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A Species With Amnesia

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posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 10:13 AM

reply to post by Harte

Any "flood" that matches the evidence we actually have is far too slow to erase a culture and its artifacts.

But therein lies the caveat, Harte. It's the evidence we far. Archaeology, like every other scientific discipline, changes with the wind. What's thought to be fact today, will tomorrow, be rewritten. Yet, we treat each new peer reviewed paper as the definitive answer, knowing inside it isn't, and can never be. There will always be another piece of evidence that changes the current understanding. I know you know this, but science isn't about definitive answers. It's about probabilities.

Sorry, the evidence comes from Geology, an actual science, and not archaeology, a "soft" science.


Add to that the fact that older libraries survived into much later times, and I think it's pretty obvious that, while the loss of the Library was an irredeemable tragedy, it's not likely to have been an Earth-shattering loss, nor would it have influenced us much in our thinking had it survived.

Can we really afford to be cavalier about the possibilities the right library could open up to us for discovery and learning? If we have any true interest in understanding our past at all?

I'm with you on keeping a moderate mindset, but I'm also for looking at possibilities we haven't considered, and may, or may not, have evidence for yet. If we persistently close our minds to possibilities, just because they don't match our current understanding. We shoot ourselves in the foot repeatedly.

Even Einstein said: “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”

I always appreciate reading your take on things. I may not have your knowledge and understanding of the current scientific paradigm, concerning ancient history, but I do try my best to maintain a semblance of objectivity.

Einstein aside, a similar argument concerning the unknown contents of the Library can be made from any random conjecture. That's the problem with it.
For example, the Library may have contained manuscripts showng designs for various can openers. Then:

"What? They didn't have sealed cans? Well, the manuscripts providing the designs for sealed steel cans was in the next niche over to the left. Too bad it got burned - they could have used this technology during the Dark Ages which probably wouldn't have happened if all the worlds store kbnowledge hadn't been burned by madmen!"
Where do we draw the line here?

The main thing to remember is that the Library was Greek. We know the Ancient Greeks reasonably well. As I said, we'd know them a little better if the Library had survived. That's where I draw that line I mentioned. If there was more, then I'd reserve that as a "pleasant surprise."

Many think the Library could have held some Ancient Egyptian records or whatnot. To this I say that we know a large quantity concerning Ancient Egypt already from records far older than anything the Library could have been expected to have on hand.

Enough on this, though, don't you think? The thread is about the lying scumbags and their strategies to take the cash of the uninformed.


posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 02:39 PM
Here is what I think every bit of legend has a bit of true, if some civilizations in the middle east had concern to talk about a flood in the middle east maybe there is a little bit of truth in that. I heard for instance that the gospels of jesus christ may be based on a real book wrote by a real rabbi named Yeshua, I heard of it as the work of "Q", similiraties in the gospel may proove for instance that the real book of Christ was really written, the problem is that we're listening to it by second hand, imagine how the world could be if we knew for instance his real opinion about homossexuality or about enslaving, plus there is many texts that were written at the time that were lost and could be potencially positive to our knowledge about the world back then. Another example, before Judaism being Judaism it was a Polytheistic religion with a god our "God" or Yeovah and a female companion to him, imagine what could be revealled in history if we had text about that era.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Klassified

The evidence is geological, which is a robust science rather than (apologies) the soft 'science' of archaeology.
So too with dating. There are many more techniques available than just radiocarbon, and these have been shown to be robust.

Edit: oh well said, Harte

edit on 4-2-2014 by aorAki because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by silveringking

One thing to remember is that the Hebrews were Mesopotamian, and that yewah was one of the dozens of gods of Mesopotamia.
And they really weren't Hebrew until they accepted the covenant of Abraham, and were not truely Jewish until they accepted the covenant of Moses.
In fact when the first temple was built, a temple to Baal was built at the same time, in a nearby town, so that those Israelites who were still polytheisistic had a temple.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

See, for me when I read about the Library of Alexandria's destruction or of Ancient Chinese rulers burning all literature or later of the Spanish/Church destroying all the Aztec codices I can imagine collaborative information for such prehistoric events lost to humanity for all times.

My Point Exactly ! Slayer ... of all the Unsolved Ancient Mystery Around the World !
The Library of Alexandria with all it wonder Could of Solved most of the Riddles

But there another Route to go by Just May be ... yet there thousands of Tables and Scripts Scroll's etc.. yet to be deciphered...

Library of Ashurbanipal

The royal library consists of approximately 30,000 tablets and writing boards with the majority of them being severely fragmented. [8] It can be gleaned from the conservation of the fragments that the number of tablets that existed in the library at the time of destruction was close to two thousand and the number of writing boards within the library can be placed at a total of three hundred.[9] The majority of the tablet corpus (about 6,000) included colloquial compositions in the form of legislation, foreign correspondences and engagements, aristocratic declarations, and financial matters. [10] The remaining texts contained divinations, omens, incantations and hymns to various gods, while others were concerned with medicine, astronomy, and literature. For all these texts in the library only ten contain expressive rhythmic literary works such as epics and myths.[11] The Epic of Gilgamesh, a masterpiece of ancient Babylonian poetry, was found in the library as was the Enûma Eliš creation story, and myth of Adapa the first man, and stories such as the Poor Man of Nippur.[12][13][14] The texts were principally written in Akkadian in the cuneiform script, however many of the tablets do not have an exact derivation and it is often difficult to ascertain their original homeland. Many of the tablets are indeed composed in the Neo-Babylonian Script, but many were also known to be written in Assyrian as well. [15] Nineveh was destroyed in 612 BC by a coalition of Babylonians, Scythians and Medes, an ancient Iranian people. It is believed that during the burning of the palace, a great fire must have ravaged the library, causing the clay cuneiform tablets to become partially baked.[13] Paradoxically, this potentially destructive event helped preserve the tablets. As well as texts on clay tablets, some of the texts may have been inscribed onto wax boards which because of their organic nature have been lost.

another is
Ancient Sanskrit Writings..

