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UFO interest peaked in the 1990s and is now in decline

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:29 PM

rs will inhibit life spreading around. There is no logical reason to assume this given different technologies, life spans and the age of the universe, but this is the new stage we've reached to throw up artificial roadblocks.
edit on 10-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

It's not artificial. They are incredible real distances. So incredible that it is very hard to believe people who say that aliens routinely travel here to do nothing more than to pull them out of bed at night and shove something into their body, stamp a design into a farmer's crops or put on a pretty display of lights.

If we somehow prove warp drive theory and build a small working model then this thinking will change.

The last obstacle is simply two things. Outrageous stories given the energy involved in traveling such a vast distance need extraordinary evidence to back them up until such time that any such visitation could be verified.

And some form of technology to make such vast trips in a reasonable amount of time needs to be discovered.

edit on 10-1-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by JadeStar

I can't believe you've fallen for the 'distance problem' as well.

It's not a problem on so many levels

- The enormous age of the universe and the milky way gives more than ample time for numerous life forms to spread through it , passively or actively. THEREFORE, aliens may be relatively local as opposed to travelling vast distances. Just because they are aliens doesn't mean they aren't our neighbours
- Our knowledge of life in our solar system is very poor, almost no exploration has been done of Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune or Mercury
- Our solar system is not static, rather it is moving at an extremely high rate of speed through the galaxy and up and down through the galactic plane. Therefore aliens don't have to come to us, we can go to them. Essentially the galaxy is a giant mixing pot and you can throw in rogue planets (which are extremely numerous), brown dwarfs, comets, intergalactic dust etc.
- Aliens of whatever sort don't have the lifespans we do, if they have million year lifespans, or are immortal, there is no problem to travel as long as they are moving at speeds such as half life speed etc.
- There is no reason more advanced civiliations do not command energy resources to allow them to travel at close to the speed of light. No reason at all once their technology reaches a certain level.
- Warping space is possible for the most advanced civilisations, in this case all bets are off
- Information can be transmitted at the speed of light, therefore as long as you have set up some type of quantum teleporrtation network or an advanced assembly network, you can transmit information through the nodes in the manner of a galactic intenet limited by the speed of light, this information can be used in a pure communication sense OR can be used to construct physical beings. This would be a more efficient way of getting around. You understand now, you don't need vast amounts of energy to transmit light or radio waves across the universe.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:26 AM

reply to post by JadeStar

I can't believe you've fallen for the 'distance problem' as well.

It's not a problem on so many levels

- The enormous age of the universe and the milky way gives more than ample time for numerous life forms to spread through it , passively or actively. THEREFORE, aliens may be relatively local as opposed to travelling vast distances. Just because they are aliens doesn't mean they aren't our neighbours
- Our knowledge of life in our solar system is very poor, almost no exploration has been done of Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune or Mercury
- Our solar system is not static, rather it is moving at an extremely high rate of speed through the galaxy and up and down through the galactic plane. Therefore aliens don't have to come to us, we can go to them. Essentially the galaxy is a giant mixing pot and you can throw in rogue planets (which are extremely numerous), brown dwarfs, comets, intergalactic dust etc.
- Aliens of whatever sort don't have the lifespans we do, if they have million year lifespans, or are immortal, there is no problem to travel as long as they are moving at speeds such as half life speed etc.
- There is no reason more advanced civiliations do not command energy resources to allow them to travel at close to the speed of light. No reason at all once their technology reaches a certain level.
- Warping space is possible for the most advanced civilisations, in this case all bets are off
- Information can be transmitted at the speed of light, therefore as long as you have set up some type of quantum teleporrtation network or an advanced assembly network, you can transmit information through the nodes in the manner of a galactic intenet limited by the speed of light, this information can be used in a pure communication sense OR can be used to construct physical beings. This would be a more efficient way of getting around. You understand now, you don't need vast amounts of energy to transmit light or radio waves across the universe.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

And yet all they ever do is pull people out of bed to probe them and put on pretty light displays? You honestly don't believe that do you?

