Figures - I work like mad, rush all the way home, only to find I am the last one awake. Guess I'll head off to sleep myself, as everyone else is
Oh, and before I do, here's my little snippet to the story.
The noise before the ballroom
Having been left alone in the ballroom, Fossilera decided it was time to do some practicing; it was very rare that he could play the trumpet without
disturbing anyone, so he figured this would be the perfect time to do so.
Hiding behind the stage, he started playing the melodies of his youth; songs that older generations had heard, and forgotten, and newer generations
that were just now starting to hear them.
**Gong Sound**...Suddenly, the announcement was made to be ready in 15 minutes. "15 minutes!?? There's no way I can be ready by then!". So, rushing
out like a madman, he managed to pull together enough magic to generate some modest attire - A rainbow-colored dress shirt, sporting the logo of the
"Rainbow Warriors" (a quite common musical group; it seemed fitting) on the back, and dress pants to match.
Just as he thought he was ready to be on stage with the guys, he realized that his trumpet had been left neglected back behind the curtain. "Hmm,
perhaps no-one will notice me if I sneak in, empty the water, and sneak back around" he thought. He forgot about the magic of the place, for as soon
as he started blowing to empty the water, a horrendous sound filled the back stage - Had it not been for TrueBrit peeking around the corner, seeking
the source of the noise, I suppose one would have confused the noise with the sound of the stinky cat creating a ticking time bomb, or that of a human
who had consumed a large quantity of beans, beer and sauerkraut, and had decided it was too late to rush to the bathroom. Suddenly, two pixies
(Exasperated, "How did...where did...oh nevermind") came flying out of the end, giggling as if they had played the world's best joke. "Crazy pixies,"
He muttered, "they really shouldn't be messing with others instruments".
edit on 7/3/2014 by fossilera because: