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The Mark of the Beast = 666 = www = Smartphones and Google Glass

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:18 PM
carbon based life forms and carbon has 6 electrons 6 protons and 6 neautrons .

you are the beast of revolations reptile gened inbreeds - no monster needed .

who is destroying the planet some monster of myth or us

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Revelations was written in Koine Greek if I recall correctly.

That would make the 6th letter Zeta, so ZZZ ?
ZZZ = Asleep (Funny Coincidence?)

Or maybe since it's a book of prophecy, we could use English and go with letter "F" so "FFF" ?

"FFF", a song by heavy metal group Megadeth on the album Cryptic Writings
fff, in dynamics (music), forte fortissimo or fortississimo - as loud as can be played

FFF, an abbreviation used to describe first round financing sources for new businesses, being friends, family and fools. See Angel investors

FFF, a hexadecimal number with the value 4095

The alphabetical value (F = 6) of the Number of the Beast

Also with the Hebrew Waw, we could use Vav and say it's 'VVV', you know our buddy here at ATS?
Speaking of VVV, where the heck has he been?

FFF wiki

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:21 PM


Revelations was written in Koine Greek if I recall correctly.

This was an objection brought up on the previous page of the thread.

It was in fact brought up twice.

My response twice was that John the Apostle, who authored the book, spoke Aramaic and Hebrew and probably not Greek. Furthermore, spirituality in those days was always linked to "Gods Language", which was Hebrew and not Greek.

The Hebrew vav-vav-vav simply translates as the English www.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:40 PM


My response twice was that John the Apostle, who authored the book, spoke Aramaic and Hebrew and probably not Greek. Furthermore, spirituality in those days was always linked to "Gods Language", which was Hebrew and not Greek.

The Hebrew vav-vav-vav simply translates as the English www.

You don't even know if the Vav is the correct thing to translate, it's pure speculation.

"Probably" ?
Scholars cannot even agree if it was indeed John the Apostle who wrote it, or what date it was created.

And what about Hexa-Sexa which is "6" numerically?
That would make it Hexa-Hexa-Hexa or Sexa-Sexa-Sexa "666 = XXX".

Also think about the black market, to fulfill the prophecy nothing can be bought or sold without the 'mark'.
So therefore it would have to be tied into the currency itself somehow in order to have power off the grid.

I dunno, I kinda feel like you may be a little too "attached" to this specific idea.
So much so you are ignoring things that contradict it or put it into question.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:42 PM


Yet, by your own words, 666 could just as easily be VVV, which would affirm the fact that we have no way of knowing.

No way of knowing what? 666 stands for both WWW and VVV. In the absence of a huge, world-spanning, consciousness revolutionizing, buying-and-selling-operating, handheld-device and forhead-device presenting function called VVV, the obvious choice falls on WWW.

There are probably a trillion different things the internet could have been called, but 666 was chosen. Why? And if the Book of Revelations is bunk, then was 666 chosen by people who would like to bring about something akin to the prophecy? Was it deliberately chosen? Or is it a crazy coincidence?

More likely a crazy coincidence; WWW is not the internet, as the internet actually goes back roughly 30-40 years before the world wide web.

The internet is a massive network, the web allows you to access information on said network; the two terms are not synonymous. The web is only used when you are browsing websites on the internet. For example, if you are playing an online game such as WoW, LoL, or Dota 2, you are not using the world wide web.

From a practical standpoint, I doubt that a bunch of supernerds had diabolical intentions when naming the web. I mean, they would have to be computer programmers on one end, and evil occultists on the other. It just seems a bit... wonky?
edit on 27-12-2013 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2013 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 01:44 PM
I have been saying this for a while now and telling family members the same thing. I fully believe the internet is the antichrist. Below is an excerpt form Revelations that might be describing Google glasses

Revelation 15:2

And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands.


Also there are seven prophecies that must be fulfilled before Jesus's return. Below list the final two that weren't possible until recently with the creation of the WWW.

6. The gospel will be preached in all the world

In His major end-time prophecy, Jesus answers the question posed by the disciples: "When will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3).

After listing a number of signs of the nearness of His coming, He reveals that "this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (verse 14).

The gospel is the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. This message could not be preached around the world without the Bible and freedom of religion. Both came gradually with the ascendancy of the English-speaking peoples from the 16th century until the present day.

