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UFO interest peaked in the 1990s and is now in decline

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posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:33 PM

reply to post by JadeStar and the other guy

I consider myself openminded, and will hear both sides to a perspective, but when people start getting self righteous in their beliefs and demeaning others, that is where I draw the line. A bunch of drunk rednecks is the reason we study this issue, come on now, really? Nothing happened at Roswell, and all the witnesses and locals who put their asses on the line to speak up are just making it up?

the ex military, FAA and civilian government employees coming forward about this.. are just giving us amusing stories.. in accord with your attitude towards these men and woman, who have also risked their careers and perhaps more than that, we should just smirk arrogantly while writing them off as liars, and then make unrealistic and demanding claims for proof from these men and women? Have you even listened to their testimony?

writing it all off a hoax works to an extent, because a lot of these cases ARE hoaxes. But there is substance and credibility to dozens of cases, too many to list here. Between that, the government witnesses, the supposed abductees whom we as a society have shunned and ignored, the crop circles that get more elaborate (and show up overnight in the middle of a thunderstorm), sightings across the world and even indications from our own past.. There's just so many indicators, not proofs, that we *may* have been or continue to be visited or monitored by entities more advanced than us- and that doesn't necessarily mean extraterrestrial. Can you prove all of this a hoax and nothing but lies and drunk rednecks, or are you too making an extraordinary claim that requires more than useless rhetoric to back it up?

personally- I'm getting tired of the "EXTRAORDINARY evidence EXTRAORDINARY claims" yada yada we know man, you "require extraordinary evidence", first of all most of us are not claiming anything but speculating on possibilities on the Aliens and UFOs forum. I am here because I had an encounter in northern New Mexico I can't explain either- only to be met by demands for proof and subtle insults to my intelligence. You demand proof for you, because many of us think there might be more to this than meets the eye? proof for something we don't necessarily believe in?

What the hell am I supposed to do hijack an alien craft, kill the inhabitants put them on ice, and keep it in my garage for you?

To Jadestar, while I see you are extremely intelligent (and I like your posts a lot, to be honest) but being an astrophysics or astronomy major doesn't give your opinion any more credibility over the hundreds of eyewitnesses and serious investigators who have put decades of research into this issue. why the hell should we listen to you over them?

A friend of mine wrote a book about this very subject. Her name is Susan Clancy she's a psychologist at Harvard. Its called Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens. If you are serious about the topic you need to read this book.Lets say this no one has ever reported being abducted without exposure to the idea through movies and books like the case of Mrs hill for example.Believing they were abducted helps them to cope with stress and well in most aspects gives them some meaning in their lives.Long before people claimed alien abductions you have things like being visited by creatures known as a succubus. Read those very similar to UFO abductions. Except they would describe a half naked woman i personallythink id prefer this one.

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 05:24 AM

lampsalot O%3B%2Cc1

According to nGram, interest in UFOs peaked in 1997 - nearly 20 years ago and has been in decline since.

It seems like people just care less about UFOs these days. I think conspiracy theories about the government and big money have stolen a lot of their thunder. Not only that but the UFO lore and hype was largely built off of the Cold War, which was still sort of the mode of thinking in the 90s being the USSR had only just ceased to exist in that decade. I doubt a show like the X Files would be very popular today.

Do you think Ufology is a dying hobby and interest? Now that everyone has camera phones and can record everything and still no smoking gun proof of aliens has emerged, it seems like it's fairly safe to say that there isn't anything actually going on.
edit on 8-1-2014 by lampsalot because: (no reason given)

Yeah, of course its dieing, and its being helped along by constant hoaxes, gibberish like "channeling", people trying to infuse the subject with "spirituality", people trying to make a fast buck or 5 minutes of fame from a tall tale, and generally seems to have attracted all the lunatics like moths to a flame. Basically the opposite of what any subject that wants to be taken seriously actually needs.

If there is anything viable in the topic as a whole it is minimal and is obscured by all of the detritus. Makes good entertainment I guess.
edit on 15-1-2014 by InsertNameHere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:38 AM


reply to post by JadeStar and the other guy

I consider myself openminded, and will hear both sides to a perspective, but when people start getting self righteous in their beliefs and demeaning others, that is where I draw the line. A bunch of drunk rednecks is the reason we study this issue, come on now, really? Nothing happened at Roswell, and all the witnesses and locals who put their asses on the line to speak up are just making it up?

the ex military, FAA and civilian government employees coming forward about this.. are just giving us amusing stories.. in accord with your attitude towards these men and woman, who have also risked their careers and perhaps more than that, we should just smirk arrogantly while writing them off as liars, and then make unrealistic and demanding claims for proof from these men and women? Have you even listened to their testimony?

