Are there other possible UFO sightings in the Bible besides Ezekiel�s? This question would be easy to answer if UFOs were described in those days like
we describe them today. But in the time of Ezekiel, the vocabulary used to describe any type of phenomena, including flying objects, was limited,
low-tech and religiously oriented, thus very unclear to modern readers.
Fowler notes that just a jew short decades ago, African Bantu tribesmen described an airplane as a �giant bird with the roar of thousands of lions.�
If we didn�t know what the Bantus were referring to, would the picture of an airplane immediately come to mind? Perhaps, but not likely.
Ezekiel�s account of what had happened at the Chebar River was not only similar to the Bantu�s in subjective interpretation, but also included a
religious framework, reducing its objectivity even more. One way to overcome the lack of modern objectivity is to ascertain and list the telltale
signs of a UFO or EBE and apply these signs to a possible sighting.
Such a list would include, for example, 1) devices used for flight, 2) beings or angels, often humanoid in appearance, but with special non-human
qualities and 3) beings in the sky observing humans below.
I. Devices used for flight.
Flying and other aerial phenomena were often associated in biblical times with divinity. If a human was seen flying trough the air, witnesses would
assume that God was powering his flight. Likewise, if a non-human who likely describe it as an angel or some other divine entity.
I am not saying that no one has ever flown with divine help. What I am saying is that, with or without divine help, physical alien beings and devices,
both subject to the laws of physics, were probably involved in many of the unusual aerial phenomena reported in the Bible. As matter of fact, every
case of human and angelic flight mentioned in the Bible has included some type of device to aid the flights. A logical question, of course, is why
devices were needed at all, if they were divine in origin.
Let�s review some of those devices, which include whirlwinds, clouds and chariots.
Whirlwinds are sometimes mentioned in the bible as aerial transport vehicles.
An Example is 2 Kings 2:1:
And it came to pass, when the lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.
But was it literally a whirlwind that picked Elijah up? Was it really one of those strong rotating winds that we know to be so uncontrollable and
deadly? I think not. why would God or anyone transport Elijah in such a dangerous manner? It�s much more likely that the writer used the term
whirlwind here as the closest visual approximation of a whirlwind.
Chapter 23, verse 19 reads:
Behold a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.
This was clearly some type of airborne object, as it was in Elijah�s case, but one with different behavior. In the writer�s view, it was intentionally
sent by the Lord for a definite purpose---destruction. And since its target was Sodom and Gomorrah, which was destroyed by �fire and brimstone� and
not real whirlwind, the whirlwind in this case could conceivably have been the author�s term for what we would call an explosive missile.
Habakkuk 13:3 tells of what appears to be a normal whirlwind:
Therefore they shall be as the morning cloud and as the early dew that passeth away, as the chaff that is driven with the whirlwind out of the
So even though the term whirlwind has been used in various literal and non-literal ways, one of its basic qualities remain invariable- it always
involves a flying object. And, when used in a non-natural sense, the flying object always transport either passengers or destruction towards some
destination. Could we compare Elijah�s whirlwind to a modern-day UFO? Quite possibly, but it�s difficult to say wheter the writer is using the word
whirlwind for its visual or functional similarities to Elijah�s vehicle.
If only functionally motivated, Elijah�s term could be virtually any type of UFO, since they all fly and transport passengers. If visually motivated,
a whirlwind could refer to the lower cylindrical part of a whirlwind that often touches the ground and lifts any objects in its path, in this sense,
Elijah�s whirlwind could have been either a separate cylindrically shaped UFO or a vertical energy beam or tube of some sort that lifted him up to a
waiting ship.
The latter scenario seems to be indicated at times in conjunction with another air transport device-a chariot. There�s very little doubt that the term
chariot indicates a flying passenger vehicle of some kind.