However, it was only with the technological advances of television and radio and other means of mass communication after World War II and their widespread acceptance that it became possible to reach hundreds of millions of human beings with the message of the Bible. The gospel of the Kingdom of God will continue to be preached to all nations as long as we have the freedom to continue The Good News magazine and our other media efforts.

Even so, during the last 50 years it has not been possible to reach all countries. The former communist nations did not allow freedom of religion. China, with one quarter of the world's people, still does not. Other nations also try to suppress the publication of biblical truth and even the Bible itself. Many Islamic nations do not allow religious freedom. In some countries people risk the death penalty for changing religion.

But the Internet is changing everything. It is much harder for governments to control. The gospel message of the coming Kingdom of God is still going out to the world. It will finish when God has decided that His work is completed and the time is right for the final end-time events to take place.

This is yet another prophecy that could not be fulfilled until recent times.

7. Instant worldwide communications and God's final witnesses

Another end-time Bible prophecy could not be fulfilled until this era of instant worldwide communications.

In His major end-time prophecy of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus gave an outline of disasters that would occur on the world scene with increasing frequency and magnitude—to the point where people would be shaken with fear (Luke 21:26). Discerning an increase in the scale of these events and reacting to them requires knowing about them.

At the time this prophecy was given, it could be many months or years before people heard about various disasters—and many they would never hear about at all, much less be able to put together the fact that catastrophes were on some kind of global increase.

Only with the proliferation of newspapers and other forms of mass communications did this become remotely possible. Yet the level of awareness and consequent fear in many that Christ speaks of implies an even greater availability of information—possible only since the development of rapid electronic communications.

In any case, only with the technological advances of the last few years has it become possible for the events in Revelation 11 to occur—for people around the world to see the fate of God's final two witnesses.

These two witnesses, reminiscent of other biblical prophets like Elijah and Elisha, will carry God's final warning to the world in the last 3 1/2 years leading up to Christ's return.

"And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days . . . When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

"Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth" (verses 3, 7-10).

Note that people the world over will be able to see their dead bodies during the 3 1 ⁄ 2 days that they lie on display in Jerusalem. This was not possible before satellite television, portable communications devices and the Internet. Again, only in the last few years has it become possible for this prophecy to be fulfilled . It still lies in the future, of course, but only now it is clearly possible for this to take place.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Oh well it was worth a shot.
I want to thank you for having the guts to share your idea despite the flak you would face.

For what it's worth, IMO, it's equally as valid as the other options.
If it's a valid prophecy than perhaps they all connect together somehow?

Like instead of just one of them, all of them.
Megadeth + Asleep + Microchip + $$$ + XXX + .WWW

And didn't VVV say his name stood for "UFO"? So throw in Aliens or Nazis or whoever flies UFOs too.
Plus whatever else, lol.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:21 PM


You don't even know if the Vav is the correct thing to translate, it's pure speculation.

Sure I do. The Hebrew vav corresponds to the English w. That's been known for quite some time.

And what about Hexa-Sexa which is "6" numerically?
That would make it Hexa-Hexa-Hexa or Sexa-Sexa-Sexa "666 = XXX".

I dont know what Hexa Sexa is. Id have to look it up on the all-knowing Google.

Also think about the black market, to fulfill the prophecy nothing can be bought or sold without the 'mark'.
So therefore it would have to be tied into the currency itself somehow in order to have power off the grid.

Most currency will be purely digital soon enough.

I dunno, I kinda feel like you may be a little too "attached" to this specific idea.
So much so you are ignoring things that contradict it or put it into question.

I don't mind a genuine questioning and a good old debunk.

But I took some care of looking into the main objections beforehand, before posting this, so that its not THAT easily shot down. If this weren't at least a little legitimate, at least for a conspiracy-theory, I wouldnt have bothered posting it.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:28 PM


For example, if you are playing an online game such as WoW, LoL, or Dota 2, you are not using the world wide web.

Good news for gamers.

From a practical standpoint, I doubt that a bunch of supernerds had diabolical intentions when naming the web. I mean, they would have to be computer programmers on one end, and evil occultists on the other. It just seems a bit... wonky?

Sure...Im not seeing evil occultists behind the naming. Not even behind the big internet players such as Google, Facebook, Amazon.

