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The Shed

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posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: jacygirl


I just got you and Tsu confused again so you both have my number, Tsu you'll need it for the gathering anyway.


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: jacygirl
a reply to: cody599

Friends abandoned me out of fear....I have no family.

WHAT!!!!......sorry Jacy hon....but I fail to see how you considered them your friends if they could abandon you out of fear I take it of your ex.....regardless of how obviously violent he could be.

Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn and got the wrong end of the stick


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: cody599
a reply to: jacygirl


I just got you and Tsu confused again so you both have my number, Tsu you'll need it for the gathering anyway.


I'm sure Jacy is pleased nonetheless.

Though remember Jacy, there is a five hour difference, times will have to be arranged. Conference call at the Gathering. How cool is that?

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I'm with you on that one Jane. No offense Shedders. Friends to me are family, regardless of blood. I know them. Almost every one else what I consider an acquaintance. (And there are varying degrees on that one).

But on that note, I wish I could attend the Gathering to get to know you all better and visa-a-versa. I'm always adventurous enough to add to my family. (But also honest enough to

I hope I didn't sound to cold there, but probably did. My apologies.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:35 PM
I just received texts from TSU and CODY....and now I'm bawling like a baby, lol.

I can't send replies until I top up my pay-as-you-go. I will do that tomorrow.
I'm so delighted to get messages from you both!
They made me really happy! Thank you!!!!!!

Jane....The friendships were one-sided, I found that out. I was the 'go-to' person, that helped everyone, no matter what. Yes, it was a horrible reality to find out that no one would 'be there' for me.
I'm hurt about it, but not bitter.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: jacygirl


I think my pc is about to crash back in a few

I've got photoshop open in a few too many places methinks LOL


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

I feel for ya Jacy. Been there, done that. It's not fun. But once you acknowledge it, it can be FREEDOM! (though you'll still have make the odd hard ball call)

To the rest of y'all...the boxes (or bed) beckons...OK...boxes. I need my kitchen back.

See y'all later.

And remember everybody, we've only 75 pages left.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: cody599

You all should be very grateful that I don't have woman, as Dawg likes to call me).

I'm sorry I unloaded, but I truly do feel much better...just knowing that somewhere out there...people care.
**group hug**

I've been back-tracking, and would like to thank Gordi for putting Sophie on the totem pole. She is quite chuffed.

Also, a big hello and *hug* to cc...or Mrs. Syx as I call her in my head! Please stay with people in the world live here!!

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Lol, the matron I worked for didn't look like one, that's the thing. She looked all sweet and angelic like that woman from the BBC Springwatch with her curly hair. She used to smile a lot too and give the impression that she was nice but as soon as you turned your back she would stab it. Sheesh, have you ever tried rebelling against a boss like that? I seriously had my work cut out with that one. It's a shame I didn't know Cody back then, I could have used some boss bashing tips.

What's wrong with the fifties look with flicked up sides anyway? That's my best look. I goes well with my neck and arm covering long black dress and flat shoes.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:46 PM
Good Morning To All of my Family of Friends here in The Shed! I am in a Gloriously Fine Mood This Morn.(Morn for me, but 1:10 in the AfterNoon here actually, Lol!)
YesterDay for a little Celebration of Our 27th Anniversary (of when We met) CCBears and I, The Syx, had a HomeCooked Meal. It was Fantastic!! Mrs. Syx made some Hand Crafted Mashed Potatoes, (leaving some very small chunks of Potatoe, Is how I, and Her like them), Oven Baked Corn, (Awesome Yumms) Rolls,(that when baked end up in layers) and I grilled some HUGE Pork Steaks on The Electric Grill outside. I know it is not the same as a CharCoal Grilling, but is easier and a bit faster using Electric to get the Steaks started......
Man Oh Man it was so Delish that I kept filling my Plate and Devouring even after being Way Too full!!!!!!
The after letting My System process the Shock from the Food Onslaught, we did a little house cleaning and some online activity.
It was about 2:45 this morn when CC decided to crash, and a few minutes later I joined Her for some Dessert. If Ya get the Drift, Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink! Lol!)
Afterwards I went OnLine again for a while. Next thing I know I woke up after falling out of My Computer Chair and crashed into some items in my PC Room here. My shoulder still hurts! LOL!!!
Thank You to some recent Welcome and Happy Anni Wish from a couple of You for my Better Half!!!!!!

_-_-_- TDawg, You made me laugh with the comment of something like 'If Syx has a better half, Then there's hope for me to find mine', LMAO!!!!!!

-_-_-_-_- Jacy I'm so UpSet/Angered and Feel for You with the way Your b/f relates to You!! So InAppropriate for him to Try to be The Control Master that he thinks He is, and that he can be the one moving Puppet Strings he has attached to You!
Even though CC is going through some issues that have Her acting Shy and MisTrusting to others at the moment, She would UnLeash a Verbal Attack on Him the he would at first be wondering if he should get a BaseBall Bat for defense, or Start running from a Possible Ass-Kicking that he would never forget. She is not really a fighter, but in this case She may just let the harness fall off and lose control completely to release the pent up anger of even a lot of things that none of which even pertain to Yer b/f at all!!!!!!

Sorry Guys for the length of this, but had a lot to say......

One more thing for now.
Cody! Thanx for Your HeartFelt and Insightful advice the other day on a matter here at home......
It helped me a LOT and seemed to work!! Gonna send You a PM in a bit......

