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Let The Weeping, And Gnashing Of Teeth (for Liberals), Begin.

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posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: whyamIhere
He certainly doesn't want to go down in History as the worst President ever.

I think he's safe there as long as Americans remember Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter has redeemed himself with his great work for Habitat for Humanity.

Obama can do the same.

I hope the President sees this as an opportunity.

There is nothing that Jimmy Carter can EVER do to redeem himself.

Obama is on the fast track to the same terminus. He's only got two years to turn it around - let's see if he does it.

Anyone taking bets on that?

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: dogstar23
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

Liberals are rejoicing. They call themselves Conservative Republicans, but anyone who knows anything about US politics prior to 1980 knows that Republicans are just a different stripe of liberal.

Big spending, and big government control over personal freedoms & choice.

More of the same, just like before, except the petty, nonsense issues discussed most loudly will change.


It bears repeating.

The only choices in modern times are "liberal" and "WAY liberal". It's like being given the choice of whether you want to smack your thumb with a 2 pound hammer or a 3 pound hammer.

RINOs and Neocons (both of which are the same, contrary to the beliefs of some) all over the place, nary a Republican in sight.

But slap a label on 'em and send 'em off to Washington, and you'll fool some folks - those who think labels determine the contents!

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Grimpachi

Those people are the best possible thing for other parties. Just sit back and watch it burn for a while everything will be built back stronger and better after the next election.

Yes, you're right. Thanks for the reminder. After I got over the disgust, I just said, "Meh. Fine. Let them collapse the whole damn country. Then we begin again using common sense."

It might be a long wait - the US is proving to be more destruction-resistant than I had imagined. Neither of the Bush boys or Clinton could get it done. I had high hopes for Obama's ability to push the reset button, but he fizzled and failed too, despite giving it his best effort at destruction.

The downside to being tough is that it often causes a lingering, suffering, dismal death.

Which is where we are currently.


posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: Jainine

originally posted by: intrepid
You know what's weird? The Prez's you guys hate are the best loved in the rest of the world.

Because the rest of the world wants the USA to fall to their level and those are the POTUS' that will harm the USA the most. Secret (or not so secret) hate of the USA is what drives many foreigners interest in USA politics.

No, the rest of the world wants you to stop pissing in everyone else's pool. That's why Carter and HW are looked at better. As to your politics, it's much more interesting than most. It's a cross between a train wreck and a carnival.


Carter managed to piss in every single pool in Latin America, and several in the Middle East for good measure.

Maybe he just didn't piss in your pool?

But yeah, our politics ARE a cross between a slow-motion train wreck and a carnival, so I can see the draw for spectators without a dog in the fight here.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: beezzer

the free coupons for hair-care products that the mods hand out if you ask.

Dang, wish I'd known about that, maybe I could get rid of this damn cowlick

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: nenothtu

It might be a long wait

Yep! It might. I am sorely dissapointed as well.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: nenothtu

Obama is on the fast track to the same terminus. He's only got two years to turn it around - let's see if he does it.

I've been hearing that some people are pleading with him to throw down the impeachment gauntlet - be outrageous, stop pretending, go Full Marxist Jacket and get on with it - come what may

Now, I know some folk think that's what he's already done :-)

Not even close

(Like a president gets to make those kinds of choices)

edit on 11/8/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

Congrats OP on a beautifully written piece demonstrating the power of propaganda. By voting Republican across the board, you have done exactly what was expected of you like a good little drone. You exercised your right to choose which of the two heads that the snake shall eat eat you with, but you'll end up in the same belly regardless.

Anyone that believes there is any real difference between the GOP and DNC agendas is a damned fool. It's a damned shell game where if you win, your wealth is slowly but surely siphoned off of you and given to the few thousand people who have been buying up and hoarding all the gold reserves and land using a worthless paper currency represented by a series of 1's and 0's on a computer. The "elected" plotiticians like Reid, Cruz and Boehner beg and grovel at the feet of power for scraps in hopes that they and theirs will not be thrown to the wolves, all they have to do is play their part in keeping the masses divided and scared.

Know your roll, serf.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 03:10 AM
I'm just curious ...

Does anyone else think Yosemite Sam may have been Republican?

I mean he's obviously for gun rights, supports open carry into bars, and don't take no guff from danged lib'ral rabbits (sorry Beez).

Here are some of his most famous quotes that clearly demonstrate what I mean:

“I’m the hootinst, tootinist, shootinist bobtail wildcat in the west!”

“Now get that flea-bitten carcass off’n my real estate!”

“No more gentleman’s stuff, from now on you fights my way … dirty!”

