfume coming out. lets go waste our time on that'.

When politicians begin to see the way that Hillary has gotten away with this, when they all start to think Hey we can do this as well and just explain it away as being of no importance then we have a problem, and not just the states but all countries have a big problem. But I'm sure, like most people there are more important things to concern themselves with rather than caring about how their country is being run and what dirty deeds are being done and how badly they are being sold down the river; I mean with the new Apple Iwatch, the next Iphone and Ipad coming out oh and dont forget the breakup of a stupid freaking boy band who will no doubt do a reunion tour in about three years, why would you care what's going on and how badly your country is being sold off piece by piece.

(Just to clarify, most of that isn't an attack on you personally, just your response which is becoming a growing trend)

I had to quote this as truth and wish I could give it more than one star

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:05 AM
It just doesn't make any sense.

Would it really be so terrible for her to simply keep her server intact and hand it over to for independent closed-door review, so that an official and non-partisan arbiter can come out to make announcement which states unequivocally :

"YES, Hillary Clinton was telling the truth; she turned over everything government-related, and all that remained on her server were of a completely personal nature...just as she claims!" "We can all trust closed."

Again, it's simple logic: WHY wipe your server clean, if you have nothing to hide?

Wiping her server, can only cast more suspicion upon her...Again, simple logic.

We know Hillary Clinton is a lawyer and an intelligent person. We assume her army of lawyers must also have advised her that keeping the server intact and handing it over for closed, confidential and independent review would prove her honesty and veracity.
Unless...she is lying...and the server would only prove she is lying and hiding evidence.
edit on 30-3-2015 by IAMTAT because: comment added

edit on 30-3-2015 by IAMTAT because: correction

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
There is a huge question that remains, and it is all due to her wiping everything.

We don't really know what she is hiding.
It could be connected with her money raising/stealing through the State Department.
It could be connected with Bill Clinton and the secret sex island escapades.
It could be connected with Benghazi.
It could be something that we don't even know about yet.
It could be all of the above.

There really needs to be a special prosecutor appointed for this.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:16 AM
She wasn't very smart about this.

She should have been more picky about what she deleted. She should have left enough "personal" emails in tact and shared them. She should have only deleted the incriminating ones. She could have even conjured up fake ones to fill in suspicious gaps.

She should have seen this coming, but apparently not.

If she isn't devious enough to figure out how to do this without raising suspicion than I really don't think she can be a good Liar In Chief.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Gully

If she isn't devious enough to figure out how to do this without raising suspicion than I really don't think she can be a good Liar In Chief.

I don't think she even cares.

She is a 'my crap doesn't stink' elitist and she will brazenly do stuff like this and announce it.

Kind of the 'you can't touch me' attitude.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:31 AM
If she truly believed turning over her intact server would have absolved her of any suspicion and verified her claims...she would have.

As it turns out, she took a 'scorched-earth' approach towards the information it contained.
How can ANYONE (Republican, Democrat, Martian) believe she wasn't trying to hide evidence, given her actions.

Case in point:
If I hold out my closed hand...and tell you that I have nothing in it...
YOU would logically say: "Open your hand and show me you're telling me the truth."----RIGHT?

If I then put my still-closed hand behind my back and back away from you...Would yo believe I was being honest with you?

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Who cares? Get real about the problems facing the USA

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: damwel
a reply to: IAMTAT

Who cares? Get real about the problems facing the USA

You mean like 'Global Warming''?... "Hands Up; Don't Shoot"?

I'm pretty certain those topics have their own threads...You should go there and knock yourself out.
edit on 30-3-2015 by IAMTAT because: comment added

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