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The Creator is Darkness and Light is His Creation. The Grand Deception is to forget or ignore The Cr

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 12:03 AM

reply to post by arpgme

Do you know where the darkness lies though? On the other side of the light. Do you see the light? If so, you should also see/know where the darkness is. If you see the Creation, the Creator cannot be far away.

Yes, the smart and thoughtful ones always perceive the creator in His creation.

He is always hidden, like the string puller in a doll theatre, but there is so much indirect evidence of He being there.

God created these worlds which we hold so dear, and define our existence.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 12:30 AM


reply to post by arpgme

Do you know where the darkness lies though? On the other side of the light. Do you see the light? If so, you should also see/know where the darkness is. If you see the Creation, the Creator cannot be far away.

Yes, the smart and thoughtful ones always perceive the creator in His creation.

He is always hidden, like the string puller in a doll theatre, but there is so much indirect evidence of He being there.

God created these worlds which we hold so dear, and define our existence.

So, what are you saying? That we are the creator of all that we perceive, we are Gods?

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

God is within every single one of us. The double slit experiment has proven time and again that we as observers are the catalyst for the creation of the world around us. Our presence dictates how the world around us acts meaning we are both the Creator (soul/spirit) and Creation (body/matter).

We are both the darkness and the light, the one who observes and the one who is observed. The double slit experiment is screaming at us to pay attention, it's telling us that we are the WHOLE of creation. We are the all in all because consciousness and the senses create the world around us.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Unfortunately, the double-slit experiment teaches us no such thing. It is a demonstration of so-called wave/particle duality. The experiment teaches us about lasers, not the nature of reality and consciousness.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by lostbook

I like to look at the original Hebrew whenever possible. In my opinion, I believe that God supercedes the known universe (meaning he doesn't come from it). From what I get from it, God created the planets and matter (including water) and then created light. Do I think God IS darkness? No. Do I think God created light to seperate us from darkness? Yes. Here is the original Hebrew for you to look over. Either way, this is an interesting concept I've never remotely considered before.

in~ Summit he~ did~ Fatten “Elohiym
[Powers]” At the~ Sky~ s2 and~ At
the~ Land
in the summit “Elohiym [Powers]”
fattened the sky and the land,
וְּ הָּ ָרֶ ץ הָּ יְּ תָּ ה תֹהּו וָּבֹהּו וְּ חֹשֶ ְך עַ ל פְּ נֵי תְּ הוֹם וְּ רּוחַ אֱ ֹלהִׁ ים 1:2
מְּ רַ חֶ פֶ ת עַ ל פְּ נֵי הַ מָּ יִׁ ם
and~ the~ Land she~ had~ Exist Confusion
and~ Unfilled and~ Darkness Upon
Face~ s Deep.sea and~ Wind “Elohiym
[Powers]” much~ Flutter~ ing(fs) Upon
Face~ s the~ Water~ s2
and the land had existed in
confusion and was unfilled and
darkness was upon the face of the
deep sea and the wind of “Elohiym
[Powers]” was much fluttering
upon the face of the water,
וַיֹאמֶ ר אֱ ֹלהִׁ ים יְּ הִׁ י אוֹר וַיְּ הִׁ י אוֹר *1:3
and~ he~ will~ Say “Elohiym [Powers]”
he~ will~ Exist Light and~ he~ will~ Exist
and “Elohiym [Powers]” said, light
exist and light existed,
וַיַרְּ א אֱ ֹלהִׁ ים אֶ ת הָּ אוֹר כִׁ י טוֹב וַיַבְּ דֵ ל אֱ ֹלהִׁ ים בֵ ין הָּ אוֹר ּובֵ ין 1:4
הַ חֹשֶ ְך
and~ he~ will~ See “Elohiym [Powers]”
At the~ Light Given.that Functional
and~ he~ will~ make~ Separate “Elohiym
[Powers]” Between the~ Light and~
Between the~ Darkness
and “Elohiym [Powers]” saw the
light given that it was functional
and “Elohiym [Powers]” made a
separation between the light and the

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Words

How so? Why does light act differently when we do not observe it? Does that not tug at your curiosity? What about the act of observation makes light (the thing that gives form to everything) to act in a different way than when there is nothing observing it? That tells me that we have a huge part in the formation, a.k.a. creation, of everything we see.
edit on 31011313CST313 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by arpgme

If darkness were used as a metaphor for evil then in God there is no darkness because he is all-good.

