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Yet another Mermaid thread

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posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:07 PM
I don't know if i believe they exist or not...

I've seen some interesting videos... But i just watched "Mermaids: The new evidence" and theres some footage that i've never seen before

Could be a seal... Or a hoax... I don't know

This one is pretty wild... You can see this creature's face

Then theres this one... Apparently a "mermaid" was spear fishing...

I know theres a few threads about this show.... But i didn't find any that covered these videos

What do you fine people think?

Could they be real?


posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Akragon

I can't claim validity to any of this but it is very interesting footage and a great topic SnF

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:17 PM
I want a mermaid. I suppose the DNR will give me a ticket if I try to catch one.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:23 PM

I want a mermaid. I suppose the DNR will give me a ticket if I try to catch one.

They must be real, here is a webcomic on some

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:53 PM

Could they be real?


Several years back I heard a very reliable source mention that underwater cities are real.

Since that time I have seen enough evidence to convince me 100% without question that they do in fact exist.

My suspicion is that the two are directly related.

edit on 2-1-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

What source, and in what context did they reveal this information to you?
I love the concept but i need more to go on then some questionable videos and the word of some guy on the internet.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:00 AM
Well the first one is CGI, 2nd one.... more believable but I still find it too convenient and the sound effects, as well as the camera looks over at it as it swims up. I don't see a mermaid swimming up and doing that, they would be afraid (like Sasquatch), 3rd video, they wouldn't spear fish. All propaganda like the Bigfoot hunters. None of these mythical creatures exists, or people would be seeing them.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:02 AM
Not sure if the are real either but I'm sorry to say that those vids from the show look cgi to me.

I have my own theories though!!

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:13 AM

I don't know if i believe they exist or not...

I've seen some interesting videos... But i just watched "Mermaids: The new evidence" and theres some footage that i've never seen before

Could be a seal... Or a hoax... I don't know

This one is pretty wild... You can see this creature's face

Then theres this one... Apparently a "mermaid" was spear fishing...

I know theres a few threads about this show.... But i didn't find any that covered these videos

What do you fine people think?

Could they be real?


Good documentary but it's actually fictional


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 01:10 AM
The show is not really about mermaids.

Its a anti navy sonar show based on BS

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 01:23 AM

I love the concept but i need more to go on then some questionable videos and the word of some guy on the internet.

Credible eyewitness sightings of Mermaids are FAR too innumerable to be just a persistent legend...

Nearly every culture across the globe has some type of belief in mermaids.

The evidence is just far too massive for it to be a hoax.

How can these be explained when so many ancient societies who have absolutely NO contact with each other report seeing identical creatures?

One of the earliest scientific accounts of the mermaid was documented by the great historian Pliny The Elder in 586 A.D. Pliny the Elder was convinced of the existence of Mermaids and described them as “rough and scaled all over.” Since that time, and well before, thousands of sailors across the globe have reported seeing the Mermaid swimming off the bows of their ships. Even the famous Christopher Columbus reported an encounter with a Mermaid; in January of 1493 Columbus reported that he saw three Mermaids frolicking in the ocean just off Haiti.

In Columbus’s account he stated that the creatures “came quite high out of the water” but were “not as pretty as they are depicted, for somehow the face looked more like a mans.” In the antiquated historical text known as the “Speculum Regale” also known as the King’s Mirror, which was written in Norway around 1250, the Mermaid is described not as a beautiful women, but more as a semi aquatic Neanderthal like creature.

The Sightings

•First Century AD, Pliny the Elder writes about Nereids – women with rough scaly bodies like fish, a mythological precursor to mermaids.

•Fifth Century AD, Physiologus in his Bestiary describes the real mermaid with the upper body of a woman and the lower of a fish, split at about the navel. The book is a study of animals and their natures and remains influential until the 18th century.

•13th Century, Bartholomew Angelicus in his book De Propietatibus Rerum described the mermaid as a femme fatale stealing sailors from their ships. Click here for more on the medieval mermaid.

•1560, Bosquez, aide to the Viceroy of Goa, performed autopsies on 7 mermaids caught by fishermen in Ceylon.

•1599, in the book Historia Monstrorum a mermaid and her mate are reported embracing near the Nile River delta.

