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Will be Ukraine Civil War the very last trigger of WWIII? Is this the accomplishment of Garabandal?

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posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 11:22 AM

The Ukraine crisis turning into ww3 maybe.

No, it will not. About 10 years ago I got medially information about the Ukraine, when nothing at all was on the agenda concerning Ukraine. The 3. World War will have its main reason on the Balcans. However, the first country that will be attacked by the Russians will be Turkey.

“There will be terrorist attacks in the Ukraine. One attack concerns a tower building. “
(Channeling; 04 12 29)
(N.: The situation in the Ukraine could absolutely lead to a regional restricted war and can be therefore the starting point for the campaign of the Russians.)
“Russia will intervene actively in the Ukraine. They will come into the country.” Then I still see the number “18”. (Channeling 05 01 02)
On Tuesday, 18th March 2014 Putin signed the treaty of the entry of the Crimea to the Russian Federation. Representatives of the pro-Russian Crimean leadership put their signatures to the document in the Kremlin.

“Russia will not allow to be restricted and to be pushed back. They will form in a former state of the Soviet Union a bridgehead.” (Channeling; 05 05 26)

“Turkey, the south of Greece, Romania and Albania will be suddenly a theatre of war. This will be the first countries, which are involved, in the big war. Nevertheless, the war will come from the Balkans.” (Channeling; 99 07 26)
The 3. World War will begin like an extensive fire....

“Putin will attack Turkey.” (Channeling; 99 11 03)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by StefanParlow

Hi Dear StefanParlow,

For the way you describe the source of these predictions I am under the impression that is part of some mediumnity activity isn't it?

channeling is a word that is used by many spiritists, to denote communication with entities of the spiritual world.

What I can tell you from my own insights, and I am not spiritist at all, the only spirit that I may have contact with is perhaps the Holy Ghost, is that we are closer to WWIII than we believe.

The great tribulation announced to happen at the end of times is the kind of huge crisis , revolution and civil wars that we have seen have appeared increasingly in the last decades around the world:

Great war in between terrorism and antiterrorism 2001 - 2012: began with the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 and it continue all along the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, until the attack of the terrorist attack of Boston 2012.

Great recession of 2008-2011: the worst one ever experience for the world since the great depression of 1929 -1936

Series of civil wars and revolutions around the word 1988-2014: Collapse of all the communist regimes of Eastern Europe and reunification of Germany, Collapse of Soviet Union, Yugoslavia civil war, Somalia civil war, Venezuelan revolution, Salvatorian civil war, Colombian internal conflict, Mexican Economic collapse of 1995 and democratization process, Kosovo conflict, Sudan civil war, revolution of Tunisia, revolution of Libya, Syrian civil war, return of Sandinist regime in Nicaragua, Equator revolution, Bolivian revolution, Egyptian revolution and counterrevolution, Ukrainian coup d'etat.

The great warning announced to happen in our generation through the visions of Garabandal has been the series of seismic, metereologic and astronomical natural events we are seeing in this transition from 2004 to 2014:

Mega earthquake of Sumatra 2004-5: with magnitude 9.1 to 9.3 killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, the worst one seen in the Indian ocean basin released an incredible devastating tsunami.

Great Sichuan Earthquake China 2008: with 8.0 magnitude with 69,197 dead victims.

2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku, Japan: with 9.0 magnitude, It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have hit Japan. With confirmed 15,884 deaths, 6,148 injured, and 2,633 people missing across twenty prefectures

Massive earthquake of Haiti 2010: 7.0 magnitude ,the worst one ever occurred in the Caribbean basin, causing 316,000 dead victims.

earthquake of Xinjiang, China feb 2014: with 7.3 magnitude the total loss has totalled 1.08 billion CNY (177.5 million USD) with 18000 dead victims.

Galactic Alignment: that occurred in December of 2012. This was an alignment of our sun with the black hole that is in the center of the milky way. This event marked the end of the Maya Calendar.

Asteroids : like the one that exploited over the Ural region of Siberia in February 2023, followed by a bigger one that crossed the earths orbit and another one that struck the moon about a week after.

The four blood moons that we are going to watch in the sky on 2014 and 2015, interestingly each one happening on a Jewish holiday.

The wildest winter in a century: this one of 2013-14 that registered more snow storms than none other before in various generations with also the lowest temperatures.

