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The Results of a Devastated Economy.

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posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:13 PM
It seems to me like more and more people are falling into poverty and Im not basing this judgement on numbers produced by any media or governmental sources Im judging this by my observations of the communities around me. First let me say that in the last few years i have lived all over the country so im not speaking about 1 area im speaking about many areas. Ive met more people losing their houses or preparing for some apocalytpic journey. Im noticing people at the bottom are being forced into positions of having to actually band together a little bit as a community in order to survive. Between the rising cost of living, from the price of razrors, to a gallon of milk, to a loaf of bread prices are rising everywhere. Ok yeah i get it there is dollar bread still but if your stuck buying the dollar bread your getting GMO cheap processed inorganic food full of poison and with that knowledge for myself its next to immpossible to spend less then 4 bucks on a loaf of bread.

I have met a lot of people who are paying for houses that are nowhere close to what they are worth and letting their house getting foreclosed on. I have met people who have lost jobs and losing their homes due to lack of ability to generate a sustainable income. I continueally meet people who moving into RV's or moving in with other families.

It doesnt help that the rare jobs that are available have increasingly become harder to get due to the requirements for the job becoming more diffucult, and the fact that more people are competeing for the same jobs. It doesnt help that you cant get a job in construction anymore due to the fact that we stopped building anything 10 years ago of any value and we no longer invest into infrastructure in this company. Not only is that one of the biggest reasons why our economy is failing but weve lost all jobs related to production.

I read a thread this week blaming mexicans for the economy here in the US and at the same time a thread is started about how 85 people have the wealth equivelant of half of the worlds population. Its really not helping to continue to place blame on the least fortunate people here in America and around the world for the worlds problems.

Im sad, im disenfranchised, im in my late 20's and the future is grim. The more i look at the worlds situations and how people think the more i consider options like moving to Chile, or moving to oregon and joining an off the grid community.
edit on 20141America/Chicagoq000000America/Chicago1431142014 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by onequestion

That is some of the things ppl are going to have to do to survive the planned collapse.

I say planned collapse because John Perkins said as much and his evidence holds water.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

He basically says the USA is the next likely target of the globalist looter brigade.

its been underway for awhile, and their 1st efforts were to deindustrialize the US and ship
the majority of US industry overseas, and replace it with fluff jobs like armies of bean counters,
lawyers, government paper pushers, etc etc....

Ppl will need to look into self sufficiency, and growing their own food, and living in the wilderness
in the last phases of the planned looting of the US much like what happened during the last
great depression here.

Nothing new under the sun indeed.

Know your wild edible plants, prepare a few wilderness places.

Seriously consider a makeshift fallout shelter as WW3 is likely in the cards as things get really out
of control much as they have int he past, just no one is alive now that remembers most of this
has all played out before.

At least Iceland had the balls to boot the bank$ters and try to reclaim their country.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I dont see it as simple as them pillaging our resources. The end game doesnt make sense.

What makes more sense is a system end game like in the movie The Hunger Games. The system developed to preserve power for family lineage in a direct manner that eliminates most of the peoples power for revival or revolt.

I see whats happening not in an effort to destabilize the economy but to implement more controls.

Look at the modern paradigm for getting a job. Look at how hard it is to get into a union or to get an apprenticeship. Look at how much college you need to get a decent programming job.

This isnt only a result of a more competative jobs markets but the job market is being used as a reason to tighten the controls.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I've always tried to stay ahead of the curve.

I moved to a location where the economy is booming.

I shifted my stock holdings to the Bond Market.

I prep now.

Not because I need to. But because I want to be prepared when the collapse happens.

The talking heads will spout all sorts of good news to keep the people pacified.

You know.

It's getting ugly out there.

Stay ahead of the curve. All I can say.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I agree Beezer and trust me when i tell you all options are on the table im just not making any hastey descions. I have learned through serious hardship that hastey descions turn out to be wrong.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:48 PM

reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I dont see it as simple as them pillaging our resources. The end game doesnt make sense.

What makes more sense is a system end game like in the movie The Hunger Games. The system developed to preserve power for family lineage in a direct manner that eliminates most of the peoples power for revival or revolt.

