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Americans Outraged at Multicultural Coca Cola Superbowl Ad - Racist?

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posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:39 AM


You know, growing up, I was taught how important it was to fit in. We used to read books on etiquette so we always did the right thing in social situations. We learned well how to be an American and what was acceptable and what was not. Language and speaking it properly was very important in my house.

Last time I checked house rules dont trump the US constituions 1st amendment.

Incase you forgot: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

So yeah seem coke can say what they like how they like.

Why? Because we WERE American! We lived in this land, so we learned the land in which we lived. Because this land is GREAT!


Lots of chest beating no substance. You also forgot to add you stole most the land. Dont ever forget that.

Because here, we are FREE.

Maybe 20 years ago!
Now? Give me a break. The USA has to have been the most oppresive country I have been too!
TSA, Patriot act, Police brutality, Dention without trial, Warrentless searchs, out of control domestic spying. Free! Give me a freaking break!

Plus refer to 1st Amendment. True freedom means coke had the right to broadcast what they wanted. Freedom is not what you deem acceptable.

Here, there are no checkpoints.

did you really just say that! Tell that to US citzens being terrorised and sexualy abused at airports and boarder check points.

Here, you can be whatever you want, have whatever life you choose.

Guess what! You can do that too in most the devloped world! UK alone has some of the biggest collection of billionaiers that started off poor. Im sure Austrilla, NewZealand , Germany and France have there fair share too along with america. It aint 1776 anymore sweet heart

Freedom. This is America.

Funny how new Zealand ranks as number 1 most free country in the world.

And some, like it or not, are here only for what they can take, rather than what they can give back. I will stick with the ones who choose to give back, and not only take.

Yeah great but coke still has the right to broadcast a advert with diffrent languages.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Dey terk er jerbs.


posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:51 AM
I would put about 5 countries on top of US as being more "free"... and that is me being generous.

Its kinda stupid to assume ppl don't learn English, unless you are talking about immigrants that came to the country in their 40s or something(try to lean a language at 40).

Kids learn English just by going to school.

I think its great to know multiple languages, who knows who is the "dominant" power in the future.

English is just temporary language for the current and past few empires.

I only met one person who refuse to learn English, that was my friends mother, who was a native.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:52 AM

reply to post by crazyewok

Dey terk er jerbs.


Tok er der!

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Where did I say coke had no right? Can you quote me please? Because, I believe I said something along the lines that I was NOT offended by the commercial... yet, apparently you saw me say I was against a corporations first amendment right... Therefore, since you are accusing me of such, I would appreciate you to quote me.

What I was discussing was immigrants in this country, from knowing them personally. And how I view it all. Apparently you did not understand that concept.

If you like New Zealand better thats cool, that is your right. But its not really okay if you live in America and don't want to contribute to THIS society and do things toward its betterment.

Also, any person who has an opinion against a topic has the right to their own opinion. I don't believe ANYONE said anywhere that they wanted to force the government to stop coke from advertising did they?

edit on 4-2-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by TheRegal

There is ONE positive about all those comments,

It about time the COUNTRY as a whole stand up to the disgusting and foul communist company COCA COLA

We should stop buying from this company as a matter of principle the crap they put in their products and bankrupt
this firm for good.

I hope COKE dies as a company!!

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:12 AM

foul communist company COCA COLA

Communist ?

Why are they communist ?

Do you even know what a communist is?

Americans and there not knowing what words mean

edit on 4-2-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by TheRegal

I liked the commercial and thought it served two very good purposes.

First, it reinforces the fact that our biggest strength and asset here in America is our diversity and we should be proud of that.

Secondly, it's like putting peanut butter on a mouse trap. In that the rats can't seem to resist it and they come crawling out of the woodwork, exposing themselves for the vermin they really are.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:50 AM
You know what I don't why there is no outrage at the use of our troops to sell beers. I sat and watched the game with a buddy of mine who happens to be a vet. The only commercial we decided we didn't like or found offensive was the one from Budwiser where they use the soldier coming home and those emotions to sell a beer. His first response was "I hate when they tug at our heart strings to sell sh*t" next was "I haven't met a soldier yet who was ok with this" then he reaffirms this by reading off some facebook news feed comments from some of his vet. buddies who had just seen the same ad and were making his same comments. So again I ask...why no outrage for that?...why worry about a multi cultural ad which makes sense if Coca Cola wants to market to a more diverse American crowd?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by TheRegal

I haven't seen the commercial and honestly I don't care. I don't even drink coke, it's crap.

I do remember though a commercial and I think it was coke, years ago where people from all over the world held hands across the globe. Nobody freaked then and I think it had the same message.

