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reply to post by Pardon?
A contractor, under the supervision of FDA and CDC, enters the information from VAERS forms into a database.
So if you say false reports can be filled under the supervision of the FDA and CDC then sure...
But then doesn't say much about their authority on the safety of vaccines does it?
Someone who's had the MMR can only transmit it if the vaccine has not worked then they are essentially unvaccinated.
reply to post by masqua
I apologizing for claiming someone has a job...
What this thread and hundreds like it on ATS have proved over and over.
Like cars; there are two camps of believers of vaccines.
Those that believe they do more harm than good, and those that believe they do more good than harm.
Neither camp can be swayed by what ever information is out there.
Until the death tally starts racking up and is near impossible to hide.
Or inversely, the death tally is concealed from the people and more and more people are adversely effected. (no bias there )
Either way, I am done in this pointless debate.
Each side have made their arguments and neither side have proved their points sufficiently to the other party.
The world continues to orbit the sun and remains spherical.
Moving on.
reply to post by Pardon?
Someone who's had the MMR can only transmit it if the vaccine has not worked then they are essentially unvaccinated.
Considering the vaccine industry themselves, in their own bumph claim only a vaccination success rate of between 8% and 11% (on a VERY good day), i'd say that would indeed leave a hell of a lot of infectious 'essentially unvaccinated' people running around...wouldn't you?
reply to post by Pardon?
Someone who's had the MMR can only transmit it if the vaccine has not worked then they are essentially unvaccinated.
Considering the vaccine industry themselves, in their own bumph claim only a vaccination success rate of between 8% and 11% (on a VERY good day), i'd say that would indeed leave a hell of a lot of infectious 'essentially unvaccinated' people running around...wouldn't you?
My own family members are among the statistics mate...out of 4 who recently had the 'flu shot' ALL of them became gravely ill, worse that they have ever been from catching influenza, with 2 of them requiring being hospitalised and one having to have her lungs elderly Mother, suckered into getting the shot by the persuasive insidious industry propaganda, said in her own words "I thought i was going to die".
That was within a couple of weeks of being pumped with the crap...ALL of them, who have no contact with each other...and their spouses, children didn't come down with a thing....curious, don't ya think!
So you see...take your stats and mealy mouthed protestations and i'll raise you actual, recent and very real near death experiences of family members right after being 'vaccinated'.
You can propably tell i am very unhappy speaking about to avooid a stroke or cardiac arrest, you can propagandise on your own to your hearts content, but don't you bloody dare to presume arrogance on the part of those making informed, rational and personal choices over vaccination because it doesn't happen to tie into your personal view or agendas.
I'm out!
edit on 10-1-2014 by MysterX because: added info
There may be side effects. Serious ones. Many Gardasil recipients experience normal vaccine aftermath like redness, soreness, and fainting. ("Any vaccine is associated with fainting," says Michael Lamacchia, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Paterson, New Jersey. As such, many docs want patients to stay in the office and rest for 15 to 20 minutes after a Gardasil shot.)
But thousands of women have also reported more worrisome issues, including crippling fatigue, paralysis, blindness, or autoimmune complications, and some have even died, according to CDC and FDA data.
reply to post by Pardon?
Look it up...i had to. Why do you expect others to find information you yourself claim ignorance to?
And i notice you conveniently ignore where you tripped over on your MMR infections argument, so it really is pointless talking to you isn't it.
Blood and stone mate.
reply to post by Sovaka
Well I admit I don't know much about the HPV Vaccine.
from your article
There may be side effects. Serious ones. Many Gardasil recipients experience normal vaccine aftermath like redness, soreness, and fainting. ("Any vaccine is associated with fainting," says Michael Lamacchia, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Paterson, New Jersey. As such, many docs want patients to stay in the office and rest for 15 to 20 minutes after a Gardasil shot.)
But thousands of women have also reported more worrisome issues, including crippling fatigue, paralysis, blindness, or autoimmune complications, and some have even died, according to CDC and FDA data.
it says
The FDA is not required to act in response to any side effect that occurs in fewer than one in 10,000 people.
Now you were the one that wrote cry me a river about 500 deaths dealing with measles and they have 70 deaths reported from this. I am not downplaying any ones death and as I said I don't know much about this vaccine but1 in 10,000 are the odds they report. If that vaccine was targeted at my gender I don't know if I would take it. It is relatively new. There is one I am watching and hoping it is ready for market soon. They are working on a malaria vaccine which I will be in line for if it becomes available and I hope the odds are as good as the one in question. As for the other claims for side affects well lets just say I do not trust human nature to lie for their possible monetary benefit.
Oh and I assure you I could never make a living off of typing this stuff if you know a place I could well send me the info as long as it is what I already believe I am fine with a paycheck. Unfortunately I think it is the other side of the fence that has the market cornered in spreading diss info but they do it on their own websites made to look like actual news sites. I would never stoop so low.
(Ok, Snopes isn't the greatest site to get the info from but it does provide links verifying what it says)
reply to post by Grimpachi
Uhhh....the MMR vaccine is the most insane thing you could put in your body. What is the cost of getting the Measles? about what is the cost of getting Autism? You can say all you want that the MMR vaccine isn't causing autism but then you would be a blind fool. The pharma companies are starting to admit it.....the courts are starting to admit it.....when is the dumb'ed down public going to admit it?
Plus you say that you were in the military and had tons of shots and look how great you are?......then you tell us you are on some pretty heavy anti-psychotics ....... uh....yeah...
edit on 10-1-2014 by UxoriousMagnus because: (no reason given)
Why is it "the most insane thing you can put in your body"?
