For the sake of argument, let’s say tomorrow we are given undeniable, irrefutable proof there is life after death.
For example:
In science labs, all over the world, pens seeming float to boards and start writing.
A name is written. Age, sex, family members names, place where lived, time place and cause of death.
Everything needed to find out whom all these people were.
Everything matches up perfectly, and in every lab is a different name and information for that specific person.
Most of these events are even captured on recording equipment.
So, basically undeniable proof. BUT, NO INFORMATION ON WHAT IT IS LIKE THERE.
So, here is the question, or questions I have.
First, the main one.
Do you think this would make people change their behavior, striving to be better people?
Personally, I think a lot of people would. But I really don’t think it would for people whom are inherently bad. In fact, I think some bad people
would try to use this information to control others.
I also wonder, how would religions handle this information?
Would it cause a panic?
Would people just sigh in relief, finally knowing the answer of life after death, or would they still want specifics of what “life” was like over
For these questions, I think some religions would of course use this to control their people, while others may not change at all and just have a
“see, we told you” attitude and continue on their path.
And I think there would be a bit of everything, people panicking, sighing and questioning.
The pessimist in me says that after all the initial hoopla, everything would die down and life would go back to the way it is, for the most part.
The optimist in me hopes that if it did happen, most people would change for the better, at least striving to be better people, helping others,
thinking before acting, worrying about the consequences of their actions, whether out of fear of a deity, having to return to “try again” or just
the unknown of what might happen after this life.
Would you change, or feel you needed to?
Just something I’ve been pondering the last couple days.
And thanks to Wildtimes for a great reading referral!
edit on 9-1-2014 by chiefsmom because: Forgot to add something important to the question.