•1608, June 15, Henry Hudson, explorer and discoverer of the Hudson River, records seeing a mermaid near Russia. He wrote in his log: Two crew members - Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayner - sighted a mermaid at 75° 7' N, and shouted at the rest of the crew to come and look. Hudson further recorded it as having a "tail of a porpoise and speckled like a mackerel." She was "looking earnestly on the men" who gathered on the side to see her. The description Hudson wrote says she had very white skin, "speckled like a macrell" (mackerel), long black hair, white skin and a woman's breasts - with the tail of a porpoise.

•1614, John Smith sees a mermaid off the coast of Massachusetts

•1718, a "sea wife" is caught off the island of Borneo and put in a large vat, where it died after a few days. It was heard to utter cries like a mouse.

•1739, sailors of the ship Halifax caught and ate several mermaids in the East Indies. Said they tasted like veal.

•1811, a farmer near Kintyre reported spotting a real mermaid washing herself and combing her hair.

•1830, a farm woman in the Outer Hebrides spotted a mermaid frolicking in the water. They were unable to capture her alive but did manage to kill her with a rock. The corpse was seen and described in detail by Alexander Carmichael, a well-known scholar.

•1857, June 4, a reliable report of a real mermaid with "full breast, dark complexion and comely face" seen off the coast of Britain.

•1947, Island of Muck, 80-year-old man reports seeing a real mermaid sitting on a lobster trap and combing her hair.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by SixX18

Why wouldn't they spearfish? Is that documented? Cause that would be great

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Being a sea-beast crypto fiend, I love videos like this! That second video, I don't know, it came me the creeps. I don't know of any animals with 'hands' like that, which is of course not to say that none exist.

It would make sense for there to be a deep sea animal with humanish features that has been giving rise to these legends.

In the meantime, here's a link to my favourite mermaid story for you: Shetland's mermaid

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by LocalGenius

Yes, it was a docudrama fiction, using actors. I actually watched some of the recent one, and was ashamed for the Discovery Channel. They used to have a good brand name, as did the History Channel and other semi-serious sounding channels, but now they're filled with fake data, hunting shows, pawn shop nonsense and the like. It reminds me of the line from Aaron Sorkin's wonderful series on the fictional history of a "Saturday Night Live"-like program, where one of the network execs talks about reality shows and where they came from: The Office of Illiterate Programming.

Discovery Channel should be apologizing profusely on their way to the bank.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:08 AM


I love the concept but i need more to go on then some questionable videos and the word of some guy on the internet.

Credible eyewitness sightings of Mermaids are FAR too innumerable to be just a persistent legend...

Nearly every culture across the globe has some type of belief in mermaids.

The evidence is just far too massive for it to be a hoax.

How can these be explained when so many ancient societies who have absolutely NO contact with each other report seeing identical creatures?

One of the earliest scientific accounts of the mermaid was documented by the great historian Pliny The Elder in 586 A.D. Pliny the Elder was convinced of the existence of Mermaids and described them as “rough and scaled all over.” Since that time, and well before, thousands of sailors across the globe have reported seeing the Mermaid swimming off the bows of their ships. Even the famous Christopher Columbus reported an encounter with a Mermaid; in January of 1493 Columbus reported that he saw three Mermaids frolicking in the ocean just off Haiti.

In Columbus’s account he stated that the creatures “came quite high out of the water” but were “not as pretty as they are depicted, for somehow the face looked more like a mans.” In the antiquated historical text known as the “Speculum Regale” also known as the King’s Mirror, which was written in Norway around 1250, the Mermaid is described not as a beautiful women, but more as a semi aquatic Neanderthal like creature.

The Sightings

•First Century AD, Pliny the Elder writes about Nereids – women with rough scaly bodies like fish, a mythological precursor to mermaids.

•Fifth Century AD, Physiologus in his Bestiary describes the real mermaid with the upper body of a woman and the lower of a fish, split at about the navel. The book is a study of animals and their natures and remains influential until the 18th century.

•13th Century, Bartholomew Angelicus in his book De Propietatibus Rerum described the mermaid as a femme fatale stealing sailors from their ships. Click here for more on the medieval mermaid.

•1560, Bosquez, aide to the Viceroy of Goa, performed autopsies on 7 mermaids caught by fishermen in Ceylon.

•1599, in the book Historia Monstrorum a mermaid and her mate are reported embracing near the Nile River delta.

