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The Club of Rome's plan for 10 kingdoms- Book of Revelations predicted this

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 07:46 AM
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no power as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." (Rev. 17:12-13)

the Club has divided the world into ten political/economic regions, which it refers to as “kingdoms”. As the ten kingdoms/regions come together even more in preparation for the reign of the world ruler, we will see the regionalizing of money, then a globalization of monetary exchange or the “cashless society”.

the first region also includes Mexico. 1. NAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico) 2. The E.U. – countries of the European Union, Western Europe as a whole 3. Japan 4. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa 5. Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union 6. Central and South America, Cuba and Caribbean Islands 7. The Middle East and North Africa 8. The rest of Africa, except South Africa 9. South and Southeast Asia, including India 10. China (Mongolia is now included with China) The islands of the seas, for the most part, fit in with the closest region.

It's happening before our very eyes guys. The Book of Revelation is unfolding, you can't write this stuff!

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 07:55 AM
link when NAFTA happened, this is what all that was really about, yep. This will be an interesting thread, I bet.....subbed won't let me star or flagg....

edit on 10-1-2014 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by freedom7

So besides your link to whatever site that is, can you point to one where the UN actually states there are 10 regions ANYWHERE? As far as I know there are only 5 and they are listed here for you...


So if you have a credible source showing somewhere that the UN has 10 regions please post far as your claim, it is all over the place online but there are no credible sources listed that I can find to support it.

And with members like Al Gore, I have a lot more to worry about than the Club of Rome regions being falsely identified....
edit on 1/10/14 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:25 AM
Arbitrary numbers can be used in tandem with vague Bible verses to make coincidental associations mean anything.

For example:

The world has been divided into 24 Time Zones. Since the number 24 reflects the ancient organization of God's throneroom [the 24 elders on 24 thrones praising his name (Revelations 4:1-4)], this demonstrates that the entire world has been dedicated to emulate "heavenly things" just as King David did with the Temple (Hebrews 3:3-5). Since the 1920s, as the world has been rearranged to reflect God's own administration, Heaven has been brought down to Earth in a very real way.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:22 AM
UN: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are Among the Seven “Strategic Opportunities” for 2010

By The United Nations
January 11, 2010

According to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – as the targets are known – are among the seven “strategic opportunities” to be realized not over decades but within the next twelve months. [Note the map on page 57 of the report (PDF), which divides the world into 10 "Regional Groupings" as compared to the seven continents of the world.] source

Please see the map- the 10 regions have already been put into action. You need to keep in mind that this is never going to make front page news on CNN or BBC. I can sense your reservations when it comes to reliable "sources", I truly have struggled with finding reliable sources all throughout my journey through this awakening process.
We face a very unique challenge in uncovering the truth, because the truth movement has been infiltrated by disinfo agents, lies, and deception at every turn.

I will say this , from all my research, and all my experiences there is one thing I've come to realize about the truth. It is never an easy find, it is never found in obvious places, and it requires truly truly opening up your heart and seeking out God to fully understand just how big the deception really is.

I have read the bible while I was deep into sin, didn't really care for the things of God- and I can honestly say everything felt meaningless in that book, I couldn't connect the ideas together and see the truths in there because I was blinded.

The second... I really acknowledge to God that I am sick of the lies, the sin, the pain and heartache of this world and disquisted In my own actions and choices that have shut out any light from my life and asked for forgiveness, asked for my eyes to be open- he always responds and the biblical mysteries are seen.

This is all by design- understanding how the New World order is playing out has nothing to do with intelligence- It has everything to do with humbling yourself and asking God for the truth's.. It's an act of faith- that will change everything!

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:23 AM
on side note- if that link to that website doesn't open up... Hit the "Home" button at the very top of the screen, it should show you the whole page

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:57 AM
When prophesy is written and widely read it tends to become self fulfilling, which is a really good reason to pay it little or no regard.

I would like to believe there is something more than this life, but just in case there isn't I will try to make things better for anyone I can here and now while I am alive.

