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Photos: The Greatest Evidence UFOs Don't Exist

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posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 01:45 PM


Because maybe there's not "hundreds of thousands" of 'actual' sightings.

As for the 'actual' sightings It's likely many people are unprepared and do not think; They freeze up/and or before they realize to take a picture It's over.

Also, no, not everybody has a camera at hand during their sighting.
There's nothing that can prepare you for a sighting.

I enjoy you calling the reasons for lack of photos excuses.
Let me know when you have a sighting, and if you have a high tech camera (other than a cell phone) on you and actually remember to use it.

Your thread has no basis.

edit on 2/17/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

On earth there are millions of sightings.

And the seconds to minute it last sure isn't wasted by most running into the house to find the camera. Better to see it than do that. Since many wait a lifetime to see one.

If you do get a photo, its just going to look like an orb in the sky, even a plane photo at that height at night would. They don't give you the nice low down ones in the day time and then come out for interviews.

Alot of the photos of ufo's, ARE PHOTO'S OF UFO's.

Saying it could be something else, from hundreds or thousands of miles away in an easy chair doesn't make it so. Its not debunked.

Well Unity_99 that's probably one of the most disingenuous posts ever made here after all didn't you claim you and your family can see orb's and ufo's any time you want, because iirc you have some kind of link OH and what was the excuse used when I asked sorry challenged you to take some pictures the answer was they wouldn't come back what a surprise!!!!

(disingenuous: not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:43 PM



Do radar returns, pilot witnesses, and personal experience in military circles prove that they do exist?


Again, their existence is not in question, but the assumptions as to their nature are.

People witness things they cannot identify. This is fact. That they are flying saucers piloted by little gray men is not.

Then what? Personally I believe that most are off world craft, probably controlled by on board A.I. of some type. Its what we would do if we were that advanced. We are doing it to a lesser degree on Mars now. It does not explain missing time and the abductions though. To believe it is all mass hallucinations and lonely people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame seems as crazy as thinking our Government has our best interests as their main concern.


posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Camperguy

To believe it is all mass hallucinations

Please explain what you think "mass hallucination" means. Have you heard anyone make this claim?

People are free to speculate. The problem as I see it is that the information we get is almost never accurate. Cases are usually padded with spectacular headlines that never hold up to their claim. 62 witnesses turns out to be 12, maybe. Investigations (if we can call them that) are very poor. Personally, I'm not all that convinced that anything that unusual has been occurring other than people just being people.
edit on 23-2-2014 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:41 PM




Do radar returns, pilot witnesses, and personal experience in military circles prove that they do exist?


Again, their existence is not in question, but the assumptions as to their nature are.

People witness things they cannot identify. This is fact. That they are flying saucers piloted by little gray men is not.

Then what? Personally I believe that most are off world craft, probably controlled by on board A.I. of some type. Its what we would do if we were that advanced. We are doing it to a lesser degree on Mars now. It does not explain missing time and the abductions though. To believe it is all mass hallucinations and lonely people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame seems as crazy as thinking our Government has our best interests as their main concern.


I think there is the crux of your problem you let your beliefs dictate the evidence. Not the evidence dictate your beliefs. I learned along time ago that if humans believe something they will always find ways to stitch together some random facts to corroborate it. Ever heard of the old saying if all you have is a hammer everything begins to look like a nail. In this case if all you believe is that aliens are visiting pretty soon everything looks like aliens to you. I suggest you learn to be more subjective and just look at the facts without all the preconceived notions on what you believe. If aliens are visiting they have left no evidence in over half a decade other than some blurry pictures of a point of light. Just this alone means we need to rethink about alternate causes because space aliens dont seem to be the cause. This very well could be a natural phenomenon that cause these balls of light. Problem is serious research will never be done because people have developed so many fantasies that its hard to take it seriously.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:52 PM
There is no amount of evidence that will convert a skeptic on this subject. You can deny them all that you want. You can call them secret government projects and some probably are. You even can call them demon chariots if your religious views are too strong to face the truth. I have been forced to deal with the reality of UFOs. Yes, they are really, really scary, and the experience will shake you to your core. However, it is also one of the most awesome things one can witness.