•1608, June 15, Henry Hudson, explorer and discoverer of the Hudson River, records seeing a mermaid near Russia. He wrote in his log: Two crew members - Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayner - sighted a mermaid at 75° 7' N, and shouted at the rest of the crew to come and look. Hudson further recorded it as having a "tail of a porpoise and speckled like a mackerel." She was "looking earnestly on the men" who gathered on the side to see her. The description Hudson wrote says she had very white skin, "speckled like a macrell" (mackerel), long black hair, white skin and a woman's breasts - with the tail of a porpoise.

•1614, John Smith sees a mermaid off the coast of Massachusetts

•1718, a "sea wife" is caught off the island of Borneo and put in a large vat, where it died after a few days. It was heard to utter cries like a mouse.

•1739, sailors of the ship Halifax caught and ate several mermaids in the East Indies. Said they tasted like veal.

•1811, a farmer near Kintyre reported spotting a real mermaid washing herself and combing her hair.

•1830, a farm woman in the Outer Hebrides spotted a mermaid frolicking in the water. They were unable to capture her alive but did manage to kill her with a rock. The corpse was seen and described in detail by Alexander Carmichael, a well-known scholar.

•1857, June 4, a reliable report of a real mermaid with "full breast, dark complexion and comely face" seen off the coast of Britain.

•1947, Island of Muck, 80-year-old man reports seeing a real mermaid sitting on a lobster trap and combing her hair.

The depths of the ocean are vast and unexplored, it would be truly ignorant to deny their existence.

But you speak of ancient societies who had no contact speaking about them, I am interested into which ones? Because all the dates you just shown me all would have had contact, and Pliny the Elder though one of the greatest scholars in his time also used to believe walking around with a goats testicle around you're neck would prevent a cold.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Akragon

I'm on the fence about this mermaid thing and the source(s). I will say that there is a lot of history about mermaids through art and stories etc., makes me believe there is some truth in it.

The first video you have linked is fake I'd say. Bad acting and seems scripted. But the others...I just don't know what to think. Seems I read that those were actors on the show Mermaids the New Evidence, but I can't be sure without going to look it up again.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Personally, I think there is some truth to it.

I remember when I first saw this film and needless to say, the debunkers came crawling out of the woodwork to say it was a fake or a "mockudrama," etc... as I'm sure they will again. One of their main arguments was the fact that they used actors in the making of the film and the fact that so much of the film was animated.

When faced with all the debunker's accusations, I decided to google the names of the actual marine biologist being portrayed in the film as well as their work and publications. I don't remember his name right now, but the M.B. being portrayed by the main character in the film did actually exist and as it turns out he had created several websites in the past with the hopes of releasing this information to the public. When you try to visit any of those sites now, you are greeted by a full-page notice from the Depts. of Justice & Homeland Security informing you that the sites have been seized.

I believe that the actual marine biologists who were personally involved in the "beachings" and recovery teams were silenced by TPTB. I believe they were told to shut up about this subject and threatened about what may happen if they didn't. This is why I believe they had to use actors to get the information out.

I believe the reason for secrecy is to conceal the fact that the U.S. Navy has developed a very powerful sonar weapon, (which happens to be extremely harmful to marine mammals) as a counter-measure to high-speed cavitating torpedoes. These torpedoes reach speeds in excess of 150 mph and shy of some kind of a sonar pulse acting like a sledge hammer on the torpedo before it can reach it's target, a U.S. sub would be utterly defenseless.

But that's my own little conspiracy theory.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:08 PM

The show is not really about mermaids.

Its a anti navy sonar show based on BS


I thought the show creators had admitted to it being fake? Does anyone here remember hearing that too?

I'm not going to say mermaids or mermen aren't real...I just personally don't believe this video is the real McCoy.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 03:20 PM
Yeah, a 'docudrama' or maybe 'mockumentary'

From the credits (per IMDB):

"None of the individuals or entities depicted in the film are affiliated or associated with it in any way, no have approved its contents. Any similarities to actual persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. Though certain events in this film are fictional, navy sonar tests have been directly implicated in whale beachings. The bloop is a real phenomenon. There is still debate about what it may be."

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 04:02 PM
Fake. Previously discussed... all of it based and filmed for a tv documentary. A movie. A show.

And it was on this past weekend again...and everytime its shown again...these threads pop up.

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