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reply to post by nixie_nox
Tell that the China, and india:
EPA regulations are 'voluntary' ?
Since WHEN?
What green laws have killed what jobs?
Jobs like these
Americans, and others will be buy more products made over seas using FOSSILE FUELS and have them imported here.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. None, zero, zilch.
I agree some people have no damn idea of what they are talking about.
reply to post by nixie_nox
I start to feel a little woozy here when we talk about the extreme waste of water in the south and mid West. There has been a lot of talk about privatizing water.
So how do more laws in one country out of over 270 'save the planet' ?
When you start eliminating other influences which could cause it (i.e.the sun hasn't gotten significantly hotter in the past century but temperatures have risen) and when you see that the trend does coincide with models based on CO2 increases, and CO2 levels have steadily increased, what do you have left? Do you just chalk it up to, "well, it must be something else because it sure can't be because of us." Ok.
No, it's not certain that warming is being caused by us. Only a 95% chance.
What about the Earth's magnetosphere weakening. It has weakened 15% over the last 200 years, which corresponds to the same time period we observed the CO2 uptick during the industrial revolution.
There is evidence that the Earth magnetosphere has been weakening, this shield protects us from the effects of solar wind; if it is weakening, then more solar wind will reach the surface; regardless of the luminosity of the sun itself.
More solar wind = warming trend = permafrost layer thawing = methane released in the atmosphere = further warming trend....
You are a very intelligent scientific mind and we all respect your contributions to these types of threads.
What are your thoughts on a weakening Magnetosphere and the potential for that to be the cause of the warming trend?
God Bless,
And about that redistribution "scheme" we've talked about before, do you really think that the rich and powerful nations of the world are scheming to redistribute their wealth to poor nations?
A high-ranking member of the U.N.'s Panel on Climate Change admits the group's primary goal is the redistribution of wealth and not environmental protection or saving the Earth The Climate Cash Cow
There are a few bad eggs, with the Real Climate mafia being among them, who are exploiting climate science for personal and political gain. Makes the whole effort look bad.
That said, virtually all of the climate science battles are teapot/tempest affairs -- climate politics and policy has moved on to issues involving economics and energy
“Mike, can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith Briffa re AR4 [the IPCC 4th Assessment Report]? Keith will do likewise. … We will be getting Caspar Ammann to do likewise.”
On page 75 you can find the quote:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
Um, China and India didn't have a sulfur dioxide cap and trade program. China hasn't implemented an air pollution program till recent years. But what they have implemented has been successful, but the work has just begun.
Carbon trading is voluntary.
Good, the sooner they close, the better. The coal industry has had decades now to ante up and be less polluting. They haven't changed
Can you list any jobs that don't destroy the environment, remove mountain tops, cause whole communities to be sick? That don't cause landslides, land subsidence, and other destruction?
If you actually read the article, they are proposed, but whether they get built or not is a different story
The article also goes on to say that building these plants will greatly increase global warming.
So once again you have proven my point that GW is a problem.
What does that have to do with the price of rice? And what would make you come to that conclusion?
Especially since you try to get by on this little quip instead of explaining that you know what you are talking about. Which you don't because all you did was provide evidence to support GW despite claiming that it doesn't exis
I wish I could get an answer to this for some odd reason all the proponents of global warming will never give me an answer.
So how do more laws in one country out of over 270 'save the planet' ?
Global warming has been hijacked by politics because it gives them another means of control.
And propaganda is abound on how to 'justify' that totalitarianism.
It's the fact nearly 200 nations in the world, all feel roughly that same way
Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
The American of today, in fact, probably enjoys less personal liberty than any other man of Christendom, and even his political liberty is fast succumbing to the new dogma that certain theories of government are virtuous and lawful, and others abhorrent and felonious. Laws limiting the radius of his free activity multiply year by year: It is now practically impossible for him to exhibit anything describable as genuine individuality, either in action or in thought, without running afoul of some harsh and unintelligible penalty. It would surprise no impartial observer if the motto “In God we trust” were one day expunged from the coins of the republic by the Junkers at Washington, and the far more appropriate word, “verboten,” substituted. Nor would it astound any save the most romantic if, at the same time, the goddess of liberty were taken off the silver dollars to make room for a bas-relief of a policeman in a spiked helmet. Moreover, this gradual (and, of late, rapidly progressive) decay of freedom goes almost without challenge; the American has grown so accustomed to the denial of his constitutional rights and to the minute regulation of his conduct by swarms of spies, letter-openers, informers and agents provocateurs that he no longer makes any serious protest.
Your reasoning is faulty. I'm not sure why you think the solar wind would cause warming but while it is true that Earth's magnetic field protects the upper reaches of the atmosphere from the solar wind, the amount it has weakened has little effect on its ability to do so. It continues to do a fine job of it.
There is evidence that the Earth magnetosphere has been weakening, this shield protects us from the effects of solar wind; if it is weakening, then more solar wind will reach the surface; regardless of the luminosity of the sun itself.
This is what I love about skeptics. They are so religious and devoted to their views that they will dream up anything, ANYTHING so far fetched, but it just couldn't be the 7 billion humans on the planet.
"Galaxies have collided causing a shockwave to roll through the universe that disrupted the life of aliens who are now pumping our planet full of pollutants to warm it to live here and when it is fully primed, they will take over. But it isn't humans themselves!"
If the Earth was losing its magnetosphere, all life would be destroyed and the planet would look like Mars.
reply to post by ElohimJD
Your reasoning is faulty. I'm not sure why you think the solar wind would cause warming but while it is true that Earth's magnetic field protects the upper reaches of the atmosphere from the solar wind, the amount it has weakened has little effect on its ability to do so. It continues to do a fine job of it.
There is evidence that the Earth magnetosphere has been weakening, this shield protects us from the effects of solar wind; if it is weakening, then more solar wind will reach the surface; regardless of the luminosity of the sun itself.
But besides that, the solar wind cannot reach the surface. There are miles of atmosphere for it to penetrate. Even if there were no magnetosphere at all it would not result in warming, if anything it would result in cooling as the solar wind gradually stripped away the atmosphere. Of course, that would take millions of years.
edit on 1/31/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)
Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say...."
The climate-change-denying think tank The Heartland Institute pays monthly stipends to vocal global warming skeptics, received $200,000 from the Charles G. Koch Foundation in 2011 and received a total of $3.4 million from corporations in 2010 and 2011, according to internal documents released last night.
Your reasoning is faulty. I'm not sure why you think the solar wind would cause warming but while it is true that Earth's magnetic field protects the upper reaches of the atmosphere from the solar wind, the amount it has weakened has little effect on its ability to do so. It continues to do a fine job of it.
But besides that, the solar wind cannot reach the surface. There are miles of atmosphere for it to penetrate. Even if there were no magnetosphere at all it would not result in warming, if anything it would result in cooling as the solar wind gradually stripped away the atmosphere. Of course, that would take millions of years.
edit on 1/31/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)
Another gulp from the Sippy Cup of Koch-a-Cola.
So we should be ruled by 'feelings' ?