writing it all off a hoax works to an extent, because a lot of these cases ARE hoaxes. But there is substance and credibility to dozens of cases, too many to list here. Between that, the government witnesses, the supposed abductees whom we as a society have shunned and ignored, the crop circles that get more elaborate (and show up overnight in the middle of a thunderstorm), sightings across the world and even indications from our own past.. There's just so many indicators, not proofs, that we *may* have been or continue to be visited or monitored by entities more advanced than us- and that doesn't necessarily mean extraterrestrial. Can you prove all of this a hoax and nothing but lies and drunk rednecks, or are you too making an extraordinary claim that requires more than useless rhetoric to back it up?

personally- I'm getting tired of the "EXTRAORDINARY evidence EXTRAORDINARY claims" yada yada we know man, you "require extraordinary evidence", first of all most of us are not claiming anything but speculating on possibilities on the Aliens and UFOs forum. I am here because I had an encounter in northern New Mexico I can't explain either- only to be met by demands for proof and subtle insults to my intelligence. You demand proof for you, because many of us think there might be more to this than meets the eye? proof for something we don't necessarily believe in?

What the hell am I supposed to do hijack an alien craft, kill the inhabitants put them on ice, and keep it in my garage for you?

To Jadestar, while I see you are extremely intelligent (and I like your posts a lot, to be honest) but being an astrophysics or astronomy major doesn't give your opinion any more credibility over the hundreds of eyewitnesses and serious investigators who have put decades of research into this issue. why the hell should we listen to you over them?

A friend of mine wrote a book about this very subject. Her name is Susan Clancy she's a psychologist at Harvard. Its called Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens. If you are serious about the topic you need to read this book.Lets say this no one has ever reported being abducted without exposure to the idea through movies and books like the case of Mrs hill for example.Believing they were abducted helps them to cope with stress and well in most aspects gives them some meaning in their lives.Long before people claimed alien abductions you have things like being visited by creatures known as a succubus. Read those very similar to UFO abductions. Except they would describe a half naked woman i personallythink id prefer this one.

This is all well known to anybody from certain European countries. The fairies were notorious for kidnapping people or swapping babies. They were mischievous and other worldly but not evil in intent. Of course the fairies were a convenient explanation for all types of unknown diseases or nefarious deeds.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:20 AM
People in small cities/towns are not going to talk about their UFO sightings and abductions. I once knew a person who would not tell me their experience because they would not want any of it to haunt them or be known socially. These people buy their books second hand at used book sellers across the country with cash only. They do not want attention or to talk about it. The rest of us are curious, but I think very few of us really want to know the real hard core truth of things. We obviously have no control over our lives to someone more advanced and lacking universal decent morals. The person I knew was a hardworking, nice, logical, educated, responsible, religious, upstanding citizen. Which made it difficult to really deny there is something going on here at Earth. Most of what is known by individuals is probably very private and will not be revealed ever to the public at large. The question is What do you believe in? What will you allow yourself to believe? And look at our society...really take a look.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:09 PM
if interest has indeed peaked, somebody forgot to tell the History Channel, and National Geographic Channles in the U.S. who both have had quite a bit of ufo prgramming running at least part or most of the day. Why? Ratings. Lots of interest out there, and I among them.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by lampsalot

I believe that we are coming to a new chapter in what UFOs really are and it will be proven soon.
They are not physical objects, but rather some sort of holographic image that can be perceived by one or more people at the same time. You can take a picture of it but you cannot touch it.
With the increase of people on the planet, perhaps our brains are interfeering with one another and creating some sort of interference for these holograms. Notice that they are often seen where there is less people around eachother.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by VenusAlien

It's not our brains interfering, its all the electromagnetic crud we are pumping out from cell phones and stuff.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:26 PM

reply to post by VenusAlien

It's not our brains interfering, its all the electromagnetic crud we are pumping out from cell phones and stuff.

More like all the drugs were pumping into our systems and all the crappy things we throw into the environment. Oh and lets not forget airplanes thats half the sightings right there.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:07 PM


reply to post by VenusAlien

It's not our brains interfering, its all the electromagnetic crud we are pumping out from cell phones and stuff.

More like all the drugs were pumping into our systems and all the crappy things we throw into the environment. Oh and lets not forget airplanes thats half the sightings right there.

Airplanes don't account for the thousands of day time metallic disks or flying saucers that are seen.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:27 PM



reply to post by VenusAlien

It's not our brains interfering, its all the electromagnetic crud we are pumping out from cell phones and stuff.

More like all the drugs were pumping into our systems and all the crappy things we throw into the environment. Oh and lets not forget airplanes thats half the sightings right there.

Airplanes don't account for the thousands of day time metallic disks or flying saucers that are seen.