There is people who claim that the Great warning is not biblical, that is absolutely wrong, only who ignores essential parts of the holy scriptures can affirm such a thing, the great warning it was clearly predicted to occur at the end of times, and not just in Garabandal, but since the time of the eschatological discourse of Jesus Christ, spoke to his disciples in the week previous to his death. You can read it either in the account according with St Matthew, St Mark or the one of St Luke:

St Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,and the stars will fall from heaven,and the powers of the heavens will be shaken;

St Mark 13:25"But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,and the stars will be falling from heaven,and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

Luke 21: 25-26 "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars,and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Here a good link about the eschatology of Jesus Christ:

Now, the revelation to St John in the island of Patmos, called usually as Apocalypses, the last book of the bible also clearly refer that there was going to be a great warning in Nature forces before the very last battle in between the evil and God (WWIII)

Revelation 9 (NIV)
9 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.

Even It is mentioned the number of soldiers that will take part in the great battle of the end of times, 200 million, in Armageddon:

Revelation 9 (NIV)
13 The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God. 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand. I heard their number.

I know many people is now obsessed with the figure of Vladimir Putin , but as a matter of fact Russia does not have anyway to be the country to give such a battle, since its total population is 147 million, in fact there is only one nation in earth that is able to have an army of such a size: The Peoples Republic of China. That nation is the one that will be by sure involved in such great battle at WWIII. Also that nation adores the image of the Dragon, and it is the Dragon who gives its power to the Beast according with the book of Revelation.

This is the reason for which I have warned that a possible support of China in favor of Ukraine may trigger WWIII.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

Revelation 16:13-16 (NIV) 13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14 They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.
15 “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”
16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

edit on 3/28/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,

Dear Readers,

This week a Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic church, HH. John XXIII was sanctified. This religious leader, that came to be the Bishop of Rome after being Patriarch of Venice and having an extensive diplomatic career that began being apostolic Nuncio in Turkey ,during WWII , and Ambassador of The Holy see in France, a little after the end of the war, was responsible of the major modernization of the Catholic church in the XX Century.

HH John XXIII and the Cuba missiles crisis of 1962

H H John XXIII was born as a humble peasant in vittorio venetto, close to the city of venice, he was a member of family of very common people that were extremely devoted and truly Christians.

Apart of the fact that he called the bishops of all the world to take part in the Vatican II council in 1963, and also to open it as an ecumenical event to representatives of other christian denominations, to make drastic changes in the Catholicism, like for instance to suppress the mandatory use of Latin as the liturgical language, He had a protagonist role in to stop the nuclear missiles crisis of Cuba in 1962.

The Pope wrote a public letter directed to the two state men that were dealing with that so grave crisis, calling them for a dialog, to be open to any possibility of negotiation in order to prevent a nuclear Armageddon that could annihilate humanity.

The content of that letter that refrained the spirit of war in both leaders and their advisers, John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev was the following:

We beg all governments not to remain deaf to this cry of humanity. That they do all that is in their power to save peace. They will thus spare the world from the horrors of a war whose terrifying consequences no one can predict. That they continue discussions, as this loyal and open behaviour has great value as a witness of everyone’s conscience and before history. Promoting, favouring, accepting conversations, at all levels and in any time, is a rule of wisdom and prudence which attracts the blessings of heaven and earth. H.H. Pope John XXIII

It is so much important to understand that no nation of the world, under no circumstance and in defense of no cause, has the right to push humanity into a Nuclear Armageddon, and who ever works for such an evil cause is destined to perish under the same destructive power that action might release.

Historically, any country that has tried to conquer the world, trying to impose its own rule to other free nations, has always ended fallen under the same brutality that it might used with others:

- Napoleon Bonaparte that conquered not only the major part of Europe, but also invaded north Africa sent France to a complete collapse after to have spread terrible violence along many nations in the beginning of XIX century.

- The confederate States of America that tried to maintain alive the rule of slavery into modern times,as a valid way to create wealth, fired a terrible civil war that at the end made it collapse not only politically, but also economically in 1867.

- The Turkish Ottoman empire that tyrannized many nations of middle east and Africa, treating as slaves nations that were also their fellow muslims, fell absolutely collapse in 1918.

- The Nippon empire that harassed and slavering many nations, conquering by extreme violence almost all the far east also ended defeated by the power of the first nuclear bombs of History.

- Nazi Germany and the fascist Italy that conquered together almost 2 thirds of Europe through the very arrogant thesis of the racial supremacy came down completely collapsed in 1945.

