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85 richest people as wealthy as half of the world's population

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Quadrivium

Why do people worry so much over what other people have?

Because those who have the most, because of their greed, interfere too much with the lives of others. They interfere with Governments, and they fund violence and oppression for their own benifit.

The problem with the financial elite and those with the most influential power, is that they won't leave the rest of the world alone. They want to control your money, education, food, water, air. They want to make it a world that charges money for the air you breath. THAT'S why we have a problem with them.

If they could make their billions without destroying the economic fabric of the other 99% percent of humanity, and obliterating the natural habitat of the other 99% of living beings on this planet, there would be no problem.

edit on 20-1-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 03:10 PM

reply to post by NavyDoc

That's a long post that basically says exactly what I was saying - only with a slant

You really want this to be about what you want it to be - leftists are just wrong?

My point - it all happened for a reason

History is repeating itself over and over again - but more importantly - people don't revolt because they want your stuff

Well now I beg to differ. Besides I have an original copy, hard back, red cloth cover, The History of The Communist Party in Russia published, early before WWII, by the communist party in Russia itself no less. It certainly does back up what Doc says. The small independent farmers just wanted to be left alone, go have your revolution. However Stalin said they needed to go as well because they represented some sort of independent mentality not conducive to the revolution.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:43 PM


reply to post by gladtobehere

not quite what i had in mind....just saying there needs to be a change i do not like violence in any form but theses statistics speak for themselves .......

somewhere along the lines the hoarders of wealth need to be accountable for their actions......accumulating wealth at the same time letting masses of people die from hunger is just not is criminal

How did Oprah starve people to accumulate her wealth? J. K. Rowling is a billionaire as well. Who did she abuse and steal and cheat to get her wealth?

The ignorant assumption that a successful person was dishonest or abusive to succeed is just as ignorant as assuming that all poor people are criminals.

maybe u should tell that to the families and their starving children all over the globe especially in third world countries where there is no ability for them to hoard wealth....a scary statistic is that the average third world person makes less pollution in an entire lifetime than 1 single plasma tv produces.....

as far as the ignorance goes i never said they stole the money i simply am stating there needs to be a massive redistribution to create some fairness for all the people of the world

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:47 PM


as far as the ignorance goes i never said they stole the money i simply am stating there needs to be a massive redistribution to create some fairness for all the people of the world


Let's go with that.

All the money is redistributed.

Now what?

What if there is a new entrepreneur, someone who makes a lot of money on the "next new great idea".

Does your new world allow him to amass wealth?

What if I build a bigger home through hard work, I save more, earn more, work harder than others, I accumulate wealth and property.

Am I allowed to keep it?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:54 PM


Let's go with that.

All the money is redistributed.

Now what?

Do it all again in 7-12 years.


posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:03 PM
The problem is what can be done?
Can you just go after them and the money and redistribute it by force?
Will putting In limits and enforcing laws starting now do any good, or is it shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?

They already have the money, the Game and law is rigged in their favor, it's too late.

I didn't start this thread as some kind of activist, vigilante, let's hang them all kind of thread, I did it merely to highlight the sheer inequality, unjust, corrupt and abhorrent fact that so few own so much, while so many have so little.
And most is through ill-gotten gains and nefarious, illegal practices and tax dodging and worker exploitation.

But what realistically can we do?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

Yeah...I know...I didn't grow up poor...I grew up upper middle class.

I'm poor now.

People like this are OUT OF TOUCH.
They REALLY think that you are here for them.
They REALLY believe that they are better than you.
They REALLY feel that it is YOUR fault that you are not in the same class as them.
They'll NEVER be poor. It would be impossible.
Income inequality used to be just a term thrown around to me...
but now I feel it. I grew up in Long Island...Bellport, Long Island...

I now live in North Carolina.
There was always income inequality here...but there is no more middle at all.

It's either trailer parks or McMansions on a golf course.
At least there was a time not so long ago when the wealthier were more charitable and POLITE...
Now, they are just rude and do look down their noses at you...and it's not like I live in a trailer left over from 1983.
They do seem to have the "I got mine, hate to be you" attitude.

Just the other Lowe's home improvement...we were walking by an employee who was assisting a customer when we hear from a distance away:

"HELLO! HELLO? SIR! LOWES PERSON? You're assistance button does not work? Do you work?"
It was a woman who has obviously NEVER been in a place like this before and felt that she could insult every person in there. She stood in her spot and pretty much yelled this to the poor employee who was about 50 ft away...with OTHER customers!

I had to stop and stare in amazement at her rudeness, when she turned and looked at me, and I kid you not, said:
"Can you believe this place? What do they pay these people for anyway? This is exactly why I don't come here!"

It bothers me still.
This happened two weeks ago and I can't get this "person" out of my head.
Just, wow.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:12 PM

But what realistically can we do?

Fix consumer priorities.


posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:16 PM

The problem is what can be done?
Can you just go after them and the money and redistribute it by force?
Will putting In limits and enforcing laws starting now do any good, or is it shutting the gate after the horse has bolted?

