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Hitler may have been one of the two witnesses in Revelations.

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posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

Would they have to meet all the criteria?

2. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: - It did not rain in any of Hitler's public speeches (I could be wrong)

According to this he did

Unfortunately, the Germans did not get the usual sunny 'Führer weather' which always seemed to accompany big Nazi events, but instead got a cloudy day with occasional rain showers.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by interupt42

Whether it rained or not on Hitler's speeches is totally off the wall UNrelated to the 2 Witnesses withholding rain from a geographic area or a Nation because of the Nation's rebellion against God or for fighting against the 2 Witnesses.

Sheeh what a grope!

Ocham's razor, folks. The simple text = the simple truth. This passage is not that mystifying.


posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 10:36 PM

reply to post by interupt42

Whether it rained or not on Hitler's speeches is totally off the wall UNrelated to the 2 Witnesses withholding rain from a geographic area or a Nation because of the Nation's rebellion against God or for fighting against the 2 Witnesses.

Sheeh what a grope!

Ocham's razor, folks. The simple text = the simple truth. This passage is not that mystifying.


LOL, Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today or what? He asked a question I just happened to find an answer. Looks like you might need some of these .

I agree the passage is not that mystifying, but the people that blinding accept stories as reality is.

edit on 57131America/ChicagoThu, 09 Jan 2014 22:57:17 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by interupt42

I don't consider myself blind by a long shot.

As to accepting stories as true . . . it would depend on whether the story teller has a reputation in one's life for always telling true stories, or not.

In my life, His reputation is flawless on such scores.

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:16 PM

reply to post by interupt42

I don't consider myself blind by a long shot.

Never said that you would.

As to accepting stories as true . . . it would depend on whether the story teller has a reputation in one's life for always telling true stories, or not.
In my life, His reputation is flawless on such scores.

I see.

So How do you test these truth? The bible speaks of a heaven or hell in your life have you personally died (not NLE) and verified this?
He also speaks that he is the creator , please disclose to the world your inside information.

Perhaps maybe the truth is unknown and the rest is just speculation.

edit on 20131America/ChicagoThu, 09 Jan 2014 23:20:43 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2014 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by interupt42

I've answered some of those sorts of questions redundantly on ATS.

Beyond that, I don't recall you being issued the decoder ring.

Suffice it to say that the Bible accurately describes mankind, life, reality, God's nature and ways . . . and my own human heart, willfulness etc.

And I have found that when I do what the Manual says, I get the Manual's results.

Testable . . . it is . . . if folks' heart attitudes are right.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:07 AM

reply to post by interupt42

Beyond that, I don't recall you being issued the decoder ring.

Ahh you see,then he doesn't always tell you the truth.

I've answered some of those sorts of questions redundantly on ATS.

Suffice it to say that the Bible accurately describes mankind, life, reality, God's nature and ways . . . and my own human heart, willfulness etc.

And I have found that when I do what the Manual says, I get the Manual's results.

Testable . . . it is . . . if folks' heart attitudes are right.

Good for you on the rest and how it has worked for you.

Glad you were able to secure the answers that appease you enough to worship an entity above your children if you have any (MATTHEW 10:37-39).

"10:37-39 - "Anyone who puts his love for father or mother above his love for me does not deserve to be mine, and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and neither is the man who refuses to take up his cross and follow my way. The man who has found his own life will lose it, but the man who has lost it for my sake will find it."

He appears to be worth it
"10:34-36 - "Never think I have come to bring peace upon the earth. No, I have not come to bring peace but a sword! For I have come to set a man against his own father, a daughter against her own mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be those who live in his own house."

Although, I don't think the manual says to call people a "grope !" .

edit on 11131America/ChicagoFri, 10 Jan 2014 00:11:07 -0600up3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by interupt42

Perhaps there's a reading problem.