- All the great European Empires ( France, England, Belgium, Nederlands, Spain, Portugal, etc) that for centuries imposed the law of the stronger one, to plunder and looter other nations also became victims of the same invent they devised, when the Nazism and Fascism pushed Germany and Italy to conquer them.

- The USSR that during 7 decades spread the hatred and violence among peoples of different social condition, conquering with terrible violence many nations around the world, under the tyranny of the Communism, fell by its own weight in 1991.

- Colombia, when was tyrannized and used by the multinational of the organized crime to try to slave humanity under the power of the traffic of narcotics , also became collapsed economically in the end of the 1990s. A similar has occurred in this century to Mexico that also became controlled by the same evil mafia power.

Americans and Russians must understand at this moment that if they allow their hard line politicians to continue pushing the world in the abyss of war, not only by firing Ukraine in a cruel civil war, but perhaps other European countries, they will carry to themselves a so negative force, a terrible curse boosted by this so grave sin, that by sure would produce the same fatal results other countries that have played the same arrogant game before have experienced in the past.

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword (Matthew 26:52, King James Version)

King James Bible Matthew 5, 9.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 4/28/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

If the Ukrainians have forgotten Chernobyl and won't fight for their freedom, then I guess they miss waiting in line for toilet paper.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: maxzen2004
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Chernobyl was a terrible tragedy not only for Ukraine but also for other countries that were very close to that area, as Belarus, Russia and Poland. It is proven that was an accident that happened during the Soviet Union Rule.

Now, what was the Soviet Union? it was the former name of the Russian Empire? well certainly not, if we check among all the statesmen that ruled it along its 70 years, plus the five years of civil war the preceded them, we are going to find something extremely interesting: ( now that is so popular in the media to find claims of ethnic Russians living in one or other country)

Only Vladimir Lenin and Mikhail Gorbachev, the very first and last one of the Soviet leaders, who were together just about a decade in power, were at least in part ethnically Russian, although not even 50%, but around 30% of their genome was actually Russian.

- Vladimir I Ulianov ( alias Lenin) , the leader of the Bolshevik party and founder of the USSR , was half Swedish- German Jewish ( from his maternal side) half Mongolian mixed with Siberian people from his paternal one . His mothers family converted from Judaism to Lutheranism just a generation before his birth.

- Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jugashvili ( alias Stalin) who ruled 30 years the USSR, 1923-1953, being the man that was for more time in power of that state, was completely Georgian, he didn't have just one drop of Russian Blood in his veins.

- Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov , who was born in the border of The Russian Federation and Kazhajstan, and that ruled just for 2 years1953-55 ,the USSR, was the son of Macedonian immigrants, so he was not ethnically Russian at all.

- Nikita Vladimirovich Khrushev, Soviet Leader from 1955 to 1964, was born in the border between The Russian Federation and Ukraine, from Ukrainian parents, he was ethnically Cossack. He started his political career as a communist leader of the workers of Donetsk Ukraine. It is because his ties with Ukraine that he decided being in power to take Crimea from Russia and transfer to Ukraine.

- Leonid Brezhnev, who ruled the USSR from 1964 to 1982, was the second Soviet leader with more time in power. He was born in Dniprodzerzhynsk( today called Kamenskoye) , an industrial city in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of Ukraine, and a port on the Dnieper River. In the 1920s Brezhnev worked as a land surveyor and later became an engineer in the iron and steel industries of Ukraine.

- Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov , who ruled only from 1982 to 1983, was born in in Nagutskaya, Stavropol Region, North Caucasus from Cossack ancestry, Ukrainian ethnically, in his paternal side and Finish Jewish in his maternal.

- Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, also ruled the USSR from 1983 to 1985, was born to a poor family in the village of Bolshaya Tes (now in Novosyolovsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai) , borders with the autonomous Siberian republic of Khakasia, on 24 September 1911. His father, Ustin Demidovich (of Ukrainian origin),worked in copper and gold mines while his mother took care of the farm work.

- Mikhail Gorbachev, who ruled the USSR from 1985 until its collapse in 1991, He was born on 2 March 1931 in Stavropol, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union, into a mixed Russian-Ukrainian family of migrants from Voronezh and Chernigov Governorates.

It is quite interesting to see the way you say that Ukrainian people must fight for their supposed independence, i am wondering independence of what? ....or from whom??

it is clear that the USSR in its 70 years of History, was ruled at least 34 years by Ukrainians, 30 years by Georgians, 2 years by a Macedonian and the rest of the time by Jewish-Nordic European or North-eastern Mongolian leaders. Russians were almost excluded of the high spheres of power in Soviet times. The idea that the USSR was an evil Russian Empire is more a myth, created by the cold war propaganda, than reality.