They already have the money, the Game and law is rigged in their favor, it's too late.

I didn't start this thread as some kind of activist, vigilante, let's hang them all kind of thread, I did it merely to highlight the sheer inequality, unjust, corrupt and abhorrent fact that so few own so much, while so many have so little.
And most is through ill-gotten gains and nefarious, illegal practices and tax dodging and worker exploitation.

But what realistically can we do?

there have probably been @85 people owning half the worlds wealth since time began.

Let them.

Wealth can be measured any number of ways. Live your life, love your family, keep them safe and warm.

Go into that great beyond knowing that you did good. Don't measure your wealth against those with trillions.

Why bother?

Measure your wealth against if your family was safe, fed and secure.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:19 PM



as far as the ignorance goes i never said they stole the money i simply am stating there needs to be a massive redistribution to create some fairness for all the people of the world


Let's go with that.

All the money is redistributed.

Now what?

What if there is a new entrepreneur, someone who makes a lot of money on the "next new great idea".

Does your new world allow him to amass wealth?

What if I build a bigger home through hard work, I save more, earn more, work harder than others, I accumulate wealth and property.

Am I allowed to keep it?

no rabbits dont live in houses they live in burrows so you can have a bigger burrow if that pleases you....

in all seriousness though my statement is not so much aimed at the middle class is aimed at those accumulate incredible wealth...more money than they will ever spend in many lifetimes.......i realise they can if they want in our system but i just cant fathom the idea of people starving globally and these people have 10 Ferrari's,5 private jets,mansions all over the globe...etc etc

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by luciddream

I am not for wealth redistribution in any way, but I am for returning stolen property. How long are we gonna let these fat pigs eat all the bacon, ride all the jets and use our money to kill us and enslave us further. Do these 85 people contribute to society more than half the globe? I think killing these people would be too nice and unfair to the rest of us who have been toiling endlessly our whole lives just to try and retire. Rather put them in our shoes or in labor camps and prisons like they deserve and force them to work the rest of their lives repaying society back for all their insane greed. There's nothing wrong with keeping what you earn, but when it's stolen through channels such as irs and Ponzi scheme fed reserve these people need a whooping because when they get away with it like they have you have more people cheating because everyone else is getting away with it. This is what we've allowed to transpire by not printing our own money publicly and forgetting the constitution. It's sick, it's twisted and it's not gonna stop if we don't put our feet down and do the right thing. All our problems are solve able we just need to change our perspective which the mainstream media controls serving the master unwittingly for a few table scraps. Everyone has a right to be able to provide for their families and enjoy the fruits of their labor without criminals and puppets extorting their energy in the name of government. There is so much waste and bureaucratic bs like obama care no wonder our economy is failing. We need to stop paying the fed to loan us nothing as they have nothing to give and we can use their printing machines and keep the us dollar as our currency without paying the bastards a dime. Gee I bet with more money in the economy crime would go way down. These pos are behind every war, gmo, stock market collapse, assassination, world hunger and all out crimes against humanity. We are sick in the head to have not stopped this insanity back in the 60s

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:33 PM


there have probably been @85 people owning half the worlds wealth since time began.

Let them.


Just kidding, I know you're fibbing

C'mon, rabbit. You're really okay with 85/7,130,000,000 people having half the pot of gold?

I think it's more honest to say this has never happened before in the history of mankind.

You want my simple reasoning on it? Certainly. We've never had the technological means to have so few players in control.

We were spread out, and without the ability to communicate within timespans relative to the work-week needed to play such prominent roles in other people's affairs. It could take months to journey from one location to another, if you were even aware of it's existence and had it mapped out! Now, milliseconds can connect you to nearly any two locations via the internet. We can fly jet within a day to anywhere in the world.

At no time in history have so few influenced so many.

Wealth can be measured any number of ways. Live your life, love your family, keep them safe and warm.

Go into that great beyond knowing that you did good. Don't measure your wealth against those with trillions.

Why bother?

Measure your wealth against if your family was safe, fed and secure.

I agree with some of what you said, HOWEVER, limits can be had to where the influence of others inhibits your ability to live your life, and properly take care of those you love.

I think those limits have been breached, and will become more apparent as the consolidation of wealth/influences continues on.
edit on 20-1-2014 by webedoomed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:55 PM

What many of you guys fail to see is that being rich doesn't necessarily equal being evil. That stereotype is outdated and does not resemble the reality.
Fact is, most of the 1% earned their wealth honestly and fairly, by either having a good idea or trying to make a difference. Anyone can make that difference if you are willing to work hard for it, no matter where you live...

I do beg to differ.

First of all, is it right that someone can have billions and billions of dollars while others may starve, live a hand to mouth existence, and have no recourse to any type of healthcare?

The fact that 85 people have more wealth than 3.5 billion people - how much money is enough?

How do you know they earned it fair and square? Those with influence, influencing banks and politicians to create laws conducive to their theft (oops sorry, I meant wealth creation).

