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Pilots Stripped Of Constitutional Rights Forced To Transport Tens Of 1000's Of Illegal Muslims To U

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posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:24 PM

reply to post by QuickWick

So people get annoyed when the Government bypass laws to make sure women and children who are dying from starvation get some kind of refuge, yet don't blink an eye when TRILLIONS of US taxpaying dollars go on nucular bombs?

TRILLIONS? Really? Do you even know what you are saying? The entire defense budget is something like $650 billion, most of which goes to pay personnel. Very little of this has anything to do with "nuclear bombs." You know what we DO spend a trillion dollars a year on, though? "Poverty programs." How successful have they been? Since 1964 when the "War on Poverty" began, ZERO. Nothing has changed. Throwing money at the problem has done nothing to alleviate it.

Now, you can certainly debate whether or not bringing Muslims to the US is good or bad, illegal or legal. That's a legitimate debate to have. But how, exactly, is a pilot's "Constitutional Rights!" violated because he is compelled to assist in this as part of his job? CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS is the topic here. That's what the title says. What constitutional rights have been violated here?

The problem here is abject hyperbole. When you have an issue, overstating it by leaps and bounds, as has been done here, weakens your case and makes it vulnerable. When your so-called "facts" can be shown to be completely false, made up out of your imagination, fueled by your emotions, your entire argument is nullified. It's invalid, and you're seen as a bunch of crazies who demonstrably don't know what they are talking about.

And so you lose.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

2 guys out of an annual amount of many tens of thousands.

Since 1980, over 2 Million refugees have settled in the USA, so the fact a couple went of the rails is no big thing. You're own "homegrown" lot go off the rails all the time, sometimes simply because of people texting in Cinema's....

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by stumason

You obviously didn't understand my point, the issue isn't with space, it's with the costs. America's economy and budget spending is already stressed. 30K more people need money to survive. That money may come in forms of food stamps, low cost housing etc., but it's still the American tax payers who are footing the bill when America needs that money desperately in other places.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I'm wondering about the whole "Constitutional Rights" angle as well...
I guess anything passes as a rights violation since Duck guy ran his mouth and was reprimanded by his employer. Since it was his Constitutional right and all.
Seriously, can someone help here?

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by stumason

If they are bringing out the refugees so they can flatten and destroy Syria - put in the puppets they want - and send all the immigrants back home.

I'm all for it. I think that should happen. Get all the people out who don't want to fight, and anyone left - we'll they had there chance. Go in, quick air strikes, and decimate the land. Then give it back to them and tell them, no more gassing your people, or we'll be back.

I'm jaded and hard nosed where the middle east is concerned. Taking care of patients who've over 80% of their body burned and a fungus growing that will ultimately kill them. Debriding skin, which is taking a brush and scrubbing of the blackened charred skin till you reach pink bloody flesh. There isn't enough pain medication in the world, to stop them from feeling that. Holding a man down from phantom pains in a leg he no longer has, cause he's reliving in his mind it's sever...over and over again. Or the terrible horrific feeling you get, when you here an amputee you cared for in the hospital, took his own life.

So yeah, I'm angry. At my government for getting drawn in over there and not taking care of things efficiently and in a timely manner, and at the extremist who continue on with the violence. If even only ONE extremist is in that mix of thousands of people on their way here. That is one to many.


posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:39 PM
Another double post. Sheesh.

Sorry again.

edit on 23-1-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:41 PM

reply to post by stumason

You obviously didn't understand my point, the issue isn't with space, it's with the costs. America's economy and budget spending is already stressed. 30K more people need money to survive. That money may come in forms of food stamps, low cost housing etc., but it's still the American tax payers who are footing the bill when America needs that money desperately in other places.

I thought you didn't like it because you didn't feel safe...
I'd rather have refugees from another country than most of the idiots here.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:41 PM
Only temporary my left foot

The refugees the christian charity organizations brought here from Burma were only supposed to be temporary. Now they do not give them money or new cars to drive any more and have pretty much washed their hands of the people they brought over here. Let them stay in the houses and neighborhoods the people bringing them over live in and see how long it lasts. See how they like their neighborhoods turned into slums.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Auricom

30K people for an economy worth over $15 Trillion is nothing, you're not going to win the argument on cost. The USA can more than afford and has amply shown over the past 30 years it lives up to it's commitments with refugees, having taken in up to 20% of all refugees to have fled to a Western/developed country.

