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At Least 31 American Patients Possibly Exposed to Fatal Prion Disease in Hospital

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posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 10:44 AM

Lil Drummerboy

Good thread Soficrow. Can they even sterilize hospital equipment to stop this from spreading?

As serious of a statement you may have ment this to be,.. It is seriously comical.
Yet the hospital is disease infested and it is a fact.. A place where one is suppose to go and
get treatment runs the real risk of being contaminated by something else..

One would think it would be the most sterile place to be
edit on 14-2-2014 by Lil Drummerboy because: big hands,, little keyboard.. lol

I keep telling my wife not to run to the doctor every time she has a little problem, she usually catches something else while she is there. It is a bad place to be going to. Just because we have good insurance and she has to pay a percentage of the premium does not mean she has to use it. I don't go unless something major happens, like being stupid and cutting off the tip of my thumb with a knife showing off how sharp the handmade old knife was before fileting a fish for my granddaughter. At least my granddaughter learned something I have been trying to tell her for a while, risk causes pain.

Obama care may rise costs because of this reason, people will want to get their money's worth and pandemics may result.

Sorry for getting off topic sofi

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

the hospital is disease infested and it is a fact.. A place where one is suppose to go and
get treatment runs the real risk of being contaminated by something else..

One would think it would be the most sterile place to be

Funny, yes. But blame it on cost-cutting to protect profits. The biggest cuts always hit the lowest paid positions - in hospitals, that would be the cleaners and janitorial staff. So hospitals cut staff back in the early 1990's, and by the end of the 1990's we had a whole array of antibiotic resistant mutated superbugs. No surprise.

Now, despite what's known and has been known for a long time about prions and prion-related diseases, looks like we're about to pay the piper. Note that we pay but the medical corporations keep pocketing their profits. How cool is that?

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Very interesting, I searched for some evidence to look at about what you said of memories. I was under the impression that glutamates formed memories and also the memories of antigens. This article sort of ties it together. The thing is that glutamamines/glutamates form seretonen if everything is working right. These can also form basic proteins with the inclusion of nitrogen and sulfur and the proper hormones or other things, depending on what sort of protein is needed...

These are natural prions though, with a purpose, but if we steer the chemistry wrong, like eating chocolate, than the long term memories won't form. I still quite haven't figured the exact chemical reason that chocolate keeps long term memories from forming. I gotta research that some day. Knowing that can be beneficial I suppose, I'm guessing it stimulates Gaba or dopamine and the Seretonin doesn't form.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Thought of a relatively cheap way of being able to reuse instruments, while eradicating the prions from the surfaces of them.


The instruments are invariably Stainless steel / Titanium based yes?

OK here's what i'm thinking.

Contamination of Instruments by Prion infection would naturally be a fairly thin layer..use the instrument as a Cathode in an electrolytic cell (industrial size) and allow the instrument to 'donate' ions to the Anode during a period of electrolysis, essentially stripping off very small amounts of the surface of the instrument...this should also strip away the prions clinging to the microscopic pits and crevases on the instrument surface and migrate along with the metallic ions towards the Anode. The Anode can be an inexpensive piece of metal, which will be remelted and reformed cheaply later for the same use.

The instrument can (if need be) re-sharpened and reused, free from infection.

I can't see why this wouldn't be worth at least a try on a single instrument, it's simple enough to rig a test bed to try it.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

chocolate keeps long term memories from forming

What?!? We did you get that? Dark chocolate is good for the small arteries in the brain, and helps prevent stroke. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 06:14 PM

reply to post by rickymouse

chocolate keeps long term memories from forming

What?!? We did you get that? Dark chocolate is good for the small arteries in the brain, and helps prevent stroke. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Yeah, we can't blame this on chocolate. Life without chocolate would be pretty drab. What was I thinking?
Chocolate reduces blood pressure as good as a blood pressure pill. There, that sounds better, who cares if you can't remember to buy more chocolate anyway, just buy it every trip to the store....

It was Just some worthless info I picked up in my research.
edit on 14-2-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 08:31 PM

We can't really fix the problem, but it doesn't really matter because we don't really have the problem.

So what are doctors and medical providers to do about CJD? Pierluigi Gambetti, director of the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center in Cleveland, says that surgical instruments have to be sterilized with extreme heat and chemicals.

“The problem is that this may ruin delicate instruments,”
Gambetti said. In the past 30 years, only four patients have been infected in this way, none in the United States.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:52 AM
Got po'd thinking about the above posted above, started this thread:

Discovery News Misinforms Public on Dangers of Prion Disease

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