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REAL COST of OBAMACARE given to me by the Insurance Company!

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posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

The thing that pisses me off about this whole thing is that the rest if us have to suffer with this tripe because the US is so full of blithering idiots... they just couldn't wait to buy what he was selling. And I'm ok with them having to suffer through their own ignorance. I'm not really ok with the fact that I have to be punished as if I were that ignorant as well.

The ones who sunk the ship should go down with it IMO. The rest of us shouldn't have to.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Helious
Oh yea, and even part was put off till after the 2016 election. The pain will be evident then!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Not covering pain management was one of the first things I looked into as well. My husband and I both have back problems. Fortunately his employer provides insurance that covers it. Me... I have to go when I can't stand it anymore because I couldn't afford to get on his policy at work for $200 a week. I thought Obamacare would be cheaper than that for me... Think again. It was right much more. I was just too disgusted at that point to go any further. I feel your pain. Literally and metaphorically.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yea, they got to set a precedent for the courts later on. They didn't expect to get caught. I heard somewhere that they were even trying to figure out how to remove the entries from the software so there would be no proof they ever even set up an appointment. I guess the programmers didn't think the government would need to do that. They didn't realize just how corrupt the government would be in the future. And with our vets to boot!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

What is pain management? The doctor my wife has just made it clear to her again, she has pain...she will always have pain..people have it worse than her...she can learn to live with it.

Diabetic Neuropathy isn't a headache or issue that one ignores, and the body's own nerves can be torture when they're going haywire.

That really started a good time back on the 'pain is normal, live with it' approach out of this and yes, they said outright and specifically, it was a result of new regulations on the accountability of prescribing drugs out of certain categories. Pain killers being the top of the short list. All, also specifically noted to us, a part of the P.P.A.C.A.

I get that millions abuse them...but this was a cruel and evil way to address that problem. Millions don't, as well.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: spirit_horse
a reply to: Helious
Oh yea, and even part was put off till after the 2016 election. The pain will be evident then!

There is a huge problem with this law in particular but there is even a bigger problem with president that has been set in the adoption and execution of it in general.

First, while the lawyers in the Department of Justice will tell you that no law has ever been recalled because of the originality clause that lies within the Constitution, that does not negate it existing. Because Obamacare has been ruled by the Supreme Court as a tax, it is technically invalid because it was passed by the senate first, violating the direct language of the Constitution.

Moreover, Congress is in the business of making law. The executive branch is in the business of enforcing that law once it has been approved. The executive branch has the privilege of veto if it does not agree to a law and that is needed for a proper account of separation of powers.

That said, the executive branch DOES NOT have the power to alter, change nor ignore the law once it is effect. That is to say, once Congress has passed it and the President has signed off on it. After that, the job of the executive branch and it's resources is mandated to faithfully enforce the law.

This is not being done on any front. It's a lawless government from top to bottom. The head of the Department of Justice is actively in contempt of Congress. What does that tell you about the state of affairs in our country?

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:47 PM
Those are two completely separate types of insurance. the second one (the one labelled after) is a very diverse zero deductible insurance, the first is a very cheap high deductible one..of course there are gonna be difference.

a beat up old chevy costs 1k before Obama...after, a Ferrari is super expensive!
Thanks Obamacare!!!

not even gonna go on the reimbursement stuff...tripped at the starting gate.

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

I broke my back in 1991 (compression fracture to the T1, herniated the L3-L4 and T11-T12. I got shot with a 12Ga. 00Mag Buck Shot in the neck and chest in 2001, and in a roll over car accident and have titanium plates in my pelvis and femur with several screws and a titanium rod inside the tibia from just below the knee to my ankle. All of this on the right side. I only shattered the scapula on the left.

I was fortunate to have family help with housing while I went through all my surgeries. PAIN is my life. I have never quit working though. I couldn't handle it. I went stir crazy just recovering. I don't want to be in that position and feel for the people that are. I fortunately had degrees and experience in different fields and was able to swtch to one that didn't require twisting and physical stress. Most people are not prepared for that. They bet on a career in say a trade which requires physical agility and labor and have something happen and have to start over. If I didn't have pain management, I couldn't work.

