posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:16 AM
originally posted by: Jansy
a reply to: palg1
I think that TA would have been on that like a duck on a junebug...way before Coast-To-Coast.
Yes, I would have. It is total, complete, utter 100% BS. There has never been any tremor detected at YS, much less HARMONIC tremor.
I actually heard about this from a friend, who approached me and asked "So why didn't you tell me about them evacuating YS?" I LMAO. He said he heard
it on the radio. I actually then asked him, guessing, if by chance it was on the C2C show- figuring a fair amount of nutjobs get on that show. He says
"Yep, some caller called in and said to go look at the seismos at, and you could see the magma coming up."
ROFL. This is simply another case of "idiot tries to read seismograph and fails miserably, then calls a radio show with his untrue findings."
Funny thing is, I used to be one of those. But that was 12 years ago. I monitor the park's seismos daily with spectrographs to insure I never make
that mistake again- and with exception of the situation that happened when the Japan 9.0 quake hit (lol, I know, embarrassing)- I think I've been
pretty accurate in delivering news here about seismicity at YS.
That said, there are times occasionally when the park has to close specific areas of YS for various reasons. It''s a supervolcano. Things change,
areas heat up, cool down, uplift and subside. Gas emissions vary, and heat distribution varies in the rocks. It's all part of the flow there. Things
could change for the worse at any moment there, that is true, but so far the scientists have been right. Seismic tomography suggests there is just
simply not enough melted, eruptable magma down there to cause an eruption. At least for now.