The grope referred to an ACTION--not a person--trying to shoehorn the text into something far removed from what it was about . . . trying to grope about to find any fool thing to claim something about the text that was off the wall, disingenuous, trashy and otherwise low class and silly.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 02:34 AM


According to this he did

Unfortunately, the Germans did not get the usual sunny 'Führer weather' which always seemed to accompany big Nazi events, but instead got a cloudy day with occasional rain showers.

Thanks! I owe you one for that!

Too bad I can't give you more than 1 star.

I'm not really sure it never rained in Hitler's big speeches. Thanks for confirming, much appreciated!

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:23 AM

Some have speculated about Moses but I don't think he's in the running.

Moses is very much like Hitler to the ancient Egyptians. All first borns killed, people dying to the mayhem, chaos, plagues, and drowning in the Red Sea...

God, through Moses, likely killed a higher % of Egyptians than the % of all Jews killed throughout WW2.

Blue Shift

Was Hitler a true prophet? He said that he would win the war, but did he actually win?

He won in the same way Jesus "won" against the Romans. Time will tell if people will be talking about him 1,000 years from now, following his "teachings," but so far the odds are in favor of it.

I don't think they will be lost unless all the Bibles are burnt.

Contrary to what people know, many of the subject of Hitler's public speeches are supported by the Gospel.

The speeches and its contents are similar to the speeches Jesus made against the Pharisees.

It's no wonder why some Jews call Jesus a Nazi (Hitler's Nazi, not a Nazi-rite)

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 08:25 AM
What a travesty.

This thread is an excellent example of the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies about this END TIMES era being one wherein

black is called white
white is called black
[up is called down
down is called up]
evil is called good
good is called evil

Thankfully, God will put all such evil distortions, manglings and otherwise irrational blather to shame in His ways and in His time.

Folks will intensely regret ever giving mental air time to such notions from hell.

Satan worshiping Hitler was a stooge from hell paid for and supported by globalists [read granddaddy Bush et al] from hell in behalf of moving the planet toward the tyrannical satanic global tyranny government predicted in the NT 2000 years ago as well as in the OT.

Trying to make him over into some sort of remotely good guy--much less in step with Biblical ANYTHING--has to be one of the worst cases of spiritually infected revisionism I've ever come across.

I've often wondered how globalists would express themselves on ATS other than by harassing the patriotic and Christian posters . . . perhaps posting horrific nonsense like this is one plausible option. It is certainly in keeping with their style to call good evil and evil good.

This sure is in keeping with the spirit, attitude and off the wall nature of Olivet's threads and posts. Maybe he's retreaded or maybe he 'merely' infected other hapless souls with irrational perspectives. Actually, this OP is not QUITE as THOROUGHLY irrational in almost all paragraphs of every post AS MUCH as Olivet was. So, he's probably not really Olivet. Might be a fraternal twin vs an identical. LOL.

If Olivet infected other hapless souls, it would appear that ATS had best prepare itself for a rash of thoroughly irrational threads from Alice's rabbit hole . . . and the smokey back room area of the rabbit hole, at that.

edit on 10/1/2014 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 09:42 AM

Take 100 people. Scholars, average blokes, blue collar, ESL students, English majors etc. who have no Biblical training whatsoever . . . atheists say . . .

The language in the Biblical text is rather plain and clear.

The foolhardy may pontificate at elaborate fanciful length as though they KNOW the meaning to the nth degree. I've never found it so in all my 60+ years.

Why so much anger towards your fellow man?

Too many insults and smug remarks from someone whom
supposedly has a superior knowledge of the bible..
I suppose your version of the bible has nothing about love of your fellow man,
understanding and forgiveness..?

Would you care to show or teach those interested about your personal
'decoding ring'..?
Your sixty plus years shows much of what religion has taught and very little
of what the bible stipulates showing me you have claimed statements
towards others intelligence reflecting your own as a shadow of theirs.

How about opening your heart, have a constructive conversation
and keep the petty insults locked away in your own mirror..?

