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Ever wonder what a demon says during an exorcism?

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

But if you truly hated someone would you really want them in hell with you? That would be like finding the most irritating person you could and having them move in to your house with you. I can Tell you if I hated some one I would want them as far away from me as possible. So I just can't under stand the I hate you so much I want you to live with me thing.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I always thought this was obvious to people, but I guess not.
Demons strive for hate and JEALOUSY between people. The reason they do it, is that is halts our karmic growth and progression.
Jealousy is the basis for a lot of hate, so they always work on the this angle.

I suggest reading the works of Allan Kardec. He explains much of this, in detail.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by PtolemyII

Jealousy is selfishness which is unhealthy pride of self and hate of others. We are back to hate.
It all goes back to excessive self pride and hate ... doesn't it? Sad.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:42 AM
here so they make exile demon in the name of Jesus Christ in ! synagogue , oh yeees goyim rednecks believes in it
edit on 20/1/14 by mangust69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan


having been involved personally with a few people that were possessed, unbeknown to me at the time, and having 5 guys holding a young man back from viciously attacking me at a halfway house I managed years ago. I kid you not, his voice changed in to something quite sinister as soon as I started to attempt to control him/it..what he said was..

young man: "I want it inside me.. "

demon in a sinister voice in the same breath immediately after: "so let us go.."

He glared at me with such hate I could feel it, I don't even know how to describe it, but I knew what it was I was feeling; after the demon spoke, we all went white faced and just looked at each other as I told them to hold him because I knew if they let him go, it would be a serious and bloody fight..

we held him down as someone called the cops and he was removed from the premises...

none of us hardly slept that night if at all..

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The Americans built an American Christian Chapel on the site. The site was very haunted and every so often, in a certain part of the building, you could feel something come up next to you and it HATED you. Absolute hate. It was all directed at you and it was like you were the only thing on the planet that the hate was directed at. It was intense. So I think it was either demonic or 'damned soul' kind of thing.

Wow. So, you were there as a nun?? I don't know why I thought it was while you were part of a group! My bad. Sorry, I usually remember details better than that.

So - yes, that does sound frightening. I've had a couple of 'entity' encounters myself - but never anything like you describe. Makes sense, though. Yikes. So - what did you (or the group of you) do? Anything?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:41 AM

He glared at me with such hate I could feel it, I don't even know how to describe it,

That's how my handful of demon encounters went. I couldn't see it. But I knew it was
standing next to me and it absolutely hated me .... and all it's attention was on me.
It was sinister ... and real.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:43 AM

Wow. So, you were there as a nun?? I don't know why I thought it was while you were part of a group! My bad. Sorry, I usually remember details better than that.

I was there as a Chaplain Assistant while I was serving in the US Army. The chapel that the Americans build was a US Army chapel. I wasn't a nun. But for many years I was a Third Order Carmelite. Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I was there as a Chaplain Assistant

Ahh!! So - that's how I made the jump to 'medical situation' - I pictured you were helping at a deathbed or in a hospital. Just my kneejerk "imagined" scenario based on the word "Chaplain."

Sorry about that!!
Did anyone else sense this hateful energy?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You believe in demons and demonic possession? In the traditional sense?

Good grief. I would never have expected that of you.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

No. I have never wondered what a demon says during an exorcism.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:16 AM

Did anyone else sense this hateful energy?

Just about everyone who worked in that building.
Catholic. Protestant. Atheist. But the energy left the Buddhists alone. They didn't feel it.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:21 AM

You believe in demons and demonic possession? In the traditional sense?
Good grief. I would never have expected that of you.

"Good grief" .... lovely.

Evil spirits are real. I've encountered them. BUT ... not like how the uber-religious folks claim.
They have evil spirits hiding under every rock and in every shadow. But these manifestations are rare IMHO.
I'm thinking they are probably a cross over form other dimensions in our multiverse.
And we call them evil spirits.
Or they are manifestations of energy from intense negative happenings.
Like in that chapel ... a lot of negative happened so the energy could have built up and
manifested as a hate filled 'something' ... a thought form created by humans and happenings.

Who knows. But whatever it was .. it was very real.

That doesn't mean that every time someone screams 'an evil spirit', that they are around.
In fact, the exorcists will tell you that almost always it's a case of psychological issues.
But once in a while ... it's something else.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:26 AM
Well, demons or negative spirits normally feed off of negativity, so people who are fill with hate is food to them. They are attracted to negativity.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The exorcist also says that demons/devils are pure hate.

