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Is this topic not of interest. Chris Christy scandal

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posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Thank you, FF.

My assertions that Christie is a progressive and admired by many on the left have been proven.

Which goes to why he is getting such a pass in the MSM

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Thanks, you know me right behind you when it comes to political issues.

Yes health is one of the biggest issues when it comes to the highest office in the nation, But Christi surgery is an effort of more to look attractive as a hopeful candidate to presidency than a health issue.

And he have until 2016 to get into shape once the weight comes down.

I have seen it done before, see once he thins out he will look more attractive as a candidate, remember we humans are very visual we tend to like what we see, (no that he is that attractive if you know what I mean but we have this thing about how a presidential candidate should look like and that is something we can no denied as its been talk about and debated about extensively.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by marg6043

I read a few weeks back that he has lost half the weight he wants to. No numbers were given as to how much weight he's trying to get rid of. It's been almost a year since surgery (if I remember correctly). So he will be at his target weight at the start of the campaign season. Even if he gets rid of the weight, I'd be nervous about him putting it back on. He'll have his own chef and I've read that the White House food is very 'rich'. (I think it was Laura Bush who said that the food was calorie full).

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by marg6043

It's important for me to clarify.. First, I've spent most of my own life obese, according to the charts. Some have seem my pics more recently by contact on projects and know that isn't the case now...tho technically? We won't get into what charts define as what.

I also have no personal, face to face issues with anyone, regardless of weight or whatever other crisis they've made in their life.

I'll even say a rotund Senator or Congressman...wouldn't offend my sense of ability to perform in office. They are among many and their sole, individual judgement is never, at any time, the sole deciding factor of outcomes.

It becomes a deal breaker, in my mind, when the person who has so totally lost control of one area in their own life ..and one area that will likely kill them...then takes executive position where they aren't a member of a team anymore. They aren't one voice among many to be balanced and kept in check if it gets stupid. They are the SOLE and LONE deciding factor by judgement alone in any given variety of things to come up over the course of their term.

That's where I think it matters...and it matters everything for demonstrated ability to have and use that judgement.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:58 AM
I'm seeing a disturbing trend where politicians (R/D) are making stupid judgment calls, arrogant acts, false claims, outright lies, and then they get to play stupid and say, "I didn't know" and fire a staffer.

And the media is buying it and so are many of the people.

Disgusting and disturbing.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Christie threw his staff under the bus. He's looking more and more like a POTUS candidate, isn't he?

What I want to know are the names of the 'blacked out' people on the documents.
Was it Christies name that was blacked out on them?? I wonder if we'll ever find out.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:09 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Christie threw his staff under the bus. He's looking more and more like a POTUS candidate, isn't he?

What I want to know are the names of the 'blacked out' people on the documents.
Was it Christies name that was blacked out on them?? I wonder if we'll ever find out.

We'll probably never get the truth.

Just more spin and lies and manipulation from the media, Christie, the pundits.

Not that it matters.

We know his office precipitated an event.
The event occurred.

End of story. Kick his butt out of office.


posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:13 PM


reply to post by beezzer

Christie threw his staff under the bus. He's looking more and more like a POTUS candidate, isn't he?

What I want to know are the names of the 'blacked out' people on the documents.
Was it Christies name that was blacked out on them?? I wonder if we'll ever find out.

We'll probably never get the truth.

Just more spin and lies and manipulation from the media, Christie, the pundits.

Not that it matters.

We know his office precipitated an event.
The event occurred.

End of story. Kick his butt out of office.


LOL, not in Jersey. Those are the kinds of traits that can get you pinned as a captain of your own crew, maybe even head of a family.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

In every type of industry or business, the person at the top has responsibility for his/her actions and those under him/her.

Except in politics. There, you can take credit for anything positive, and just play stupid over anything negative.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:23 PM

Those are the kinds of traits that can get you pinned as a captain of your own crew, maybe even head of a family.

That brings up another part of this topic ... any evidence of Christie having mob connections? I mean REAL mob connections. He's a union buster (or at least he was 4 years ago). So I'd think they wouldn't like him. Has anyone got anything about this bridge thing having mob connections? I haven't seen any ... YET.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Wrabbit2000 thanks for sharing with us, I agree that the weight charts in the US are obsolete as more than half of Americans no longer fall within the old established standards.

But is a new trend when it comes to sizes they are accommodating for the wider side if the population.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You got me first to the money trail and connections but I got the mob angle.

Christie Tied To Mafia: Christie Family In Mob

Some how this story seemed to slip under the radar, but I dug it up while reading news stories about Chris Christie.

There has been several references comparing Chris Christie to Tony Soprano but there has been no major stories making the actual connection of Chris Christie’s Mafia Connection.

The report over at Main Justice a US Attorney Watchdog, reported Distant Christie Family Member Has Ties to Mafia.

The Chris Christie Mafia Connection

So just how bad is the connection between the NJ Mafia and Chris Christie? Well Christie’s Aunt was married to the organized crime family the Genovese crime family . The connection is with Tino Fiumara who has been convicted twice on racketeering charges and sentenced to 25 years in federal prison. Fiumara also has been linked by investigators to several grisly murders, The Times reported. It is also common knowledge the members of the mafia marry into other families with mafia connections.