Instead to be worry of a mythic dependence ,created by the propaganda of the media, that supposedly Ukraine has had from Russia, what it must matter now for all of us is the very real danger to the world peace and the stability of the global economy that this crisis might represent if it is not stopped quickly.

There so much to lose in an eventual collapse in civil war in that country, not only for their people, but for the stability and security of a lot of European countries in its perimeter. That is what we must be focus right now, since an international conflict fired by this perfectly can end in a Nuclear Armageddon, and a global economic depression, something that would make look Chernobyl as a mere joke .

We are living in a time in which all the prophecies are pointing to a major international conflict followed by a world economic collapse. It is not only Garabandal, that was accepted as a valid vision by authentic mystics of the Christendom like Saint Father Pio, but even Nostradamus warned us about it.

Nostradamus clearly stated that WWIII will explode a little after it was going to be seen a conjunction of Mars, Mercury and the Sun on the sign of Aquarius , and that so rare astronomical event occurred in February of 2013, in the same epoch that the asteroid exploded over the Ural mountains.

We need to understand that this is time to pray to God for the world Peace and not to call for the support of political conflicts that are being agitated in a so irresponsible way by people that believe they can profit from war. Almost the same circles of extremely rich, ambitious and powerful people that profited a lot of Iraq war, and later with their speculations over gasoline sent America to the Great recession, are in behind this.

The truth is that we all are going to lose a lot if this war becomes international, if the collision of the fanatic nationalisms involve NATO against Russia. No body is safe of the consequences of a Nuclear war, even if you have dug for years an underground shelter to live over there during it.


The Angel of Lightness

Quatrain 09-73: the secret of the Urn

The Blue Turban King entered into Foix
And he will reign less than a rotation of Saturn.
The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished,
Sun, Mars and Mercury near the urn.

edit on 5/5/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

The week begins with new factors that instead to deactivate the crisis in Ukraine are making it even more complex and also more volatile. Various regions of the East of the country have had referendums this sunday, in which the people had three options to vote:

1) To remain in their current status in Ukraine.
2) To move to political autonomy still in Ukraine.
3) To declare its independence from Ukraine with full sovereignty.
4) To join in Autonomy to the Federation of Russia

By this hour from polls it seems that the majority of the population has voted for the last three choices, although it is difficult to define with precision the exact outcome. It is probably question of days to see if this trigger a huge confrontation in between the civil population of those regions and the Ukrainian authorities, this since Kiev has declared illegal these election.

Again, a Prayer is urgently needed to ask God for his divine intervention to stop the terrible danger of a civil war in a country that just four months ago was still stable, living in harmony among its different ethnical groups and also proclaiming a neutral role in the international arena neither into NATO and neither in military alliance with Russia, enhancing links with the neighbor Europe but maintaining a friendly relationship with Russia in continuation of the 1000 years of their shared history.

These are the reports of various international agencies on Eastern Ukraine current referendums:

My prayer is today to the Saint patrons of Ukraine and Russians : St Andrew, St Nicholas, St Basili, St Cyril, St George for Peace and asking for enlighten of all the Ukrainians that must weight in this moment all their decisions and think in all the consequences that can emerge from them.

It is only Holy Ghost who can open the mind of the citizens of that land, what ever their ethnical background it is, to decide if Ukraine will remain as a united nation, playing an important neutral role in between the political blocks, as we have known it since 1991 or if its disintegration will be peaceful as it was the one of Czechoslovakia preventing an extremely violent one as it happened with Yugoslavia.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 5/11/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Ukraine is NOT the harbinger of WWIII.

NWO is fooling all people of the world. The NWO reporting of events is biased and one-sided.

The WWIII will start in the middle-east. The main actor to watch is Saudi Arabia.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: GargIndia

Hi Dear GargIndia,

Can you explain a little more your position with respect of what is going on right now in Ukraine?

What exactly is the NWO you refer to? Are you referring to some New World order , a hypothetic World hidden Government?

Thanks for your post.

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 5/11/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: GargIndia
a reply to: The angel of light

Ukraine is NOT the harbinger of WWIII.

NWO is fooling all people of the world. The NWO reporting of events is biased and one-sided.

The WWIII will start in the middle-east. The main actor to watch is Saudi Arabia.