The zero point field, which i think you may be referring to aka the akashic field although invisible is actually an ocean of radiant light, so there's no real darkness in the darkness either.

The outer darkness is something else altogether that Jesus referred to as a void or a place where God does not reside, and to be placed there, after being "bound" and throw out of the presence, is to be separated from God which would be hell, being ignored, irrelevant and never consoled and unable to effect change or growth, a state of absolute, immovable, static, where even knowledge would have no frame of reference and awareness, nothing to be aware of except a lack of awareness since in the final analysis there can be nothing that "is not".

The beauty of creation otoh, is that it's all-inclusive, informative and transformative, alive, and growing even from age to age, from life to life and from creation to creation in eternity, and that's the domain where God lives, and loves, and radiates and processes light as information, whereby although everything changes and transforms it's also fully in-formed such that God is forever self-aware and in that sense never changing, but never static either, always moving and as spirit like the wind that blows where it will, radically free.

just my two cents..


posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:08 PM



reply to post by arpgme

Do you know where the darkness lies though? On the other side of the light. Do you see the light? If so, you should also see/know where the darkness is. If you see the Creation, the Creator cannot be far away.

Yes, the smart and thoughtful ones always perceive the creator in His creation.

He is always hidden, like the string puller in a doll theatre, but there is so much indirect evidence of He being there.

God created these worlds which we hold so dear, and define our existence.

So, what are you saying? That we are the creator of all that we perceive, we are Gods?


'Veda' tells us of three eternal entities - God, souls and 'prakriti'.

You and me are soul.

God is distinct from souls.

The creation is for souls, no doubt, and these souls get bodies of animals, plants, humans etc.

The creation (Universe) is made from super-dense super-cold matter called 'prakriti'. This matter cannot bear any life. The Universe is created when God's power 'agni' (energy) works on 'prakriti' and creates this visible world that bears life.

God's powers are always present in this Universe. The matter that your body is made of, and the matter that is around you, looks the way it is and behaves the way it is because of God's power. The matter collapses into its original state when God withdraws His power from it.

God places a soul in a body. God withdraws the soul from the body. These events are called birth and death.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:25 PM

reply to post by GargIndia

God is within every single one of us. The double slit experiment has proven time and again that we as observers are the catalyst for the creation of the world around us. Our presence dictates how the world around us acts meaning we are both the Creator (soul/spirit) and Creation (body/matter).

We are both the darkness and the light, the one who observes and the one who is observed. The double slit experiment is screaming at us to pay attention, it's telling us that we are the WHOLE of creation. We are the all in all because consciousness and the senses create the world around us.

"God is within every single one of us"

God's power is acting on every particle of the Universe, that is why the Universe is holding. The Universe collapses the moment God withdraws His power.

Human body is created by God; and it is a wonderful piece of creation. The Yogi says that find the God inside yourself. The reason is that human body has the gates (nine) that can be opened by 'tapa', which leads to true knowledge.

The Yogi teaches 'tapa'. 'Tapa' is the means to develop knowledge of God, as well as knowledge of matter.

"Double slit experiment"

Light is similar to sound (sound of atoms). This is what this experiment shows.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

"Darkness is evil"

Humans are afraid of darkness because the faculty of vision takes up most of the brain. This faculty becomes overloaded in darkness, as eyes struggle to make sense of the objects around.