BTW Christi weight lost is about 4 to 6 pounds per month so since his surgery he is been on track

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by marg6043

You're quite welcome...and the charts aren't what I have issue with, outside the stigma that comes from being just a bit over where they say the lines are. After all, overweight is one thing. Morbidly obese is a fatal condition and it's literally a matter of borrowed time for heart and circulatory systems, physically not intended to handle the work level ...or it's a medicated life to counter what nature would do to balance or end the imbalance otherwise.

I'd hope we all strive to have good health in the areas we directly control and have daily power over. It's downright disturbing when a leadership position makes light of, and tries to "mainstream" as normal what is literally a terminal condition in simple physiology.

Medicine doesn't much care about P.C. debates...nor does the undertaker. Hopefully the latter is a guy far far in our futures.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:16 PM
So this will leave us with Hilary there anyone that's not a rightwing, evangelical nut job on the right?

I thought this guy was the hope, moderate that would save politics but...alas, we're doomed to repeat the last several elections...

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:16 PM

President Obama can't pass gas without someone on here proclaiming that he is responsible for global warming by adding his methane to the atmosphere yet this scandal of a republican presidential wannabe gets ignored? I don't get it.
Mess with Christie and risk having your city gridlocked in traffic. Message: Don't mess with the big guy in New Jersey.

How did he get the ez pass on this.

He didn't. Haven't you noticed the press?

Also, he immediately apologized, took non-stop media questions for 90+ minutes (all questions), and fired people.

When was the last time Obama did that over any of his scandals?

I don't like Christie and haven't for a long time, so if this sinks him, wonderful!

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

My brother falls within the morbidly Obese, at 340 pounds at the last time I seen him, he suffers from sleep apnea, is now diabetic and have high blood pressure.

My mother weights 235 at 5'5" THAT makes her in more dangerous area, she is a full blown diabetic (nobody in my family history suffers from that but mother and brother) she have hart disease with one stent.

When I was growing up none of them were over weight, when it comes to my mother she has always been the one to cook all the meals at home, she was always afraid of fast food restaurants, my younger brother in the other hand started to gain weight during his colleges years away from home and just got addicted to fast food.

My father ( a full vegetarian) and the rest of us that means my other brother and sister are not over weight and we never has been, me I am a health freak, I already have inherited my mother high blood pressures since I was in my mid thirties and never have been overweight.

It is a stigma when it comes to obesity but here where I live in the south been most of the population overweight you don't see that stigma much if at all.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Well, I appreciate your contributions as well... It wasn't my intention to make the life and personal judgement lacking in one political leader, reflective of a whole segment of American population. We don't eat food. We eat chemical concoctions with caloric ratings and nutritional content measured to the mg. We don't drink water, but treated, filtered and properly handled liquid one time..was clean and natural water. We don't even eat the real food we do have access most cases..but production mush. Throw a slice of pizza into a bucket of water and watch the result for it's size when fully absorbing the water....or, liquid in our stomachs. Just one super-starch example of why and how we eat ourselves, literally to death.

Since weight is something I've also struggled with during my life, I can relate to just how difficult it is and how it's nowhere near "that easy" to just less. I'm also not considering myself of sound judgement to be the sole man running the policies to define daily life for 10s of millions of people. I'm pragmatic...and far from that clear in my own life being 'just so' take on the hubris of belief I can run others. Christie...failed to look at things that way..and that man, I do hope, finds productive employment elsewhere. Maybe as a lobbyist or something...anything but an executive leader.

See the problem though? It's been made SO explosive a topic to even ...mention..., it's not a valid question to ask for how ones ability to govern may be impacted by ones inability to lead their own life in balance.

Just my thoughts..and I've been known to be wrong.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I think part of the weight issues in the south has to do with the cooking. A lot of southern comfort food isn't exactly health food. A lot of it is fried. It wasn't a problem when most Southerners were really poor and didn't get access to nearly as much food, but now, food isn't nearly as big a deal.

And don't get me wrong, I'm married to someone who spent a good part of his formative years growing up in Florida and Tennessee, so we have some of that stuff in our recipe binder. I'm not by any means against it, but I do moderate it or look for healthier versions that will pass his standard (we have an oven fried chicken recipe he loves, for example).

I also don't know, but that some people get caught by their own changing metabolisms and can't adapt before it's too late.
edit on 11-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

Losing weight is easy peasy. The most important thing is forgetting everything you know about what you like to eat. I love hersheys drops. But I don't eat them. It is bad for me.

Its about stifling gratification in one way and satisfying it in another.

Christie's biggest problem is that he can't eat healther when he is on the run. I have similar problems when I am working so hard.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:12 PM

he immediately apologized, took non-stop media questions for 90+ minutes (all questions), and fired people. When was the last time Obama did that over any of his scandals?

I can't argue with that. It's true. The 90 minute press conference and the not-shying-away from reporters questions was excellent. The only thing ... he said he didn't know ... and I don't believe it. There were blacked out names on the document distribution and I can't help but wonder if it was his name.

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