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Atheism being accepted as “Today’s Religion” over all religions?

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

when you contradict your self - please don't attempt to justify it with a further contradiction :

God is abundant with patience hoping all will open their heart and let him. .............And to those who have rejected him and sworn an oath to never believe in him continue to live.

you claim your aledged god has infinite tolerance

yet :

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.

your hateful opnions now contradict those of your aledged god

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Rodinus

My bet is the OP had big trouble with substance abuse and alcohol and elected to place "Jesus" in the drivers seat by becoming a "Born Again" Christian. While there are Atheists alive on the planet forming religions, there is a good chance they will preach the op back toward his wicked ways!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

I want to thank you for your educated and well thought out response.

I understand I hit a nerve with Hitchins (as can be seen in many posts) and I think it was done with some humility but you can see how personal it if I was talking about them personally or one of their family members. How defensive and rude they quickly became just as Hitchins does when speaking.

I am glad I did not spread the Christian gospel and its teachings. It would have been a waste of time.

Earlier someone suggested I introduce myself, I am glad I did not. From the majority of the responses I received I see who I am dealing with. What better way to test the waters!

Many NOT ALL have clearly told me what they think about God and I am glad ...... this is what I wanted because I don't make friends with anti christ types. So now you know me.

To all those who do not believe.... fine.... don't answer my post, don't visit my threads..... I don't care and I would prefer you kept your opinion to your threads and stay out of mine. I would prefer you stayed away but I know many of you just can't wait for my next post.

So hate me all you want, it does not bother me at all. Ridicule me all you want.

Looking to be cool, wanted to be accepted by main stream..... I get it but I will never accept it.

How sad it must be to hang out to post thousands of posts and threads........'

Open you door and walk outside.......there is life outside your walls.

edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Yes it would have been...Rude? You are mixing up stuff again, It is called a discussion you started with the insults.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:30 PM
"Atheism is a religion of Science."

That is strong. Strong ad absurdum. Religion is believe system. Atheism is believe system. Science should NOT be (and often is not) believe system. Or rather it is temporal believe system which principally inherit non-stop questioning, fine tuning and some times revolutionary shift of the actual state of the system. Catholic doctrine was not radically modified last 1500 years. What was Truth in science yesterday is today False.

As a scientist I have theory. From this theory I can derive some predictions. If predictions given by the theory are validated in experiment, than we take the theory as Truth. If not, False, theory goes to waste bin.

From empirical view point: There are many top scientists who are firm theists - but they do not mix it with science - they were gifted by God with rational cognitive capabilities, so they are using them the best way they can to know and describe Gods creation. There are not so many top scientists who proclaim themselves as firm atheists - they are usually quite militant. But majority of scientist are agnostics.

All bad and too complicated: While you are doing science you HAVE TO BE agnostic. You do not need existent or non existent entity to interfere with your equation or experiment. Miracle is exactly what you do NOT want in science. Later, after work, you can try to somehow incorporate new findings into your believe system and that is perfectly OK. Image of scientist praying for positive result of his experiment is really unscientific. Image of scientist praying for diligence, will and serendipity is perfectly OK.

Last one: Science is describing HOW. Religion is describing WHY.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:35 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

when you contradict your self - please don't attempt to justify it with a further contradiction :

God is abundant with patience hoping all will open their heart and let him. .............And to those who have rejected him and sworn an oath to never believe in him continue to live.

you claim your aledged god has infinite tolerance

yet :

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.

your hateful opnions now contradict those of your aledged god

I was not contradicting myself never did I say God has infinite tolerance. Trying to make a point that was clearly overseen by zealous God haters and disbelievers.

Please don't put words in my mouth that I did not state - infinite tolerance.

Hitchins is one of millions of antichrist - someone who does not believe in Christ - Jesus of Nazareth - identified as the Christ/messiah.

Those who scream and ridicule that there is no God but yet those who believe are to remain silent. Not on my watch.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:35 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

when you contradict your self - please don't attempt to justify it with a further contradiction :

God is abundant with patience hoping all will open their heart and let him. .............And to those who have rejected him and sworn an oath to never believe in him continue to live.

you claim your aledged god has infinite tolerance

yet :

Was he given enough time to repent? I think so.

Did he? No.

your hateful opnions now contradict those of your aledged god

I was not contradicting myself never did I say God has infinite tolerance. Trying to make a point that was clearly overseen by zealous God haters and disbelievers.

Please don't put words in my mouth that I did not state - infinite tolerance.

Hitchins is one of millions of antichrist - someone who does not believe in Christ - Jesus of Nazareth - identified as the Christ/messiah.