Thousands really then should be easy to prove then. Where are the photos everyone on the planet has a video camera on the cell phone yet nothing we should have proved this long ago with the billions of witnesses out there.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:47 PM
since neither aliens or ufos exist it's not surprising is it? i'm sure if we ever experience contact with an alien or a ufo interest might pick up a little. but asking people to stay interested in things that nobody has ever seen or experienced, well, when it comes to angry monkeys, we all know how that goes. want to know what happens when your a topic that has fallen off peoples radar. i give you one word. madonna. if you've become so irrelevant that you have to use racial slurs against your own kids, just so you can feed your ego? i imagine ufo's for the current generation are the same way. i look for them all the time if i'm outside at night. have seen them in the past. but i imagine they don't hold the attention of a sophisticated culture that can turn to "real housewives of" to witness something utterly unexplainable

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:27 AM



reply to post by ManInAsia

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Are you deliberately trying to ignore everything I wrote? The point about relativistic effect during space travel at close to the speed of light is that they are routinely ignored. If you can get to close to the speed of light you can get to local star systems with relative ease, as you only age a few years or whatever. That's for biological beings.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of time spent at relativistic light speeds (don't's a very common problem because none of this is intuitive). If you (could) travel at the speed of light you instantly reach your destination. Space is shrunken to zero. You can thank me for the free lesson later or just do more research on this.

It's all energy related. But again the mistake that people make is to look at energy requirements in human terms. This goes back to the Type 0 and Type 1 and Type 2 civilizations. I'll leave that to you to look up instead of explaining it here.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

My first suggestion is you study relativity does light instantly appear anywhere? See you really dont understand relativity so let me try to explain something moving at the speed of light doesnt instantly appear at there destination. When we look at a star for example we are seeing in the past. lets say we have a star 10 light years away that means it took light ten years to reach us even though you think time for that photon was less it wasnt. That photon left that star ten years ago and it took 10 years to reach us. if we travel in a star ship at the speed of light it would take us ten years to get there. The trick of relativity is to an observer on earth 35 years would pass by the time we get there. Time is relative to the observer but to the observer it allways remains constant.
edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

You still don't understand relativity and I'm disappointed Jadestar hasn't put you right.

First of all a massive object couldn't travel at the speed of light because the energy requirement would be infinite, but IF it could, time would stand still, as space would be shrunk to zero and you would have reached your destination at the same time as you left.

The problem you are having in understanding relativity is you keep talking about time as experienced by the OUTSIDE observer and not the space traveller himself/herself. The space traveler has no limitation to travel vast distances in HIS/HER lifetime as long as they reach close to the speeds of light. You have to get up above 90% of the speed of light for these effects to really play out.

That's your problem right there, you haven't figured all this out yet from the traveller's perspective.

Time Dilation versus Speed of Light

The following table illustrates how insignificant the effect of time dilation are for velocities as great as half the speed of light, but how dramatic it becomes as you draw ever closer to the speed of light. For each velocity, the time which elapses in the rest frame for each day measured by the ship's clock is given. By the time we reach 90% of the speed of light, for each day on board, two and a quarter days pass for an observer stationary with the respect to the Lattice. As we start tacking on nines to our velocity, time dilation becomes ever more extreme. At 0.999999 of the speed of light, almost two years pass in the Lattice for every ship's day. If we continue to accelerate to 0.99999999999999 c, for every day on board, nearly twenty thousand years pass for the observer at rest.

P.S. Photons don't experience time as they always travel at the speed of light.

edit on 19-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:59 AM




reply to post by VenusAlien

It's not our brains interfering, its all the electromagnetic crud we are pumping out from cell phones and stuff.

More like all the drugs were pumping into our systems and all the crappy things we throw into the environment. Oh and lets not forget airplanes thats half the sightings right there.

Airplanes don't account for the thousands of day time metallic disks or flying saucers that are seen.

Thousands really then should be easy to prove then. Where are the photos everyone on the planet has a video camera on the cell phone yet nothing we should have proved this long ago with the billions of witnesses out there.

There are lots of vids and pics as well trace evidence. The best evidence is from the 70's 80's and 90's before the tampering software was common place. Even the cover page of the COMETA report out of France is stunning as is the rancher photo's from Oregon that have never been explained. To say there is no good evidence for flying saucers and metallic disks is plain irresponsible. Stanton Friedman has dedicated his life to these disks. He has reams and filing cabinets full of credible stuff.
Why do the skeptics rarely follow the research of serious ufologists like Grant Cameron or Stanton Friedman?

Oh, and further to your query, the vast majority of credible cases also report having technical difficulties with electronics and machines. Seems reasonable given there seems a correlation with strong electromagnetic signatures given off of these disks. True skeptics would acknowledge this variable, others just conclude there is nothing there.
edit on 19-1-2014 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

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