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Other UFO Sightings in the Bible?

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posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:34 PM
ALL of those descriptions to me sound like a craft of some sourts, seriously. Check out the site above!

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by jhova
Genesis and the Bible, and the notion the Bible makes of Giants or what I like to call alien hybrids that actually walked the earth.

Again the Nephilim were giants, people probably nine or ten feet tall. This same Hebrew term was used to name people of similar appearance in Numbers 13:33. Goliath, who was nine feet tall, appears in 1 Samuel 17.

1 Samuel 17:4-7

A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. He was over nine feet tall.He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels ; on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. His spear shaft was like a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels.

The Shekel is from biblical Hebrew. One Shekel weighs about 0.025 pound, so a 600 sheckel iron point would weigh about 15 pounds. This would be more in line with a 10 foot being and not a 50 foot being.

Also the Bible says the Nephilim procreated with human women, a giant of such large proportions would be unable to impregnate a woman, his genitals would be too large. But a nine or ten foot giant could certainly perform the task.

Genesis 6:4

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by kinglizard]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by jhova
ALL of those descriptions to me sound like a craft of some sourts

The bible clearly shows that the Cherub are an order of angels and NOT UFO�s.

Ezekiel 10:7

Then one of the cherubim reached out his hand to the fire that was among them. He took up some of it and put it into the hands of the man in linen, who took it and went out.

Cherubs are also found on the Ark that contained the ten commandments. Clearly they aren�t UFO�s.

Exodus 25:22

There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the Testimony, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:02 PM
More of the same stuff found something here

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:05 PM
kinglizard, you're presenting quite a bit of solid evidence against but it doesn't look to me like you'll be changing any mind that's already been made up on unproven theories and uneducated guesses.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:18 PM
Og was said to be 13 ft tall.Check out the site as tall as 14 ft tall and taller.I know about the mega fauna and the slight possibility of men being extraordinarily big at that time, but common on now.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Preest
kinglizard, you're presenting quite a bit of solid evidence against but it doesn't look to me like you'll be changing any mind that's already been made up on unproven theories and uneducated guesses.

Yeah I�m sure you�re right. I hate to see the bible misinterpreted to prove these absurd modern ideas. However I enjoy the battle. It just makes me dig into the bible searching for answers thereby expanding my study. I end up learning a lot from this research. It makes me read verses that I haven�t read for awhile.
So in the end I end up learning more from my study than some people will from its truths. Some people will believe anything they read online.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Yeah I�m sure you�re right. I hate to see the bible misinterpreted to prove these absurd modern ideas. However I enjoy the battle. It just makes me dig into the bible searching for answers thereby expanding my study. I end up learning a lot from this research. It makes me read verses that I haven�t read for awhile.
So in the end I end up learning more from my study than some people will from its truths. Some people will believe anything they read online.
What's really sad is that you're doing your own research and proving while others are just using other fringe "translations" without any proof backing them or even the slightest bit of biblical knowledge.

I could use the Bible to prove many things...including Al Qaeda, laser guns and toilet paper if I tried hard enough. I wish people would just admit they're using their imaginations and trying to apply them to the Bible instead of trying to convince everybody it's all fact.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:30 PM
Chreibum reaching out his hand could mean that the vessel used some weapon of fire of some sorts. I also have read how some of these particular verses were manipulated to have in it new views of the Christian church, to reaffirm there power in the world, and to convince the world of there connection with there God, or there own "proof" of there God.And it seems that in Ezekiel10:9-1018 has a different meaning altogether(I will not give up that easily) Alexander the Great reported of two of his conquests of flaming metal sheilds that shot fire down onto a city he was conquering (look it up!!). A macedonian with Biblical ties?And you have been saying that the BIble is filled with symbolism, so now are we just going to pick and choose what is symbolism and what isn't?Who is to say what is and what ain't, you or someone who thinks they know but they don't?Who is to say.I bet even different Branches of Jews themselves have some descrepencies.If Bible is filled with symbolism like you say what excludes these possibilities?NO has seen the Ark of the Covenant with there own eyes, so the description you displayed is nice and colorful, it CANNOT be proved. That could be some one's own interpretation that was handed down and accepted like many other dogmatic things.I never said that the theory of ufo's in the Bible is a fact, I said that it was something that I believe in, and that the POSSIBILITY seems very strong and should not be excluded. Don't confuse the strength of my voice with what I am saying.Got to the website!!!!!!And deal with some questions I asked before and quit avoiding them.Just because someone says it, thinks it to be true, or writes it in a book, or draws pictures of something, does not make it a fact Preest, period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Preest
What's really sad is that you're doing your own research and proving while others are just using other fringe "translations" without any proof backing them or even the slightest bit of biblical knowledge.

