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The Club of Rome's plan for 10 kingdoms- Book of Revelations predicted this

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:04 PM

reply to post by Gryphon66

Ok, I'll play the off topic game.

Why are you challenging me to give my opinions of the UN goals?

I did. I said, "I devil is in the details."

I didn't. I challenged you to give your opinions as suggested by the OP IN LIGHT OF the End Times, or the Apocalypse or the Ten Horns of the Beast or whatever the citation from Revelations is supposed to be about this week.

You apparently want to make political hay while the UN sun is shining. I just wanted to know why John the Revelator or Jesus the Nazarene or whosoever is responsible for directing the End of All Things wouldn't want pregnant women to have healthier lives and healthier babies in the real world of 2014.

Replying to a reasonable question with snide maxims with no evidence is just bad form, in my opinion. I was simply hoping for more engagement from you. Sorry mate.
edit on 14Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:05:39 -060014p022014166 by Gryphon66 because: added a 'so'

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:08 PM
Hey KrazySh0t I've been nothing but understanding, and have made a deliberate attempt to hear you out on everything. I have so many other threads going as well, so please don't think I'm trying to not acknowledge your statements at all. Please keep in mind, It's exhausting and hard to keep up with everything on here, and in the real day to day grind of life.
Fair enough?

you said here - "the Book of Revelations is about The Roman Empire and isn't even about the end of the world. He has refused to ever even acknowledge me and insists on continuing to spread his doom porn. "

- Ok first off I am going to be creating an entire thread soon that expands on this mis understanding how the Book of Revelations is about the Roman Empire- It's not at all. it is actually about the end times, but not everyone wants to acknowledge that because it can be a terrifying topic. Even most churches don't talk about the book of revelation anymore.
I have no desire to spread what you've deemed here as "doom porn" I am only speaking of my own personal belief in the bible and how it relates with the times we're living in. Have I ever said anything threatening to anyone? Have I ever been discriminatory? You would be hard pressed to find anything there... I'm simply advocating a book that BILLIONS of others have also advocated , ok?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:12 PM
Krazysh0t - can I ask you this, do you have a bone to pick with me or something, just because I am advocating the bible?
When I said earlier I'm not trying to argue, I meant that. No I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me, I know I'm probably a minority on here. But I certainly see even arguments as constructive sharing of ideas that can help lead us closer to the truth together. So as long as we respect others, and are open minded to everything.
I'm curious what your beliefs are, what are some of your favourite topics to talk about on here? and is their anything you'd like to see me address directly ?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:18 PM

MAN cannot be trusted. If you cannot see this you're being naïve.

I see. Seems that rather than addressing how Revelations relates to a supposed implementation by the UN of a decades-long plan by the Club of Rome the example of which is the MDG, the real deal is that you are only interested in spewing typical neochristian/neoconservative blather in response to a serious question. I'm not interested in reading mere right-wing hay-making, as are you and Ketsuko, apparently. Nothing wrong with it per se, just not what I came in for.

Best of luck to you in the discussion.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:19 PM
Hey Gryphon66 when you said here -" I just wanted to know why John the Revelator or Jesus the Nazarene or whosoever is responsible for directing the End of All Things "

I know your conversation isn't with me on this, but I just wanted to throw this in here. John who is believed to have wrote the book of revelations isn't responsible for the directing the End of all Things. I can see how it can strike you as that, being that he wrote the book, but please keep in mind that he was simply a man writing out onto paper what God wanted him to write. All scripture is inspired by the holy spirit, using man simply as a channel to relay the message to the world.
I've been so conflicted about the book of revelation throughout my life, on one hand it scares me and I always used to think this is horrible that their really is a detailed version of some very turbulent times that lead to an end. But on the other hand, I'm really looking at it and I've come to realize that In the end it's about conquering all these elite evil men, princes and principalities and the devil himself. The bible talks about how Jesus will usher in an age of peace for 1000 years.

It';s easy to cherry-pick Revelations and be repulsed by all the horrific images, but conveniently leave out the story of the good that will emerge from it. The shape our world is in something has got to give, nothing about the way we live is sustainable. And our earth is dying along with all the people in it. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth, why can't we ever see how it's a story about Good defeating evil??

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:21 PM
Hey gryphon66- I am not a right wing conservative for starters.. I don't even vote haha.

And I can address how the book of revelations relates to all this with the UN, the world being divided into 10 areas etc... but you have to be willing to hear me out and give the bible a chance? It's all in there. Let me ask you this, do you really believe there is nothing prophetic about the bible? simple question

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by freedom7

You aren't the only one I point out the folly of belief that Revelations has anything to with the end of the world. I just find it counterproductive to worry about this supposed end of the world when we should be worrying about how we can fix the world. Christians praying for Revelations to happen is the same as New Agers telling use we are all about to ascend to a higher dimension or whatever. It takes the fix to the problem, that WE created, and takes it out of our hands. We are letting a supernatural force fix the problems that humans have made for themselves. It is irresponsible. We need to own up to our own mistakes not pray for some third party to come and rescue us from our misery. This whole end of the world nonsense just grinds my gears.
edit on 10-1-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:46 PM


reply to post by Gryphon66

Ok, I'll play the off topic game.

Why are you challenging me to give my opinions of the UN goals?

I did. I said, "I devil is in the details."

I didn't. I challenged you to give your opinions as suggested by the OP IN LIGHT OF the End Times, or the Apocalypse or the Ten Horns of the Beast or whatever the citation from Revelations is supposed to be about this week.

