posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:07 PM
leira7 I fell in Love with the person I believed him to be.
Welcome to the world of adults, everyone does that. We lust after what we want and fall in love with what we think we need. Our upbringing determines
how well we bridge that gap and time is what tells us whether or not we made a mistake after we tried.
You need to remember that men and women look at this type of thing entirely differently, and what a person writes is more of a magnifying glass into
that person than a true reflection of the person doing the writing. That's why some people write a lot. They know they can't actually live the way
they feel, so they have to let it out somehow.
If men like that have a fault, it's that they feel too much in a world that feels too little. You didn't misinterpret what he wrote, you just took
it too literally. You have to look at it from his vantage point if you want to connect with him, and if you connect with him on that level, trust me,
it won't matter what you look like. At least not as much as you think it does. He'll obsess over your body, and you personally, more than you do
and, apparently, that's saying a lot.
In a way, you're both narcissists. You obsess over your body more than you think any man ever could, and he obsesses over things that he wants to be
but that he'll never live up to. You're both so intense about it that you shut everyone else out in the process. Including the one you claim to
love. You both need to stop what you're doing and have a heart to heart about all this. If you don't, you'll both be settling for a partner that
doesn't live up to individual expectations. If you do, you'll be settling into the real thing.
edit on 30-1-2014 by leira7 because: words