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by lampsalot

I think 'people's' interest in UFOs is stronger than ever.

The media's interest has certainly declined though. You're right, the 1980's and 1990's were probably the peak for UFO related TV shows, after 2001, it seems to be more war, intelligence and their tech and shopping oriented now.

But the media and what shows they create are not representative of the people's interests...that's why there's a kind of TV show revolving door system now.

They make a show, run it half a season then bin it and make another almost exactly the same, run that, people don't watch that either, so they din it after half a season and on it goes.

Shows that follow the people's interest usually last and last for a long time, these are generally sci-fi related like Star-Trek (any franchise), Stargate, BSG, Sliders, AA, and so on...they stick around because they have UFO / ET related themes and the people (who watch a lot of TV) like that and are interested in the premise.

There's only so many 'cops chase robbers' and 'bad guys running from cops' variations you can do, and people get sick of it.
edit on 11-1-2014 by MysterX because: added info

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:35 AM

reply to post by JadeStar

I can't believe you've fallen for the 'distance problem' as well.

It's not a problem on so many levels

- The enormous age of the universe and the milky way gives more than ample time for numerous life forms to spread through it , passively or actively. THEREFORE, aliens may be relatively local as opposed to travelling vast distances. Just because they are aliens doesn't mean they aren't our neighbours
- Our knowledge of life in our solar system is very poor, almost no exploration has been done of Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune or Mercury
- Our solar system is not static, rather it is moving at an extremely high rate of speed through the galaxy and up and down through the galactic plane. Therefore aliens don't have to come to us, we can go to them. Essentially the galaxy is a giant mixing pot and you can throw in rogue planets (which are extremely numerous), brown dwarfs, comets, intergalactic dust etc.
- Aliens of whatever sort don't have the lifespans we do, if they have million year lifespans, or are immortal, there is no problem to travel as long as they are moving at speeds such as half life speed etc.
- There is no reason more advanced civiliations do not command energy resources to allow them to travel at close to the speed of light. No reason at all once their technology reaches a certain level.
- Warping space is possible for the most advanced civilisations, in this case all bets are off
- Information can be transmitted at the speed of light, therefore as long as you have set up some type of quantum teleporrtation network or an advanced assembly network, you can transmit information through the nodes in the manner of a galactic intenet limited by the speed of light, this information can be used in a pure communication sense OR can be used to construct physical beings. This would be a more efficient way of getting around. You understand now, you don't need vast amounts of energy to transmit light or radio waves across the universe.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

You just made some wild guesses and passed it off as fact. Even if you go by the drake equation you would have maybe 3 intelligent species in our entire galaxy. And the odds of being able to travel even lower people think because they get large numbers in drake's equation the universe is just teeming with life it isnt 99.9 percent of it is hostile to life. As far as warp drive we dont even know if its possible. And as far as beings that live longer unlikely because part of having a big brain involved burning more energy and the more energy you expend the shorter your life cycle. But trust me there will be no immortals defies the laws of physics. Might find a species that lives a couple of hundred years but even that is a drop in the bucket because just to get from one side of our galaxy to the other at light speed would take 100000 years. Definitely need an inflight movie.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 09:07 AM
It's pretty tedious that I have to quote myself to defend myself, bit of a lack of intelligent discourse from people who should know better. I also never said UFOs are definitely alien, nor would I believe most UFO reports and alien 'probings', nor would I pretend to subscribe a purpose to said UFOs if they were alien.

- The enormous age of the universe and the milky way gives more than ample time for numerous life forms to spread through it , passively or actively. THEREFORE, aliens may be relatively local as opposed to travelling vast distances. Just because they are aliens doesn't mean they aren't our neighbours

Okay, where is the wild guess here. We exist, the galaxy is vast, physical processes are the same across the galaxy, life has existed on Earth for over 3 billions years at least. Our corner of the galaxy still has millions of star systems. Why would there only be 3 intelligent fact there are thousands of intelligent species on Earth as is!

