posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:59 PM
Gryphon 66 you said here
"what is your greatest concern about the UN's Millenium Development Goals? Have you actually read them? Which ones do you disagree with? "
Which ones do you think Jesus would disagree with?
Here's a convenient list:
To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empowering women
To reduce child mortality rates
To improve maternal health
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for development
My reply to you is this. I don't think Jesus would disagree with any of those! I think he wanted nothing more than to see mankind unite and rid the
world of all the pain, suffering and violence that rape our planet and it's people.
The problem with this.... MAN cannot be trusted. If you cannot see this you're being naïve. If Man could be trusted we would never have seen all
the atrocities we've seen in the first place. So If man got us into such a mess by creating nuclear weapons, creating a banking system that exploits
everyone outside of the elite upper echelon of society, by funding both sides of wars and killing off and de populating their own people. Than How can
we ever trust them to solve the very problems they started in the first place.
It sounds so utopian, and trust me I've read all the Eckhart tolle books, I was a deep follower of the new age religions only years ago, and I had
all the faith in myself, in mankind.. I believed we could evolve and ascend to Godhood. I believed Christianity was just oppression of mankind etc...-
when God pulled me out of this and showed me the full truth, and opened up my eyes to just how great the deceit goes, I was unable to even speak I was
so overwhelmed.
You need to remember like one of the other posters just posted, "the devil is in the details" He's absolutely right.
It's not just the Obama momentum that swept America off it's feet, that had the masses believing Obama was the Messiah. History has shown us time
and time again , if we fail to learn from it we are doomed to repeat it.
-Hitler had the same charisma as Obama, and had all the Germans believing he meant well, and truly cared about them etc.. most had no idea how
insidious his plans for the Aryan race really were.
- Can't you see how these elite are wolves in sheeps clothing? How can you believe anything they promise when we've been lied to forever? So the
UN plans to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger right? than how about the UN explain that to the millions on top of millions of orphans in Africa
who have watched their parents die of malnutrition, while they could have saved them all had they intervened with other countries and said you WILL
NOT invest billions of dollars into weapons, homeland security budgets etc... But they didn't even lift a finger, and still don't to this day
Would you like to know why? - Because the game is rigged! The UN was brought into being by the Rockerfellers - a known Illuminati Bloodline or war
To develop a global partnership for development- In other words. Unite all of the world together and pretend that you are trying to usher in peace so
that they are receptive to what you say, so that you can inflict some of the worst Fascism this world has ever seen under the Anti- Christ. - The
bible has said, the world will be saying Peace, Peace! right before sudden destruction comes.- if you can't see the parallels to what's happening
right now in America, I don't know what else to tell you.
I am all for equality, universal education, curing horrible diseases, riding the world of hunger and poverty etc... But I do not trust evil men
to be able to initiate that. There is always a catch, always has been if you study our history. Their truly is nothing new under the sun like Solomon
once said. Because man is a fallen creature, he's a prisoner to sin which means the same patterns will emerge until Jesus Christ comes back and has
the final say.
Jesus promised not just those goals of the UN- he's promised 1000x that. He's promised a world to come where the very concepts and thoughts of evil
things do not even exist. He's promised a world to come where there will only be peace, truth, harmony, hope, joy , love for all who exist there. And
all he's asking is that we acknowledge him as God, all he's asking for is a prayer up to him asking him if he really is real, and really is true to
his promises.
The bible said if you seek God with all your heart you will find him. He has never broken that promise, nor ever will. Don't believe me, ask him
yourself and you will see the light my friend