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Atheism being accepted as “Today’s Religion” over all religions?

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:25 PM


reply to post by EyesOpenMouthShut

Just remember: we take no prisoners.
no mercy for the weak eh? lol

Have you seen Idiocracy, the movie? There are some things we simply can't afford to have mercy for.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

That movie is my biggest nightmare.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 04:31 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

I just edited my brief previous post to try to explain my point of view, and eradicate your impression that in that last post I was being sarcastic. Some/all of the prior ones? Probably. But not this one. (Please go back and read it).

Like I said, we'll get to know one another better if you stick around and play nice.

edit on 2/3/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

I answered your questions. You might have to go back to page 5?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I think today's fasting is more a demonstration of defying our physical desires in recognition of whatever higher power we hold dear than actually making contact with whatever personality or consciousness we ascribe to that higher power.

Unless, of course, you're a prisoner in Gitmo or any number of horrible prisons around the world.

And you go on a 'hunger strike' as a protest. And I don't know what that might or might not have to do with 'Higher Power.'

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

I answered your questions. You might have to go back to page 5?
I see your response to a different post than the one I edited.

As for answering my later questions:
No, sir. You did not.

I edited my post and mentioned my opinions/questions about NDEs and 'fasting to near death' states.

You did not answer those questions. Kindly go back to this post, and address the questions presented.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Now it might not have fitted your description of what you are - but basically an agnostic person does not believe or disbelieve.......basically someone sitting on a fence. Someone who is undecided.

I am fully aware of what 'agnostic' means - and you are now really pushing it, bub.

From your question it appears you have never fasted? Some people can do it for a day, some for a week others for a month (muslims).


Yes, I have fasted; and I am aware of the different customs. *eyeroll*

Now I guess you want me to tell you what God told me or what I saw?

No. I also do not need you to 'school' me on fasting techniques. Or anything else, for that matter.

Sorry this is for believers.

Oh, you mean like little kids? Preschoolers? Cuz, ya know, they won't question you.

I will not allow anyone to ridicule what I have seen. I would not take this ridicule very well. Talk all the trash you want about me.... but please not about God.
I wasn't talking about God. You were.

But apparently you're fine with being obtuse, deflecting, and avoiding questions, though. Right?

I asked you legit questions. You aren't even trying to keep up!

sarc: You have to pay attention if you want to come to these meetings. Good luck on here, pal: /sarc

edit on 2/3/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

EDIT LATER: Just as a good stew recipe needs meat and vegetables so does a man/woman of God need various first and foremost saying the Lord's prayer, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, being water baptized as an adult and making your vows out loud that you accept the Father, Son and Holy spirit, have someone with the Holy Spirit lay hands on you and pray that the Holy Spirit comes to you. If you have done all the above and God still does not come to you then send me a private message. We need to talk.

Erm, no.

No, we don't "need to talk".

I've been baptized; and I'm not 9 years old.

(I mean, we don't need to talk unless you want me to 'school' you on pomposity, proselytizing being against the rules, and common courtesy. If you don't understand those things (which apparently you don't), please see ATS FRESHMAN'S FORUM, and review the T&Cs. And no, I'm not giving you the link.)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by EyesOpenMouthShut

That movie is my biggest nightmare.

As it should be.

BTW: Got any electrolytes?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I have been baptized, prayed for, prayed with, sung the songs and chanted the mantras, read the Bible and conferred with those following in the footsteps of Jesus, fretted over the fate of my homosexual parents and reflected on my sense of empathy and morality in light of scripture. In the end, I have concluded that if becoming a Christian is my key to salvation, I am truly and thoroughly screwed. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I don't want eternal life. I would rather reincarnate.

edit on 3-2-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:18 AM


Many NOT ALL have clearly told me what they think about God and I am glad ...... this is what I wanted because I don't make friends with anti christ types. So now you know me.

To all those who do not believe.... fine.... don't answer my post, don't visit my threads..... I don't care and I would prefer you kept your opinion to your threads and stay out of mine. I would prefer you stayed away but I know many of you just can't wait for my next post.

And because of this self-imposed isolation you miss many opertunities to practise Tolerance, Patience, Charity and Love - all possitive Christian virtues. (Frankly it's a bit reason I'm on ATS - not to practise Christains Virtues by Buddhist Ones (hmmm - very similar - in the face of difficult people, situations, and emotions).

Shantideva in his "A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" talks about being greatful to these difficult even harmful people because we learn from them how to moderate our own negative emotions (and it doesn't take practuse).

Likewise Jesus never hid from non-believers and people who scorned him. He loved them.

Having a fellowship of like minded people is important but it's easy to be virtuous with the virtuous, not so much with non-virtuous.

It's not really about your external behavior conforming to certain codes (as it was for pre-Christ Jews), we've evolved to a state that though behavoir is still important, the internal life of thought and emotion has to be in alinment with Truth (if you will).

Outside In and Inside Out are both required to Get It whatever your path may be.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:20 AM

reply to post by wildtimes

I have been baptized, prayed for, prayed with, sung the songs and chanted the mantras, read the Bible and conferred with those following in the footsteps of Jesus, fretted over the fate of my homosexual parents and reflected on my sense of empathy and morality in light of scripture. In the end, I have concluded that if becoming a Christian is my key to salvation, I am truly and thoroughly screwed. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I don't want eternal life. I would rather reincarnate.

edit on 3-2-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

Consider this from one you beleives in reincarnation and karma - "The only thing you take with you, when you die, is your state of mind". It's the best insentive I know for improving my character, I've ever heard of.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:29 AM


Neither the atheist or the agnostic person believes in a deity - so praying would be useless, right?

