Good Morning To All of my Family of Friends here in The Shed! I am in a Gloriously Fine Mood This Morn.(Morn for me, but 1:10 in the AfterNoon here
actually, Lol!)
YesterDay for a little Celebration of Our 27th Anniversary (of when We met) CCBears and I, The Syx, had a HomeCooked Meal. It was Fantastic!! Mrs.
Syx made some Hand Crafted Mashed Potatoes, (leaving some very small chunks of Potatoe, Is how I, and Her like them), Oven Baked Corn, (Awesome Yumms)
Rolls,(that when baked end up in layers) and I grilled some HUGE Pork Steaks on The Electric Grill outside. I know it is not the same as a CharCoal
Grilling, but is easier and a bit faster using Electric to get the Steaks started......
Man Oh Man it was so Delish that I kept filling my Plate and Devouring even after being Way Too full!!!!!!
The after letting My System process the Shock from the Food Onslaught, we did a little house cleaning and some online activity.
It was about 2:45 this morn when CC decided to crash, and a few minutes later I joined Her for some Dessert. If Ya get the Drift, Nudge Nudge, Wink
Wink! Lol!)
Afterwards I went OnLine again for a while. Next thing I know I woke up after falling out of My Computer Chair and crashed into some items in my PC
Room here. My shoulder still hurts! LOL!!!
Thank You to some recent Welcome and Happy Anni Wish from a couple of You for my Better Half!!!!!!
_-_-_- TDawg, You made me laugh with the comment of something like 'If Syx has a better half, Then there's hope for me to find mine', LMAO!!!!!!
-_-_-_-_- Jacy I'm so UpSet/Angered and Feel for You with the way Your b/f relates to You!! So InAppropriate for him to Try to be The Control Master
that he thinks He is, and that he can be the one moving Puppet Strings he has attached to You!
Even though CC is going through some issues that have Her acting Shy and MisTrusting to others at the moment, She would UnLeash a Verbal Attack on
Him the he would at first be wondering if he should get a BaseBall Bat for defense, or Start running from a Possible Ass-Kicking that he would never
forget. She is not really a fighter, but in this case She may just let the harness fall off and lose control completely to release the pent up anger
of even a lot of things that none of which even pertain to Yer b/f at all!!!!!!
Sorry Guys for the length of this, but had a lot to say......
One more thing for now.
Cody! Thanx for Your HeartFelt and Insightful advice the other day on a matter here at home......
It helped me a LOT and seemed to work!! Gonna send You a PM in a bit......
Ok Guys, Shwewww! Done for now. Syx.
edit on 1-5-2014 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)