posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:14 PM
Putin isn't totally wrong for saying this, because there is such a thing as militant gays male and female, and they do approach kids to try and coach
them a little bit, this doesn't mean they are pedophiling on kids necessarily.
how about some of those school district lunatics that try pushing this stuff.. A person cannot be born gay the same as you can't be born a car thief.
(I'm not equating the other as a crime).
People are manipulated by good and evil in this world, and evil looks like it is winning..
If people are born this way, then when I meet my maker, I'm going to say that any stuff I did is because I was born that way, I wonder how that will
work for me?
Don't worry about judgment day folks, just boldly claim you were born that way. I highly doubt that it will have the desired results.
I do have friends of the family that go to the same church I do, and they are gay, and the pastor basically told them that they could live this way,
and God won't mind.. haha..
By the way , the church is all left wing liberals that still love Obama, and they all think that life is about doing everything you want so you are
happy.. This kind of breaks the ATS stereotype of Christians being conservatives and full of hate..
These people are all really nice folks, just super dense when it comes to understanding basic reality...
None of what I said means I hate people with different lifestyles, they have free will and I'll always respect my fellow humans to choose that which
they wish.. Humans were given this option since the beginning..