I see whats happening not in an effort to destabilize the economy but to implement more controls.

Look at the modern paradigm for getting a job. Look at how hard it is to get into a union or to get an apprenticeship. Look at how much college you need to get a decent programming job.

This isnt only a result of a more competative jobs markets but the job market is being used as a reason to tighten the controls.

Correct on the lineage angle, they believe in the pseudo science of Eugenics.


The same mindset that brought us Aktion T4 during WW2 in Germany.

Aktion T4

I like to call them the Neo-Malthusians, others like to call them the ppl behind Rummels Democide
numbers of 272 million dead at the hands of government in the last 100 years.


Some of them are quite out in the open about what they want for most of us.

Eric Pianka says we should bioengineer a virus to kill off 90% of humans

Pianka had "endorsed the elimination of 90 percent of the human population" through a disease such as an airborne strain of the Ebola virus.[15] Mims claimed that Pianka said the Earth would not survive unless its population was reduced by 90% suggesting that the planet would be "better off" if the human population were reduced and that a mutant strain of Ebola (which has up to a 90% mortality rate) would be the most efficient means.[16]

Some others think a 95% wipe out is even better....

The Georgia Guidestones

You will notice they make rule #1 of their new age ten commandments that 6.5 billion ppl need to die....

You will also notice they call for a new living language, much like the language that Soros is a native speaker
of in the form of Esperanto.

The deeper you dig into the globalist death cult the more the GMO, Radiation and other insanity fits the
modus operandi of insane ppl.

As John Lennon said not too long before he was murdered...

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."

Just like Terrence Yeakey, he wasn't put away, he was put down.... put down hard...

Same deal for Michael Hastings and his exploding Mercedes.
edit on 21-1-2014 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:50 PM

reply to post by beezzer

I agree Beezer and trust me when i tell you all options are on the table im just not making any hastey descions. I have learned through serious hardship that hastey descions turn out to be wrong.

It's always good to make smart decisions.

Just remember to MAKE those decisions.

Never let others make them for you.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I agree. Nice quote too. Interesting guy that one.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by onequestion

You need to get off this site and enjoy some real world. I have little sympathy because I was the product of a very broken home, never got a high school diploma or a college degree and was homeless for four years of my life.

I now make more than enough money to have a fantastic life, quite a few toys and I only work six hours a day a few months a year to do it.

Life is what you make it. Wanting to get ahead when you have little requires a commitment most can not make.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

You have no idea what your talking about if you knew how busy and exhausted i was youd retract your previous statement.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:36 PM
The dangers of a defeatist attitude...

How about you people save your country before it collapses?
What happened to all your patriots? This place used to swarm with those.... were they all deceivers?
Patriotism shows during bad weather! You have a fine Constitution... put it to use!

Also, you know there are places on this planet that are not up to their neck in #?
Maybe learn something from them... or would you really rather cling on to the idea of U.S. exceptionalism until it drowns you?

The things that really made the U.S. 'exceptional'... you seem to have forgotten.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by onequestion

onequestion – Nothing is as I was taught to believe, growing up…and/or as I believed through most of my adult years.
Honesty, compassion, sincerity, excellence, diligence and hard work are paper balloons with the fuses already lit…
I worked hard and set standards that have not been touched (as far as I know)… I was touted as “the very best” – “never seen one better” – etc… Had a heart attack. Had to lay low for half a year or more… Decided to come back…and found that those hailed as the new cream of the crop, have nothing more than diplomas and “family names”… Their product is generic pablum… But – they went to the right universities… Their family members sit on the International Boards of Directors of major multi-national companies… AND …THE PRODUCT DOESN’T MATTER.

My advice to you – (and I am sickened to even admit that I am saying it) – is – FORGET the rules of “do unto others” and “turn the other cheek” that you may have been raised to believe… IF YOU DON’T GET IT FOR YOURSELF, NO-ONE ELSE WILL.

You need to take what the government and dystopian society are throwing at you…and find a way to…THROW IT BACK.

