+19 more
posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 05:06 AM
To my friends, close members & ATS Mods /Staff,
I've been reluctant to post this, but, it's become a 'splinter' in my mind to share it; and I do try not to throw every I do or feel on the boards
out of respect to the site, members and obviously for personal reasons.
It's humbling to share this, but, perhaps that's the lesson I need to be reminded of, to be humble and be human; life is SO fragile.
I'm posting this to those above to let you know, how much I've appreciated the years I've spent on ATS, dispite my bad attitude at times. Thanks
for making this site, it's been my home for quite some time.
Back in Oct 2013, on Halloween of all days, I injured my legs at work, filed the necessary paperwork for Workmans Compensation, (i'll be referring
this as WC from here on) went to the WC doctor, talked with her about what had happed and she put me on light duty. No light duty was available at
work, so back home I went...and waited.
2 weeks pass, unable to get a hold of anyone from the adjusters office(insurance company), and no paycheck, zero. 6 weeks pass, no paycheck and still
no claim # so that I can get the treatment I need. So far, as of right now, I'm sitting over 90 days with no WC payment at all and no claim#, period;
to which some professionals have told me that I should have gotten paid within at least the first month.
They denied my claim last week, still no payment was made, despite having a lawyer; the rent hasn't been paid and my wife only works a very small
sewing business out of the house; so it can't cover everything.
The landlord is a good landlord and if not the kindest and best I've had in 30 years, however, he has to pay the mortgage; so, he filed to get an 3
day eviction notice. I don't and can't blame him.
We go to court on Tuesday 18th of this month and I have whittled down everything precious to me in 3 boxes, funny how we can't live without the
little things in our lives; they really do mean a lot to us, if we take the time to look at them once in a while and not take them for granted.
Should Tuesday come, and I'm sure it will...and if the judge orders it, it will be a very long time before I'll be able to post on the forums; at
this point, we've scoured every community resource we could find for rental assistance and were approved for 13 programs, but the financial and
sheltering resources have dried up.
Until then, I'll be on here peeking my head in between packing and whatnot. Love & Peace always..