- Our solar system is not static, rather it is moving at an extremely high rate of speed through the galaxy and up and down through the galactic plane. Therefore aliens don't have to come to us, we can go to them. Essentially the galaxy is a giant mixing pot and you can throw in rogue planets (which are extremely numerous), brown dwarfs, comets, intergalactic dust etc.

Fact- we are not just sitting there in space, but spinning around and up and down and interacting with other solar systems, dust clouds and rogue planets and dwarfs and comets, which are very numerous indeed (up and down galactic plane)

- Aliens of whatever sort don't have the lifespans we do, if they have million year lifespans, or are immortal, there is no problem to travel as long as they are moving at speeds such as half life speed etc.

We've already started sending out robotic probes. Our brain is just a neural network, have the ability to copy it into new hardware, and you can live forever. You can also be cloned almost infinitely. Life is orgaised information which can reproduce. Apart from that some bacteria have been proven to survive for up to millions of years and can withstand vacuums and radiation.

- There is no reason more advanced civiliations do not command energy resources to allow them to travel at close to the speed of light. No reason at all once their technology reaches a certain level.

Fact, limitations are energy related therefore they are related to the ability to harness energy. Read a Michio Ikaku book for more info.

- Warping space is possible for the most advanced civilisations, in this case all bets are off

Same as above. If you have enough energy to get down to the Planck constant or to condense matter and move it around you can warp space at your bidding or even to create new universes. The physics behind general relativity is not complete and doesn't match quantum mechanics well..there are many unknowns still.

- Information can be transmitted at the speed of light, therefore as long as you have set up some type of quantum teleporrtation network or an advanced assembly network, you can transmit information through the nodes in the manner of a galactic intenet limited by the speed of light, this information can be used in a pure communication sense OR can be used to construct physical beings. This would be a more efficient way of getting around. You understand now, you don't need vast amounts of energy to transmit light or radio waves across the universe.

Fact, none of this is supposition. Even quantum entanglement, coherence and teleportation has already been achieved.

Oh and please don't quote the Drake equation at me as if there is a definitive output, just look at the facts and reasoning above and argue against that one by one.


FINALLY it's especially tedious that one has to give a lesson on relativity but here is the long and short of it. If you could travel at the speed of light you would arrive at your destination as you left (space would have shrunk to zero).
Now that's theoretical, but it is possible to reach speeds half the speed of life or close to the speed of light in a vacuum. If you can get to ?90% of the speed of light your journey time as experienced by yourself will be 50% of a human back home. A good description of how it works.

In reality, the most practical method of getting around would be to first create a galactic internet of things and then transmit information at the speed of light for minimal energy costs . Very much like we create a broadband network on earth.
edit on 11-1-2014 by Ma
edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ManInAsia

Oh physics one of my favorite topics so lets discuss it. The universe has been around for 13.8 billion years in contrast humans have only been around for about 200000 years thats 0.1 percent of the existence of the universe.So your logic says there should be aliens everywhere but yet we havnt meet any have we.There has been plenty of time for an intelligent species on another planet to broadcast their existence Much as we do through television and radio waves. Any alien within 100 light years can easily tell where here.Even planet jumping a species that developed interstellar travel could colonize the entire galaxy in 5 million years. And do to the large area of our galaxy we can observe and the timescales we should easily spot them.But now this being said where are they? We havnt seen them we havnt heard them we've searched thats what SETI was for. Well we have something called the Fermi paradox shown

The main hypothesis to this paradox is that something hinders intelligent life since in all the universe we only know of one and thats us.With no evidence of intelligent life other than ourselves, it would appear that the process of starting with a star and ending with an intelligent life form must be unlikely.The other is that the universe itself prevents the spread of life because the expense or more the lack of resources.Meaning it just costs to much to send an intelligent species to another planet.But even in the scenario we could still detect them for example what if an intelligent species invented radio a million years ago. By now there signal would have left the galaxy and on its way to another.Yet time and again we point our ears to the heavens and hear nothing.So assuming intelligent life does evolve then there is something preventing it from expanding out into the universe and not only that eventually ends its existence. Maybe its the discovery of something in science that leads to the destruction of intelligent species like inadvertently creating a black hole. Or maybe just being intelligent leads to destroying yourself but there is obviously something at work restricting life in our galaxy. If there were not we would see stuff every time we looked through a telescope by now an intelligent species has time to make highways throughout our galaxy yet nothing?

