reply to post by roguetechie
Why don't you tell me what you really think?
Well, I guess I was expecting to be called an ignorant asshole by at least one person when I wrote this thread, but I wasn't expecting it to be you.
So be it.
It's been said many times throughout this thread that the Mormons and generous people, great to have as neighbors, would give their clothes off their
back, etc. I get that, admire that and think that its completely irrelevant.
This thread was not directed towards the millions of faithful Mormons that walk in their faith, this was an attempt to point out that the Church may
be very-well connected to certain aspects of government and intelligence agencies.
So far, most of the responses that try to counter my OP say "Ya, their connected because (insert reason here) ....but the Mormons are the s**t!".
Ok, so they're good people.
Now can you deny that missionaries would not be attractive to intelligence agencies?
Can you deny the statements made about Mormon involvement in statements made by Watergate committeemen?
Can you deny the connection between a Mormon PR firm that represented the LDS Church in DC (I thought they didnt get involved in politics) and a man
that was convicted due to his involvement in Watergate and a known CIA asset?
You can call me names and try to debate using emotional, hearth-wrenching stories of how these people are so fricken' awesome...or you can debate what
was presented in the OP.
ETA: I take huge offense to anyone that says I was trying to drum-up hate against the Mormons.
edit on 10-2-2014 by sheepslayer247
because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-2-2014 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)