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Are the aliens benevolent?

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posted on Nov, 29 1973 @ 03:33 PM
this is a test

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 06:46 AM
Many abduction experiences appear to be frightning however in many cases "they" seem to do there best at casusing minimal harm, but they do abduct people without their consent so what are there motives?

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 07:31 AM
Consider abductions from 'the greys'...

In almost all abduction cases I have heard of, abductees (from those that could recall something about the experience) report some kind of medical procedures being performed. - Most likely trying to create some kind of hybrids - purpose unknown.

Anyway - I believe that they focus on their mission, and if neccessary will cause harm to humans. So yes, I think they do care, but compared to the importance of their mission *to them*, one persons abduction experience is of little concern.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 07:39 AM
Oh yes. I have to add that not all appear to be *good*. I guess it depends on what types of aliens they are

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 05:57 PM
I tend to think that David Jacobs is right.

The aliens are creating a hybrid race more advanced than us to live on Earth.

If this theory is true, there is an interesting conclusion: advanced species help developing species to survive, so the number of intelligent species may be much more than previously though. I believe in Drake's equation, the factor given to the survival probability of a species in 1/10, it is maybe closer to 1.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 06:17 PM
We abduct animals in a way. The abductions might be just like that. Helping or studying us could easily be an explanation.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
We abduct animals in a way. The abductions might be just like that. Helping or studying us could easily be an explanation.

This theory does not explain why they're doing very large numbers of hybrids.

What's more, if they were just helping us (homo sapiens), there would not be hunger all over the planets, and countless abominable wars.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 07:41 PM
How can you tell if the aliens- which may not even be real- are making hybrids? Don't say abductees. They, I think, have a mental problem just like parasitosis.

"...But Ronald K. Siegel, associate research professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at UCLA and author of Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia' (Crown), does not agree. 'Those details don't point to anything more than a common mental experience, not unlike parasitosis, the belief you're being infested by parasites,' Siegel says. 'Medical history documents that people who suffer from parasitosis reported the same parasites and drew the same drawings, with the same details. Given an infinite variety of stimulations, the brain responds in a finite number of ways.'..."

My last comment was just something to think about.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 08:47 PM
I say it: abductees..

I'm pretty sure abductions are real. No other mental phenomena can explain what happens to these people.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Fearofthedark
I say it: abductees..

I'm pretty sure abductions are real. No other mental phenomena can explain what happens to these people.

I agree. There are many, many arguments that support the truth in this case.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 09:51 PM
It could easily be a mental problem though. Just like parasitosis with self-infliction added on. Another thing a believer can say is "In-side some abductees are unknowen small, round objects."
Does anyone know how rare they are? Extremely.

Here's a quote from myself to add on more skeptic thoughts.

Originally posted by Cammo Dude
She might have told the truth, but everyone else has to try to find a different reason (That's good. You will see that in my next points.). The problem is that there isn't any physical proof that this really happened.

You may say, "But in her regression, she said that these things had happened." Well, it isn't hard to fake regression. Here comes a key point: The reason you can't rely on regression is because you might pull up something that was dreamed. How did this thought start? Dreams. She dreamed these things before. Hmmm.

Another thing you may say is, "What about the things that were physically done to her body?" That could have been caused by a million things. I remember one time I was dreaming about trying to get away from some crazy person. I didn't get away from the person and I got nailed in the back. Soon I woke up, and felt a pain in the same spot. I had slept in a funny position. During your dreams, you can feel things really are happening to you in the physical world.

Ex.) Thinking you can't breath in a dream=flipped on your back and you're breathing through the pillow. In your dream, you look for a bathroom=WAKE UP, you got to go!. You're cold and you can't find a warm place in your dream=blanket is down.

And remember, the back pain was something I could have blamed on UFO abductions if I had dreamt about them.

Think about that.

Give me your thoughts on my theory.


posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 10:03 PM
I have no doubt that *some* of the cases are mental problems. But how can this account for common symptons such as...

- Physical Scarring
- Multiple Witnesses with Identical Stories
- Missing Time

If they are all mental problems - then there are a hell of a lot more mental people than I ever thought.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 10:16 PM
...if you do, you will answer those questions.

Not all are mental. Some are looking for fame and/or attention. It's not hard to fake an abduction. I could fake one and no one would know. I may do that to show people how you can fake it so easily.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 10:54 PM
It still does not explain everything.

This kind of theory is just to explain away the phenomenon.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 11:21 PM
...I have more problems trying to answer the question on whether the *human race* is benevolent...

posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Fearofthedark
It still does not explain everything.

This kind of theory is just to explain away the phenomenon.

You should see the other posts with that one and you will get the whole thing that I have formed.

Once again here is the link. Please look at it and don't live with your back turned.)

posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
...I have more problems trying to answer the question on whether the *human race* is benevolent...

Great thinking MidnightDStroyer! It really fits with my old signature.

"How can you question others when you can't even question yourself?" ~Cammo Dude

posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 08:04 PM
Cammo Dude

That article still fails to explain...

- Multiple Witnesses with Identical Stories
- Missing Time

The article you refer us to is only about one single abduction case. Are you suggesting that the arguments given there can account for all abductions? I doubt this - as not all abductions are exactly the same.

posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 08:30 PM
cammo dude makes a great point about the analogy with us "abducting" animals. and where exactly is there proof of hybrids??? to me, it seems like aliens have no reason to harm us or do anything bad. how can we assume that theres an entire society of alien beings that instead of trying to communicate with us, exchange technology, or form an alliance, they just want to harm us for no motive at all? a quote from the movie "Contact" makes a good point..."It would be like us going out of our way to destroy a few molecules on an ant hill in Africa."

posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 08:42 PM
Missing Time

That can be faked easily and really fit with the mental problem.

Multiple Witnesses with Identical Stories

Here's how hoaxes can be faked so nicely. As long as an event has three parties it's legally the truth. I could grab three other people and tell them to report the same thing. It doesn't mean it's the truth.
Then again, you have the parasitosis like problem's results.

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