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

So to say there has to be aliens and they have to be visiting us is just nothing but fantasy because right now we are the only intelligent species in the entire universe until we prove otherwise. Or who knows we maybe the first someone has to be first.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:52 PM
Very good dragonridr!

I think ManInAsia made some valid points but he does not understand that some of them in the context of this discussion undermines his position.

The fact that the universe is so old yet we are so young means it is HIGHLY unlikely we are the first in the galaxy much less the universe. The fact that our solar system moves around the galaxy is another point that undermines his position

We should see signs of aliens of all types everywhere (within reason, we've yet to do a full spectrum all-sky search).

If we achieved no more than the current speed our voyager probes which have left or are leaving the solar system achieved we'd colonize the galaxy in a few million years.

That's a tiny fraction of the 11 billion year age of our Milky Way. So naturally either someone else should have done it, and not just one someone but many someones (and we should see signs of them) or we're first or for some reason all intelligent life in the galaxy is at roughly our level (very hard to believe). Or all intelligent life kills itself at a certain point (somewhat believable given our lone example on Earth).

I myself am hopeful that we will find other life and intelligence out there, probably sooner than most of us think.

What I am doubtful of is that the majority of UFO sightings are an answer to the Fermi Paradox, though I hold out an open mind that in at least VERY rare cases (a small fraction of 1 percent of UFO cases) could perhaps be that answer but there is so much noise that any "they" there is going to be very hard to dig out evidence for.

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 07:58 PM
And now we get back to the very predictable Fermi Paradox thrown up...they should be all around us..but we can't see them/detect they don't exist.


Not much of a paradox if you ask me. We've had the Fermi debate on here many times. If I was to guess why we don't see 'aiens' I'd say it's because of our very very limited technological reach. Galileo and his telescope. Zacharias and the microscope. WHY SHOULD THIS BE ANY DIFFERENT?

Or it could be that alien life is widespread but sentient life is not..or at least is mainly confirmed to planets or moons.

If you are going to claim that humans are the only intelligent species you know it's a low base to start from. There are tens of thousands of intelligent species on Earth.

I think intelligence and life is very robust, after all it's survived on the single small plant called Earth for billions of years already through major asteroid collisions, change from reducing to oxidising atmosphere, gamma ray explosions and huge climate change. So once the genie of life is out there, it doesn't get quenched easily. It reproduces, evolves, mutates and changes and spreads. What it ends up will be very different than what is started. It also branches out. Does anybody ever think about our own evolution from microbial organisms to what we are now and that we are creating the next generation of AI lifeforms right now? And what will their descendants look like?
You don't go into space and stay as a static entity.

You don't even need to be particularly intelligent to spread through the galaxy, bacteria could be one form, and there are many many others. All you need is a capability to reproduce and survive and travel in an efficient manner.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 08:13 PM

reply to post by ManInAsia

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Are you deliberately trying to ignore everything I wrote? The point about relativistic effect during space travel at close to the speed of light is that they are routinely ignored. If you can get to close to the speed of light you can get to local star systems with relative ease, as you only age a few years or whatever. That's for biological beings.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of time spent at relativistic light speeds (don't's a very common problem because none of this is intuitive). If you (could) travel at the speed of light you instantly reach your destination. Space is shrunken to zero. You can thank me for the free lesson later or just do more research on this.