I only know what I have seen and luckily videoed once over the course of witnessing 8 different craft on 6 occasions over a two month period. I caught a black triangle UFO on video only because I had seen a giant boomerang at high altitude and two orbs one of which flew over my head at treetop level during the prior 30 days making a slight hissing sound as it passed over me. I was lying in wait at the ready fully prepared with video camera in hand one night. You know what. I still blew it. I could have had 30 seconds of decent Triangle video had I not acted like the Keystone Kops. I did actually get 3 seconds of decent video out of the whole escapade though. It also proved to me that when I see strange things in the sky that a camera sees the same thing too.

There are a number of reasons most legitimate UFO pictures are of poor quality. First, the damn things have a nasty habit of showing up when you least expect them. Second, you are literally freaking out while you are having to properly operate a camera. Trust me it is not an easy thing to do. Another issue for quality is that you need a camera with a good optical lens. A feature cell phone cameras lack. I also had one opportunity to video an orange orb but was so preoccupied with the orb that I forgot I had a running video camera in my hand so I failed in the mental game. It is incredibly difficult to actually complete the physical act of photographing or videoing a UFO.

All I know are that the things that I witnessed are real and not of this Earth. The size of the boomerang UFO that I saw could only be described as unworldly.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by pdawg67

Did it look like this?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by MadMax9

It's no crazier than belief in a virgin birth.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Have you ever tried using a cell phone camera to take a picture of an object that is possibly thousands of feet above the ground? Go ahead.. try it.

Have you ever used an expensive digital SLR with a nice zoom lens to take a picture of something high in the sky? Go ahead... zoom right in, and try it.

Anyone who has tried these things, even for practice for whatever reason, will quickly realize that it's almost impossible to get good pictures of things that are high in the sky, day or night, especially when you are zoomed in. Even with a steady hand and lens stabilizer, it's almost impossible to keep things in the frame. The more you zoom in it becomes exponentially more difficult. Hell, I have a hard time getting good pictures of the moon with my t4i and 300mm lens, on a tripod.. Granted, I'm not very experienced with a camera which would explain why I have difficulty with these things, but then, the vast majority of the population has little to no experience with these things. There are VERY good reasons why there aren't very many great photos of UFOs. You can easily prove it by trying it out yourself... go ahead.

Until there is a REVOLUTION in camera technology, which isn't happening anytime soon, there will always be blurry, grainy, out of focus pictures of UFOs. You can blame the technology, because camera technology is NOT great even in the year 2014. There might be some cameras and lenses out there that can capture what we want to see, but the people that can afford the thousands of dollars it takes to purchase such equipment are generally not out looking for UFOs.

I was really naïve in thinking that by getting this t4i and a nice zoom lens that I would be ready.. for just in case the day ever came that I saw something... Well, I've come to realize that even if I ever do see something and have my camera with me, I'm most likely not going to get anything good out of this thing. It's going to look just like everyone else's UFO pictures. Grainy, out of focus, over exposed, under exposed, etc..

Anyone who thinks that just because there aren't any smoking gun photos of a UFO that the subject can be put to rest has a lot to learn about camera technology and what you can actually get out of that technology based on the quality of your equipment and your training.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:51 AM

reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Have you ever tried using a cell phone camera to take a picture of an object that is possibly thousands of feet above the ground? Go ahead.. try it.

Have you ever used an expensive digital SLR with a nice zoom lens to take a picture of something high in the sky? Go ahead... zoom right in, and try it.

Anyone who has tried these things, even for practice for whatever reason, will quickly realize that it's almost impossible to get good pictures of things that are high in the sky, day or night, especially when you are zoomed in. Even with a steady hand and lens stabilizer, it's almost impossible to keep things in the frame. The more you zoom in it becomes exponentially more difficult. Hell, I have a hard time getting good pictures of the moon with my t4i and 300mm lens, on a tripod.. Granted, I'm not very experienced with a camera which would explain why I have difficulty with these things, but then, the vast majority of the population has little to no experience with these things. There are VERY good reasons why there aren't very many great photos of UFOs. You can easily prove it by trying it out yourself... go ahead.