People need to worry about more important things than a commercial.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by projectbane

You would not know Communism, if it jumped up and kicked you in the larynx so hard, that your hyoid bone shot out of your mouth. There are very few Americans who would, but you take the cake for not having a clue what you are talking about. Coca Cola is one of the most capitalist organisations you could possibly hope to name.


Its not a euphemism for "crap you do not like".

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:07 AM

ue what you are talking about. Coca Cola is one of the most capitalist organisations you could possibly hope to name.


Its not a euphemism for "crap you do not like".

Nor is terrorist

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:10 AM


Nor is terrorist

Absolutely not. Amazon and Ebay will be communist next, you watch. Youtube will be terrorists for showing any news not broadcast on the media machine of the USA....


posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:13 AM



Nor is terrorist

Absolutely not. Amazon and Ebay will be communist next, you watch. Youtube will be terrorists for showing any news not broadcast on the media machine of the USA....


Monstato, pharma and the Defence contractors like Lockheed ect must be Communist terrorists!

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:36 AM
Marxist..... don't leave out the poor old Marxists

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

A house divided against itself cannot stand, nor can those peoples trust one another if they cannot even communicate.

You could just learn multiple languages. Why does someone have to speak English just because you speak English?

You do realize that in many countries in Africa it is common for people to speak anywhere from 5 to 7 languages, right?

Why are we so lazy?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:17 AM
Actually, English is the official language of this country.

reply to post by ketsuko

Those damned kanucks up north... divided bastards with their official dual-languages!!

Seriously though, maybe we should actually have a decent education system and try to learn a few languages at an early age as happens in most other countries?!

If we could learn Spanish, and French, we could have no problems understanding all of our neighbors north and south. Doesn't that sound more reasonable than sticking to our sole official language, just cause?

Speaking of the tower of babel. Don't you have it backwards? The tower was an attempt to reach God, which was only possible because they all spoke ONE language. God was ticked off that they became so powerful, so he scattered them out with different tongues... different languages.

Am I misunderstanding the meaning of the story? Haven't heard of it since a wee lad. Just seems you had it backwards.
edit on 4-2-2014 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 11:01 AM

Actually, English is the official language of this country.

reply to post by ketsuko

Those damned kanucks up north... divided bastards with their official dual-languages!!

Seriously though, maybe we should actually have a decent education system and try to learn a few languages at an early age as happens in most other countries?!

If we could learn Spanish, and French, we could have no problems understanding all of our neighbors north and south. Doesn't that sound more reasonable than sticking to our sole official language, just cause?

Speaking of the tower of babel. Don't you have it backwards? The tower was an attempt to reach God, which was only possible because they all spoke ONE language. God was ticked off that they became so powerful, so he scattered them out with different tongues... different languages.

Am I misunderstanding the meaning of the story? Haven't heard of it since a wee lad. Just seems you had it backwards.
edit on 4-2-2014 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

America has no official language. And if it did then why the hell would it be English? The English language was not developed in North America but rather in the UK so why do you want a foreign language as the official language here. A native American language should be chosen as the official language.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 11:07 AM
I thought it was a great commercial. It helped me identify all the ignorant people at the party I was at!

Oh, lets not forget that the song's author, Katharine Lee Bates had a female "lover":

Bates lived in Wellesley with Katharine Coman, who was a history and political economy teacher and founder of the Wellesley College school Economics department. The pair lived together for twenty-five years until Coman's death in 1915. In 1922, Bates published Yellow Clover: A Book of Remembrance, a collection of poems written "to or about my Friend" Katharine Coman, some of which had been published in Coman's lifetime.[6]

Some describe the couple as intimate lesbian partners,[7] citing as an example Bates' 1891 letter to Coman: "It was never very possible to leave Wellesley [for good], because so many love-anchors held me there, and it seemed least of all possible when I had just found the long-desired way to your dearest heart...Of course I want to come to you, very much as I want to come to Heaven."[8] Many contest the use of the term lesbian to describe such a platonic "Boston marriage", typical of many professional women of their time. Writes one: "We cannot say with certainty what sexual connotations these relationships conveyed. We do know that these relationships were deeply intellectual; they fostered verbal and physical expressions of love."[9]

edit on 4-2-2014 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 11:10 AM

reply to post by TheRegal

There is ONE positive about all those comments,

It about time the COUNTRY as a whole stand up to the disgusting and foul communist company COCA COLA

We should stop buying from this company as a matter of principle the crap they put in their products and bankrupt
this firm for good.

I hope COKE dies as a company!!

You do realize that IF Coca-Cola were actually a Communist company, it would be a good thing right? That would mean that the workers owned the company and everyone would get equal say in how the company was ran, as well as equal pay; not just the assholes at the top. But whatever, continue to misunderstand what Communism actually is. *Sips Coke*

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