And you never know, you might actually win some people over with your compassion, something the US could do with to be honest.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:52 PM



And there is no reason to be scared because of the Word

But of course. Ignorant Americans... dont they know that Islam is the "religion of peace"?

Unlike Christians who never invade anywhere. Except Afghanistan. And Iraq. Still, at least there were good reasons for those, like Iraq's involvement in, er, 9/11.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by QuickWick

Care to explain what constitutional rights were stripped being its not included in the link you provided yet added to the thread name?

Not that I would ever question the validity of a source named -

/end sarcasm
edit on 23-1-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:06 PM

We can't assume that just because their abused women and children - that none of them are going to harbor anxiety or hatred toward American people. Women and children, who loose family in war, consider the people who killed their family their enemy. And we're bringing them, these woman and children - who've likely lost brothers, husbands, fathers.... to the place they blame. (Nevermind, fighting in that region is centuries ongoing). they call the USA the "Great Satan" and the Church of Christianity, "Whore of Babylon", which is a large percent of our population! This is their cultural thing, on how they view us. Do any of you really think this is going to end well?

No. Just no. Why here? Why not Canada or Australia - or hell, lets send them to Saudi. Send them to asylum in a country they share a cultural identity with.


maybe you should reread the text under your post about the goddess of nercy and nxt to your post about denying ignorance

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:11 PM
Yep, send them to Canada, Australia or anywhere but the good ole USA........the country that started all this killing over there......
or, did they?
The Brits, the Saudis, the Quataris,The UAE, the French, the Turks ,the USA,ad nauseum.....all playing power politics in the Syrians backyards.
This "crisis" was created by larger forces and undercurrents that do not appear under surface scrutiny.
This is a religious war, between the Shia, and the Sunni.......
Where oh where is the real United Nations?
All playing power games to the tune of the corporate hedgemony that runs this world for its own profit and agenda.........
The refugees are just pawns for public sympathy and face saving....(as well as providing the FBI with subjects they can brainwash into domestic false flag terrorists.....)
These refugees have no idea whats going on as they too are being fed # and kept in the dark just like YOU.............

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:14 PM
The pilots, like everyone else on the planet, had a choice. Their choice was to go ahead and transport the refugees and whine about it. Other choices WERE available.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Since 1964 when the "War on Poverty" began, ZERO. Nothing has changed. Throwing money at the problem has done nothing to alleviate it.

It won't change because the banks make too much money off the poor. Ever hear of a bank called JP Morgan? They run the food stamps here in the states there is no way they are going to give up the millions a year they make off the government.

What constitutional rights have been violated here?

No rights were violated here. People don't seem to understand that the constitution is only effective here in the states. If a citizen is in another country the Constitution won't protect them or give them rights.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by notsosunny

I'm not a goddess. Nor am I all knowing - to claim myself to be free of ignorance.

All that I know, is through experience, and I've changed continuously throughout my life. I will continue to change. This is where I am at in regards to Middle Eastern issues. I don't trust them as people, and sadly that is through the actions of their extremist, the tenets of the religion and Imam's, and the leaders of their countries.

I'm only human. Whether right or wrong, this is where I am at, and I'm honest enough to admit it.


posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by stumason

Haha! America can't even afford what it's spending now! As each day rises, America's debt is rising 2.5 BILLION dollars. How do you think all this will end up? You honestly think this has a happy ending? For Americans, for the immigrants?

People can wear as many rose tinted glasses as they like, but that doesn't change the reality that's beyond them.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:26 PM
It's a contentious topic given the nation is stressed financially and we are all human beings so needn't discriminate on who should or should not be able to live on this land. When Hitler was doing his thing we turned people away (depression era), and that was not a popular decision. They probably would have been happier living in the gutter in America than facing even worse staying put.