I just wish more people would try to do the same for me and leave me alone.

You have a right to believe whatever you want to believe, but no right to try to push your beliefs on anyone else, and sometimes the amount of discussion and argument that occurs over different un-provable beliefs just tends to mess everything up for everyone.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 10:02 AM
Bible babble prediction porn poop!!

Note how similiar the words bible and babble are, only one different
letter. Just a coincidence or is the name of the Dog Book reflective of its

Kingdoms will in our future be a thing of the distant past. The very fact that
the term Kingdom is used/referred to in future terms does in itself make it
plainly obvious that what is stated in the Dog Book (Bible) is fantasy, written by
control freaky fantasists!

The only thing the Dog Book is good for is swatting flys and insects (locusts if
you like).

Revelation = Rubbish

Cast away thy crutch and walk freely in the realm of thy own reality!
edit on 10-1-2014 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 10:08 AM
Freedom, would you describe your interest in the subject to be based primarily on your belief, or on the evidence you've discovered? If one eliminates the possible connection to Bible prophecy for the moment, what is your greatest concern about the UN's Millenium Development Goals? Have you actually read them? Which ones do you disagree with?

Which ones do you think Jesus would disagree with?

Here's a convenient list:

To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empowering women
To reduce child mortality rates
To improve maternal health
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for development

(UN Millenium Development Goals

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:22 PM

Freedom, would you describe your interest in the subject to be based primarily on your belief, or on the evidence you've discovered? If one eliminates the possible connection to Bible prophecy for the moment, what is your greatest concern about the UN's Millenium Development Goals? Have you actually read them? Which ones do you disagree with?

Which ones do you think Jesus would disagree with?

Here's a convenient list:

To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empowering women
To reduce child mortality rates
To improve maternal health
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for development

(UN Millenium Development Goals

The devil, as always, is in the details. Isn't it?

After all, Obamacare was supposed to make health care affordable.

Of course, there is also the concern the UN is in no way shape or form a representative body. It is appointed.
edit on 10-1-2014 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

Ketsuko, did you have evidence or opinion in regard to what I said about the Millenium Development Goals, or did you merely want to bash Obama and the UN? Neither are the topic of the current discussion.

So what is it that seems like it's going bring on the end of the world? Eliminating hunger? Better education? Which is it?

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Gryphon66

As I said, the devil is in the details. How do they plan to do it? By what means?

I mentioned Obamacare because it was supposed to provide affordable, quality health care to all with an annual savings of $2,500 per family. This has clearly not happened and is not going to happen.

Are you saying that the UN can deliver those things to everyone everywhere? Please explain how. They can't even keep the peace in the regions where they have peacekeepers. In fact, those very peacekeepers have been implicated in some extremely nefarious dealings over the years.

So pardon me if I don't leap for joy at the idea of the UN riding to the rescue to deliver global Utopia. All the UN is is a failed experiment that proves that if you teach a bunch of third world dictators parliamentary procedure, they won't go home and give their people peace and enlightenment.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:58 PM
Ketsuko, the original poster suggested that the Club of Rome had created a plan that the UN is implementing including the MDG that will bring on the Apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelation. I merely wondered how those Goals will bring on the End of Days.

I have no interest in going off-topic for your requested analysis of the UN and implementation of the Millenium Development Goals, nor Obamacare, nor any other irrelevant subject to the topic. If you'd like to explore these on-topic elsewhere, start a discussion.

Did you, Ketsuko, have an opinion on how this relates to the End Times as described in the Bible? I'd love to see that.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:40 PM
Hey Gryphon66, thanks for your posts. Here's my response to your questions . You said

" Freedom, would you describe your interest in the subject to be based primarily on your belief, or on the evidence you've discovered? If one eliminates the possible connection to Bible prophecy for the moment, what is your greatest concern about
the UN's Millenium Development Goals? Have you actually read them? Which ones do you disagree with? "

- I would say my interest in this subject in particular is based on both my belief and the evidence I've discovered. My faith and belief in God's word takes precedent, but God designed us so he understands the need we have for certain evidence.
And he has not left us with nothing, regardless of what many scientists will say to the contrary.