We se in 2 Kings 2:11, an instance where Elijah is picked up and flown away by a whirlwind in the presence of a chariot of fire:
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both
asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
First of all, the writer is apparently making the presence of the whirlwind secondary in importance to and therefore contingent on the presence of the
chariot. Second, Elijah wasn�t put into the whirlwind by someone else and he certainly didn�t climb into it. He was lifted by the whirlwind. Thus the
whirlwind in this case seems to be an airborne device that lifts Ezekiel into hovering object that has just opened up to receive him.
(Incidentally, if this did involve a UFO, it would have been a CE-4, right?) Some verses, including 2 Kings 2:1 seem to depict the whirlwind as a
separate air vehicle that lifts an then flies away with the passenger. The common denominator in both passenger scenarios is that the whirlwind is an
aerial transport device of some type.
Recall that in the fourth verse of Ezekiel�s vision a whirlwind is briefly mentioned as along with yet another airborne object-a cloud, just prior to
Ezekiel�s description of the object that landed. Blumrich interpreted the cloud as the result of the landing craft�s downdraw during its descent,
which may well be true. But it�s not the only possibility. The cloud could also have been another flight device or air ship.
Let�s examine this possibility a little closer.
The Bible frequently mentioned clouds as flight devices. Of course, not every mentioned of a cloud refers to one. When it does, he circumstances
usually make it fairly clear. The immediate question on everyone�s mind, naturally, is how could someone fly aboard something so unsubstantial as a
cloud? Once again, bear in mind the limited vocabulary of people in biblical times. Recall that they describes with words that reflected their own
knowledge and experiences up to that point. And understand that the closest things to those objects that they had ever beheld had been clouds, which
is how they described them.
The nextquestion that surfaces is, if the objects are not really clouds, then what are they? Imagine, for a moment, how clouds look. They have almost
every imaginable form, right? Let�s take a quick look at some of those forms:
1) Flat like disks(stratus clouds)
2) Clouds groups, which include circular ones (cumulus, cirrocumulus and stratocumulus clouds).
3) Flat underside with arched top (altostratus and cirrostratus clouds).
4) Flat underside with raised top that forms a triangular shape (nimbostratus clouds).
5) Vertically formed and often pillar shaped (cumulonimbus clouds).
6) Oblong, cylindrical and cigar-shaped (cirrus clouds).
Do these various cloud shapes ring any bells? Do disks, spheres, cigars, triangles and cylinders remind you of the shapes of another objects? You bet
they do!
Many UFOs have the same forms. Is it just a coincidence then that many of the clouds that have transported men and angels trough the air in the Bible
have had shapes like these? Let�s glance at a biblical example. Exodus 13:21-2 tells of a flying object that resembles a pillar of a cloud and pillar
of fire:
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day
and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
First of all, who is the Lord in these verses? It�s clear that Lord referred to by Moses is whatever being or force that occupied and presumably
controls the flying pillar. Why is Moses assuming that the object�s occupant is divine? Is it because Moses was no different from other ancient people
who often assumed that the flight of an unusual being or object indicated a divine presence? Regarding the pillar itself, it�s fairly obvious that the
pillar of a cloud and the pillar of fire are the same object. By day, it had the gray or silver color of many clouds and UFOs. By night it emitted a
light, like many UFOs. People in those days, of course, had no concept of artificial light and thus had no word for it. For that reason, Moses might
have used the closest word that he knew to the type of light that he saw: fire.
Another possibility is that the color of the object really did resemble fire. Recall the many modern-era sightings that describe the color of some
UFOs as fiery, particularly the color of foo fighters.