Those who scream and ridicule that there is no God but yet those who believe are to remain silent. Not on my watch.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Jesus was a man just like you or me he had some good stuff to say but seeing the whole myth around him was exactly the same as other myths before him , I think people used him for their own personal gain and still do.
Please Hitch is the anti christ? nope he is an anti theist, he questions your version of God because that version is evil, barbaric and hypocritical of his own commands. He attacks religion across the board not just yours but all religion.
oh and yes you should remain silent at least in public and keep your club out of school and government.
Not once have you actually questioned what he actually says and I do not think you have seen any videos of him and just bleat what you have seen on Christian websites.

I urge everyone who has not heard Hitch speak to watch the videos in this thread I have posted.
Cheers OP more people will read this thread and discover Hitch and his wisdom.
edit on 3-2-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by JanAmosComenius

Very well written and Hitchins was not a scientist.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

identified as the Christ/messiah.

Again, by whom?

And how do you know? Answer (ONLY answer): the Bible/Religion/preachers.

Doesn't make it so.
If you're a grown up, you know that.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:55 PM
Another great video from Hitchens.
OP why not actually watch it?.

Bang on again Hitch

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Hitchins was not a scientist.

Neither am I (well...I'm a social scientist; but not a physical scientist). It does not require being a "physical scientist" to see through the lies that are rampant throughout the history of religions. What were once probably innocent "misunderstandings" and "conjectures" are now absolutely to be relegated to "myth" and "propaganda" used to control.

OTOH, a "social scientist" CAN tell the difference. And, in my opinion, Hitchens (you could, at the very least, spell the man's name correctly! Passive agressive? Or just lazy? - one of my family members refers to the POTUS as O-BAM-a, snidely, rather than O-bah-ma. Not only is it rude, it's a transparent way of disparaging someone with whom you disagree) was absolutely (along with Dawkins) very astute in seeing 'society' for what it is.

You're batting 000 here so far. Try again.

edit on 2/3/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:00 PM

do you think atheism is a form religion?

yes..everything someone "believes" is religion.All of mankind were born religious because it is human nature.Everyone believes "their religion".Some(many) may believe in a "herd" religion however even their Belief System (BS) is their own.

A true atheist belief is not knowing if there is a God and not claiming to know other words complete ignorance.Very few people are atheist.They are in one sense closer to the Truth than all the "other "billions" of religions.The billions that believe in a false God is a whole other story.That is believing a lie.A true atheist believes nothing about a real God nor false Gods.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:09 PM


do you think atheism is a form religion?

yes..everything someone "believes" is religion.All of mankind were born religious because it is human nature.Everyone believes "their religion".Some(many) may believe in a "herd" religion however even their Belief System (BS) is their own.

A true atheist belief is not knowing if there is a God and not claiming to know other words complete ignorance.Very few people are atheist.They are in one sense closer to the Truth than all the "other "billions" of religions.The billions that believe in a false God is a whole other story.That is believing a lie.A true atheist believes nothing about a real God nor false Gods.

A well thought out response. Thank you.

Even though I do not agree with everything you say.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:25 PM
I have no religion and have studied many. I don't believe there is a god because of lack of hard evidence for for it (nobody except for a few ancient tales have even seen a god) if it exists, it's absent and silent. However, I would be compelled to reevaluate my stance if in fact and i mean IF there was some kind of stone solid proof that god exists. Hell, any deity.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:59 PM

I have no religion and have studied many. I don't believe there is a god because of lack of hard evidence for for it (nobody except for a few ancient tales have even seen a god) if it exists, it's absent and silent. However, I would be compelled to reevaluate my stance if in fact and i mean IF there was some kind of stone solid proof that god exists. Hell, any deity.

An honest person with an open mind!

Stone cold proof, huh? I can not provide proof on the internet but may I make a suggestion?

Do you know what fasting is? If not look it up on the internet.

Why don't you try fasting for a couple of weeks (no alcohol or drugs), find a quite place where you can be alone with your thoughts and pray.

In prayer ask God to forgive you of all your sins and then tell him you need proof that he is alive and well - ask God (in Jesus name) to show himself to you. Do this numerous times everyday.

If you are sincere and looking for the answers, they might be given to you. Ask and you shall receive.

If you have not tried this before why not try it now? You claim to have an open mind. A little effort is all I am asking.

It is true that God loves his children and he is a jealous God (I don't blame him) who demands worship/love from his children.

edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

An honest person with an open mind!

Stone cold proof, huh? I can not provide proof on the internet but may I make a suggestion?

If you weren't hell-bent on ignoring everyone else here, you'd see that many of us are "AGNOSTIC"


And suggesting that someone starve themselves for 2 weeks is fine for a person who has that luxury - but - not very many will be able to achieve that, who have jobs and the internet and responsibilities. Quite a task. Although I'm sure there are loads of hungry, malnourished, suffering people who have no choice but to "fast" for 2 weeks - Syrian refugees, for example.

Have you done that, then?? Been there? What was it like?