While I agree with you that there is nothing blowing up our internet and news broadcasts with details of how the the club of Rome has categorized 10 different regions of the earth , like I said earlier would you really expect that Gryphon66?
Do they inform us when the Bilderbergs get together and meet in a very exclusive meeting? Does the evidence jump off the page when we hear about Sandy Hook, The Aurora movie theater shootings, Boston marathon Bombings, 9/11 etc..?

Or.. did we have to first dive into all the exhaustive research, network with other truth seekers, cross reference things, test out different pieces of evidence against each other and develop a theory about what happened?

If you were to be truly honest I think you could admit in this case it would be the ladder option. All of this is by design. The bible is decoded in mystery for a REASON. because it's meant to be incomprehensible for those who try to understand it for all the wrong reasons- But the patterns, and the story begins to unfold for those who truly want to know what it all means with an open heart, and with the attitude of humility.

And isn't it the same with truth seekers? You see plenty of the masses are blinded by what's really going on behind the scenes because they don't truly Want to know, period. It has everything to do with the intentions of the heart, mind and soul. They would rather be sheep, they would rather indulge in the false highs of this world because the truth is too much to take in for so many. But when we open ourselves up to the possibility that 9/11 wasn't really was Bush and Cheney said it was, and when some brave men and women truly began diving into uncover all the lies and deceit it became contagious and thousands, than millions joined in the movement and next thing you know- we realize the whole thing was a set up! - this can only happen when their is a burning desire to know the truth, otherwise we stay trapped in the matrix and let the television re-program our minds and tell us what's true and what isn't.

Do you disagree with this? You may feel I've gone off topic, but I'm drawing parallels here for you to see it is the exact same thing going on with the Club of Rome. The bible has already explained in the book of revelation how this is happening, and this is exactly why the very powerful men behind the curtain are meeting in secret, because they KNOW if this was done in public , there would be riots unlike ever seen before

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:49 PM

It's happening before our very eyes guys. The Book of Revelation is unfolding, you can't write this stuff!

But you can make it up. Clearly.

I think the random selection of nations and political groupings into "kingdoms" is rather (er) ill thought out. Why is South Africa where it is - is it because it is co-terminus with the Southern Hemisphere Rugby Union crowd.


posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:51 PM
Thanks Freedom7 for your answers! No, I don't think you went off topic ... it's your topic after all.

I'm not here to question God, meaning, conspiracies, secrets, media cover-ups, or any of that. I just wanted to see how anyone could see the UN's Millenium Goals as related to the ushering in of the end of the world. I'd still enjoy seeing that.

edit on 13Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:54:11 -060014p012014166 by Gryphon66 because: anyone, anyone ... /sigh

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:52 PM

Arbitrary numbers can be used in tandem with vague Bible verses to make coincidental associations mean anything.

For example:

The world has been divided into 24 Time Zones. Since the number 24 reflects the ancient organization of God's throneroom [the 24 elders on 24 thrones praising his name (Revelations 4:1-4)], this demonstrates that the entire world has been dedicated to emulate "heavenly things" just as King David did with the Temple (Hebrews 3:3-5). Since the 1920s, as the world has been rearranged to reflect God's own administration, Heaven has been brought down to Earth in a very real way.

I've actually explained several times to the OP in other threads that the Book of Revelations is about The Roman Empire and isn't even about the end of the world. He has refused to ever even acknowledge me and insists on continuing to spread his doom porn. I mean it's not like Christians haven't been predicting that Revelations was upon since Christianity was a religion. It's like predicting the end of the world is soon is a celebrated pastime of theirs.