I pray all the time and don't believe in a creator diety. I pray to trafiic and parking gods regularly. I ask for guidance and inspiration from Life ever morning formally and throughout the day at need. I pray to specific Holy ones (saints, sadhus, bodhisvattas) and ask for their blessings and visualise those blessings passing through me to others.

I pray for the health and wellbeing of those I love. And I pray the same, even more, for the idiot on the road and the aholes I have to deal with daily.

Am I talking to myself - maybe - my higher Self. Or not. I do receive what I ask for - usually not in the manner I'd like but....

I find prayer very useful and productive indeed.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:45 AM

I have no religion and have studied many. I don't believe there is a god because of lack of hard evidence for for it (nobody except for a few ancient tales have even seen a god) if it exists, it's absent and silent. However, I would be compelled to reevaluate my stance if in fact and i mean IF there was some kind of stone solid proof that god exists. Hell, any deity.

Sidebar - I think we create our own god(s). So the only solid proof is between your own ears - insanity or reality who can say?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 12:46 AM
As a Christian :

I just read through this whole thread and don't really know what to say, except that I disagree with the way that OP is portraying God and Salvation. And this is a huge problem for Christianity, as WE aren't even all on the same page.

Speaking to religion being evil :

Pretty much the reason Jesus came in the first place. I mean, almost everything he said and did was to the effect of "Listen to GOD, not to MAN"

And in order to listen to God, you must try and live as Jesus did. The SPIRIT of the message is what's important.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:15 AM

As a Christian :

I just read through this whole thread and don't really know what to say, except that I disagree with the way that OP is portraying God and Salvation. And this is a huge problem for Christianity, as WE aren't even all on the same page.

Speaking to religion being evil :

Pretty much the reason Jesus came in the first place. I mean, almost everything he said and did was to the effect of "Listen to GOD, not to MAN"

And in order to listen to God, you must try and live as Jesus did. The SPIRIT of the message is what's important.

I am sorry you disagree with my opinion however at no time did I speak of salvation.

I find it awful when Christians generalize their faith and want to speak out about religion. Personally I could care less about any other faith than the Christian faith. So to all Christians who believe the bible and understand that the only way (today) you get into heaven is through Jesus .......I say understand. NOW I have spoken of salvation.

You state that Jesus pretty much came in the first place was to "Listen to God, not man". You need to study your bible because that is the farthest thing from the truth. Jesus came so that you can be saved from punishment in hell and then on to eternal death. Must I go into detail? Why, when you proclaim to be Christian.

I can see that many who have made a comment on my thread are atheist and agnostic - which one is worst? The one that does not believe or the one who sits on the fence and refuses to stand on his own feet? I put them both in the same pot - a one way ticket to hell - neither one accepting Jesus Christ for who he is, what he has done and what is still yet to come.

I am not perfect just like all of you. We all have our own opinions. I do not like yours and you do not like mine. Fine with me but you will never convince me that my God does not exist, that the bible is a myth or shake my religious stance. I speak with authority while many of you prefer to make jokes or make arguments that are utter nonsense. You are being manipulated by hell which is where you will land unless you change.

Sure I have sinned, just like the rest of you. What will you now say? Ohh look..... at his holier than you attitude. Read the bible; we who believe and have accepted the word are to be holy, righteous and saints! Something that many of you can not even grasp. So to unbelievers ...... I am holier than you. You don't like it? I don't care

To any Christian who feels they must comprimise his/her faith (in any amount no matter how small) or the written word like many Televangelists and the Pope do I feel for you and hope someday you will understand that what you are doing is called apostasy and you will not inherit the kingdom of God unless you repent and change your ways.

Those who claim to be Christian; yet are weak in faith do not have the Holy Spirit with them. Have a man of God with the Holy Spirit lay hands on you - if that has happened and you don't have the Holy Spirit with either that person who laid hands on you either does not have the Holy Spirit with him or your evil and wicked ways are unacceptable and the Holy Spirit will NOT come. Learn to stand tall and speak up about being a proud Christian. Defend your faith.

edit on 4-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

I can see that many who have made a comment on my thread are atheist and agnostic - which was in worst?

What did you expect when you titled your OP with the initial word "Atheism" and added "religion"?

The one that does not believe or the one who sits on the fence and refuses to stand on his own feet? I put them both on the same pot - a one way ticket to hell -

Now we know what you think. And this last post proves beyond a doubt that it IS a baiting thread, and you knew full well what you were doing.

You think you're the first new member to come in here and condemn us all to hell? LOL
Lots of them have already left or been banned.

I speak with authority while many of you prefer to make jokes or make arguments that are utter nonsense. You are being manipulated by hell which is where you will land unless you change.

You speak with 'authority'? You make a baiting thread and then ridicule everyone and condemn them to hell while acting all put-upon and superior?

And then you say you are "holier" , and don't want to even talk to anyone who isn't a Christian; you got uppity about "not tolerating ridicule", when you knew exactly what you were going to get.
Wow. Intense.
You deserved everything you got in this thread. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and shove your Book on a shelf somewhere.

Think about it.
Are you a good example as a follower of Jesus's actual message?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:31 AM


I have no religion and have studied many. I don't believe there is a god because of lack of hard evidence for for it (nobody except for a few ancient tales have even seen a god) if it exists, it's absent and silent. However, I would be compelled to reevaluate my stance if in fact and i mean IF there was some kind of stone solid proof that god exists. Hell, any deity.

Sidebar - I think we create our own god(s). So the only solid proof is between your own ears - insanity or reality who can say?

Yet Nero sat and ate his dinner as he watched Christians either being burned alive or eaten alive by animals. Christians who died because of their beliefs.

All the apostles were murdered because of their faith.

Your hearts have hardened and you speak wicked and vile things about things you know nothing of.

It is clear God has not shown you the truth.

May God have mercy on your soul.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:34 AM


(post by Jesuslives4u removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:39 AM


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