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Boy of 12 hauled out of class by police over David Cameron facebook protest.

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posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 01:50 AM
I guess we'll just have to blow up his mailbox with a few m-80s then light a bag of poop on fire so when he comes running out due to explosion he stomps in crap. Then as he's disgusted we fire off flare guns at the porch...

Ok now arrest me...

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:07 AM
It's absolutely unbelievable how much the UK police monitor Facebook. I can bet they have employees whose job it is to spend all day reading posts on Facebook and looking for suspicious activity. But they don't find much because terrorists aren't stupid enough to use Facebook for that sort of thing, so they end up targeting every day people for mundane and ridiculous things. I didn't even need to read the article to know this happened in the UK, because the UK is the only place on Earth where absurd totalitarian crap like this is constantly happening. If I only I had a dollar for every time I read something like this happening in the UK.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 02:23 AM
Could the OP please check before posting old articles as if they were new, this is the 2nd years out of date thing in 2 days posted like it was new by different ATS'rs, no one minds discussing the reason of why things like this were done by Cameron etc but at least make it clear its OLD please.

The first thing I do when looking at something to post is the date and then I search the forums.
edit on 8-1-2014 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:48 AM
This anti terrorism squad just proved they are nothing but bully's. Maybe the bully needs to get bullied for once! This is an outrage against all of our freedoms. Who's going to be next? The next poster, or the next after this one? Maybe me for my strong comment. If everyone would just stand up for the person next to you for cripes sake, this wouldn't go on. We the people are going to need to draw a big line in the sand here some day in our future, and no doubt, they will try and cross it. We need to hold that line, and keep them from crossing it. All I know is that this is no longer the United States I grew up in. It has turned very bleak. We can't let our people be treated like this anymore. That good old saying the government has, "If you see something, say something." Well this should ring true for us when we blatantly see tyranny in the works. It should be addressed, and stopped immediately. If we see this happening, we need to say something, get together, and stop it. Why are we the ones being treated like terrorists? Why should we get trampled on, and let our rights be eviscerated out from under us?
The only thing constant is change, so if we don't try really, really hard really, really soon, the change will come, but things are going to get so much worse. I apologize for my rant.....

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

the UK is a very fascist place but mabey it always was?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:52 AM

but Cameron is the Prime Minister of England
reply to post by Aleister

In fact, Prime Minister of the UK...

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:54 AM

I didn't even need to read the article to know this happened in the UK, because the UK is the only place on Earth where absurd totalitarian crap like this is constantly happening.
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Did you miss the part where people across the US have been arrested by the police and FBI for "threatening" facebook posts and tweets?

It happens more often there than in the UK. Americans still can take off the rose-tints, are they surgically attached to your face?

edit on 8/1/14 by Morg234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

They should arrest all of these little cretins. The nerve of them. Protest? A good thrashing with a switch would put him into line..

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

The Police of this nation are nothing but a standing joke same with our government and political organizations!

As for freedom of speech, well that seems to have gone out the window also!

Cameron should be swinging from a Lamppost for his nonsensical Bedroom Tax bull crap never mind the rest of the atrocity's he is responsible for!


edit on 8-1-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:15 AM
I'm not sure I entirely believe this story, it's tabloid crap, but if it is true then this kid and his family and the newspaper need to sue the police for this treatment.
This kid is on the right path, at 12 to be thinking this way. Good for him!

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by stargatetravels

I wish the family the very best of good luck regarding suing the Police considering they have a snowballs chance in hell!

The Police need to actively show malice toward you in the U.K before you can pursue legal action against them as any solicitor will tell you. Essentially they would need to repeat their actions or have physically assaulted the little dude!

edit on 8-1-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:23 AM

Oh,now I the definition of terrorist is now one who thinks independently as opposed to government? Duly noted.

I said more than once on here that once they implemented tough laws on "terrorism", they would then change the definition of it so they could use the laws against anyone they wish. But even this extreme has surprised me.

The good thing is, the more they abuse their power targeting people like this 12yo, the more obvious their plans become.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

I suppose making a big stink is perhaps the best they can do then?
There must be some sort of trauma or psychological damage sufffered by this little fella?
There should be some repercussions.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by stargatetravels

That's pretty much the only response they have in there arsenal i'm afraid.

I also agree there should be repercussions but that would simply be perceived as terrorism also these days!

Andy Warhol would be turning in his grave!
edit on 8-1-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Morg234

It happens more often there than in the UK. Americans still can take off the rose-tints, are they surgically attached to your face?

First of all, I'm not even from the US or the UK, secondly, you are wrong. Stuff like this happens in the UK far more than it does any where else. That is the simple fact of the matter and if you want to debate it in detail you will lose.

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 05:38 AM
I hope his parents back him to the hilt.

The right to freedom of speech is a core British value and its something we should all be fighting for. To express what one really thinks is honesty. With all our educational institutions working to ensure we know 'the must be polite, not violent and listen to the other point of view', we don't need our children when speaking their minds, unless they are insighting bombings etc etc, to be
treated lik,e criminals.

Telling the truth has escapedc politicians, police, media and institutions for so long in this country that its something alien, they don't understand it, yet its probably something they try to instil into their little kids when teaching them manners etc. This is am important issue and we need to reset the standards without threats to our kids.

I suspect the government is frightened about one so young putting a legitimatge complaint out on the net and don't want any more following his example.

Frankly crimes that actually affect the ordinary public are what I want our police force to be dealing with, not watching every kiddies facebook account and then doing the heavy-handed arm of the establishment frogmarch into their schools to terrify them to death. There has been too much police interest into our kids and its time to tell government to back off and faced tghe consequences of their self-interest vested actions - it says something when kiddies as young as 12 can see through the politicians

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

absolutely shocking , our government are nothing but fascist bastards !

cameron is a grade A bell end and the gestapo just following orders harassed a little boy for exorcising his democratic rights

just a good job they haven't sorted the new IPNA laws otherwise he would be branded a nuisance and given a custodial sentence of 2 years without even committing a crime simply because he was branded a nuisance by a judge

IPNA - fascism in full effect

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 06:10 AM
As a poster up there said, this story is now three years old. Does nobody check anything before running off with their emotions?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 06:29 AM

Welcome to the new Amerika!

This is the UK

If it had been Amerika then Im sure the police would have just shot him

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 06:32 AM

As a poster up there said, this story is now three years old. Does nobody check anything before running off with their emotions?

That'll be a no then...

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