'evil' is different. Evil are those who act against God's rules.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by arpgme

I see truth in what you speak with the perspectives of a dual opposition. I myself however see more truth in the unification of both of those opposites, for they both rely on one another to exist. So rather they are equal opposites, more so than: which is better?
What would the darkness be without the light? it would be non-existent, meaning you would not be able to perceive it. The definition of the darkness requires the opposite, just the same as the light. Therefore in my own perspective the act of creation in itself is the better aspect of both of them, as they both need one another to exist, creation. therefore the 'creator' in my mind, 'god', 'all that is', is creation in itself, a state of wholeness and acceptance of all as an objective point of view for both of those perceptions.

edit on 20-1-2014 by irSPACEMAN because: added something.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:29 AM
God uses everything for His purposes, whether they be good or bad.

God would not have created evil on purpose but it would have been an unavoidable outgrowth of creating a material physical universe.

The celestial dragon is the beast that was created to run its course in bringing the universe into existence, meanwhile God and all the sentient beings living within it are occupied with the daily struggles on a personal level.

One day the dragon will be put to rest and all those who have survived to that point will work on the perfecting of creation.
edit on 21-1-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:42 AM

God uses everything for His purposes, whether they be good or bad.

God would not have created evil on purpose but it would have been an unavoidable outgrowth of creating a material physical universe.

The celestial dragon is the beast that was created to run its course in bringing the universe into existence, meanwhile God and all the sentient beings living within it are occupied with the daily struggles on a personal level.

So you're saying your God isn't all powerful?

One day the dragon will be put to rest and all those who have survived to that point will work on the perfecting of creation.

And those that don't survive up to that point? just a sad day for them?

edit on 21-1-2014 by Prezbo369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Prezbo369

So you're saying your God isn't all powerful?
Why is it "my" God?
It's just God.

If God was "all-powerful" then the bad things would have been made by this hypothetical person, making him bad.

The cosmic dragon would be "all-powerful" in a physical sense where it determines what happens generally in the material realm.

God is spirit and determines how things happen in a way that defies the material.

And those that don't survive up to that point? just a sad day for them?
The "perfecting" is underway now and those participating in it will be the "survivors" whose work is multiplied in "that day"
Those who are not now, will not be in the future, so will be sidelined as irrelevant non-participants.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Prezbo369

If God create something, it's because he wanted it to be there. God is never angry because he is in control. If something happens that God doesn't want, he can just interfere (miracle/unlikely occurrence). God created evil because he wanted people to experience his love and kindness even more, and this human life, and death, is nothing when you realize the spirit is eternal.

And for those who want something in The Bible to back up what I'm saying:

For God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience so he could have mercy on everyone. - Romans 11:32

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Sounds like someone saying "he only beats me 'cause he loves me".

One step away from a murder-suicide.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by arpgme

For God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience so he could have mercy on everyone. - Romans 11:32
I don't see how that Bible quote helps your thesis, unless in a general way, where negative things could at some point really be a blessing.

Paul was saying that though the Jews became enemies of the Gospel, they could eventually come to accept it as a result of the gentiles accepting it (as gentiles become godly people and a good example for everyone to emulate).

That doesn't mean that God made the Jews not accept Jesus and Christianity, it just puts everyone on an equal footing, where they both, Jews and gentiles, need to do the exact same thing to find salvation.

It is a historical fact that most Jews did become Christians, which is "hidden history" on account of the influence of the Khazars who live in the guise of "the Jews" but are really the product of ninth century pagan converts in central Asia.
edit on 21-1-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by daskakik

reply to post by arpgme

Sounds like someone saying "he only beats me 'cause he loves me".

One step away from a murder-suicide.

More like, God allows us to be beaten by others so that we can learn to take better actions and to also yearn for his love away from the drama.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:56 PM

More like, God allows us to be beaten by others so that we can learn to take better actions and to also yearn for his love away from the drama.

I hope you realize that that doesn't sound any better.

The children of parents that just stand by and watch can come to hate that parent for letting it happen. Seems like god needs to attend some parenting seminars.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by daskakik

If I had to live for all eternity in peace on Earth. I'd have no problem with my parents letting me get beat up and experience some drama in my life before having to grow up and be loving and kind and in peace. But of course we all have our own opinions about this. Love will allow people to experience something other than itself.

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