You still haven't answered questions regarding the verse 11:4 other than to
imply some bible stories are just stories or not to be found out until the time
is upon us...which some verify that time is indeed upon us.
All the answers are in the bible(s) but you must use the eyes for which you
have been given to see!

The ONLY reference in the bible of 'not knowing' is the time, hour and day
our timeline comes about it's end.

Smile with your 'eyes' BO XIAN.. and be well

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:13 AM


Take 100 people. Scholars, average blokes, blue collar, ESL students, English majors etc. who have no Biblical training whatsoever . . . atheists say . . .

The language in the Biblical text is rather plain and clear.

The foolhardy may pontificate at elaborate fanciful length as though they KNOW the meaning to the nth degree. I've never found it so in all my 60+ years.

Why so much anger towards your fellow man?

Too many insults and smug remarks from someone whom
supposedly has a superior knowledge of the bible..
I suppose your version of the bible has nothing about love of your fellow man,
understanding and forgiveness..?

Would you care to show or teach those interested about your personal
'decoding ring'..?
Your sixty plus years shows much of what religion has taught and very little
of what the bible stipulates showing me you have claimed statements
towards others intelligence reflecting your own as a shadow of theirs.

How about opening your heart, have a constructive conversation
and keep the petty insults locked away in your own mirror..?

You still haven't answered questions regarding the verse 11:4 other than to
imply some bible stories are just stories or not to be found out until the time
is upon us...which some verify that time is indeed upon us.
All the answers are in the bible(s) but you must use the eyes for which you
have been given to see!

The ONLY reference in the bible of 'not knowing' is the time, hour and day
our timeline comes about it's end.

Smile with your 'eyes' BO XIAN.. and be well

You believe me now too?

Just kidding!

Last thing I would do is to ask anyone to believe what I'm saying. I know how subjects on Hitler can be quite touchy. So I'm quite impressed it has gone this far in a very civilized discussion, generally speaking.

I'm even more surprised some of you seem convinced by my arguments. Such open-mindedness doesn't come easy nowadays.

Believe me when I say that I try to be most logical and open-minded in the theological context as possible. Anything less is an insult to my readers and it would hurt me if I insulted anyone in such manner.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:23 PM
I'm a Christian and sometimes I am very self critical towards my attitudes towards others. Sometimes I feel like I am too narrow minded, too harsh, judgemental etc...
I'm not saying any of these things are ok, I really do care about people (regardless of religious belief) but in defense of
Bo Xian- I think he like me, may just be trying to strike a fine line between being loving, compassionate and open minded but being wise enough, and courageous enough to use the spirit of discernment and see where their are lies being told that the world is calling truth, evil acts being committed that the world isn't truly seeing as evil etc...

You get the point...

It's very hard being Christian and constantly dealing with people telling you you're a bigot, a brainwashed fundamentalist, a judgemental backwards thinking idiot etc... All the while keeping in mind Jesus told us to , turn the other cheek and not engage in any form of hatred etc...

All that being Said I really think Bo Xian has good intentions, I think he like I is just simply defending his faith because it's obvious their are movements in thought, religion etc.. that are designed to destroy it. When you see this, it's hard not to get emotional and upset, and sometimes when words out of righteous anger come it they can easily be construed to mean something else. And being a Christian- you're an easy target, because you like to model your life under Christ and others know this so you're under such a microscope.

He's got a good heart, and he means well. I just think he's stayed true to his faith and loyal this long, so he's not going to be very tolerant to any theology that attacks the faith.

I do agree the words that come out of your mouth and how you treat others is very important regardless of race, religion, gender, creed etc.. We all are responsible to treat others fairly and equally

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:45 PM


You believe me now too?

Just kidding!

Last thing I would do is to ask anyone to believe what I'm saying.

Believe me when I say that I try to be most logical and open-minded in the theological context as possible. Anything less is an insult to my readers and it would hurt me if I insulted anyone in such manner.

Thank you for your reply.
Personally I have no belief in your assumption of who the Two Witnesses are
but I do emplore your intelligence and the use of your mind to ask questions
of a subject that is interesting and subjectual.

