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Democrat Says All Military Veterans are Mentally Ill !

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posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 05:33 PM
Well then, by the same token, all Cops, Sheriff's & FBI are in the same boat and have killer instincts they enjoy....... LOOK, you can't have it both ways....

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 05:36 PM
And YES I an a VET, a Vietnam Vet, a Huey Helicopter Doorgunner.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 10:10 PM
How many times in this thread does it have to be pointed out that she really didn't say that?

Some people just want to believe lies.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 10:31 PM

How many times in this thread does it have to be pointed out that she really didn't say that?

Some people just want to believe lies.

What she says is usually so indicative of a brain dead zombie it probably doesn't matter. She is just looking for live brains to feed on now in the mental state she is in.. For proof just look at her current supporters, she already got to them though.. They are no longer able to fend for themselves. (Just don't get bit or scratched by one)..

edit on 23-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by nighthawk1954


The quote you for Sen. Feinstein is an outright LIE. Period, plain and simple. I listened to the YouTube recording you linked to. Perhaps you should try listening to it as well before posting such mendacities.

The bill she was on the record discussing was an assault weapon ban, and some Senators want to make an exception to it for retired veterans. Her point was that, because of the high level of PTSD among vets from the Iraq War, there needs to be a way to screen out Vets with mental issues from having access to assault weapons. Personally, I don't know why any person not in the military or law enforcement should be allowed to carry assault rifles, and I definitely don't understand why veterans who are now civilians should be given greater access to more dangerous weapons, such as assault rifles, than any other civilian citizens.

I'm no fan of Feinstein, but what she is saying is quite reasonable. In fact I am disappointed that she is for any exemption to the assault rifle ban for discharged veterans.

Here we have yet again gun freaks and conservatives either misinformed and claiming falsehoods, or outright lying. But then what's new at ATS...

And reading many of the posts here, apparently most of the posters slamming Feinstein and libruls and such didn't bother to actually listen to what she really said either. Very sad and pathetic commentary on the level of critical thinking and intellectual honesty of many an ATS'er. Talk about sheeple...

edit on 24-2-2014 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:06 AM

How many times in this thread does it have to be pointed out that she really didn't say that?

Some people just want to believe lies.

Sorry, @CH, but these people aren't going to listen to reason -- let alone facts. Even the one person who acknowledged you may be correct goes on to say that she is a brain dead zombie needing to eat live brains. These people whip themselves up into a lather on anything printed that validates their world view. And each person chiming in causes more people to chime in that they agree and how much they hate Feinstein and how this shows just what all the durn libruls and Democrats are about -- not that Feinstein is a liberal by any stretch of the imagination; she is one of the most hawkish Democrats in the Senate.

I read through all the posts, and in four pages of them perhaps two people point out that she didn't really say what is being claimed.

"Deny ignorance"? More like deny your ignorance, people; that's all you're doing here.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by CryHavoc

She may have not said what the OP hinted, but lord have mercy, the hag is well known to have a fetish when it comes to guns and the second admendmet in the nation, if you leave it to her she will erase the second amendment so no Americans have rights to bear arms in the nation.

She is a rabid dog when it comes to lobbying as an anti gun advocate.

Her record speak for itself.
edit on 24-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:39 AM

reply to post by CryHavoc

She may have not said what the OP hinted, but lord have mercy, the hag is well known to have a fetish when it comes to guns and the second admnented in the nation, if you leave it to her she will erase the second amendment so no Americans have rights to bear arms in the nation.

She is a rabid dog when it comes to lobbying as an anti gun advocate.

Her record speak for itself.

in addition to her "no guns for the peasants" dictum she was known to concealed carry a weapon in her purse or on her body until this became an embarrassment to her politically making her a supreme hypocrite. and she still has armed bodyguards.
edit on 24-2-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by stormbringer1701

Occurs she does, like many other politirats that are big anti gun also, see in their littler world these elite of crap politicians believe that the only ones that have the right to own guns and protect themselves is them.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 12:27 PM
As a Vet I'd like to take this opportunity to say "F@#k off Feinstein. Nobody cares about what you say."