I have different information:

“Turkey, the south of Greece, Romania and Albania will be suddenly a theatre of war. This will be the first countries, which are involved, in the big war. Nevertheless, the war will come from the Balkans.” (Channeling; 99 07 26)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

"The New World Order" or "The West" is a grouping of religious, political and economic entities that is the ruling power structure of the World at this time.

There is nothing hidden about it. They are all over the place.

However power is slipping from NWO hands and will continue to slip due to remarkable moral degradation of Western societies.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: StefanParlow

originally posted by: GargIndia
a reply to: The angel of light

Ukraine is NOT the harbinger of WWIII.

NWO is fooling all people of the world. The NWO reporting of events is biased and one-sided.

The WWIII will start in the middle-east. The main actor to watch is Saudi Arabia.

I have different information:

“Turkey, the south of Greece, Romania and Albania will be suddenly a theatre of war. This will be the first countries, which are involved, in the big war. Nevertheless, the war will come from the Balkans.” (Channeling; 99 07 26)

The reading quoted by you does have a ring of truth, as Muslims will march westward. However the leader will be Saudi Arabia, not Turkey.

There is no connection with Ukraine. The West is wasting its resources in Ukraine. It happens as in Sanskrit saying "Vinaash Kaale Vipriit Buddhi" or the ability to judge works opposite when destruction is near.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: GargIndia

“Russia will not allow to be restricted and to be pushed back. They will form in a former state of the Soviet Union a bridgehead.” (Channeling; 05 05 26)

“Putin will attack Turkey.” (Channeling; 99 11 03)

Chinese troops are in Europe. It might be the time after the Russia campaign. There rules complete poverty, one can feel and see it. Any garment, which protects against cold, is used.
There is no public transport and no private traffic. Small groups of Chinese control the everyday life. Provided, that somebody has meat at home, he must prepare it secretly, because food stocks are controlled. Everybody which has grown a small vegetable plant feels like a golden mine owner. In the country, one can go at night still secretly by car, although also this is not allowed. Because there is no more petrol or diesel, it is in such a case, nevertheless, it may be already the last exit. You can also no longer move freely. There are checkpoints repeatedly, which one may not pass. Everybody pays attention not to strike. Aim there is to be remained unobtrusive, as a tried "brotherhood" has immediately disagreeable consequences. (Vision; 10 06 18)
Free yourself from the thought that immediately after the defeat of the Russians, there is harmony and joy in Europe.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: StefanParlow

I do not agree with this vision.

You must focus on the Muslim world where exploding populations along with aspirations are tearing the social fabric apart.

There is too much stress in Muslim societies which will ultimately convert into aggression or fighting against non-Muslims.

The Chinese will come in as peace-keepers at least initially, if they arrive in Europe. There is no possibility of Chinese arriving as attackers.

The Russians are not going to attack Western Europe.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: GargIndia
a reply to: StefanParlow

I do not agree with this vision.

The Russians are not going to attack Western Europe.

I accept that you do not believe my visions. However, I have had many proven succesful visions and channelings in the past. So for me it´s the truth. Concerning the attack of Russia against Europe. I hade more or less more than 100 visions and channelings concerning this matter.

It´s not my job to convince you because I am no messiah. My job is to offer information. One will profit, one not. Have a nice day. :-)

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: StefanParlow

You may believe your visions to be true; but you do not have any of the qualities of a Learned.

So you will only mislead people. May be that is your job.

The real seer does not need any visions. He can know anything he wishes to know. Anyway truth is too much for you, so I am going to stop here.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: GargIndia
a reply to: StefanParlow

You may believe your visions to be true; but you do not have any of the qualities of a Learned.

So you will only mislead people. May be that is your job.

The real seer does not need any visions. He can know anything he wishes to know. Anyway truth is too much for you, so I am going to stop here.

I accept your subjective view of this subject. Have a nice day.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: GargIndia
a reply to: StefanParlow

You may believe your visions to be true; but you do not have any of the qualities of a Learned.

So you will only mislead people. May be that is your job.

The real seer does not need any visions. He can know anything he wishes to know. Anyway truth is too much for you, so I am going to stop here.

The matter-of-fact-persons, have as boundary of their comprehension the terrestrial, all that one sees - thus is only a tiny fraction of the being! Only what is certain, is reality. Many believe to have arrived at the climax of the knowledge (n.: What also is right, because they bump by her restricted thinking their borders and are not able to move any further.) and try to devaluate the seer by mockery or violence and to drag him down into the dull stupor of the masses.