The pain is so bad it drives my blood pressure right through the roof even though the keep me on a high level of blood pressure medication. So, I have to take strong pain meds to keep from blowing a gasket from high blood pressure. I have seen 210/160 frequently when I let the pain get too high. It sux! I hate taking all the meds after so many years. And also deal with people thinking you are an addict. Well, when you have tried all the modalities and surgery and don't have a choice, you end up in pain management.

Every single morning I wake up thinking I can't do this for another 30 years or so. But, when I am down I think to myself about all the other people that are so much worse off than me. And that many can't do for themselves. It quickly end that self pity trip and gets me moving again. My pain management keeps it down to a 3 or 4 which I can deal with.

And the moral of the story: OBAMACARE DOESN'T HELP! lol!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 11:52 PM
I am curious what the landscape will look like when all of the ACS is implemented .. right now it's not, there are expensive parts the Democrats are delaying until after elections (again).

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

A lot of people do suffer because so many people abuse them. My sacroiliac joint is disintegrating along with part of my hip. This in turn hits the sciatic nerve. My husband has several bulging discs that also brings on the sciatic nerve pain. I am sorry your wife has to deal with nerve pain.
Nobody quite understands what unrelenting pain can do to someone mentally and physically until they have to deal with it. I go without pain medicine most of the time because I am uninsured, thankfully my husband doesn't have to.

They tend to make you feel dirty at times for needing help to deal with the pain. They pawn folks off on pain management doctors to get rid of you, then you get the ACA that doesn't want to pay for it either.

I think that it must be nice to be well off enough that you can go to any doctor you want when you want, or to be someone that has never cried going through the grocery store because the pain is almost more than you can handle. The people that made this plan have to fall into those categories IMO. If not... Cruel bastards doesn't even begin to cover what they are.

Anyway, I know this whole post was TMI, but it's something that really gets my goat. Again, my sympathies for your wife. It takes a toll and I am sorry for anyone that has to deal with something like that on a daily basis.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

My God. My pain is probably never on the same scale as yours!! I can't even imagine. It is a blessing that you were able to keep working. It is insanity that Obamacare does not cover these things. I can not understand why? The only thing I can assume, is that they just don't really give a damn. Flat out. They just do not care about the people. There's no way they can and come down with these kinds of policies.

It just leaves me shaking my head.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 12:11 AM
It doesn't include these things because that is the only way to keep the prices from going through the roof.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 12:26 AM
As has been pointed out .. the plan listed as after Obamacare is a much better plan. So I did some digging and found some comparable plans.

For Male in the 30+ bracket ... Compare to $195 in the OP's plan.

BlueCare HMO Everyday Health 1498 $300
BlueOptions Predictable Cost 1423 $350
BlueOptions Everyday Health 1431 $330
BlueCare HMO Predictable Cost 1490 $320

The Bronze plans averaged about $275

So a similar plan is $1500 a year more expensive, and the cheapest plans are about $1000 more a year. The worst plan possible is $220, still $300 more a year .. and that is the lowest plan offered.
edit on 11-5-2014 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 12:55 AM
the health care reform act i think everyone knew was bad except the fallowers and truly umm ... uninformed so about most people

as far as pain when i was about 18 i almost completaly severs my nerv in my left leg took a bit tell it started to cause problems i can tolerate almost any pain cut myself to the bone was cool barly hurt compund fracture in both my lower legs still not to bad that day i fell skating never felt pain like that

now that its come back after 10 years i was reminded how crippling it is

but i do have advise but i know im cutting it close to what im alowed to say hear so ill stick to the legal tearms and forms

there is some evidance that ketamine can help with nerve pain and can tho extremaly rarly be perscribed
i cant really say more about it hear but do look it up its out there

its turned me from someone who can barley walk to someone u can barley tell has any problems with walking

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

I looked at the link you provided and went to see what it says for my county, Grant, Indiana. This one really got me, and it was the lowest "metal"

Premium Adult Individual Age 60 $605.28

A 60 year old must pay $600 for premium health care?

