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The JFK Assassination----NASA and USAEC Roles-----50 Years is long Enough

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posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:16 AM
So, the ultimate story is the foundations of America come from the same date as the Illuminati--1776. The Dollar's Symbolism is the Illuminati Pyramid leading to control over the US by Subversion.

Then associate that the German areas were the roots for all these things from Martin Luther's going after the Vatican's money scamming games. Then Adam Weiskopf tells Churches are corrupt and the world needs to be delivered from them. The German Origin Windsor family was right in the middle of this history. imho

Then Hitler finding the Masons screwing him and Hitler taking up the Catholic Church and tossing the Protestants. Catholics dislike Masons too, as corrupt. imho

Then notice the House of Windsor all come from this same German area and had German names, and the Windsor Kings take over the UK in 1910 as King George V. That lots of the English Monarchy are behind the English Masons. That Albert Pike supported the like themes of those times with the Scottish Rite.

There was good reason for the German Royalists to change their name to Windsor, because if the UK people started looking they would find these origins of the Illuminati were the reasons the German Royals took the throne of England. Plus, as these Mason Banking controls affected Germany and Hitler, it might become apparent this was a German Feudal War coming out of the Illuminati and Mason control over countries.

King George V changed the name of the British Royal Family from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (a branch of the House of Wettin) to the English Windsor, due to the anti-German sentiment in the British Empire during World War I.

Then find the more honest Masons founded the US in 1776, and you begin to find how long this Mason game has been running in the US. imho

Then find they take over the US Money Controls via the Fed. Reserve. Mason FDR tells a Mason started the Stock Market Crash and the US got robbed in the market crash. FDR appoints a well informed Catholic to counter the Federal Reserves Mason banking control.

Then JFK researchers discover this "unusual" item being connected with JFK. JFK likely knew this, but appears he didn't make it very public. Whatever the source---JFK or otherwise------the words ring true and are about the Mason games to control the US. imho

Regardless of the source---it appears some well intending person sought to point peoples interests into the correct direction for JFK killers. imho

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” - President John F. Kennedy 7 days before his assassination


German Windsor Name Changers

edit on 30-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:26 AM


reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Yeah right! Haha. Just as soon as you prove you are an honest man and that you are not a Mason! imho

So just because I think that this thread is full of drivel, you think that I'm a mason? I'd turn your paranoia level down a tad. I'm still not a mason.

Well. You have to Prove that. So, find an honest Judge---set up a court and gather all the proof and enter it all into the legal record.

Let me know when you have that Proof done. Hahahaha!

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:58 AM



reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Yeah right! Haha. Just as soon as you prove you are an honest man and that you are not a Mason! imho

So just because I think that this thread is full of drivel, you think that I'm a mason? I'd turn your paranoia level down a tad. I'm still not a mason.

Well. You have to Prove that. So, find an honest Judge---set up a court and gather all the proof and enter it all into the legal record.

Let me know when you have that Proof done. Hahahaha!

You want me to find a judge and do what again? Holy Underwear, you really do think that everyone who criticises you is a mason!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's some funny stuff there, it really is.... oh dearie me.... what a paranoid little man you are. Heh. Nope. Not a mason. Tell me something - have you ever sought any professional help for this... condition you have?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What do you mean that the Windsor kings took over in the UK in 1910? Don't you ever do any research Maggers? Dearie dearie me. If you'd bothered to look into this you'd see that George V - as it says in your own cite - changed the name in WW1 as their original name was too Germanic. Not to hide where they were from. They were being patriotic. And the present Royal family came to the UK in 1714. And they were from Hannover. By the way George V had no say whatsoever over the declaration of war in 1914. He was a constitutional monarch. No power, see? Can you grasp that? Maggers? Are you listening? Oh wait, you're about to post more drivel aren't you? Never mind.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:13 AM
Find the old Mason history of England and Germany----one finds the roots of feudal wars-----that came to take out JFK. imho
This is part of the old history that had Rudolf Hess confined for life by Windsors and Churchill. imho

Plus, how many of the Mason symbols ended up being Hitler's.

Then the division caused by 33rd degree Masons in Germany. imho

1820 The Freemason George IV ( Prince of Wales) becomes King of England.

Bro Albert Lortzing is a regular visitor from 1827 to 1833 of the Lodge Zum Goldnen Rade and writes specially composed songs. These are rediscovered in 1907. The Grand Lodge of Hannover is proclaimed in 1828.