It's all energy related. But again the mistake that people make is to look at energy requirements in human terms. This goes back to the Type 0 and Type 1 and Type 2 civilizations. I'll leave that to you to look up instead of explaining it here.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I too believe ufology is more popular than ever. Anyone who watchs any amount of tv is treated to ancient aliens, chasing ufos, ufo's the real story, close encounters (the series not movie) youtube (that has thousands of new ufo vids going up monthly), Secret files unsealed, veritas, coast to coast,the list goes on....

If you believe Grant Cameron's (ufo researcher of the year) hypothesis we have been slowly conditioned to accept the reality of aliens interacting with us and little bits of the core story have trickled out and been trickling out through pre-planned avenues with premeditation. I recommend anyone who hasn't seen the ufo documentaries from the 70's and 80's to revist them. Fascinating how the accepted theories of those times, were far more forward thinking and accepting of ET interaction and government coverup. The documentary Men in Black (russian doc) has lots of neat stuff.
As well the story Cameron broke about project magnet where the Canadian government studied how flying saucers work and contacted the American government who acknowledged the existence of flying disks and that they would be interested in any findings of the Canadians and that the Americans would include the Canadians in what they know.
edit on 11-1-2014 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2014 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 11:44 PM


reply to post by ManInAsia

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Are you deliberately trying to ignore everything I wrote? The point about relativistic effect during space travel at close to the speed of light is that they are routinely ignored. If you can get to close to the speed of light you can get to local star systems with relative ease, as you only age a few years or whatever. That's for biological beings.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of time spent at relativistic light speeds (don't's a very common problem because none of this is intuitive). If you (could) travel at the speed of light you instantly reach your destination. Space is shrunken to zero. You can thank me for the free lesson later or just do more research on this.

It's all energy related. But again the mistake that people make is to look at energy requirements in human terms. This goes back to the Type 0 and Type 1 and Type 2 civilizations. I'll leave that to you to look up instead of explaining it here.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

My first suggestion is you study relativity does light instantly appear anywhere? See you really dont understand relativity so let me try to explain something moving at the speed of light doesnt instantly appear at there destination. When we look at a star for example we are seeing in the past. lets say we have a star 10 light years away that means it took light ten years to reach us even though you think time for that photon was less it wasnt. That photon left that star ten years ago and it took 10 years to reach us. if we travel in a star ship at the speed of light it would take us ten years to get there. The trick of relativity is to an observer on earth 35 years would pass by the time we get there. Time is relative to the observer but to the observer it allways remains constant. Here let me give you another example a satellite in orbit Like say the 24 we use for our GPS system. In order for GPS to work we need to know the time within 20 nanoseconds. However, because the satellites are constantly moving relative to observers on the Earth, effects predicted by the Special and General theories of Relativity must be taken into account . Because on earth our clock runs a little slower we have to take relativity into account.Which means roughly we have to adjust the clocks on earth by about 38 microseconds per day.

Does time stop for the satellites no it doesnt in fact its unchanged as far as the satellite knows time keeps on ticking.This clocks are highly accurate atomic clocks using the vibrations of an atom to keep time. But to the clocks on earth those clocks seem to have lost time. However thats not possible its the same clocks counting the same vibrations. So whats going on well the clocks on the satellites are really una there not moving any faster then they did on earth. What's happening is because of their motion here on earth we see a time difference. The clocks here on earth still vibrate at the same exact speed but the space they do it in seems elongated to the clocks here on the satellite making them gain time.

This is why time is relative to the observer it doesnt stop for the observer and even moving at the speed of light a year is still a year.

i know as you said relativity confuses people but i hope this helps with your misunderstanding.Just consider this lesson free of charge just remember time never stops simple rule.

Oh and im more than aware of the amount of energy required to warp space me and a friend from college actually did some math on that he works with JPL but id be more than happy to email it to you if you like i think its still on my drive at work.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:44 AM
To be honest, with the amount of reality cop shows nowadays (cringe), it's unlikely there will be anything else on TV in the next decade

That said - I'm surprised the "paranormal" channels never really worked out. Maybe there is one still in America or such. But UK ones have tried and failed on several attempts. It could have been good if one had worked out for freeview or such. There are a couple of channels that show some paranormal/UFO programmes but not on any great scale.