That was my two cents. Hope it doesn’t cause you any harm. WISH I WAS WRONG!
Good luck.

edit on 1/21/2014 by WanDash because: clarification

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:32 PM
the only thing you can do is fight hard, die well, and take as many of the b&s%t**ds with you. it's the way entropy works. its the way the Universe works. life is an anomally, not a gift. i always thought the commercialization of space would be what changed us from being angry monkeys to spacemen. now i relaize we could only get as far as angry monkeys in space. of course knowing your part of a doomed race living on a doomed planet in a doomed solar system doesn't mean we can't have some fun right !

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:35 PM

The dangers of a defeatist attitude...
...The things that really made the U.S. 'exceptional'... you seem to have forgotten.

Well ColCurious - I won't say you're wrong...because...maybe you aren't.
So - if you wouldn't mind...could you please elicit what are those "...things that...made the U.S. 'exceptional'..."?
I have been here, for a good while (my entire life), and, aside from a very generic patriotism, cannot point back to any particular aspect of the U.S.A.'s history, and say "yeah - if we'd just get back to that, we'd be on the right track".
Am open to considering your suggestion/s, though.
Thanks for your concern.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:43 PM

reply to post by onequestion

You need to get off this site and enjoy some real world. I have little sympathy because I was the product of a very broken home, never got a high school diploma or a college degree and was homeless for four years of my life.

I now make more than enough money to have a fantastic life, quite a few toys and I only work six hours a day a few months a year to do it.

Life is what you make it. Wanting to get ahead when you have little requires a commitment most can not make.

What generation are you. baby boomer perhaps?

If so, I am sorry, but the first 15 years after adulthood give one most of their momentum, training, experience, etc.

to compare the opportunities of a boomer to someone of today;s younger generation is either:
- patronizing
- pompous
- delusional
- ..., ..., ...

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by onequestion

I feel so much for you. My own 31 year old son, who moved back in with me a couple of months ago - "I work hard - all the time - I can't be the only one - I'll never get ahead."

And, I, as a 50 year-old - am not going to get out of my house what I have in it - I fear that my retirement is going to be looted by the "gov't" -

Things are bad all around - that's not even taking into account what many people are saying that is headed our way that the gov't is hiding in space right now -

Look at the forbidden site Beforeitsnews - and realize there's a bunch of junk right there, but the links they have to space, and amatuer astronomers is well worth being aware of.

I'll add my own thoughts - Jesus Christ is your saviour - all the rest are doomed.

Our gov't is a joke - I'm sure you can finally see that. There's a lot more crap headed our way - stay safe, be good, and God bless you.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:53 PM

...What generation are you. baby boomer perhaps?
...If so, I am sorry, but the first 15 years after adulthood give one most of their momentum, training, experience, etc.
to compare the opportunities of a boomer to someone of today;s younger generation is either:
- patronizing
- pompous
- delusional
- ..., ..., ...

I'm sure you have reasons for saying this...but, I would bet the 'reasons' are as insubstantial as someone from the 'boomer' generation saying - "you young punks need to get off your a**es and work like I did".
I would be counted among the "boomer" generation...and spent most of my adult life doing jobs 99% of those in my generation & yours would not.
My three children are of the same generation as the OP... I am highly and daily aware of the difficulties they face. Every generation has to ADAPT...because, nothing stays the same. Society has been ramping-up the morph-speed since before I was born.
Good luck to you, though. I intend no disregard for your views.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I would but it's early in the morning here and I have to leave for work.
You could search my post history if you like... you might find some points there.
One thing that comes to mind is you don't have financial equalization transfairs within your states, like we have here with our cooperative federalism, or on a bigger scale within the €Z.
Your competitive federalism (opposed to our federal structure), is meant to be a build in restriction against fiscal centralism afaik.
In view of the contagious situation within our centralized systems in this current global financial crisis this alone is worth gold.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:07 AM


The dangers of a defeatist attitude...
...The things that really made the U.S. 'exceptional'... you seem to have forgotten.