1830 sees the Freemason Wilhelm IV (Duke of Clarence, brother of Friedrich of York and George IV) succeeding George IV.

1837 the dividing of the kingdoms of England and Hannover. Queen Victoria succeeds the throne in England. The Freemason Ernst August (Duke of Cumberland, brother of Friedrich of York) becomes King of Hannover. He is the 2nd Grand Master of the Hannoverian Grand Lodge.

1857 the blind King George V, reigning from 1851, becomes a Freemason in the lodge “Zum schwarzen Bär” in Hannover and forces the ZGR to become part of the Prussian 3WG system.

1862 George V participates in the Temple working and festive board.

1866 the kingdom of Hannover succeeds to Prussia and the new King of Prussia is the Freemason Wilhelm I who becomes German Kaiser in 1871.


1927 anti-Masonic writings from Ludendorff. The Osnabrück Freemason Pastor August Pfannkuche (1870-1929), who became a Mason in 1919, was Orator from 1919-21, and WM in Göttingen 1927, sets himself at the front of the union against the Nazis and Ludendorff.

1929 the founding of the Scots-rites lodge (A.A.S.R.)“Zum Goldenen Rade der Friedenstadt” with 40 Brethren. ZGR has 200 members at this time, the highest in its history.


The Peace of Westphalia was signed in 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. The King of Hannover, includes the Osnabrück area, becomes King of England in 1714. Speculative freemasonry is founded in 1717 in England. The Catholic Archbishop of Osnabrück, Clemens August (1700-1761) becomes a Freemason in 1730 but leaves with the papal bull of 1738. Frederick of York(1763-1827), son of George III, is the six months old successor to Clemens August as Protestant Archbishop. He becomes a Freemason in 1787 and later WM of the Prince of Wales Lodge. In Government circles was Justus Möser whose many Masonic acquaintances included Goethe, Herder, Lodtmann and Gruner.


Old German and English Masons

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Oh, very simple---Source previous showed clearly----which means the London Mason Worship Person can't read:

Go back to sleep now and have more Mason dreams of grandure. imho hahahahah!

List of monarchs of the House of Windsor[edit]
Portrait Name From Until Relationship with predecessor
Kinggeorgev1923.jpg King George V 6 May 1910 20 January 1936 Son of Edward VII. Founder, House of Windsor.


George V history

edit on 30-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Really nothing to be done for stupid issues. imho

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:26 AM

Find the old Mason history of England and Germany----one finds the roots of feudal wars-----that came to take out JFK. imho
This is part of the old history that had Rudolf Hess confined for life by Windsors and Churchill. imho

Plus, how many of the Mason symbols ended up being Hitler's.

Then the division caused by 33rd degree Masons in Germany. imho

Maggers, you really need to learn to use teh internets better. The Nuremburg Trials, where Hess was tried, were held from November 1945 to October 1946. Churchill was chucked out of office in July 1945. And the Royal Family had nothing at all to do with the trial. You should Google it. That way you might not look such a twit. Again.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 11:29 AM

reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Oh, very simple---Source previous showed clearly----which means the London Mason Worship Person can't read:

Go back to sleep now and have more Mason dreams of grandure. imho hahahahah!

List of monarchs of the House of Windsor[edit]
Portrait Name From Until Relationship with predecessor
Kinggeorgev1923.jpg King George V 6 May 1910 20 January 1936 Son of Edward VII. Founder, House of Windsor.


George V history

edit on 30-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Really nothing to be done for stupid issues. imho

And you need to learn to read again. Yes, George V became king in 1910. But that's not what I was saying. I was saying - try to keep up Maggers! - that the present House of Windsor dates back to 1714. Not 1910 as you claimed. Is English your first language by the way?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:19 PM
Then one notices the head of the Church of England is the Windsors. The Windsors compete with the Pope!!! imho

When JFK discovers Masons are Loyal to the English Royalty, due to their extensive memberships. He also finds the Church of England in direct opposition to the Pope of the Catholics. imho

He also discovers the English didn't give up after the War of Independence and the Masons had a long history for subverting the US, often using the presidency. And especially using the CIA to fight English Noble / Royalist wars. imho

Church of England

Supreme Governor Queen Elizabeth II

Windors are Pope of England


The Sovereign holds the title 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England'.