Funny how a phenomena that thousands encounter every year is less important for broadcasting than a subject say, reality of behind the scenes of working in a laundrette - is. But this is just rant. There's good web content, it's just hard to find sometimes. And of course, being the internet, is "catch all" and not regulated in any real way.

Clearly though it goes way beyond what's on television. Working lives get tougher over time, countries go through economic breakdowns and this affects lives, people have real world issues to contend with over things like UFOs that many consider "have no evidence". Striking a balance is not easy. And being taken seriously isn't either.

I have a new mantra on the subject, and that is that anyone's child could be abducted, or have an experience, come face to face with aliens or whatnot - if we are to truly believe some of the hundred thousands of reports - and their parents will ignore it or choose not to accept it. We're beyond the years of laughing it off. How parents could live with themselves if they knew the reality of it and then laughed it off in their kids face -- it's like laughing off bullying IMO. Attitudes need to change, people need to be more mature about it in general.

But another contributing factor is also age. The younger people are the more open minded they are in general. My generation and younger have used computers for many, many years. Our parents haven't really and the generational gap there really shows. The same exists for UFOs. Talk to any of my friends about it and they have some meaningful things to add. Ask your parents and they just scoff and move on.

UFOlogy, in perhaps 20-30 years time may boost dramatically, as Western societies are generally more open minded and the closed minded generations have died off (no offence, but that's the inevitable outcome of older folk
) So it's important that we look to younger generations for the attitudes to change towards the subject for the better. As long as younger people are still enthusiastic, there's a future for it...

Some of the best stories may come from those with one foot in the grave, or beyond the grave - it's up to the younger folks to do something about it.

Finally, what about the underlying "interest" people have. I for example have always "believed" since I had a train of thought. My massive interest occurred a few years back, literally glued to finding every case, video etc etc. Nowadays I don't do that at all, but it doesn't mean my "interest" has disappeared. Just activity I guess. This must be the same for many people. You don't have to interact to still hold an interest. So for that reason, perhaps more people than ever are interested, they're just not interacting as much as we did in say, the 90's, early 00's when truth seeking and opinion making was also at its peak (because we had all new technology to do it, internet, mobile phones etc - which are all a bit old hat now).
edit on 12-1-2014 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:17 AM



reply to post by ManInAsia

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Are you deliberately trying to ignore everything I wrote? The point about relativistic effect during space travel at close to the speed of light is that they are routinely ignored. If you can get to close to the speed of light you can get to local star systems with relative ease, as you only age a few years or whatever. That's for biological beings.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of time spent at relativistic light speeds (don't's a very common problem because none of this is intuitive). If you (could) travel at the speed of light you instantly reach your destination. Space is shrunken to zero. You can thank me for the free lesson later or just do more research on this.

It's all energy related. But again the mistake that people make is to look at energy requirements in human terms. This goes back to the Type 0 and Type 1 and Type 2 civilizations. I'll leave that to you to look up instead of explaining it here.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

My first suggestion is you study relativity does light instantly appear anywhere? See you really dont understand relativity so let me try to explain something moving at the speed of light doesnt instantly appear at there destination. When we look at a star for example we are seeing in the past. lets say we have a star 10 light years away that means it took light ten years to reach us even though you think time for that photon was less it wasnt. That photon left that star ten years ago and it took 10 years to reach us. if we travel in a star ship at the speed of light it would take us ten years to get there. The trick of relativity is to an observer on earth 35 years would pass by the time we get there. Time is relative to the observer but to the observer it allways remains constant. Here let me give you another example a satellite in orbit Like say the 24 we use for our GPS system. In order for GPS to work we need to know the time within 20 nanoseconds. However, because the satellites are constantly moving relative to observers on the Earth, effects predicted by the Special and General theories of Relativity must be taken into account . Because on earth our clock runs a little slower we have to take relativity into account.Which means roughly we have to adjust the clocks on earth by about 38 microseconds per day.