Ancient religious texts among the 25,000 new images online

Article created on Thursday, January 3, 2013

this is find and dandy but even if you studied and can read these ancient writings

Would these Nations and their government Allow you to see and have them examined and thoroughly studied...

that the Big question!

and IM talking ABOUT the Ancient TXTS that have not been Examined !

I can just Picture it !!

Nope the Public WILL Not Able to see this one ..
To much truth in this one ! It may change the Course of History and Religion as we know it !
Here put this in the Vault.. and Call the Vatican we got another one!! NEXT!!!

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I gotta say it's just always struck me as wrong the way tiahuanaco looks today compared to how it was found. Sort of like what they're doing to the sphinx by "restoring it". At best I figured it looks like (if the restoration we see today is accurate like in this image tiwanaku wall) as if it was later construction around much older stones. Its just weird to me to see rough megaliths that look thousands of years old like stonehenge, mixed with smaller square cut stones. Thats just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 02:10 PM

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

Show thread with listening information

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 03:28 PM

One thing to remember is that the Hebrews were Mesopotamian, and that yewah was one of the dozens of gods of Mesopotamia.

You're thinking of Canaanite. That was the dominant religion before Abraham.

The Canaanite religion apperars to have developed from The Mesopotamian one, though.

punkinworks10And they really weren't Hebrew until they accepted the covenant of Abraham, and were not truely Jewish until they accepted the covenant of Moses.
In fact when the first temple was built, a temple to Baal was built at the same time, in a nearby town, so that those Israelites who were still polytheisistic had a temple.

"Baal" means "Lord." Many gods were called "Lord" early on in the Canaanite religion.

"Baal" comes from the Akkadian (Babylonian) "Bel," which also means "Lord."
As in Bel Marduk.


posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Harte

Like I said , Mesopotamian.


The golden calf idol was the Baal , that the temple was built for.

I attended a video lecture from UC Santa Cruz, by the chair of Hebrew studies, from some European university, on early Hebrew history, from pre history to the building of the first temple.
It was one of the best 3 hrs of my education.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 04:15 PM
Hey Harte and Slayer

Just a quick note on the Library it was open for use for centuries. These are some of the Greek & other works known to have been lost there or elsewhere.

Lost works

A few selected books that might have been of interest:

Pamphilus of Alexandria's comprehensive lexicon in 95 books of foreign or obscure words

Aristarchus of Samos' astronomy book outlining his heliocentric theory

On pneumatics, a work describing force pumps
Memorabilia, a compilation of his research works


I'll see you guys in a few months once my project is completed and I can return to posting regularly
edit on 19/2/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Where have you been friend, I look forward to you contributions when you return.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Wait, wait, wait,

Hold the phone

You can't just do a drive by posting....

Forget it, he's gone

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by randyvs

maybe there was worldwide 'flood', but not happened in one day or two day time, perhaps it took hundred or thousand years or more
otherwise there would be no underwater ancient ruins right?

edit on 19-2-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by dodol

Scripture says 40 days and 40 nights. Science by it's own protocols can
not accommodate or validate such writings, because of the limitations
it places on evidence.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 09:16 PM
there were two mile hi glaciers pre 12000 years ago
they calved...into the sea
then melted...into the sea

So much ice collected in these two major regions and several lesser ones that the sea level dropped by some 400 feet
civilization of the day was on the shore...
was being the key word after the above

Now why do we say to "cross" the ocean.....?
well worth a look imho
edit on 19-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Great links Dan!
I'm watching the vids now.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 10:20 PM
as to the amnesia

the cross was used to build the pyramyds too

look at my av
its creator / owner was a general, military engineer, and a memeber of certain "secret" societies
there is the pyramids the cross and the stars...

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:44 AM


civilization of the day was on the shore...
was being the key word after the above

Now why do we say to "cross" the ocean.....?
well worth a look imho
edit on 19-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Danbones, that is such an interesting theory about the cross, I'm so glad you posted that. I've got some reading to do

ETA: I've done some reading, and I don't know if anyone's ever told you how truly brilliant you are, but I can assure you, you are!!
edit on 20-2-2014 by beansidhe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by beansidhe

oh stop

everything I know seems to have been thought up somewhere else first

want more?
check out an author named L.A. WADDELL
when you see who the sumerian, goth, "our lord AMEN" the first pharoa was, and that he was an admiral who used this cross to navigate with (around 3000 BC, a bit later then this thread, secrets, secrets, secrets,...) all this makes a freaky kind of sense...
amen, menes, minos, manis tu...

LA Waddel shows through the hirogliphs how the Aryan goths had the knowledge to rule sumer, and conquer the two egypts,...and faroe islands anyone...?

Back to Slayer's thread: ( apologies Slayer, for the slight divergence)
It looks like the secret societies out of old egypt know all this proper history going back to the time this thread is exploring...from there right up to the creation of google's ultimate AI...the ultimate continuation of the concept of PHAROA...and Lucifer:

Travel aCROSS the sea of stars

edit on 20-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Going to check him out now, but you'll be glad to know your day has not been in vain since you've uncovered a Celtic Thoth! You have! Who knew?

Thanks Danbones, the Celtic Avenger!

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