There is for sure the issue of overpopulation (fewer resources for those who already live here), but I don't think we're there yet - to the point we have to stop immigration - but again - that is based on what I see and not on stats. If it's not a matter of resources then it becomes a matter of how to choose who gets to come and live here.

We see plenty of crime come from our southern boarder yet don't see red flags go off in the public with this population. Infiltration for the purpose of setting up shop for human trafficking or drugs (and recruitment) is well established yet we're worried about a bunch of widows and children engaging in criminal activity? Because they are Muslim and come from a war torn region? If they have ties in their homeland this can always be a risk - those ties can be used as leverage to recruit. I am sure our government is aware of this and will attend to the remote possibility.

Are we deciding that religious affiliation is now a qualifier for immigration? If not - what is the real issue here?

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:31 PM

Yep, send them to Canada, Australia or anywhere but the good ole USA........the country that started all this killing over there......
or, did they?

The correct answer would be no, they didn't start it. The religious buffoonery in the ME has been occurring before some of these countries even came into existence.

The Brits, the Saudis, the Quataris,The UAE, the French, the Turks ,the USA,ad nauseum.....all playing power politics in the Syrians backyards.

You forgot to include Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Lebanon, Syria ad nauseum...

This "crisis" was created by larger forces and undercurrents that do not appear under surface scrutiny.
This is a religious war, between the Shia, and the Sunni.......

Going to war over religion is like fighting over who has the better imaginary friend... and you want to blame the US / West for a religious issue created before some of the countries in the west ever came into existence.

Where oh where is the real United Nations?

They are to busy being denounced by Syria, Iran Lebanon ad nauseum because they don't automatically take the side of those countries when it comes to political assassinations. In fairness those backward countries will accept the UN whenever they want to take Israel to task though. Ironic really.. On one hand they praise the UN while at the exact same time denouncing them and threatening to kill anyone who agrees with it when it runs against a muslim country.

The UN nor the west can fix what took blind, arrogant, ignorant, self serving, egotistical, thoughtless, "muslim religious" leaders a thousand plus years to make all on their own. At some point those groups will need to realize it is no longer the 9th century and its time for them to behave as adults as opposed to acting like a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

All playing power games to the tune of the corporate hedgemony that runs this world for its own profit and agenda.........

I'm sorry where exactly is the bulk of the worlds oil supply located.... Who are members of OPEC?
Before you throw a rock (in your glass house and not a women buried up to her shoulders) maybe you sure make sure your own affairs are in order before throwing the entire blame at one entity when its more than just those entities responsible. Secondly the countries in the ME seem to be doing pretty good when it comes to profits from oil sales to offset the cost of those friendly dictators in the neck of the world.

The refugees are just pawns for public sympathy and face saving....(as well as providing the FBI with subjects they can brainwash into domestic false flag terrorists.....)

Because countries in the ME would never take advantage of refugees, or you know, indiscriminately kill them because they belong to one cult over the other? Those same ME countries, last I checked, have their own security / intelligence services who also recruit in non ME countries.

Or was this another attempt to shift the blame to the west again? This would also be one of those glass house and not woman buried up to her shoulders comments - see above for reference.

These refugees have no idea whats going on as they too are being fed # and kept in the dark just like YOU.............

They are in the dark because Syrian government doesn't care about them. All they care about is remaining in power. The ones they tend to care about are the people who support Assad, not because he is a good leader and cares, but because iof they don't they or family members will be executed. The UN has documented over 11k deaths as a direct result of Assad's government in their prison / jail system alone.

If your going to start making comments about being in the dark and being fed "#" may I suggest you head your own advice before you shove your leg any farther down your throat? Governments in that neck of the world only allow the people to read what the government decides and doing otherwise usually results in arrest and death.

If leaders like Assad are so righteous then have them go to the front lines and face the people who "love" them.

There is plenty of blame to go around... the goal, since you missed it, is to find solutions.
edit on 23-1-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 01:33 PM

reply to post by iRoyalty

How about we take care of our own people first?

How about we don't create the problem in the first place? (Don't say we don't NATO has been aiding the rebels for the past two years)

There are worse things and more expensive things tax money is being spent on then saving women and children... I can't believe this is even a debate...

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