“Great horny toads, I’m up North! … Gotta burn my boots, they touched Yankee soil”

Source - Yosemite Sam's Quotes

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 07:22 AM
Is there a difference between the GOP and Democrats? Yes and no. The GOP is all about cut-throat Capitalism and are comfortable with Oligarchy but they want to dump women, minorities, students and the poor on their asses and try to rule through the cloak of Christianity.

The Democrat Party is all about Capitalism with an apology (Social Services), still comfortable with Oligarchy but they are inclusive of women, minorities, students and the poor and try to rule through the cloak of compassion. But as another poster said, at least they accept science.

Despite the GOP sweep of the Senate, most Americans align more with the Democrat Party simply because of compassion (equality and not letting the poor die) and science...

We do need a strong third party and fourth, fifth... whatever it takes but ultimately those will get corrupted with money as well. We need money out of politics to see an actual change.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Kali74

Now Kali, none of that ivory tower logic, reason and facts ... the only important thing is: the Republicans won!

Sure, they "won" in a Midterm year which is when the minority party historically picks up seats.

Sure, they "won" in the State legislatures as has been successfully targeted by the REDMAP gerrymandering effort.

Sure, they "won" in the US Senate races by a margin of about 5% of the 30% that voted ... IN A MIDTERM YEAR.

Sure, they "won" in the US House of Representatives, as they did in 2012 when they lost the popular vote but won by redistricting.

(But, hey, we all know that popular vote means nothing as long as you win, right?)

More importantly than all that though; the really important take-away is that the Democrats LOST.

So no more of that snooty, elitist, reality-based commentary, okay Kali?


posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 08:47 AM
WOOT the pooploop is complete.

They made everyone so sick of a party that everyone was like ohhh lets go back to the guys before!

Haha, what a crap cycle.

I voted for anyone who wasnt running as a democrat or republican.

So here we are again, back at the start, haha, now the same bitchin will occur just on the other side of the fence, ad naseum, this is our circus.

divided and conquered since the start.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

You forgot lefty-socialist

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Kali74

You might be surprised, I almost added that notation in an EDIT ... but,

I decided that would be too partisan.

(Not to mention inaccurate.)

*goes back to wailing and gnashing*
edit on 9Sun, 09 Nov 2014 09:19:33 -060014p0920141166 by Gryphon66 because: Heheheh.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Kali74

Socialism? Left? Don't make me laugh. There's no such thing in America. Nor is there democracy; half of the population is fighting the other half. Always.

Can't you folks learn to cooperate and stop that stupid Rep/Dem bitching? Seems to me so much more could be achieved if you simply started to work together..

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

There are true left people and true socialists here, I'm one of them... not a democrat or liberal. We just have no representation. We are a very small percentage of Americans.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Well, don't know about how you folks do your things - but waaaaay back in the late 1960s, we did not have a socialist party either in our country. But a few good people simply started, fought for it, more joined and now the Dutch Socialist Party (SP) is one of the major parties in our country. And really, America could do with some socialism. I mean, come on, you're still fighting over bloody Obamacare down there.. sigh..

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: nenothtu

Obama is on the fast track to the same terminus. He's only got two years to turn it around - let's see if he does it.

I've been hearing that some people are pleading with him to throw down the impeachment gauntlet - be outrageous, stop pretending, go Full Marxist Jacket and get on with it - come what may

Now, I know some folk think that's what he's already done :-)

Not even close

(Like a president gets to make those kinds of choices)


Nah, if he'd have gone for broke, we'd have government-run healthcare, rather than government-mandated purchases from private corporations that in no way guarantees any kind of health care - it only guarantees that the private corporations get a steady income, sick or not.

That's Fascist, not Marxist, so I have to agree with you - he's not gone "Full Marxist Jacket". I love that phrase - can I use it?

I don't know what they think he could accomplish by going full-on Marxist - we've got that little "checks and balances" problem to thwart such schemes, and I believe the "checks" part of it might give him a little gas of late. I doubt that his pen and phone could overcome the opposition.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Yosemite Sam is my HERO! I wanna be just like him when I grow up! All except for the open carry in bars thing. Back when I was a Republican, I NEVER open carried into bars. That's just an open invite for every gunslinger within 50 yards to try and have a shoot out with you. The odds for that are bad - REAL bad - because with that much lead Liberally flying around, someone might hit your beer mug, shatter it, and waste all that beer!

Nossir - concealed carry is the only way to go when you're going to be drinking heavily!

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

Personally, I think we're drowned out and overshadowed by the people running full on and smacking straight into walls at the direction of fascists, oligarchs and theocrats... and then blaming the person next to them for tripping them because they got dizzy for a moment or knocked themselves out cold and then the fist fights break out. Someday, I hope, more people will get it. Liberty can only truly exist if men and women of all colors and orientations own their own laboring (Socialism) and only then can government become a bad memory (Anarchy).

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