Yeah, it�s easy to throw out all these absurd biblical ideas if you aren�t required to back them up with biblical scripture. Those that do provide quotes from the scripture usually take them out of context or purposely twist its meaning to confirm their modern sci-fi dreams.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:41 PM
And that is the same things people have been doing to religions in general for YEARS, especially the Bible. Oh yeah, IF, you paid attention, I have been using scriptures. And they are very relevant.But we can keep going back and forth because no matter what because people believe what they want and what you OR I think is evidence, someone else (scholarly and non-scholarly both) will beg to differ.CHECK OUT THE SITE:

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:44 PM
Oh by the way, fancy little signs and symbols representing you on this site, DO NOT make you any smarter than anyone else, I can go round for round with the best of them!!!!!!!!!!!!None of you have proved anything to be wrong or right, merely there own opinions, and you are also making the BIble mean what you want also.The Bible says itself to interpret it for your own understanding, and NOT someone else's, period! NO matter who you are.There is nothing dilusional about what I am saying.It is scary and a cop out to not suggest and consider everything.That is what REAL science is about.It is not about having preconcieved notions before you even consider something, and then sticking with it with out looking at everything. That is very bad.Check out the scriptures I posted abovr about the Cheribum, and CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by jhova
Oh by the way, fancy little signs and symbols representing you on this site, DO NOT make you any smarter than anyone else,

Are you talking to me? If so what are you talking about.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:51 PM
Yes I am. The little red orb thing under your name, or anyone else going through too much to look good.Is that suppose to me that you are smarter, or more educated then me, and you have no idea who I REALLY am.I hope not!

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by jhova
Chreibum reaching out his hand could mean that the vessel used some weapon of fire of some sorts. I also have read how some of these particular verses were manipulated to have in it new views of the Christian church, to reaffirm there power in the world, and to convince the world of there connection with there God, or there own "proof" of there God.And it seems that in Ezekiel10:9-1018 has a different meaning altogether(I will not give up that easily) Alexander the Great reported of two of his conquests of flaming metal sheilds that shot fire down onto a city he was conquering (look it up!!). A macedonian with Biblical ties?And you have been saying that the BIble is filled with symbolism, so now are we just going to pick and choose what is symbolism and what isn't?Who is to say what is and what ain't, you or someone who thinks they know but they don't?Who is to say.I bet even different Branches of Jews themselves have some descrepencies.If Bible is filled with symbolism like you say what excludes these possibilities?NO has seen the Ark of the Covenant with there own eyes, so the description you displayed is nice and colorful, it CANNOT be proved. That could be some one's own interpretation that was handed down and accepted like many other dogmatic things.I never said that the theory of ufo's in the Bible is a fact, I said that it was something that I believe in, and that the POSSIBILITY seems very strong and should not be excluded. Don't confuse the strength of my voice with what I am saying.Got to the website!!!!!!And deal with some questions I asked before and quit avoiding them.Just because someone says it, thinks it to be true, or writes it in a book, or draws pictures of something, does not make it a fact Preest, period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]
All of your ramblings are of course based on the fact that the Bible itself is historically accurate and NOT fiction. Once the Bible itself has been proven to be 100% historically accurate and non-fictional one cannot prove any alien anything.

As for the rest of your jumbled "facts"...why is it so hard for you to back up your statements with links?

Alexander The Great blah blah's the story online?

You seem to be obsessed with pushing people to a couple you know how to link a webpage? Don't they teach you that in your college?