II. Beings or angels, humanoid in appearance but with non-human qualities.
In virtually all areas of the Bible where angels or other divine beings are mentioned, they are described as very humanoid, but sometimes with
qualities that differentiate them from normal humans. In Genesis 18:1-3, Abraham sees beings that are clearly non-human, but that appear so human that
he calls them men at various times:
And the Lord appeared unto him in the planes of Mamre: and he sat in the door in the heat of the day. And he lift up his eyes an looked, and lo, three
men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself towards the ground, and said, My Lord, if I have
found favor in the sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant�
These beings are obviously not humans, because Abraham connects them to the Lord whom he sees immediately prior to their appearance. But how does he
know that he has just seen the Lord? How does he know how the Lord looks? In all likelihood, he saw an entity of some sort with visible
characteristics that he interpreted as divine. What are some of these characteristics? Well, two immediately come to mind. First, the power of flight.
Second, the emission of a bright light. Recall verse 28 of Ezekiel�s vision where he ascribes divinity to a bright light. There�s a distinct
possibility that Abraham sees both in this case. A UFO that emits light lands near Abraham and three humanoid beings emerge from it. Why else would
Abraham have just seen three non-human beings appear before him whom he also consider divine?
The 19th chapter of Genesis presents a second possibility. This case involves two beings whom Lot alternately refers to as angels and men. He invites
them into his house where they eat and sleep like other humans. Question: would real angels need to eat and sleep? Obviosly, what evere they were,
they were made of flesh and blood. In the 10th an 11th verses, the visitors protect Lot by blinding the attackers:
But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut the door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house
with blindness, both small and great so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
Did the visitors blind the attackers with some sort of laser device? Whatever they used, it was something that ceartanly beyond the technology of
that era.
According to the story, these visitors warned Lot that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed by what seemed like an atomic explosion. Consider verses
24, 25 and 28:
Then the Lord rained upn Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he overthrew those cities, and all the pain and
all the inhabitants of cities, and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of pain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a
Is the fire that rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah a missile or bomb? Isn�t the total devastation described by the author reminiscent of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki? Doesn�t the smoke of this explosion remind you of the mushroom cloud created by an atomic bomb?
So we see two flesh-and-blood humanoid beings whom Lot consider angels. They look human, but posess non-human abilities (device that blinds). They�ve
come to warn Lot of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by what appears to be an atomic explosion. In my view, a reasonable assumption is
that these were alien beings sent by others like them to warn Lot of the destruction of a city that had become very depraved and perverse.
The inevitable question is why extraterrestrials would want to destroy a corrupted earthly city. If my assumption is correct, the answer would most
likely be connected to alien intervention in our genetic development.
Perhaps their intervention included safeguarding their genetic handiwork. That is, ensuring that no undesirable genetic strains or mutations occurred.
It it is clear that many residents of Sodom and Gomorrah practiced acts that were considered deviant, most notably homosexuality. But could they have
become genetically polluted by homosexual acts? Of course not. But some researchers suspect that they went beyond homosexuality. Way beyond. I�ve read
translations of ancient documents that reports sexual acts as deviant as bestiality in some places, including Sodom and Gomorrah. If those reports are
correct, genetic pollution could indeed have occurred, because mankind was said to be at a phase in the genetic intervention process when humans and
lower species of animals could produce offspring together. Those same documents allege that many of the old myths and pictures that show human-animal
hybrid creatures were therefore to be taken literally.
At this point, let me make it clear that this information is more speculative than confirmed. I�m just mentioning it as a possible motivation for the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
III. Beings in the sky observing humans below.
If these biblical reports are really about UFOs, they would be consistent with our present fact about UFO activity, but much has changed since then
regarding our
relationship with extraterrestrials, especially in relation to direct contact with them. This contact has gradually diminished, and understandably so,
given the long span of time since the era of alien genetic intervention. (Modern Man is a result of alien genetic intervention that occurred millennia
ago?) For now, suffice it to say that if intervention is still occurring, it no longer involves the whole of mankind as it once did, but possibly
isolated cases (such as the alleged experiences reported by some UFO abductees). In other words, after the aliens had finished the main part of their
genetic work with us, their chief concern switched from the close and constant contact of large-scale intervention to more distant contact involving
mostly checks on the progress of their handiwork.