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:12 PM
John Kerry, John McCain are mentally ill. It is officially on record. That being said, how do we remove them from office for being unfit for duty?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:28 PM

reply to post by nighthawk1954


The quote you for Sen. Feinstein is an outright LIE. Period, plain and simple. I listened to the YouTube recording you linked to. Perhaps you should try listening to it as well before posting such mendacities.

The bill she was on the record discussing was an assault weapon ban, and some Senators want to make an exception to it for retired veterans. Her point was that, because of the high level of PTSD among vets from the Iraq War, there needs to be a way to screen out Vets with mental issues from having access to assault weapons. Personally, I don't know why any person not in the military or law enforcement should be allowed to carry assault rifles, and I definitely don't understand why veterans who are now civilians should be given greater access to more dangerous weapons, such as assault rifles, than any other civilian citizens.

I'm no fan of Feinstein, but what she is saying is quite reasonable. In fact I am disappointed that she is for any exemption to the assault rifle ban for discharged veterans.

Here we have yet again gun freaks and conservatives either misinformed and claiming falsehoods, or outright lying. But then what's new at ATS...

And reading many of the posts here, apparently most of the posters slamming Feinstein and libruls and such didn't bother to actually listen to what she really said either. Very sad and pathetic commentary on the level of critical thinking and intellectual honesty of many an ATS'er. Talk about sheeple...

edit on 24-2-2014 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

My tongue-in-cheek reply to the OP aside, I'd like to state that you have some very compelling points. Also as a disclaimer, I'd like to point out that I myself am not a gun freak. Don't really like 'em myself. Having said that though, I strongly believe that the founding fathers never intended the military to have weapons the common man could not also possess, and vice versa. In my readings I could find nothing that would indicate otherwise. Now I agree with the assertion of why would Joe Average need a "civilian" M-4? It's not practical for hunting or self defense. Conversely, in 1776 not everybody on the block had a 10lb cannon. In this current era of warfare, it's silly that people think they "need" this stuff.

I would have to posit that the real head-scratcher with "gun grabbers" is that their movement is seemingly under the impression that no guns equals utopia. This is also silly. Evil, disturbed people use whatever is at their disposal to commit acts of atrocity. Just look at the stabbing sprees we see abroad.

In conclusion, I believe people blindly cling to guns (or hate them) without thinking about the important things in life, or at the very least, what is practical, pragmatic, or logical.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

Just another POS politician with the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality.

Ya know, people used to burn people like at the stake after moving through witch trials.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:01 PM

reply to post by CryHavoc

She may have not said what the OP hinted, but lord have mercy, the hag is well known to have a fetish when it comes to guns and the second admendmet in the nation, if you leave it to her she will erase the second amendment so no Americans have rights to bear arms in the nation.

She is a rabid dog when it comes to lobbying as an anti gun advocate.

Her record speak for itself.
edit on 24-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

"she may not have said what the OP hinted"? Huh? The OP didn't "hint" at anything. He provided a written quote of the false statement. That is not a hint, that is libel. The OP is posting complete lies. Period. Don't try to spin it any other way.

Wanna call Feinstein a hag? Fine. That's essentially what I think of her too, but I don't call her that. Do you call old male senators whom you don't like old goats or some such thing? If not, you're being sexist.

As for her "fetish" on gun control, if you think trying to keep assault rifles out of the hands of veterans with PTSD is a gun control fetish, then you have a most severe gun fetish.

And has for the people who claim that the 2nd Amendment is there to allow citizens to take back their government, given all the constitutional crimes by the last two presidential administrations and all the illegal violence that police get away with, and all the claims that Obama is a tyrant or dictator or even a traitor, I have seen any of you macho gun advocates taking your government back. All I see is a bunch of scared chick scats who shoot people who knock on their front doors asking for help after a car accident.

And I also see people still piping in on how terrible Feinstein is for having said this horrible thing about veterans, even after I have clearly pointed out that this was not what she said.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

Why should we respect their opinion?

If they believe that x group are too impared to be trusted with a firearm then they are too impared to pay taxes or vote democrat.

The people who are mentally ill are the ones who seek to manipulate others.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

It isn't a lie that Feinstein carries a gun in her purse that is loaded, and that she is publically supportive for disarming Americans with exclusions for herself. This is the same behavior she has applied to her Obama care enrollment for her staff. They get to "Opt out" unlike what the illegal law says everyone else must do..