You apparently want to make political hay while the UN sun is shining. I just wanted to know why John the Revelator or Jesus the Nazarene or whosoever is responsible for directing the End of All Things wouldn't want pregnant women to have healthier lives and healthier babies in the real world of 2014.

Replying to a reasonable question with snide maxims with no evidence is just bad form, in my opinion. I was simply hoping for more engagement from you. Sorry mate.
edit on 14Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:05:39 -060014p022014166 by Gryphon66 because: added a 'so'

You get what you give. Your original response was also snide.

You are challenging the whole as if anyone who is against the UN taking over the world would also be against those goals. It is a false assumption and a lovely strawman to set up.

Why should I spend all my time defending myself over those goals when you are simply redirecting the argument to a ground more of your liking?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:55 PM
krazysh0t- thanks for your reply. I can relate with you on that man, I really can.
I do agree religions and new age movements can trend towards denying all self accountability, and falling for the lie that God, or the Gods, aliens etc.. whatever one believes in will absolve them of all responsibilities.

I do agree with you, that is many times just a cowards way out.

so am I a hypocrite because I do truly believe their will be a tribulation period and an eventual end to this earth as depicted in the book of revelations? I'm only a hypocrite If I say I love God and love others, If I say I believe in his commandments to go out and preach the gospel to the world, to humble myself and be obedient.. and do absolutely everything to the contrary.

But I'm really making a deliberate effort to change things around, and challenge myself to be a better man, a better brother, son, partner etc.. I believe fully that fate and free will can co-exist. Meaning God's will is going to unfold, but it's man's responsibility to be the ambassador for that plan on earth. And what I mean by ambassador is loving unconditionally and trying to make this world a better place in every way ( like you said) as opposed to just wanting the end to come so I can punch my ticket out of here etc...

I can see why you may be weary and have reservations towards Christians, because sadly so many are in it to try and gain "brownie points " with God, and don't truly care about the state of this world and the people who are suffering.
I promise their are genuine Christians that can see this as wrong though. And though we may believe there's an afterlife spent with God that is beautiful, we also realize we are meant to make this world a better place with all our efforts

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:06 PM


MAN cannot be trusted. If you cannot see this you're being naïve.

I see. Seems that rather than addressing how Revelations relates to a supposed implementation by the UN of a decades-long plan by the Club of Rome the example of which is the MDG, the real deal is that you are only interested in spewing typical neochristian/neoconservative blather in response to a serious question. I'm not interested in reading mere right-wing hay-making, as are you and Ketsuko, apparently. Nothing wrong with it per se, just not what I came in for.

Best of luck to you in the discussion.

Why should I go there?

I don't necessarily think it all has to be all Book of Revelation for the push to make the UN a One World Order government to be true. Our own president is a globalist who is doing all he can to hand over our national sovereignty right now. Thankfully, the senate isn't that far gone and he still needs them to ratify treaties to make them legal or else he'd sign the Law of the Sea Treaty, Rights of the Child, Small Arms, etc., that would subvert our national law and sovereignty to international law. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist or believe in the End of Times to think that's going on. You just have to look at the very public papers and speeches given by his legal appointees among others.

And I don't understand the mindset of people who want to just blindly hand over their own personal liberty to the fate of an organization of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. You likely rail enough over corporations being evil. Well, tell me: if corporations are evil and they are comprised of people whom you think have too much power, what would make the UN any different? They are also a large bureaucratic institution of unelected people who have only vast power to gain by this. Why should they be any more benevolent to you than any corporation? People are people and the motives of those in power are the same no matter where they hold on.

It doesn't matter what they say they want. As I pointed out, Mao and Stalin wanted similar earthly Utopias.
edit on 10-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by freedom7

I like this response and can get behind it. I'll graciously step out of the thread now. Carry on.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 04:05 PM
Krazysh0t- I'll carry on with more stuff in this thread, but don't ever feel like you need to step out if you don't want to. If you want to contribute more to this thread , all your ideas/thoughts are greatly appreciated on this end. That needs to be said. I promise you I am going to look through a ton of your threads, and we can bounce some good ideas off each other.
You are very clear, concise in your messages and I believe you truly are passionate about what you believe in and what you see as right v.s wrong. I'm cut from the same cloth, so it should be interesting.. religious beliefs aside.

Sometimes the greatest mysteries unravel and that goes side and side with liberation when individuals of different upbringings/ or belief systems listen to one another as diligently as they speak. When they put aside any judgement but rather chose to acknowledge everyone how they deserve to be acknowledged , that's when amazing change can come.

Thanks for the discussion today, it's been a blessing man.

posted on Nov, 3 2016 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
reply to post by freedom7

So besides your link to whatever site that is, can you point to one where the UN actually states there are 10 regions ANYWHERE? As far as I know there are only 5 and they are listed here for you...


So if you have a credible source showing somewhere that the UN has 10 regions please post far as your claim, it is all over the place online but there are no credible sources listed that I can find to support it.

And with members like Al Gore, I have a lot more to worry about than the Club of Rome regions being falsely identified....

The reason we have som much tention today is because some player are not fallowing the rules agreed upon when it comes to the dividing of nations (The Ten Kindoms).

Putin has mentioned this more than once in he speaches.

The Map that is displaied by the Club of Rome in 1973: Shows how the 10 kindoms will look it will be divided.

This is the UN map from 2009. This is the updated map they are creating a tention over today. If you look at the two, you should know why Russia and Turkey are so agressive. Pay attention that Turkey is no longer a part of the EU kindom 2. Russia is agressive because they might not get Ukraine as promised in this NWO plan. The US/Eu have interests With Ukraine as well. BUt its not in accordance With the UN agreement.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

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