But yeah, TODAY'S times are totally different and we are TOTALLY on the cusp of seeing the 4 horsemen ride down and start wrecking stuff left and right. It's kind of sad really because if Christians spent less time worrying about when God will blow the world up and more time worrying about how to fix things, maybe we wouldn't be in half the world messes we are in (and by that I mean ACTUALLY worrying about it, not just paying lip service to it or throwing money at the problem hoping it will go away).
edit on 10-1-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Gryphon66

Ok, I'll play the off topic game.

Why are you challenging me to give my opinions of the UN goals?

I did. I said, "I devil is in the details."

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:59 PM
Gryphon 66 you said here

"what is your greatest concern about the UN's Millenium Development Goals? Have you actually read them? Which ones do you disagree with? "
Which ones do you think Jesus would disagree with?

Here's a convenient list:

To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empowering women
To reduce child mortality rates
To improve maternal health
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for development

My reply to you is this. I don't think Jesus would disagree with any of those! I think he wanted nothing more than to see mankind unite and rid the world of all the pain, suffering and violence that rape our planet and it's people.

The problem with this.... MAN cannot be trusted. If you cannot see this you're being naïve. If Man could be trusted we would never have seen all the atrocities we've seen in the first place. So If man got us into such a mess by creating nuclear weapons, creating a banking system that exploits everyone outside of the elite upper echelon of society, by funding both sides of wars and killing off and de populating their own people. Than How can we ever trust them to solve the very problems they started in the first place.

It sounds so utopian, and trust me I've read all the Eckhart tolle books, I was a deep follower of the new age religions only years ago, and I had all the faith in myself, in mankind.. I believed we could evolve and ascend to Godhood. I believed Christianity was just oppression of mankind etc...- when God pulled me out of this and showed me the full truth, and opened up my eyes to just how great the deceit goes, I was unable to even speak I was so overwhelmed.

You need to remember like one of the other posters just posted, "the devil is in the details" He's absolutely right.

It's not just the Obama momentum that swept America off it's feet, that had the masses believing Obama was the Messiah. History has shown us time and time again , if we fail to learn from it we are doomed to repeat it.

-Hitler had the same charisma as Obama, and had all the Germans believing he meant well, and truly cared about them etc.. most had no idea how insidious his plans for the Aryan race really were.

- Can't you see how these elite are wolves in sheeps clothing? How can you believe anything they promise when we've been lied to forever? So the UN plans to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger right? than how about the UN explain that to the millions on top of millions of orphans in Africa who have watched their parents die of malnutrition, while they could have saved them all had they intervened with other countries and said you WILL NOT invest billions of dollars into weapons, homeland security budgets etc... But they didn't even lift a finger, and still don't to this day
Would you like to know why? - Because the game is rigged! The UN was brought into being by the Rockerfellers - a known Illuminati Bloodline or war criminals!

To develop a global partnership for development- In other words. Unite all of the world together and pretend that you are trying to usher in peace so that they are receptive to what you say, so that you can inflict some of the worst Fascism this world has ever seen under the Anti- Christ. - The bible has said, the world will be saying Peace, Peace! right before sudden destruction comes.- if you can't see the parallels to what's happening right now in America, I don't know what else to tell you.

I am all for equality, universal education, curing horrible diseases, riding the world of hunger and poverty etc... But I do not trust evil men to be able to initiate that. There is always a catch, always has been if you study our history. Their truly is nothing new under the sun like Solomon once said. Because man is a fallen creature, he's a prisoner to sin which means the same patterns will emerge until Jesus Christ comes back and has the final say.

Jesus promised not just those goals of the UN- he's promised 1000x that. He's promised a world to come where the very concepts and thoughts of evil things do not even exist. He's promised a world to come where there will only be peace, truth, harmony, hope, joy , love for all who exist there. And all he's asking is that we acknowledge him as God, all he's asking for is a prayer up to him asking him if he really is real, and really is true to his promises.

The bible said if you seek God with all your heart you will find him. He has never broken that promise, nor ever will. Don't believe me, ask him yourself and you will see the light my friend

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:04 PM
I'll put may answer another way.

Mao and Stalin also had worthy goals for the societies they tried to build.

But as I said, the devil is in the details.

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