While I agree with the cell phone part it's not that difficult with a DSLR

That is a picture I took here are the exposure details 1/400th of a second f8 iso 400, Sony SLT A37 with a 300mm lens (heavy crop)

Here is a picture I took, resized to 15% from the original 4912 x 3264 pixel size.

Here is a crop from the fullsize image

1/200th of a second f16 iso 200 at 300mm Sony SLT A37

Now as we have contrails the jet is in the 25,000 ft + range all the shots HAND HELD no tripod.

The real problem with most of the youtube videos are that the people are casual users everything is on automatic including focus hence all videos claiming morphing ufo's as their cameras struggle for focus.

Practice that's all it takes it's just a pity that we don't get videos/pictures from people that DO know what they are doing!

Also the total cost of that camera lens combination I used was around £400 / $600 Sony SLT A37 & Tamron 70-300 f5.6 zoom.

edit on 24-2-2014 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-2-2014 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:03 AM

reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Have you ever tried using a cell phone camera to take a picture of an object that is possibly thousands of feet above the ground? Go ahead.. try it.

Have you ever used an expensive digital SLR with a nice zoom lens to take a picture of something high in the sky? Go ahead... zoom right in, and try it.

Anyone who has tried these things, even for practice for whatever reason, will quickly realize that it's almost impossible to get good pictures of things that are high in the sky, day or night, especially when you are zoomed in. Even with a steady hand and lens stabilizer, it's almost impossible to keep things in the frame. The more you zoom in it becomes exponentially more difficult. Hell, I have a hard time getting good pictures of the moon with my t4i and 300mm lens, on a tripod.. Granted, I'm not very experienced with a camera which would explain why I have difficulty with these things, but then, the vast majority of the population has little to no experience with these things. There are VERY good reasons why there aren't very many great photos of UFOs. You can easily prove it by trying it out yourself... go ahead.

Until there is a REVOLUTION in camera technology, which isn't happening anytime soon, there will always be blurry, grainy, out of focus pictures of UFOs. You can blame the technology, because camera technology is NOT great even in the year 2014. There might be some cameras and lenses out there that can capture what we want to see, but the people that can afford the thousands of dollars it takes to purchase such equipment are generally not out looking for UFOs.

I was really naïve in thinking that by getting this t4i and a nice zoom lens that I would be ready.. for just in case the day ever came that I saw something... Well, I've come to realize that even if I ever do see something and have my camera with me, I'm most likely not going to get anything good out of this thing. It's going to look just like everyone else's UFO pictures. Grainy, out of focus, over exposed, under exposed, etc..

Anyone who thinks that just because there aren't any smoking gun photos of a UFO that the subject can be put to rest has a lot to learn about camera technology and what you can actually get out of that technology based on the quality of your equipment and your training.

Maybe you might want to start gong to air shows people there do a pretty good job at taking pictures. Maybe someone will show you because we can tell there airplanes in their photos so they must be doing something right.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Well I gave him a couple of examples above your post.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:06 AM

reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Have you ever tried using a cell phone camera to take a picture of an object that is possibly thousands of feet above the ground? Go ahead.. try it.

I have. Makes something thousands of feet away seem like miles away. Wish they'd improve that because I don't feel like dragging around a phone and a camera.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:09 AM

reply to post by Camperguy

To believe it is all mass hallucinations

Please explain what you think "mass hallucination" means. Have you heard anyone make this claim?

When someone at Woodstock announced a problem with the "brown acid" many fell ill to its "effects", even though most were too wasted to know which color they took.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:21 AM
Yes, dragonridr, it looked exactly like that, however, I just don't buy into the whole TR3B thing though I do not doubt governments have amazing black ops craft that could be mistaken for UFOs. In fact, that is one of the Belgian Triangle UFO photos to which that site is displaying.

I am very open about my UFO experiences with people:

Also, where I live has a history of periodic UFO waves. Back in 1973 my two friends had a close encounter with a disk when we were very young. One friend told me about it, and I being the suspicious type asked the other guy with him not knowing I already knew. He told me the exact same story. This was my first introduction into the world of UFOs. It was probably the same UFO that chased the MPs at Hunter.

Recently, another friend of mine and his girlfriend witnessed a fleet of orange orbs pass over their property. 25 to 30 total in flights of 5 or 6. He has some very poor cell phone photos of them. He also described some details that I saw in the one orange orb that I got to see close up so I know he saw the real deal. The outer part was a glowing orange plasma while the inner part was a darker violet colored plasma.