The intellect is bound to space and time - ground-based. The prophet however carries the vibration of a refined sensibility in himself, which rises over space and time and thus the conceptuality of the earthly spirit cannot detect it. God and his working are independent of space and time, therefore limited understanding people can never judge which comes from God and cannot judge already at all. The understanding is not qualified to bring clarification of eternity values. The antennas for the spiritual truth are others than for rational realization.

The tone of the divine being always sounds. However, the question arises, whether you already swing in such a way that the divine finds resonance in you. The opportunity to do the experience is here at every moment. There is no moment in life in which the ray of the divine being could not hit you. Meditation is the ideal “training method” - the basis to be a resonance body for divine truth.

posted on May, 29 2014 @ 10:45 AM
Russia is very unlikely to be the cause of a major war. There are many reasons - the primary being the declining population of Russia, and the secondary being deficiency in industrial sector.

Some people may dream of Russia going to war with Europe and may have an axe to grind. What more needs to be said about it.

Many of NWO policies are bad for Asia and Russia, and Russians are likely to act to protect their interests. The same will happen to other Asian countries as well as many countries move to protect their interests.

The danger of a worldwide conflagration remains in the unmanageable Muslim populations.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:41 AM
ATS Thread - Joey Lomangino has passed away

So ... Joey Lomangino has passed away. He was promised 'new eyes' by the fake seers. He died without getting his eyesight. He died after spending his whole life dedicated to the garbandal hoax. Very sad.

More proof Garbandal is a hoax and that the Catholic church was correct when it ... EIGHT TIMES ... declared Garabandal not to be supernatural in origin.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: GargIndia

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

First, Let me explain that I entered in some kind of recess for weeks into post new updates in this thread and into comment or respond replies due to my professional activities. I am a researcher and I also have teaching duties with one of the top Universities of the country, so the end of the academic period consumed all my time.

I want to thanks the replies of the members that came into the thread in my absence, specially the multiple ones of StefanParlow and GagIndia, all of them are pretty interesting, I have checked the posts in detail.

What I have to comment is the following:

- I agree that WWIII would have a major triggering ingredient coming from middle east. I have mentioning this in many of my threads for years, regional conflicts like the ones in Syria, the aggravation of the Iraq that on these days is reaching really extremely worrying levels, the tensions in between Israel and Iran, the so complex political situation in which Egypt is right now are all major factors that can any time go into out of control.

- However, the Ukrainian crisis is going also to have its own important role, it will be like the Spanish Civil war was for WWII. The fight among Ukraine and Russia for Crimea and other border regions will be very like the Conflict among Austria and Serbia for Bosnia Herzegovina was before WWI.

- Many Islamic fundamentalist groups are seeing right now the actions of Russia in Eastern Europe as a demonstration that NATO and USA are not as strong as they look like, also the inability of the UN to stop that conflict is going to project the image that they also can overthrow governments and the international reaction would not have any impact against that. They are getting inspiration for their own causes in the way Putin is handle this crisis.

- The collision in between NATO and Russia for what remains to happen in the Ukrainian Crisis is practically unavoidable, there is no point of agreement, and the new recently elected government of Kiev is taking decisions that are going to trigger a great fire in an environment that has been extremely volatile since the winter.

Pls read:

Finally, I want to add that the importance of Garabandal as a perfectly valid divine apparition with a powerful message for humanity does not come from what the hierarchy of the Catholic church can say about.

Garabandal was certified as authentic by two major figures of the Catholic faith that expressed their absolute confidence on it publicly in multiple times, they are:

Father Pius, who is a Saint and by far the greatest Catholic Mystic of the XX century and Mother Theresa of Calcutta who is Nobel peace Prize and founder of a Catholic order.

Please Read:

About Father Pius and Garabandal:

About Mother Theresa and Garabandal:

Now, certainly there is no official approval of the Holy See with respect to Garabandal, as well as there is no coming one from the Bishop of Santander, but it is not true that they have condemned it, and definitively it is quite false that any Catholic authority has ever claimed that it was a hoax.

Pls read:

From where is coming a lot of resistance against Garabandal? it is not actually from the Catholic Hierarchy, but from sects that are against any possibility that visions of divine origin can occur in Catholic circles, because that is an evidence that they don't have the monopoly over truth and that also the claims that they have supported along years that there is no communion in between the Catholic Church and God are not valid, that the Holy Ghost is still present in the lives of millions of Catholics around the world.

Thanks for your comments,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 6/20/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

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