Did God then come down and "prove" to you that God exists?
What's to stop us from attributing this to a symptom of severe hunger and delirium?

edit on 2/3/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Jesuslives4u

Why don't you try fasting for a couple of weeks (no alcohol or drugs), find a quite place where you can be alone with your thoughts and pray.

In prayer ask God to forgive you of all your sins and then tell him you need proof that he is alive and well - ask God (in Jesus name) to show himself to you. Do this numerous times everyday.

If you are sincere and looking for the answers, they might be given to you. Ask and you shall receive.

If you have not tried this before why not try it now? You claim to have an open mind. A little effort is all I am asking.

It is true that God loves his children and he is a jealous God (I don't blame him) who demands worship/love from his children.

Two points I'd like to raise here.

One, I'm curious as to what your reaction would be if an atheist or agnostic were to return from such an adventure having learned nothing but that fasting has some strange effects on the body.

Two, I find it a little disturbing that you would so easily accept jealousy and dictatorship from a benevolent and caring god. There's a contradiction of terms to be observed in that, I think.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:15 PM

reply to post by Jesuslives4u

An honest person with an open mind!

Stone cold proof, huh? I can not provide proof on the internet but may I make a suggestion?

If you weren't hell-bent on ignoring everyone else here, you'd see that many of us are "AGNOSTIC"


And suggesting that someone starve themselves for 2 weeks is fine for a person who has that luxury - but - not very many will be able to achieve that, who have jobs and the internet and responsibilities. Quite a task. Although I'm sure there are loads of hungry, malnourished, suffering people who have no choice but to "fast" for 2 weeks - Syrian refugees, for example.

Have you done that, then?? Been there? What was it like?

Did God then come down and "prove" to you that God exists?

What's to stop us from attributing this to a symptom of severe hunger and delirium?

edit on 2/3/14 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

OK I will try........

I used a small portion of WIKIPEDIA that in loose terms explains a agnostic person in a previous post above. Now it might not have fitted your description of what you are - but basically an agnostic person does not believe or disbelieve.......basically someone sitting on a fence. Someone who is undecided.

From your question it appears you have never fasted? Some people can do it for a day, some for a week others for a month (muslims).

In order to go on a spiritual quest fasting must take place first. There are many ways to fast and none of them have to do with starving. Actually fasting is recommended in the medical field because proper fasting techniques is a way to detox the human body and remove many harmful toxins inside us. Even diabetics who must closley watch their blood sugar can fast. What one person needs for fasting is not the same for the next person. Also there are different fast techniques. Some say no food and water until night falls, others say no food but you can drink water throughout the day, others allow food and water before the sun rises and after the sun sets. I think you get the picture. Google it.

As a rifle marksman attempts to align his rifle sight to where the bullet strikes is the same way a fast occurs. Fasting aligns your material body with your spiritual body. Once the alignment has been made, it will make it easier for you to connect with God and hear the answers clearly in your mind. You will know which answers come from you and which that do not. It is at this state of mind and body that is difficult for someone who has never tried this practice to understand. Fasting comes with certain spiritual rituals and to teach another person on how to connect is almost impossible. It is something you must try in order to appreciate it.

But there are limitations and there are rules. Some of these rules come directly from the bible. If anyone thinks they can put God to the test, scream at him, or ridicule him into doing what you want, well forget it. This will not work and you could possibly end up getting a deity upset maybe even angry.

God can come to you in many ways - in spirit (this means through your mind/consciousness), while you are awake with your "third eye", in your dreams, or walk through the wall and greet you personally. Of course we all would love it if he would do it personally the flesh. BUT remember we can not go to him (at least not in the flesh) - he is spirit not of flesh and bones.

I have met God and the Holy Spirit on two seperate occasions and so has millions of other people who have walked on this rock. You will find it very personal and intimate. Many refuse to discuss it because of fear of being ridiculed and/or laughed at. but I assure you this is no laughing matter.

People say there is no God and they can not prove it. I say there is a God and I can not prove it but I can show you the way.

We know the meaning of faith - believing and yet not seeing.

I have seen God and at times I wished I had not. Why? No longer can I say I have faith because I have seen. How can I reject the truth after having seen it?

I am not special and anyone who is sincere and looking for the truth has the same opportunity.

Now I guess you want me to tell you what God told me or what I saw?

Sorry this is for believers. I will not allow anyone to ridicule what I have seen. I would not take this ridicule very well. Talk all the trash you want about me.... but please not about God.


EDIT LATER: Just as a good stew recipe needs meat and vegetables so does a man/woman of God need various first and foremost saying the Lord's prayer, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, being water baptized as an adult and making your vows out loud that you accept the Father, Son and Holy spirit, have someone with the Holy Spirit lay hands on you and pray that the Holy Spirit comes to you. If you have done all the above and God still does not come to you then send me a private message. We need to talk.

edit on 3-2-2014 by Jesuslives4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:15 PM
i probably would "see" god since prolonged fasting causes hallucination.

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