I'm not dismissing any theory but when the theory is based on the bible being FACT the original theory shouldn't be considered until the Bible has been proven as a factual account of history. True research starts with using your common sense to seek out the easiest and most logical answers.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Preest

Originally posted by kinglizard
Yeah I�m sure you�re right. I hate to see the bible misinterpreted to prove these absurd modern ideas. However I enjoy the battle. It just makes me dig into the bible searching for answers thereby expanding my study. I end up learning a lot from this research. It makes me read verses that I haven�t read for awhile.
So in the end I end up learning more from my study than some people will from its truths. Some people will believe anything they read online.
What's really sad is that you're doing your own research and proving while others are just using other fringe "translations" without any proof backing them or even the slightest bit of biblical knowledge.

I could use the Bible to prove many things...including Al Qaeda, laser guns and toilet paper if I tried hard enough. I wish people would just admit they're using their imaginations and trying to apply them to the Bible instead of trying to convince everybody it's all fact.

I know your type : you'r *Belifs* are correct?
We "small" guys that trying to prove something else are joust Nothing?(feels like(our proof are youst crap compared to your biblical Knowledge)
If GOD is the GOD in your image then GOD is that GOD, if GOD is an Extraterrestrial Being(s) that visitid(created) earth many millenia ago. This planet could never developed highly intelligent species (ex humans) on such small planet and so short time.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by jhova
Yes I am. The little red orb thing under your name, or anyone else going through too much to look good.Is that suppose to me that you are smarter, or more educated then me, and you have no idea who I REALLY am.I hope not!

It�s just my avatar I didn�t intend for it to intimidate you nor do I think it makes me smarter than you. You may very well be more intelligent, who�s to say. You are attempting to insult me however your attempts will continue to be unsuccessful because I�m not easily offended, I like to think that I�m above this type of thing.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by jhova
Oh by the way, fancy little signs and symbols representing you on this site, DO NOT make you any smarter than anyone else, I can go round for round with the best of them!!!!!!!!!!!!None of you have proved anything to be wrong or right, merely there own opinions, and you are also making the BIble mean what you want also.The Bible says itself to interpret it for your own understanding, and NOT someone else's, period! NO matter who you are.There is nothing dilusional about what I am saying.It is scary and a cop out to not suggest and consider everything.That is what REAL science is about.It is not about having preconcieved notions before you even consider something, and then sticking with it with out looking at everything. That is very bad.Check out the scriptures I posted abovr about the Cheribum, and CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by jhova]
You are going round and normal folks call it "going in circles".

Where does the Bible say to interpret it for yourself and not for others? Where's the scripture?

I looked at the words you posted and then read the SCRIPTURES lizardking posted and I've gotta don't have anything on him when it comes to proving your theory. He's provided adequate biblical facts while you keep insistingyou KNOW the bible and others aren't open to truth. I'm convinced you're not all that educated in the scriptures. If you are and you have something legit to point out...please post links and scriptures and books and chapters so we can get a better understanding of your "truth"

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:59 PM
First of all this is a website!Not a class that I am putting all oif my energy into!If I did put forth more energy than I FELT like, then something is terribly wrong with my priorities! The information is definitely there, YOU just have to look for it. I am not anybody's dad who has to hold there hand and take them every step of the way(do you need me to hold your hand sugar??)I HAVE posted a lot of different sites and scriptures, look them up yourself, and then get back to me.I have read countles numbers of books, articles and sites on the subject, and if I did not have to juggle work, school, and a kid, then I might be able to remember everything I ever read in life and where, I am getting out to anybody out there!?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Cardu
I know your type : you'r *Belifs* are correct?
We "small" guys that trying to prove something else are joust Nothing?(feels like(our proof are youst crap compared to your biblical Knowledge)
If GOD is the GOD in your image then GOD is that GOD, if GOD is an Extraterrestrial Being(s) that visitid(created) earth many millenia ago. This planet could never developed highly intelligent species (ex humans) on such small planet and so short time.
My belief is that no theory should be dismissed unless it encroaches on already established data(the exception is to update the data or correct it). My belief is that common sense and logic are an important part of the research process. You have no idea what God is in "my image". I do agree with you that that biblical knowledge does win out against uneducated theories based on scripture...I believe you have to have an understanding of scripture before you can prove anything with it.

[Edited on 4-24-2004 by Preest]

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