Does time stop for the satellites no it doesnt in fact its unchanged as far as the satellite knows time keeps on ticking.This clocks are highly accurate atomic clocks using the vibrations of an atom to keep time. But to the clocks on earth those clocks seem to have lost time. However thats not possible its the same clocks counting the same vibrations. So whats going on well the clocks on the satellites are really una there not moving any faster then they did on earth. What's happening is because of their motion here on earth we see a time difference. The clocks here on earth still vibrate at the same exact speed but the space they do it in seems elongated to the clocks here on the satellite making them gain time.

This is why time is relative to the observer it doesnt stop for the observer and even moving at the speed of light a year is still a year.

i know as you said relativity confuses people but i hope this helps with your misunderstanding.Just consider this lesson free of charge just remember time never stops simple rule.

Oh and im more than aware of the amount of energy required to warp space me and a friend from college actually did some math on that he works with JPL but id be more than happy to email it to you if you like i think its still on my drive at work.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Here, Jadestar help me out here, and explain to this person what happens when you travel at the speed of shrinks to zero...and time does not exist for the photon itself.

Because they are having problems reading what I am writing.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 03:30 PM



reply to post by ManInAsia

Now about space travel you are showing a lack of understanding the reason its called relativity is its relative to the observer. Time doesnt really slow down when traveling at the speed of light you still age and to you nothing will change. Only an outside observer will see a difference. So to you if you hopped on a jet took off for a star ten light years away still takes you ten years to get there at the speed of light. Or in other words you will be ten years older however outside observers will have aged more since time for them moves faster. So to cross the distances of space still takes alot of time and though we have theories on how we could warp space to shorten those distances the amount of energy required is enormous in fact more energy than mankind has ever used in our 200000 year history.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Are you deliberately trying to ignore everything I wrote? The point about relativistic effect during space travel at close to the speed of light is that they are routinely ignored. If you can get to close to the speed of light you can get to local star systems with relative ease, as you only age a few years or whatever. That's for biological beings.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of time spent at relativistic light speeds (don't's a very common problem because none of this is intuitive). If you (could) travel at the speed of light you instantly reach your destination. Space is shrunken to zero. You can thank me for the free lesson later or just do more research on this.

It's all energy related. But again the mistake that people make is to look at energy requirements in human terms. This goes back to the Type 0 and Type 1 and Type 2 civilizations. I'll leave that to you to look up instead of explaining it here.

edit on 11-1-2014 by ManInAsia because: (no reason given)

My first suggestion is you study relativity does light instantly appear anywhere? See you really dont understand relativity so let me try to explain something moving at the speed of light doesnt instantly appear at there destination. When we look at a star for example we are seeing in the past. lets say we have a star 10 light years away that means it took light ten years to reach us even though you think time for that photon was less it wasnt. That photon left that star ten years ago and it took 10 years to reach us. if we travel in a star ship at the speed of light it would take us ten years to get there. The trick of relativity is to an observer on earth 35 years would pass by the time we get there. Time is relative to the observer but to the observer it allways remains constant. Here let me give you another example a satellite in orbit Like say the 24 we use for our GPS system. In order for GPS to work we need to know the time within 20 nanoseconds. However, because the satellites are constantly moving relative to observers on the Earth, effects predicted by the Special and General theories of Relativity must be taken into account . Because on earth our clock runs a little slower we have to take relativity into account.Which means roughly we have to adjust the clocks on earth by about 38 microseconds per day.

Does time stop for the satellites no it doesnt in fact its unchanged as far as the satellite knows time keeps on ticking.This clocks are highly accurate atomic clocks using the vibrations of an atom to keep time. But to the clocks on earth those clocks seem to have lost time. However thats not possible its the same clocks counting the same vibrations. So whats going on well the clocks on the satellites are really una there not moving any faster then they did on earth. What's happening is because of their motion here on earth we see a time difference. The clocks here on earth still vibrate at the same exact speed but the space they do it in seems elongated to the clocks here on the satellite making them gain time.

