posted on May, 13 2016 @ 05:19 AM
I have been reading your very interesting thread, thanks for sharing your experiences.
One thing I notice about life is that when you finally give up trying, that is when it all happens. Just do not bother with it any more. Do not
worry about it, or care whether people notice you or not. Only send things through to people, messages and stuff, if you feel like it personally, if
you are interested. If you are only replying to people because you are trying to get the attention from them. This is pushing against the flow of
creation. Go with the flow, connect with people only when you feel like it. Do not care whether they respond or not. Respond again if you like, if
it brings joy to you. You might find that after some time people will start to respond back to you. You might even find people making the first move
to chat with you. Just do what feels good, without worrying or having expectations on things. Do not expect people to respond, and when they do it
is a bonus.
We live in a very different world now even from when I was young. It is fast paced, on the edge, in the moment. People are drawn to quick jokes, in
the moment experiences, quick responses. It is all about social sharing, not really about making friends, but more about becoming popular for what
you are sharing, rather than what you truly are as a person. It is a bit fake in some ways. People are projecting their ultimate desires rather than
their ultimate truths. It is whatever gets the most attention. They are less and less connecting to people socially (physically) and individually.
I notice this one day when I went out for lunch. I found it really weird that across from me on a table of 3 people they were not talking. They were
all on their phones instead of chatting with each other. People live on their phones, not talking to one another.
Some year ago a family member was dating a girl I was working with. She was however constantly on the internet, day and night, instead of sharing
time with my cousin. Everyday she was hooked on all the fake people she was conversing through on chat, that did not even use their own names,
pretending to be something they were not. Eventually the relationship turned sour, which is to be expected. She chose the people on the internet
over my cousin. She did not care to have any real meaningful relationship any more. This also happened to a guy I met here where I live now. His
wife was constantly online chatting, that she wanted to end the marriage. Her online friends were more important than real connection with
What I am trying to say with all this is that the world is changing when it comes to socializing. It is getting harder and harder to have a
connection with someone. There are of course exceptions to this. For instance, I am now married to a guy I found on the internet through a forum,
and we have been together now 12 years. A friend of mine also met his wife online through a dating service. I matched up a friend of mine with a guy
I was chatting to on facebook, they lived in the same city. They got together and now they are married with their second child on the way. The
reason these things did work out was because of going with the flow of creation. It was like it was meant to be.
Have you ever thought that maybe you are destined to be with someone in particular and that by keeping you away from others is meant to get you on a
path towards something even better. The most important thing is to go with the flow, don't keep pushing up the hill, forcing things to happen. Just
take it in your stride. Do what feels right and you will find people will start to open up to you, because you will be on the same level with
I hope in the future you have more success. Take care, enjoy your life.