Archbishops and bishops are appointed by The Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister, who considers the names selected by a Church Commission. They take an oath of allegiance to The Queen on appointment and may not resign without Royal authority.

The connection between Church and State is also symbolised by the fact that the 'Lords Spiritual' (consisting of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and 24 diocesan bishops) sit in the House of Lords. Parish priests also take an oath of allegiance to The Queen.

UK Royals are Pope of England

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:26 PM


Find the old Mason history of England and Germany----one finds the roots of feudal wars-----that came to take out JFK. imho
This is part of the old history that had Rudolf Hess confined for life by Windsors and Churchill. imho

Plus, how many of the Mason symbols ended up being Hitler's.

Then the division caused by 33rd degree Masons in Germany. imho

Maggers, you really need to learn to use teh internets better. The Nuremburg Trials, where Hess was tried, were held from November 1945 to October 1946. Churchill was chucked out of office in July 1945. And the Royal Family had nothing at all to do with the trial. You should Google it. That way you might not look such a twit. Again.

See the derogatory word beginning your sentence, that you use often. It guarantees you get ignored and considered a pest. imho

We all know you bow to the Church of England and are a loyal subject of London, hence you are the enemy of the truth on the JFK hit. imho

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:37 PM



Find the old Mason history of England and Germany----one finds the roots of feudal wars-----that came to take out JFK. imho
This is part of the old history that had Rudolf Hess confined for life by Windsors and Churchill. imho

Plus, how many of the Mason symbols ended up being Hitler's.

Then the division caused by 33rd degree Masons in Germany. imho

Maggers, you really need to learn to use teh internets better. The Nuremburg Trials, where Hess was tried, were held from November 1945 to October 1946. Churchill was chucked out of office in July 1945. And the Royal Family had nothing at all to do with the trial. You should Google it. That way you might not look such a twit. Again.

See the derogatory word beginning your sentence, that you use often. It guarantees you get ignored and considered a pest. imho

We all know you bow to the Church of England and are a loyal subject of London, hence you are the enemy of the truth on the JFK hit. imho

Fine. Let's try again - you really need to learn to use teh internets better. The Nuremburg Trials, where Hess was tried, were held from November 1945 to October 1946. Churchill was chucked out of office in July 1945. And the Royal Family had nothing at all to do with the trial. You should Google it. That way you might not look such a twit. Again.

And one last thing. "Bow to the Church of England and are a loyal subject of London"??? Whut? Eh? What the hell does that mean? I'm an atheist myself and the capital of the UK is London. Go look it up.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:38 PM
Mod note:

Please stop with the name calling. Further incidents will result in removed posts, etc.

Do not answer to this post. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:54 PM

How about this one-

There seems to be a disconnect in logic here. I guess my KKK reference was lost. I guess I should have dumbed that down.

See, if you use a fanatical source, you can only expect a fanatical reference. Like using a KKK author to support an argument on race. Or perhaps using a fanatical wack job Christian hate site to propose an idea about masonry. That's called a "BIASED" source. It's as smart as looking at all the data, but only using the parts that fit your agenda. Like sourcing your own web site as proof of...well anything.

You are proposing an alternate version of history. If it's got any meat to it at all, you should be able to source it with reputable, real life sources. If it's garbage and nothing but the rantings of a lunatic, then continue as you have, you are right on track.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 02:59 PM
Wow! Ive been reading all day it feels like and only half way through. Let me know how it ends.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 03:06 PM

Wow! Ive been reading all day it feels like and only half way through. Let me know how it ends.

It was the masons. On the grassy knoll. With the gas-powered lead pipe rifle!

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

There is nothing criminal about our initiations, and I've been through quite a few.

This may be the opinion of one person, but "imho" (lol) there is no deception. People who join for some grand secret join for bad reasons and with his own words I'd say he was not deceived, but rather had bad motives for joining and let himself down.

The only enemies of Freemasonry are tyranny, ignorance, and fanaticism. We are no threat to states nor are we a danger to Christ; only to narrow-minded "christians" who have replaced love and compassion with militancy, suspicion, hatred, and fear.