This says to me that she should be strapped in to ole sparky and sizzled with some genuine shock therapy.

It also says that anyone that listens to her or continues to support her enjoys living in her world that raises standards for themselves and expects all the rest to be trampled under their feet. Not the life of sanity or sensibility in any way, shape, or form.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

I would be mentally ill to if I was drafted into the army and sent into a war that was none of my business and forced to kill my follow man so just maby I could return home to my wife and child only to find my wife ran out on me with some other guy and took our child as well. Only then to be put through years of therapy at the cost of the state to end up in a nursing home with 24 hour care cause im battleing extreme depression and a long term mental illness that the government kindly gave me.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by MrInquisitive

I have to laugh at your post, don't get me wrong, I call all politicians nothing but private pimps whores, but darn you got me laughing, after all she does have a record of been one of the most anti guns political hags out there.

Trying to sugar coat what she is trying to do is just laughable.

edit on 24-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:48 PM

reply to post by MrInquisitive

It isn't a lie that Feinstein carries a gun in her purse that is loaded, and that she is publically supportive for disarming Americans with exclusions for herself. This is the same behavior she has applied to her Obama care enrollment for her staff. They get to "Opt out" unlike what the illegal law says everyone else must do..

This says to me that she should be strapped in to ole sparky and sizzled with some genuine shock therapy.

It also says that anyone that listens to her or continues to support her enjoys living in her world that raises standards for themselves and expects all the rest to be trampled under their feet. Not the life of sanity or sensibility in any way, shape, or form.

I never said that it is a lie that she carries a gun in her purse. So what on earth is your point? I said the main claim of this thread is an outright lie, and none of you *ahem* folks going on an on about how terrible Feinstein is for having said this thing, WHICH SHE DIDN'T SAY, and admitted or acknowledged that. And here you are changing the subject. Not that I am surprised on iota as that's they way you people roll. You can't win a debate on facts, so you change the subject.


posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:04 PM

reply to post by MrInquisitive

I have to laugh at your post, don't get me wrong, I call all politicians nothing but private pimps whores, but darn you got me laughing, after all she does have a record of been one of the most anti guns political hags out there.

Trying to sugar coat what she is trying to do is just laughable.

edit on 24-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

How am I sugar coating things? But explaining what her position actually was on this bill, i.e. that if veterans are going to be allowed an exemption to an assault rifle ban, that there must be a way to keep veterans with mental issues -- particularly PTSD -- from getting such weapons.

And again I'll ask: do you call male Senators you don't like "old goats" or some such thing?

I get it that you and a lot of others here don't like Feinstein. I don't like Feinstein. She's a corporate Democrat who supports wars and the surveillance state; however, she does toe the party line on most social issues, which for me is her only good point. I realize that a lot of you hate her for this as well.

My point, WHICH NONE OF YOU HAS ACKNOWLEDGED YET, is that the maim premise of this thread is flat-out false if not an intentional lie, and that all of you have been chiming in on how bad she is for having said this thing, which she didn't in fact say, even after I and at least one other poster have pointed this out.

You want to have a thread about Diane Feinstein being an evile librul hag of a Democratic Senator? Fine. Knock yourselves out. I don't care, and I wouldn't bother to read such a clearly inane thread, let alone respond to it. But this thread is based on a complete lie about what she said and her POV on this assault rifle bill, and the title is posed such as to suggest that Democrats in general think that all veterans have mental issues, so I'm calling the OP and all of you Democrat-hating fellow travelers on your B.S. If you want to have your Democrat-hating echo-chamber threads not rained on by people like myself giving you the facts, then don't lie in the first place and most certainly don't create threads with egregiously false headlines.

You wanna laugh at my posts? My post makes you laugh? You really think I care what any of you think, given your and most everyone else in this thread's demonstrated lack of critical thinking and/or reading/listening skills? Now that's a hoot.

I've also yet to see one of the earlier posters acknowledge that they got all indignant at Feinstein for a libelous false statement attributed to her, which anybody could have easily checked on by listening to the two and a half minute youtube clip that recorded what she actually said.
edit on 24-2-2014 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

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