Demons are pure hate, that is all they know. But, the devil, is a lot more controlled and crafty at what he does. It is like in a mob or criminal organization, the boss is more controlled and thinks things through, yet the underlings like to go in guns blazing.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

My sister worked at a community clinic. One day a patient is brought in by family members and this person is having convulsions, twitching and grinning making faces and speaking nonsense and swearing. They are trying to help him but there is nothing physically wrong with him, the family reported a gradual disconnection from reality until a new personality took over and they were hoping for mental illness diagnosis but at least one person in the family already knew. They were worried on the constant outbursts, lack of appetite and frequent convulsions that look as if the patient were in pain. My sister had to hold this person down and try and calm the patient and that’s when she knew and felt it. The eyes turned solid black and the voice turned deep with a distinct Hollywood effect only this was no movie or illness of any kind. My sister told me that day she knew possessions were real and that she has never been more scared in her life.

It is very likely that modern man does not possess the power to exorcise anymore. It is also very likely that once a person is under control from a demon that they will say only partial truths and may even fake being exorcised in order to keep someone from finding the one and true god. In my opinion all modern day exorcisms are questionable. Also, I don’t think they are happy with the way the world is, I mean sure they are responsible for all the misery of man but ultimately they know they are dammed, they are in stuck here with us and they are no longer connected to god. They are jealous beings full or rage and anger towards the human being who they blame and deem not worthy. Jesus the Christ scares them because he proved them wrong sealing their fate and worst of all, we are easily protected if we believe that he sacrificed himself and paid for the our original sin.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:29 PM
In this video, the priest asks if the Devil exists. Listen to the answer:

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Even more so, not many people seem to understand that these entities are not designed to think the way we do.

And what's more many different species of these kinds of things exist, and have many things they do, including waging war against EACH OTHER.

Christianity along with all other religions hide this under some giant scheme that "God" and the "Others" (devils) or what-ever they want to call what they do not understand, is actually exactly what is happening.

I have seen things the Christians run from, or better yet, cannot even see, because they are blinded with the "demons" they have invited in, funny these ones feed on different kinds of hate, than the ones being condemned, like the vile scums they see being blinded by other entities on the streets.

Seeing as all of these threads start from the same flawed pretext that you know ANYTHING about what is actually going on, it is no small wonder that incredible amounts of fail flows from it in the end, and everything remains THE SAME.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:28 PM


He glared at me with such hate I could feel it, I don't even know how to describe it,

That's how my handful of demon encounters went. I couldn't see it. But I knew it was
standing next to me and it absolutely hated me .... and all it's attention was on me.
It was sinister ... and real.

Ive had encounters with the dark, and it is real; I would call it smackdown "so here you are and give it your best shot COWARD". Someone should start a thread on these experiences; why they had them and how they overcame them. Mine was the devil portrayed to me as my mother 200 years old, red and black ugly (too stupid to be believed) I laughed and said "REALLY, THATS ALL YOUVE GOT". Whats the point? why are they in form, torment mode. GO HOME (whats keeping you/locking you here).

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by ParasuvO

I've been following this thread since it started. I found your post to be the most honest and genuine.

I don't know what they are either. Demons, Angels, Aliens, Fairy, Spirits ... all synonyms for unknown.

I like to use the phrase "others" personally as I don't know if their demons, or aliens, or whatever!

My experiences I've two types of beings, the ones I initially experienced in my youth - these beings told me, I was dealing with Angelic (Fallen and otherwise) Beings, which isn't surprising, considering the mystery tradition I was applying to my study/work. Sometimes I like to use the term, non-human intelligences/entities. It's just so much easier keeping it vague in such a diverse forum. I find it very very hard to quantify all experiences with negative beings as demonic, except for generalization. Not all are negative. Not all are of the same race of beings. Though I guess we call the benevolent kinder ones angels or benevolent s. But few realize, these are good/bad within their own race of beings. And their are multiple non-human intelligences. In all of them, I've sensed emotion. Humor, anger, love, compassion, sympathy, bitterness. So they are a bit like us, a reflection at least in spirit/soul. After all, we humans ourselves can be quite "demonic" and some of us can be good wonderful people... so finding fault that other beings might have a polarizing array of emotions too... well how can I hate an emotion in another race we find in humanity too? The best I can do is accept, as below, so above, or across, or diagonal or which ever way the parallel goes. In essence, I think all is a little more inter-related than we know or can see/perceive.

I do believe possession happens. The type displayed here in this thread - rarely. But I don't think that's the only type of "possession". I think there have been times when more benevolent beings have manifested in us to. Ascended masters, avatars... whatever you want to label them. It kind of seems wrong to use the word "possession" though in the flip side... balance of the phenomenon.

To Vethumanbeing:

I like that idea. Your tales from the Darkside Thread... you should start one Vet!

edit on 20-1-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: corrrection

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