Our Masonic obligations don't require us to conceal crime. Also, what is wrong with helping a Brother? We are actually charged to help all those who are in distitute conditions, but thanks for leaving that out. We are not required to give favor to any business or political matter; that is just a blatant lie...well most of this is, but you get my point. No we're not required to "retaliate"; all who violate their oaths are brought up on charges and expelled, or suspended, as the case may be.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Anti-Masonry is nothing more than just a Potemkin Village.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Then come arrest us.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Yes, because everything in Google is always true? LOL Oh, you mean if you use your biased search functions. Gotcha.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

*cough* Confirmation bias *cough*

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:52 PM

Regardless of the source---it appears some well intending person sought to point peoples interests into the correct direction for JFK killers.

So now you are in to supplying hoax quotes?

Where and when did Kennedy gives this quote? Link the source.

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” - President John F. Kennedy 7 days before his assassination.

Your dishonest posting style is an insult to anyone who cares to learn about the truth.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 05:05 PM


reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Oh, very simple---Source previous showed clearly----which means the London Mason Worship Person can't read:

Go back to sleep now and have more Mason dreams of grandure. imho hahahahah!

List of monarchs of the House of Windsor[edit]
Portrait Name From Until Relationship with predecessor
Kinggeorgev1923.jpg King George V 6 May 1910 20 January 1936 Son of Edward VII. Founder, House of Windsor.


George V history

edit on 30-1-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Really nothing to be done for stupid issues. imho

And you need to learn to read again. Yes, George V became king in 1910. But that's not what I was saying. I was saying - try to keep up Maggers! - that the present House of Windsor dates back to 1714. Not 1910 as you claimed. Is English your first language by the way?

State the names of the "Windors" that began in 1714. Give References to their names.

Explain the details for why you want to term them Windsors, since the Kings Proclamation didn't exist for the term then.

Be literate, show significant quotes for those going past 1714 to George V.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 05:15 PM

Wow! Ive been reading all day it feels like and only half way through. Let me know how it ends.

Welcome to the thread and pleased it kept your interest. It does get well complicated with multiple intelligence units have to be compared against religious affiliations, Communist connections, and often by country (as in the case for Hungary and PERMINDEX). imho

There are two other threads that deal with some of these factors not covered here that help to reinforce the issues here. They all contain the "50 years is long enough" theme. imho

So, if you get past today's exhaustion and need some reviews and reinforcements, check the other two threads out. imho

Usually, to move a theme forward, one has to deal with the distractions, which makes these ATS things run long. imho

So, kick the tires of the messages. Do your own validation research. Work with the better knowledge issues on what significan factors drove JFK's decisions, how the system turned on him and called him a Communist, and how large the extent of the cover up has become to hide the JFK killers for 50 plus years.

It started with the very founding of America in many ways, and that 1776 date. It continues today, with America still being the victim of a crime that connects to a Proverbial Beast theme. imho

More will come out, so discuss the issues, learn, test the motives yourself, and pick up on these old hidden histories that are never taught in American History in the US Schools or really anyothers.

Best 2 u

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

How is he a 33rd when it says "Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First Degree" and no such title actually exists? It seems this chap is lying and you are buying into those lies. Let's have a little lesson on Freemasonry. The 31st degree is known as "Inspector Inquisitor" (Southern Jurisdiction) and "Knight Aspirant" (Northern Jurisdiction). As a 33rd, one is denoted as "Inspector General Honorary", but then there are "Sovereign Grand Inspector General" which means that 33rd is a member of the Supreme Council; they usually are in charge of a state or "Orient".

Asking for evidence and pointing out your lies is now a crime? LOL

Operation Tiberius? Well, when I see the actual report I'll make an opinion, but so far all I've seen are the words of a reporter, unsubstantiated. Even in his report he does lie as he states that the UGLE declined to comment, but they stated they were never approached.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

That is assuming that the pyramid has been used as a symbol of the Illuminati.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Your scapegoating is pathetic.

reply to post by MagnumOpus

1) The Royal Family only has relevance to the British Masons, not all Masons. 2) I love how you're okay with JFK being an agent of the Pope, but if Masonry have ties to the Anglican Church then it's wrong. Your hypocrisy is very noticeable.

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