It doesn't matter what I say or anyone SAYS about the MMR causing autism, it's what all of the studies say which is important.
And every single one of them says there is no correlation.
What's the cost of getting measles?
Let's see, meningitis, pneumonia, blindness etc etc.
Why did autism rates still increase when they stopped giving the MMR in Japan?
Why was autism on the increase before the MMR was released?
Can you point out where the pharma companies (or anyone else in medicine) is pointing out that MMR causes autism as that's news to me.
As for the courts saying there are...I think that if you look into them properly you'll find they didn't say they caused autism at all. You have to take time to read the official court transcript though rather than just regurgitate it from an anti-vax site.
Think about it, would you let a lawyer diagnose an illness you had?
Thought not.
no....your right....the pharma companies are looking out for me and my family. They have never done anything unethical and well......thanks for setting me straight there....
Instead of just regurgitating the standard conspiracy mantra, you made statements which I've questioned.
Do yourself some justice by answering them.
reply to post by SecTownKid
All I can tell you is the military is a pretty big swath of population that gets fully inoculated but has one of the best health records.
A senior army doctor has provided the first official support for claims that the cocktail of vaccines given to soldiers before the 1991 war in Iraq probably caused illnesses that became known as Gulf war syndrome, it was reported today.
For 13 years, the MoD has denied that vaccines could be blamed for the illnesses. Independent research has also failed to find conclusive proof of a common link between the vaccines and a Gulf war-related syndrome.
Every vaccine, like every drug, carries an inherent risk of injury or death and some individuals will be genetically or biologically more vulnerable to vaccine reactions than other individuals. All vaccination campaigns result in casualties and, therefore, benefits and risks must be carefully assessed before implementation, especially in the absence of a proven attack. Every precaution must be taken to minimize vaccine casualties while protecting the informed consent rights of all citizens.
The results of the WHO-Rockefeller project were put into mass application on human guinea pigs in the early 1990's. The WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. That was a curious component for a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds or other contact with certain bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was indeed, also rather rare. It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.
The CDC is perhaps the most malicious in their information-twisting. Consider this recent upheaval about flu vaccinations. According to Dr. Peter Doshi in a British Medical Journal article review (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):
“. . .perhaps the cleverest aspect of the influenza marketing strategy surrounds the claim that ‘flu’ and ‘influenza’ are the same. The distinction seems subtle, and purely semantic. But general lack of awareness of the difference might be the primary reason few people realize that even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.”
So – if you didn’t catch the significance of that – while the CDC is reporting flu outbreaks across the country and thus our need for vaccines, only a flu-virus would require a vaccine, and only a small percentage of ‘flu’ is actually ‘flu.’ Additionally, there are only a few strains of any particular flu virus in any vaccine created seasonally and there are hundreds of flu viruses.
Back in 2009, Dr. Diane Harper, admitted that the vaccines were likely more dangerous than the disease they were trying to prevent, that is, until Big Pharma companies persuaded her to change her tune. Dr. Harper is a practicing OBGYN, and she has said that “approximately 70% of women who contract HPV are going to clear that all by themselves within the first year, with no help from anyone,” which includes the interference of GlaxoSmithKline and Merck & Co.
Furthermore, within 2-years, she says that 90% of those infections are going to clear all by themselves.
Only 10% of HPV cases progress into a pre-cancerous lesion. While that is still not good news for women who develop this possibility for cancer, the vaccines themselves are likely more harmful than helpful.
In an interview with Dr. Thomas Jefferson, coordinator for the Cochrane Vaccine Field in Rome, Italy, he stated that in 2009 he conducted a thorough review of 217 published studies on flu vaccines and found only 5% reliable. In other words, 95% of published flu vaccine studies are flawed and their conclusions should be dismissed. This is not a great surprise; even CDC officials were forced to confess that “influenza vaccines are still among the least effective immunizing agents available, and this seems to be particularly true for elderly recipients.”[1] Dr. Anthony Morris, a distinguished virologist and a former Chief Vaccine Office at the FDA, found “there is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.’ Dr. Morris stated, “The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.”
. . . .
In 2012, the National Coalition of Organized Women received documents with statistics based upon the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) covering the 2009 and 2010 flu season. The CDC’s own vaccine injury data collection revealed a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths after the flu shot. The VAERS statistics were confirmed later by Dr. Gary Goldman and published in the Human and Environmental Toxicology Journal showing that the HINI swine flu vaccine did in fact cause a 4,250% rise in spontaneous abortions.
The CDC has refused to provide further information under a Freedom of Information Act filing until after a three year period, a direct violation of FIOA law. When confronted and queried about the rise in fetal deaths among vaccinated pregnant mothers, the CDC’s Dr. Shimabkuru confirmed the agency knew of this increase.[8]
Edible vaccine supporter and head of the Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, Dr. Charles Arntzen has recently responded to questions about the issue of overpopulation with the following sardonic remarks, “Has anybody seen Contagion? That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus [to wipe out the population]“.
"As I stated previously folks, get involved with your own healthcare.
Learn about the diseases and about how proper studies are carried out as this is the primary vehicle for disinformation and propaganda from ALL sides of the aisle. "
This OP is not trying to argue your FREEDOM as so many have repeatedly stated it is theirs to vaccinate or not. This is merely pointing out that that freedom can come at a cost. It doesn't just affect you there are consequences to you and those around you.