These alien checks on our progress appear to be the aspect of their relationship with us that has changed the least trough the centuries and
millennia. As we read earlier, EBEs, in their guardian roles, are still observing and checking on us. From a human perspective, the main difference
between ancient times and today is that, when we sight a UFO overhead now, we�ll wonder what it is and why it�s there. In ancient times, as we
examined in the section on mythology, many groups were well aware of and comfortable with the constant hovering presence of alien vessels. Does the
Bible have anything to say about such observers? It sure seems to. Lets take a look at some of King Nebuchadnezzar�s second dream in Daniel 4:13:
I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and behold a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.
Who is this watcher? It seems to be an entity in the sky whose function it is to observe. Note how the verse differentiates between the watcher and
the divine being. It would thus seem that the divine being is an entity whose presence is special, while the watcher is one whose presence is more of
a common occurrence. What kind of an entity can hover in the skies for so long that it becomes commonplace? Were the watchers UFOs?
So, have our discussions on the telltale signs of UFOs and EBEs made us any more certain of whether or not the Bible verses we�ve read really involve
extraterrestrials? For some of us, perhaps, and for others, perhaps not, depending on how open-minded you and how you interpret and apply these and
other telltale signs. As for my own opinion, the extraterrestrial explanation sounds much more plausible than many that I�ve heard thus far. Most
other interpretations tend to produce more questions than answers.
Would UFOs contradict the bible?
What if the beings and devices in those Bible verses are conclusively proven to be EBEs and UFOs? Would they then be viewed as a contradiction to
biblical teachings and principles? I say they wouldn�t. I say the reality of UFOs is just as compatible with the bible as it is with the holy
scriptures of several other religions and belief systems. Many Old Testament readers will insist that if UFOs and EBEs ever existed they must have
been demonic in origin, because extraterrestrials are not mentioned by name there. With all due respect for such opinions, it seems a bit unreasonable
to say that something that is not mentioned in the Bible has to be Evil. According to logic, I could say that ferrets are satanic beasts, right?
Then there are those who ask what role God could have possibly given to extraterrestrials if they exist. a good question, and fairly easy to answer.
At least as easy as the question of what role God gave to Africans, or Asians, or Europeans, or any other ethic group or culture indigenous to the
Earth. Why can�t EBEs have the same basic God-given roles vis-�-vis the human race as our various earthly groups have vis-�-vis another? It�s
generally assumed that when God wants to intervene among humans, He rarely does so directly, but rather indirectly, trough material beings like us.
Why not also through EBEs? Why can�t EBEs also have divine missions and callings in life? Isn�t it possible that EBEs have been used by God to bring
civilization to the primitive beings that used to be our ancestors before they inexplicably became modern almost over night? Couldn�t God have allowed
them to intervene genetically, in order to give us the mental capacity to take that step up towards civilization, and then to train us? We can draw
somewhat of an analogy between this and the situation in which Europeans came to the new world and conquered the native Americans there. Subsequently,
the conquerors thought them the ways of civilization and their missionaries brought them modern religion, which many religious people still claim was
God�s will. After all, they say, if the Europeans had not intervened, the natives would have never become civilized and thus would have never known
about the real God. Thus, according to many people, God used the conquerors to carry out His will. Couldn�t this reasoning be applied to role of
extraterrestrials? Couldn�t they also be considered as civilizers and missionaries?
If the human race survives long enough it will one day launch manned missions to other planets and solar systems, just as our extraterrestrial
neighbors did. While colonizing other worlds, which are inevitable, what would we do if we encountered primitive species of humanoids? Species similar
to our ancestors before we became modern. Correct! We�d do the same things that we�d do on Earth with uncivilized native tribes. We�d civilize them.
And if we thought it necessary, we�d intervene genetically (we�re already intervening genetically with plants and lower animal species, right?).
Wouldn�t we consider it divinely justified to help species on other worlds in this manner? Is the idea of EBEs doing the same with us really any
By J.E.G