The fact that those with money and influence are forever trying to reduce the amount of tax they pay, as well as the conditions of the slaves (sorry workers) on the coal face of their mines. A modern company like Google, utilise the SF public transport infrastructure (making use of public bus stops) to run a private bus services down to Silicon Valley. Understandably, the locals become upset, and mass increases in the rent of a city due to high paid IT workers flooding in does little to endear the public to what appears to be a wealthy parasitical entity bleeding the city dry, ensuring only the wealthy can afford to live in such a place.

SAN FRANCISCO -- While small in scale, scattered protests targeting buses filled with tech workers have highlighted a larger issue: the growing gap between those benefiting from the Bay Area's tech boom and those who have been left behind.

The protesters insist their anger is not aimed at the tech workers themselves, but rather at the inequities highlighted by the tech industry, which generates enormous wealth that provides big paychecks and attractive perks -- including free transportation and free gourmet food -- to workers whose ability to pay has helped push up rents. Many of those outside the tech industry, meanwhile, have seen their rents rise beyond their reach as their salaries have remained flat, or even fallen, over recent years.

If those who were wealth creators were willing to invest in public services and helping to ensure that 'normal people' can also afford to live in a city like SF would certainly contribute towards a more level playing field.

The more wealth is pushed into the hands of a select few, the greater disparity is created.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:05 PM


there have probably been @85 people owning half the worlds wealth since time began.

Let them.

Wealth can be measured any number of ways. Live your life, love your family, keep them safe and warm.

Go into that great beyond knowing that you did good. Don't measure your wealth against those with trillions.

Why bother?

Measure your wealth against if your family was safe, fed and secure.

I'm not asking what can I do because I want money or a slice of the wealth, see this is where we differ.
I ask because I actually give a crap about people dying of starvation around the world and the kids who live on rubbish dumps, and the people who get mutations and diseases from having chemicals spewing into their rivers and the fact that the number of people on food stamps and relying on food banks is rising all the time.

I don't ask what can we do because i'm jealous or envious or want a bigger tv, I ask because it's disgusting the kind of world we live in ane the level of inequality, and it needs to stop!

I also know that family and love is far more important than wealth and that some of the richest people on the planet have no money or assets, so spare me your hallmark bs sentimentality

edit on 20-1-2014 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by AFewGoodWomen

Had a similar experience in a bookstore not too long ago. I was in Chapters and there was a blind woman waiting in line at the starbucks, and this wealthy looking lady who was chattering away on her blue tooth just butted right in front of the blind woman and then laughed about it claiming that she was in a hurry. One of the most disgusting displays of arrogance I've seen in person. I agree with you, personally. The wealthy really do thumb their noses at the poor and have this attitude of entitlement. MOST of them are of the opinion that they deserve their wealth and that they worked for it and rarely do they ever admit to any advantages that they might have had earlier in life that most other people do not have.

I honestly believe that once they can automate the entire workforce they will try to just do away with the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by stargatetravels

So we take the wealthy's money to feed the starving.


Corrupt governments can already do that, if they wanted, but they don't.

So in order to feed the hungry, we'd have to overthrow governments, put people in power who we hoped were not corrupt, make sure that they feed the starving people.


Or do you just want a New Word Order?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:27 PM

reply to post by stargatetravels

I'm not sure why TPTB continue to print stories like this, what purpose could it possibly serve? Much like the race issues, is it more divide and conquer? Black vs White, rich vs poor etc.?

TPTB are using the Hegelian Dialectic (problem, reaction, solution) to create uprisings around the globe. They want to bring the old world crashing down so they can usher in the NWO.

All of these inequality leaks and governmental inefficiencies and predictive programming through movies/games/television/etc are simply to condition the people towards revolution and economic collapse, the necessary precursors before they can bring forth their insanely corrupt and satanic one world government.

The solution? Nonviolent nonparticipation. We the people need to come together as one and peacefully turn our backs upon these criminals. We need to arrest them, try them, convict them, then wipe the slate clean ourselves. After a PEACEFUL revolution, we can then reset the system under the principles of justice, compassion, love, and equality.

Wondering how to get that peaceful revolution started? Try Gene Sharp's From Dictatorship to Democracy.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 09:11 PM

reply to post by stargatetravels

Is CiaGypsy on list?

Nope... My banks had a rather crappy week and I fell to #86.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Well now I beg to differ.

Differ - with what?

What were the conditions in Russia prior to Stalin getting to have his say or his way with anything?

You think the whole thing started in 1917?

Sometimes we have a tendency to turn history into some kind of simplistic cartoon - don't we?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I care not for the cause of the revolt. I'm only all too aware of the aftermath.

Well, I guess that makes things easier for you - and it explains some things for me. Our positions are so much easier to defend if they aren't all mussed up with facts I guess :-)

So, you actually do not care what led up to the revolution?

Do you have any idea what the Russian people were living through at the time?

Do you think they were spoiled? Lazy? Ingrates? An aimless mob of wanton losers out to kill the Tsar for his Xbox and some cash?

Do you think things were pretty cool in Russia before the Commies showed up?

edit on 1/20/2014 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

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