Ok Guys, Shwewww! Done for now. Syx.

edit on 1-5-2014 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Tsu322

Ah but Tsu... you have the benefit of being cute and a little bit pixie like in aspect. You could get away with a bin sack and bed hair if you put your mind to it!

The woman to whom I am refering is more of the built like a brick craphouse, has a little beard happening persuasion, not to mention being the most foul tempered, squinty glared cow I ever met. This is a woman whose face could terrify the blind, whose voice could make the deaf wince, and who could inspire a person with no legs to run a marathons length to avoid her steely gaze and utter lack of compassion, her contempt for the species.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:56 PM
Aaaand.. .caught up.

Jane, you don't need to add the + signs, just the numbers. I tried and it worked! Woohoo! Maybe you need to change your phone plan?

I ROFL'ed when you said about giving the magnet to Homer! That might just work.

Dawg, don't put that magnet anywhere near your electricals like speakers, it will wreck them. You probably know already but just saying in case.

Gordi! Hugs! Does the mirrored win-dow stuff still give you privacy with the lights on? I'm thinking of getting some for my bedroom, the row of houses above can look straight down and in at the moment if I don't have the blinds shut.

Hehe Cody, it's a shame you realised your mistake, I could have phoned you with a cockney accent claiming to have caught you on speed camera and could you report to the nearest station. Spoilsport.

Jaky, I have had friends like that before, they really are not worth the bother, you are better off without them. I agree with what Dawg said, I have family (blood or otherwise) or aquaintences now.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: SyxPak

Cody! Thanx for Your HeartFelt and Insightful advice the other day

No probs Syx

Just keep it in mind for future reference

And give the wife a hug from us


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: SyxPak

Hey Syx! (*thank you*)

I did welcome Mrs. Syx a page or two ago...sorry, I'm an old secretary lol...when I see 'cc' together, in my head I hear 'carbon copy'....soooo....I call her Mrs. Syx!

I'm so glad you both had a wonderful anniversary! This is a full "Shed Day' for me, so I'm feeling much better.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

HeyJacy No Sorry's needed! I thought I mentioned a Thank You to anyone who recently, or yesterday wished us a happy Anni, and Welcomed CC for Her joining us here. If Not, appoligies to not doing so. Saying it now just in case,
THANK YOU to Everyone who sent good Wishes for Us and for Welcoming CC here!! LOL!!!
There those two things covered!!
Jacy remember EveryOne is Here for You if Ya need a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen to You. I hope You, or AnyOne else for that matter, know it is NOT a burden to Listen/Help for AnyThiing that is bothering You, if You drop a U2U or E-Mail with info on WhatEver topic is Troubling at the time.

Cody I know it's Probably No Prob, but just wanted to show You I appreciate it!
Will Give Huge Hugs for You Guys to CC when She wakes. Poor little thing is still sleeping. YesterDay and Last Night/Early this morn activity has really taken a Toll on Her it seems...... Well, Rest is good for Her and I'm sure She will be in Good Spirits when She re-enters this world from The Astral PlayGround.

K, over to You's. Syx.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Awww. Bless.

She sounds really evil! I don't even know if we had a nurse at our school, I can barely even remember the teachers lol. I had better things to be doing than going to school. Can you believe they have a no smoking policy?! Sheesh.

ROFL at your description of her, I'm going to have to ask my Nan if she was ever a school nurse. My Nan would probably make your school nurse look like a kitten playing with a ball of wool.

Syx! I'm glad your anniversary went well! Is there any of that corn still going? I could do with a snack.

Tell CC to read my own part of the story here, if anyone is nervous and distrustful of people it would be me. It's safe here though. I was really at my wits end with people last year and told everyone as soon as the cafe was shut down I was going to bugger off to a Buddhist monastry, shave my head and never come back. I'm not even a Buddhist I just wanted to be safe and with benevolent people for a change. The Shed is sooo much better though, I don't have to give up my vices!

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: SyxPak

Syx this may sound inane

I'm going to check my fruit and veg plants, not a major achievement you may ask.

But I live in an area full of junkies and morons, in a block of flats

If I get one strawberry I'll consider it a victory

Give me a few.....................................7 Count them 7 flowers, and the veg is looking good

Get in there Cody

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:59 PM
Spent the day helping a buddy retire his dining room's electric, what fun lol

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: cody599

LOL Cody!!!!!!

Damn, Junkies AND Morons?!??!?! What a Hell of a combination of neighbors!! LOL!!! Wow, must get pretty colorful around there at times, eh?

Hey, I'm gonna post a banner I made for the Avatar Creations Thread that anyone can use if they want. The dragon area can be replaced by You guys with another image of choice by whoever is wanting touse it. Or obviously they can keep Titan there if they so choose. I'll drop it on the page in a minute......
Oh, could You please post the second Banner You made fairly recently for me.
My Hard Drive crashed into the Permanently Dead Pile here and that image was saved to it.


posted on May, 1 2014 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: HomerinNC
Homer that sounds like fun to me! I love doing stuff like that. I spent a Summer working for some Professional Electricians who were wiring a Steel Manufacturing Plant that was being built. I was one of like 6 or 7 S"Summer Help" guys. Learned a lot so it was well worth the time spent there.
So when I built a 16 by 20 foot add-on to our house, I knew what to do to get the wiring done there. I did all the construction on it by myself. Had a bad back to boot, so it was a real challenge. My 'Friends' who had said they'd help me on the project never showed up to help. Must've been some of Jacy's 'friends'. Hate people who spout B.S. like they will help, or will do this or that, and don't follow through. Well I really found out who my friends were I guess.

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