The codex of the bible reveals whom the first Witnesses is but very little
whom the second witnesses is...that is where an education in ancient history
coupled with biblical clues lead to an irrefutable answer - an answer very few
wish to know or understand.

@Freedom7 -
Thank you for your patience and encouragement.
It is a journey we all must fore go.

(I do agree the words that come out of your mouth and how you treat others is very important regardless of race, religion, gender, creed etc.. We all are responsible to treat others fairly and equally.")

I post this quote for you, ahnngk and others -
Be well..

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by freedom7


Couldn't have said it better myself.

However, one element y'all have both missed . . .

There's an element hereon--whether one considers it a spiritual element behind the posters or the posters themselves . . .

There is an element hereon that is abjectly wholesale hostile to the core values of the Gospel, Jesus The Christ; the New Testament.

They are quite in keeping with the Pharisees of 2000 years ago--only in behalf of the Religion of Scientism or some New Age clap trap etc.

Jesus Himself--love personified--did NOT give any quarter to such elements, individuals, forces. He reserved His harshest words and tones for such stuff.

I have experienced and observed that when I'm confronting such forces . . . sweetness and light just doesn't get very far--if at all. They take niceness as a sign of weakness.

And, I don't know that they understand any language but harshness, arrogance etc. Certainly their emotional intensity seems reserved for pretty cheeky baiting threads and posts.

HOWEVER, WOE to those who dare to speak even firmly or sternly back to them. LOL.

Thankfully, some hereon know I'm a teddy bear at heart and typically sacrificially help those I can.

There's SOME outrages, however, that deserve, warrant, beg for a harsh rebuke. And I'm not too shy to give it, when fitting.

The stuff hereon is very muffled compared to my usual writing against such junk.

Sometimes I do write slightly to significantly in hyperbole. I have found that some folks tend to ponder things a bit more when I do. Such pondering I see as a good thing.

I don't desire to assault persons or personhood.

I don't mind fiercely assaulting ideas, notions, assertions from hell.


Blessings and growthfulness to all.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 10:03 PM

He's got a good heart, and he means well. I just think he's stayed true to his faith and loyal this long, so he's not going to be very tolerant to any theology that attacks the faith.

I do agree the words that come out of your mouth and how you treat others is very important regardless of race, religion, gender, creed etc.. We all are responsible to treat others fairly and equally

I know Bo Xian means well. I know the drill as a Christian.

It's just I've been finding big faults in Christianity lately. I've been a Christian for more than 20 years now. 2 years ago, if anyone makes a thread like this, I'd be on Bo Xian's side coming heavy on a guy who thinks Hitler is a prophet of God.

I discovered the big faults through extensive research and critical analysis on Christian teachings, how they can affect the whole world. I'm speaking of global and supernatural repercussions of Christ's teachings if done correctly. What I've discovered is that it's not being done as the right context in the Gospels. The result is that most Christians end up becoming blind pawns in the grand scheme of the evil elites in exploiting the weak and the powerless.

In a nutshell, the mainstream beliefs of Christian end up helping the "kingdom of darkness" or in ATS terms - the evil system run by the global elites. They are actually helping the exploitation of the weak and powerless which is not the intent of Jesus nor is the context of His teachings.

It led me to rethink my beliefs of Christianity. I'm back to square one, trust no other Christian but only the open minded ones.

And I see Hitler helping to unfold the events of Revelations in God's side as the tormentor of mankind as prophesied of the Witnesses.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 10:15 PM


The codex of the bible reveals whom the first Witnesses is but very little
whom the second witnesses is...that is where an education in ancient history
coupled with biblical clues lead to an irrefutable answer - an answer very few
wish to know or understand.

Are you talking about a non-canon scripture?

Who is the original Witness? I'm only aware of Enoch in the Book of Enoch as given the title "witness" by God but to witness in the times preceding the great flood.

