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Americans Outraged at Multicultural Coca Cola Superbowl Ad - Racist?

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:14 PM

reply to post by Aisling

And I think you make a mistake to assume that only whites are making those comments. I have known some people of other ethnicities who feel the same about it - America is the country where you speak English.

America is where many languages are spoken. There are hundreds of Native tribes that would disagree with you, who still exist and speak their languages as well as English.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:14 PM
This video does a couple things subconsciously. It's telling u that we need amnesty and gay rights. Not that I am anti-gay but they need to stop shoving it down our throats.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:15 PM
The whole thing is hilarious. Don't boycott Coca-Cola because they engage in colonialism in South America, don't boycott them because they pay dirt for wages, don't boycott them because they bought off politicians here at home and wherever else they decide to inflict their misery. Boycott them because they decided to be capitalists and appeal to multiple demographics. Hey, as long as they're boycotted against I suppose.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:18 PM


reply to post by Aisling

And I think you make a mistake to assume that only whites are making those comments. I have known some people of other ethnicities who feel the same about it - America is the country where you speak English.

America is where many languages are spoken. There are hundreds of Native tribes that would disagree with you, who still exist and speak their languages as well as English.

And English is the dominant one. Have you not read the other things I wrote?

It's fine to be bilingual or trilingual or more, but at least one of those languages needs to be in common. Here it's English.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Actually, we boycott them because we don't drink pop anymore. It's bad for you ... or hadn't you heard?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by TheRegal

To be honest the title should say a tiny number of us were outraged. I've not heard anyone even comment on this other than to say they liked the ad.

To me this is just another opportunity jumped on by highly biased people, to propagandize comments by a few to make it appear as if we are all that way. Sad really. I don't care for propaganda that promotes unfounded hate. People who rant about hate, while promoting hate.

Pick any topic and you can find a blog or post somewhere to use to promote hate against any group or country. What is sad is it is so easy to find it. Even worse is that many don't seem to even know how controlled by hatred and bigotry they are.

I fail to see the difference between the few people who probably did get enraged by this and those who are using it to label all of us and paint us with the same biased brush.
edit on 2/3/2014 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:26 PM

The whole thing is hilarious. Don't boycott Coca-Cola because they engage in colonialism in South America, don't boycott them because they pay dirt for wages, don't boycott them because they bought off politicians here at home and wherever else they decide to inflict their misery. Boycott them because they decided to be capitalists and appeal to multiple demographics. Hey, as long as they're boycotted against I suppose.

Crushing unions, Organizers disappearing, employing mercs to terrorize workers...

You raise an extremely valid point, that shines a light on the STUPIDITY of the people now complaining about this.

There are far more real and heinous reasons to boycott and protest coke, least of which is a commercial or health, THEY RAPE AND PILLAGE the third world.

AN American company does this, and people are mad about a commercial...

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

I just think it's odd, that you have a problem with them putting an American song into multiple languages when one, we don't have an official language and two you would bitch about this song and coke using it before being angry about what they do in other countries where they do speak spanish, portugese, hindu and various african and asian dialects. But sure let's be pissed they didn't sing an American song in American (yes, did that on purpose). Yes and the stuff is poison to boot.

Search result "coca cola slave wages"

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by TheRegal

People need to find a job other than crying about a commercial that wasn't offensive in the least bit. Cry me a river, the people who are different are taking over and your special place is threatened! I think those people are victims and ignorant. More lines being drawn for the dumb. Tell them to shut the F up and get a life.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 11:04 PM
Should have been in English. The different ethnicities is great. I think using Native American languages would have been great as well (with subtitles). The other languages ... no thanks. I don't buy Coke anyways, and the commercial did not entice me to.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:03 AM


It's fine to be bilingual or trilingual or more, but at least one of those languages needs to be in common. Here it's English.

It is English and has been for a long time.

Tell me how a Coke ad at the Superbowl changes that.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:11 AM

This video does a couple things subconsciously. It's telling u that we need amnesty and gay rights. Not that I am anti-gay but they need to stop shoving it down our throats.

I honestly don't know how you manage to get gay rights out of that ad, but I do have to ask... do you think that 4% of the relationships in television and movies an advertising are gay?

Are there gay main protagonists?

How is it being "shoved down your throat" when it still hasn't even reached the point where it's an accurate representation of statistical populations of people?

Every main character in every series, every movie, every book; straight.

Honestly, exercise your perspective. If you were gay, you woul be watching 99.999% of everything geared towars heterosexuals. You're straight and you see 0.001% of everything displaying homosexuals. You honestly think this is a problem for you?

Who's really doing the shoving?
edit on 4-2-2014 by TheRegal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:30 AM
So much for a conspiracy site...

It is quite clear Soda Stream have infiltrated Coca Colas marketing team. And this is an attempt to take them down.