Well ColCurious - I won't say you're wrong...because...maybe you aren't.
So - if you wouldn't mind...could you please elicit what are those "...things that...made the U.S. 'exceptional'..."?
I have been here, for a good while (my entire life), and, aside from a very generic patriotism, cannot point back to any particular aspect of the U.S.A.'s history, and say "yeah - if we'd just get back to that, we'd be on the right track".
Am open to considering your suggestion/s, though.
Thanks for your concern.

allow me to opine, if you will.

The 60's-90's were a BOOM time for the working class.. Very HIGH wages and CHEAP STUFF.
I recall working in the 90's. the jobs paid MORE, were MUCH easier to acquire, and had way less competing applicants. (born in 1975).

those that had the 40 years mentioned above as their working years, are basically lottery winners figuratively speaking.

If really sickens me daily when i compare their time to my own generation and the younger crowd.

example: midwest
1993-- could get a job at one of a dozen factories within a 30 mile radius.. hired on the spot or within 48 hours.
Pay started at $12-16/hr. (17-22 in detroit/flint, michigan)
New domestic full/mid size car.. 13-18,000.
House 3br/1 or 2 ba.. rent --300-500 month, purchase price. 30-50,000.. property taxes--- a smidgeon of today!
Gasoline -- 89 CENTS a gallon.
Grocery bill -- $150/mo for a family of 5. weekly T-bones! included.
clothes -- about the same as now.. air jordan shoes were $100 in the late 80's.
Utilities-- family of five.. water bill - $15-60 bucks/ mo.. electricity always under $100/mo., phone $25/mo
companies paid 1-3 for every dollar you put into retirement (yeah there was retirement)
health care PAID, for LIFE if you retire from the factory. No such thing as a CO-pay!

2013-- struggle for months to even FIND a factory
pay starts at $8-11.50 hr
new domestic full size car .. 25,000 on the Cheap, usually 30-40k
house -- pfft, 200-400k for a mediocre neighborhood.. property taxes tripled/quadrupled
Gasoline -- $3.75 a gallon
Grocery bill -- 400-600 month.. NEVER afford T-bones
clothes-- meh.
Utilities-- TRIPLE, or just doubled.. if lucky
retirement .. them matching or giving 2-1.. lol, good one. should try stand-up
Health care -- 300-600. monthly

unreal.. and part is due to offshoring..
part due to immigrant/SCABS..

as jobs offshore. that ALONE creates downward pressure on wages becasue MORE people are applying at the few factories left.
THEN the IMMIGRANT WAVES FLOOD IN, and that EXACERBATES the issue for the native people.

sucks all around. had I been born on the 50's, well.. to compare the times causes me serious RAGE.. at all culprits who have taken a BITE out of MY Country.

the globalists, the Mitt Romneys (bain capitals), and the job stealing immigrants..

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:19 AM


...What generation are you. baby boomer perhaps?
...If so, I am sorry, but the first 15 years after adulthood give one most of their momentum, training, experience, etc.
to compare the opportunities of a boomer to someone of today;s younger generation is either:
- patronizing
- pompous
- delusional
- ..., ..., ...

I would be counted among the "boomer" generation...and spent most of my adult life doing jobs 99% of those in my generation & yours would not.
My three children are of the same generation as the OP... I am highly and daily aware of the difficulties they face. Every generation has to ADAPT...because, nothing stays the same. Society has been ramping-up the morph-speed since before I was born.
Good luck to you, though. I intend no disregard for your views.

i agree on the 99% who wouldn't do 'those jobs'..
joined the USMC at 17 to get access to a decent college fund/education.
after that full time student AND worked the 3-11 shift in a warehouse for a Heavy Equip corp.. for meager pay hustling to get the shipments out. Very HUSTLED.. and got a measly 0.75/hr raise for being the best/fastest at it.
when school got more time intensive (after freshman year), had to quit the 40-50hr week job.
managed a sub shop, then catalog dept at department store when school required even more study time.
Then quit school/burned out and joined military again.. got injured twice with 'career enders'
worked for a company LITERALLY digging ditches doing underground construction..from 5am-2pm with a broken back/neck,TBI, etc.
and so on...

point is, the immigrant CUT THE PAY in HALF from a decade earlier in construction. the same jobs in the 90's paid well over double what i was getting..

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