If witnesses are made in such way, then it's possible the other witness is one that is born in our times. I don't think witnesses are just prophets, they also serve as God's eyes to critically assess a world, in what it has become, whether it already becomes ripe for judgement.

posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 11:44 PM



The codex of the bible reveals whom the first Witnesses is but very little
whom the second witnesses is...that is where an education in ancient history
coupled with biblical clues lead to an irrefutable answer - an answer very few
wish to know or understand.

Are you talking about a non-canon scripture?

Who is the original Witness? I'm only aware of Enoch in the Book of Enoch as given the title "witness" by God but to witness in the times preceding the great flood.

If witnesses are made in such way, then it's possible the other witness is one that is born in our times. I don't think witnesses are just prophets, they also serve as God's eyes to critically assess a world, in what it has become, whether it already becomes ripe for judgement.

Regardless if you study the KJV, NIV, Kolbrin or Qu'ran - the first witness is revealed
in the bible of your preference in regards to witness one.

Enoch and Ezekiel elude to witness two..and most likely WHY Enoch, a man whom
walked with God, had his gospel stricken from the biblical scripture.
Do not mistake the account of Enoch - he does NOT speak of angels/demons
or UFO fokelore - Enoch's story is an end times warning!
To understand this you must start at the beginning in Genesis and reference
the Tower of Babel, their is the true beginning..

For me to explain in full detail including verified scripture exactly the witnesses -
who they are, their significance to both biblical religions ..and present day, is a
huge undertaking and would fill many pages...but it would ALL be from scripture.
A task I have been procrastinating at even though I have half a book of information,
is to create a thread underlying these specific findings.

Yes I have an extensive background in different religions (growing up RC) and
a passion for ancient history including ancient monuments and their rellevance to religions.

Matthew will tell you much - as your 'signature' is of Matthew, I will reveal this -

Matthew 13:35

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 02:16 AM

Enoch and Ezekiel elude to witness two..and most likely WHY Enoch, a man whom
walked with God, had his gospel stricken from the biblical scripture.
Do not mistake the account of Enoch - he does NOT speak of angels/demons
or UFO fokelore - Enoch's story is an end times warning!
To understand this you must start at the beginning in Genesis and reference
the Tower of Babel, their is the true beginning.....
Matthew will tell you much - as your 'signature' is of Matthew, I will reveal this -

Matthew 13:35

I did not actually paid much attention to the giants of Enoch.

But I read the whole Book of Enoch twice or thrice. I'm surprised its moral grounding is quite similar to the Gospels of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and maybe Revelations, but excluding the Epistles of Paul) for a book that came before Jesus by at least 300 years.

It should have been canon but I doubt the evil powers in this world would allow it. Because the Book of Enoch condemns everyone who gives value to material wealth. Everyone who does will be judged in the end times.

Ironically, even the Gospels of Jesus see giving value to material wealth condemnable:

Luke 9:23
Matthew 10:39
Luke 17:33
John 12:25
Luke 16:13-15
Luke 6:20-26
Revelations 11:18

As of this moment, most Christians stand condemned according to the one they claim to follow. But it is the antichrist that they follow.

As of this moment, we are already in the age of the antichrist. 1 John 5:19, John 7:7, 1 John 2:15-16, Luke 16:15, James 4:4, Luke 6:26. Most people in the world, including most Christians have already taken the symbolic mark of the beast.

When the witnesses come or may have already come, most Christians will hate them and want them dead!

They will cry evil to anyone who tries to stop them from destroying the Earth through their wasteful lifestyles as opposed to self-denial and giving to the poor. (Luke 6:22, Luke 12:33, Revelations 11:18)

P.S. Thanks for quoting Matthew 13:35

I'm reminded of another parable in Matthew 24:45-51. Most people today including most Christians are reminiscent of the unfaithful servant.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi did not actually said that in the context of "bad mouth" Christians but in the context of materialism. Most Christians do exactly the opposite of what Jesus tells about material wealth. Gandhi also cites the "worldliness" of most Christians (against James 4:4).

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