This is why time is relative to the observer it doesnt stop for the observer and even moving at the speed of light a year is still a year.

i know as you said relativity confuses people but i hope this helps with your misunderstanding.Just consider this lesson free of charge just remember time never stops simple rule.

Oh and im more than aware of the amount of energy required to warp space me and a friend from college actually did some math on that he works with JPL but id be more than happy to email it to you if you like i think its still on my drive at work.

edit on 1/11/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

Hi, you seem to have a vast amount of knowledge in physics and stuff. I was wondering if time and space and the physics that we know of these could not become subjective within a anti-gravitic distortion? What if our physics as we know don't adequately define anti-gravitics. Dr. Paul Laviolette PHD and systems engineer says there is more than one way to distort and manipulate gravity. Being able to create a gravity well or a positive repulsive positive gravitic effect. It seems with the new burgeoning quantum theory and chaos theory, and theoretical physics, and the nature of observational outcomes, traditional science is beginning to waiver. Or that is what it seems to me. Not trying to be snarky just genuinely curious.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by sparrowstail

First step is actually showing the graviton exists hopefully the next run at Cern will give us a better idea on this. But as far as lets say developing a space drive physics doesnt rule it out are main problem is energy requirements. At its most basic any kind of spacecraft drive must convert potential energy to kinetic energy even if we attempt to warp space. now to travel at light speed of faster there is several approaches you can for example make the vehicle lighter or like i mentioned with cern introducing forces relative to quantum vacuum energy. Ill say this this is the outer fringe of physics we dont really know how far we can go yet but to answer your question yes there is on going research by AIMs and MIT and even NASA. The trick is we know its possible we just havnt figured out how if that makes sense.

But i will tell you how seriously its being taken there are groups of scientists working on this as we speak in fact if you want to help and you have alot of money heres a good group to donate too.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:53 PM

To be honest, with the amount of reality cop shows nowadays (cringe), it's unlikely there will be anything else on TV in the next decade

That said - I'm surprised the "paranormal" channels never really worked out. Maybe there is one still in America or such. But UK ones have tried and failed on several attempts. It could have been good if one had worked out for freeview or such. There are a couple of channels that show some paranormal/UFO programmes but not on any great scale.

Funny how a phenomena that thousands encounter every year is less important for broadcasting than a subject say, reality of behind the scenes of working in a laundrette - is. But this is just rant.

You have such a show? I want to see it! Maybe I am strange but it sounds kinda fascinating.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 04:57 PM


Hi, you seem to have a vast amount of knowledge in physics and stuff. I was wondering if time and space and the physics that we know of these could not become subjective within a anti-gravitic distortion? What if our physics as we know don't adequately define anti-gravitics. Dr. Paul Laviolette PHD and systems engineer says there is more than one way to distort and manipulate gravity. Being able to create a gravity well or a positive repulsive positive gravitic effect. It seems with the new burgeoning quantum theory and chaos theory, and theoretical physics, and the nature of observational outcomes, traditional science is beginning to waiver. Or that is what it seems to me. Not trying to be snarky just genuinely curious.

Hi. This is a chart of all of the research into breakthrough propulsion concepts.

You might find it of interest.

On it you will find the many ways to distort, bend or fold spacetime as well as separate from it entirely.

This was current as of 2001.

Only the greyed out areas represent dead ends which have been well researched.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by SecTownKid

One way to resolve this is to find out what is happening with abductions. Therein you will find the answer to the whole phenomena. The secrecy is encouraged by the aliens themselves. It is they who control the level of belief among people. If belief is waning they can jack it up if they want to. They are playing a grand mind game with everyone.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by lampsalot

Relax, folks, "UFO" interest is doing just fine. It isn't dead, dying, mortally wounded, critically ill, achy, feverish, or congested.

To say that it "peaked" in the 1990's is absurd on the face of it. Youtube didn't even start until 2005, and its impact has been astonishing.

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