And 75% copay? Is monthly? And then look at the rates for families with children.

Grant County has more people receiving government benefits, because Grant County lost some very big factories. We had GM and RCA Thompson, but now we are economically depressed. I mean just take a ride through Marion and see how many houses are being condemned and boarded up.

And starting June 1, 2014, Indiana is doing away with the Spend Down Medicaid and everyone who receives Medicare or Social Security above $960 are no longer eligible for Medicaid. That means everyone below that will now have full Medicaid.

Unfortunately, those who have been receiving those higher amounts are the elderly who do rely on in-home health aid, that is no longer going to be available to them.

Me, oh I'm "lucky" because of my full disability of Multiple Sclerosis and Social Security benefits are only $100 less than the cutoff. That means if this law stays in effect for 20 years, right to the nursing home I will be sent, because that's what this is coming to.

Even right now, the health care providers in my area are scrambling because they have patients they have seen for a very long time and they won't be covered any more under Medicaid and forced to buy these products that have less to offer. The elderly are the most affected now. Thank you AARP for your support of this law that now affects the very population you say you care about.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 09:54 AM
I finally met someone who has saved a little with ObamaCare, while his monthly payment is about a third of what he used to be paying, the deductible is much higher. Even though it seems like a huge discount, when the deductible is factored in it really is not a great deal.

I do believe there will be many upset people over the next couple of years because of ObamaCare, it is not just the cost of healthcare it is changes that are being made. Many have already posted about changes to pain management patients as a result of ObamaCare.

I think the tighter regulations are a reaction type of legislation that misses the point but satisfies those who are crying for tougher pain pill regulations. Like with MADD, where grieving parents were able to lobby for stricter DUI laws, I believe the same thing is happening here. Parents of those who have overdosed are lobbying for stricter pain medicine laws, the laws are not written by physicians. Patients suffer as a result. Since all the popular narcotic pain medicine is available in generic form, there is not a push back from Big Pharma because the money making drugs are the ones they still have a patent on and are not available as a generic.

I feel like the Nanny state just continues to grow and most just blindly accept it is for own good and the government/oligarchy knows whats best for us.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 10:06 AM
Where are all the Obamacare Apologists now?

They probably have to work on Sunday to pay for their new Healthcare plan.

This thing has just begun to be exposed. Just wait.

I now have to pee in a cup every other month. Then I get charged $616.00.

They not only analyse what is in your urine. They test to see if you ran out of medicine.

The Doctors hate it. The more I deal with it, the more I hate it.

This is done to make single payer look more attractive....It's working.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

The Doctors hate it. The more I deal with it, the more I hate it.

This is done to make single payer look more attractive....It's working.

I fear, just like we are now required to pee in a bottle for work to look for drugs, soon we all will have to do it for our healthcare.

ObamaCare was not meant to make a single payer system look more attractive, that is just a side effect. It was a gift to the health insurance industry, and industry that is failing in providing First World healthcare and will continue to do so as long as profits are more important than the patient. ObamaCare has forced us to buy a defective product.

A single payer system will wipe out the health insurance industry in the US. They will not let that happen.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: tinker9917
If pre-existing conditions are not a factor, then neither should be a persons age...

Oh but now that's where the money is apparently. Great point.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Those are two completely separate types of insurance. the second one (the one labelled after) is a very diverse zero deductible insurance, the first is a very cheap high deductible one..of course there are gonna be difference.

a beat up old chevy costs 1k before Obama...after, a Ferrari is super expensive!
Thanks Obamacare!!!

not even gonna go on the reimbursement stuff...tripped at the starting gate.

I couldn't help but notice the same thing! Two entirely different policies.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

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