I even spotted a Palestinian terrorist right in the middle of the advert "pretending" to be thirsty.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by thedeadtruth


I thought it was a beautiful commercial. Then again I am old enough to remember the 'we are a melting pot' thought.

Heck even my husband and I got in a tiff over it. I was like 'seriously?!?!?!'

I didn't see it as a division thing, I saw it more as a we are different but united thing. Something I wish our Country could actually be. It seems like such a long time since America was 'united'.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:12 AM

The one problem we have here above all else, is a lack of education, something that more knowledge (languages are a gateway to a wealth of knowledge) will only help.

And I also suppose that we all should learn Creole, so that on our next visit to a Louisiana trailer park we can better negotiate for grilled gator and meth.

Seriously, the languages that "are a gateway to a wealth of knowledge" would be those that have a nation that also has ''a wealth of knowledge''.
edit on 4-2-2014 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Lipton

Not saying which language (which you ignored from my post) any language learned would expand your knowledge.

Even if it's simply exercising the speech and language centers of your brain would be worth it.

Or don't, who am I to suggest anyone try to better themselves.

What I am saying though is the "we speak Mercian here" attitude is perhaps the worst anti intectual argument that showcases the ills American society faces.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by benrl

You're glossing over the subject. Literally every single public school has had their foreign language programs GUTTED over the last two decades. Now children have the pleasure of learning the language of drug mules, day laborers, fruit pickers and gardeners.

No German, or French and Latin (which I took 3 years of) is almost nonexistent and Chinese/Japanese never had a chance. God forbid we teach a language of an industrialized nation with a GDNP that doesn't rely on Western Union money orders to keep the lights on.

It isn't about speaking 'murican, it's about being a realist. Realistically learning bastardized Spanish will gain you next to nothing in the international markets because due to the difference between the Spanish that Spaniards speak and the 'language' of the illiterate hordes that have breached our walls.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:53 AM

reply to post by benrl

You're glossing over the subject. Literally every single public school has had their foreign language programs GUTTED over the last two decades. Now children have the pleasure of learning the language of drug mules, day laborers, fruit pickers and gardeners.

No German, or French and Latin (which I took 3 years of) is almost nonexistent and Chinese/Japanese never had a chance. God forbid we teach a language of an industrialized nation with a GDNP that doesn't rely on Western Union money orders to keep the lights on.

It isn't about speaking 'murican, it's about being a realist. Realistically learning bastardized Spanish will gain you next to nothing in the international markets because due to the difference between the Spanish that Spaniards speak and the 'language' of the illiterate hordes that have breached our walls.

Castilian speakers and mexican spanish can still communicate just fine. The differences arent THAT great. LOL! Ill agree with you that our language programs have been destroyed and they arent even started most times until high school... but youre really overstating it IMO

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:59 AM

reply to post by benrl

You're glossing over the subject. Literally every single public school has had their foreign language programs GUTTED over the last two decades. Now children have the pleasure of learning the language of drug mules, day laborers, fruit pickers and gardeners.

No German, or French and Latin (which I took 3 years of) is almost nonexistent and Chinese/Japanese never had a chance. God forbid we teach a language of an industrialized nation with a GDNP that doesn't rely on Western Union money orders to keep the lights on.

It isn't about speaking 'murican, it's about being a realist. Realistically learning bastardized Spanish will gain you next to nothing in the international markets because due to the difference between the Spanish that Spaniards speak and the 'language' of the illiterate hordes that have breached our walls.

Careful your prejudice is showing,

More than one language is good for the human brain, it promotes growth of new connections and general cognitive health.

Even if it's the language of gardeners... The brain knows not the difference from a health benefit stand point.

Multiple language speakers have been show to have better deductive reasoning skills in general communication understanding.

Your post does reflect back to a point I made, education is the number one problem America faces.

Not health care, not immigration , not the economy.

If education and learning was the avg American priority and not a fricken coke commercial on the Super Bowl .

Most of the "problems" we face wouldn't exist .
edit on 4-2-2014 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 03:17 AM

Careful your prejudice is showing.

If it is prejudicial to wish to be able to easily converse with any one citizen of the United States in a common tongue then I guess that label is appropriate. much like when when I was in Germany I made every effort to speak German, with the aid of a English to German dictionary and weeks of learning common phrases and the same holds true when I was in Czech Republic, Austria, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Kuwait and French Quebec.

It's common courtesy to learn and speak the language that is native (in the sense that is is spoken nearly ubiquitously) that is extended to by the visiting party. Who would I be to demand a document in English in any of the aforementioned countries/

Your post does reflect back to a point I made, education is the number one problem America faces.

I think that we have a litany of issues that are currently tied for first.

edit on 4-2-2014 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2014 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

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