I will stick with what I know that I saw over that period. The triangle UFO did not have nav lights in direct violation of FAA regulations as it was operating in a crowded civil airspace. It was also seen by me in conjunction with a variety of other strange craft over a two month period(1-Boomerang(Extreme high altitude, extreme high speed, and massive size possibly a mile wide wing tip to wing tip.), 2-Orbs orange(Very close to me) and silver/white, 1-Triangle, 1-Bat wing shaped small craft(20 foot wingspan?) that flew 100 feet over my head, 1-Rectangle shaped object and 1 orange orb(the one I missed) and 1-Cylindrical shaped craft that exhibited an orange glow and had 4 white disks on the bottom of it. All of events occurred at night.

Also, nice shots of the aircraft. I too have a variety of cameras ranging from cell phone to DSLRs. In fact, one of my cameras can take a picture of your face a mile away. UFOs are really just a very difficult photographic subject for the reasons that I and others have mentioned. There really is nothing that can prepare one for the emotions one feels when witnessing a UFO which further works against you. My only advice would be to practice and keep practicing with your equipment. Plus, you've got to get really lucky to even see one.

I think of all the years that I've sat on my patio gazing at the sky and never seeing anything but airplanes. Then for a two month period, I see more UFOs than any single human should see in a lifetime. I really cannot say from where they come, or what they are.

They are very real though and beyond our level of technology. I will say that I lost my fear of them too.
edit on 24-2-2014 by pdawg67 because: Added hyperlink to video

edit on 24-2-2014 by pdawg67 because: Word added

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by draknoir2

in my younger years I went to several dead shows. Thousands of us at the time agreed that the band was incredible. Upon review of recordings, I discovered we were mistaken. Either someone replaced the original recordings or we all perceived the same thing. The more sober "just didn't get it". The parallels are uncanny

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 11:05 AM


Also, nice shots of the aircraft. I too have a variety of cameras ranging from cell phone to DSLRs. In fact, one of my cameras can take a picture of your face a mile away.

I posted the aircraft shots, all cameras could take a picture of your face from a mile away only some would show some detail so whats the camera and more importantly the lens on it

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:46 PM

There is no amount of evidence that will convert a skeptic on this subject. You can deny them all that you want. You can call them secret government projects and some probably are. You even can call them demon chariots if your religious views are too strong to face the truth.

The UFO Believers seem just as entrenched, if not more so.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:14 PM


There is no amount of evidence that will convert a skeptic on this subject. You can deny them all that you want. You can call them secret government projects and some probably are. You even can call them demon chariots if your religious views are too strong to face the truth.

The UFO Believers seem just as entrenched, if not more so.

This is because one of these groups is right. But both groups like to argue which one is right,

The debunker type skeptics can easily be proven wrong in my opinion.. But that doesn't mean believing should include just anything.

Debunkers seem to be politically driven and just parrot the popular belief that nothing strange exists. and if it does exist, there isn't anything strange about it, i.e. it is just balloons and aircraft and stars and planets. according to debunkers.

All the evidence that argues against that also doesn't exist to debunkers because they already believe that it can't exist.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by alienreality

Debunkers seem to be politically driven and just parrot the popular belief that nothing strange exists. and if it does exist, there isn't anything strange about it, i.e. it is just balloons and aircraft and stars and planets. according to debunkers.

I am a republican. Nothing strange exists, if it does, there isn't anything strange about it because they are just balloons and aircraft and stars and planets and hallucinations. I don't see your point.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:06 AM

Debunkers seem to be politically driven and just parrot the popular belief that nothing strange exists. and if it does exist, there isn't anything strange about it, i.e. it is just balloons and aircraft and stars and planets. according to debunkers.

I've seen quite a few threads, though, where true believers just shout "you're just a debunker who believes the following facts, therefore you're not worth listening to". This attitude can be very disingenuous when legitimate concerns by legitimately interested folks are written off as "debunkers". I think going straight to "You guys are X and believe straw man Y, therefore you're not credible" is classic ad hominem and hurts whatever side wields it.

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