But what I am seeing is an overall system set up that would be the wet dream of any tyrant. As I said, if Hitler got his hands on Google...

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by nepok

Thanks for posting that. I am not that familiar with the other prophecies and their meaning. Seeing that all those prophecies could only come true in this age of mass-communication, it would be reasonable to assume that IF the Book of Revelation is true, then these days are the times it is referring to.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:36 PM


I want to thank you for having the guts to share your idea despite the flak you would face.

Thats nice of you to say.

And yes, I did know this would be "controversial".

So what though. We have to consider all options, even those that are far out.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:42 PM



You don't even know if the Vav is the correct thing to translate, it's pure speculation.

Sure I do. The Hebrew vav corresponds to the English w. That's been known for quite some time.

There is no rule explicitly stating that we must use Hebrew and only Hebrew for this translation.
It's ambiguous and vague at every step of the way.

Hexa is classical Greek for "six".

Sex- is a Latin prefix meaning "six".

Six (6) (wiki)

And you are partially wrong about vav and English W.
It phonetically transitions, but not graphically.
Through the graphic symbol it translates to Shin-Sheen-Sin.

Shin (also spelled Šin (šīn) or Sheen) literally means "Teeth" and "Press" and "sharp"; It is the twenty-first letter in many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician 𐤔, Aramaic/Hebrew ש, and Arabic ش‎ (in abjadi order, 13th in modern order). Its sound value is a voiceless sibilant, [ʃ] or [s].
The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Sigma (Σ) (which in turn gave Latin S and Cyrillic С), and the letter Sha in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic scripts (Ⱎ, Ш).
The South Arabian and Ethiopian letter Śawt is also cognate.

Shin (wiki)

I can tell you haven't read my threads, hehe.

Here it's basically like a book now (with tons of sources):

All of these threads weave into the topics discussed here as well.
So it's for sure on topic to what you are wondering about.
Anyhow, take your time and if you have any questions, critiques, or catch any major mistakes I made just hit me up.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:45 PM


Your attempt at being a witty atheist who takes glee at ridiculing Christians and a "jesus raputre spaceship" is quite beside the point of the thread as I am not a Christian, nor is this thread necessarily related to the rapture. It is instead a non-denominational critique of the internet coupled with the mysticism of Gematria and Prophecy.

Please then, I would be interested to know how the internet applies to The Amish, The Quakers, Hillbilly Mountain folk of the Appalachians and other backwoods clannish insular communities, The Creole Swamp folk of the Louisiana Bayous, Canadian Fur Trappers, some Inuit Communities, Australian Aboriginals, as well as Aboriginals in PNG and other South Pacific Islands, Substantial rural, jungle, and mountain communities all over Asia and India, traditional desert Nomad communities in the Middle East, and all the other folk all over the planet that still, even now, wouldn't know how to operate a mouse, much less a keyboard, or know how to navigate even a local desktop and far away from anything "internet".

We tend to get a little Sociocentric in our plush little First World Technological Urban lifestyles and tend to forget there's really a quite daunting and substantial demographic of people and peoples all over the planet that know absolutely nothing about the Internet.

We tend to like to think the entire planet revolves around the comings, goings, doings, exploits, and trivia of the First World Technological Nations, as if our Nations were Greek or Roman gods personified.

Thing is, however, what I was attempting to illustrate in a lighthearted manner is; Every Christian, and/or adherent on the planet to this mythology evolved out of the superstitions of Slave Owning, Incestuous, Polygamist, Genocidal, Xenophobic, Patriarch centered Desert Nomads with a persecution complex, if all adherents to this belief system, regardless the mutation, cult, or sect of the superstition, if all the adherents were to all magically disappear to whatever magical fetish destination of their own choosing and leave the rest of the planet still spinning, still inhabited ... the planet will STILL keep on spinning, and those of us left will continue to go about our lives, quite happily, Mark of the Beast, internet, bar codes, RFID implants, or No, and Human civilization will not be all that much negatively affected by the absence of such.

The adherents to this mythology, the people that take so much stock in this Mark of the Beast get so caught up in their self involved fetish for an apocalypse, that they forget that there's still a large part of the planet that just doesn't care and would rather enjoy if the 2000 years of foaming at the mouth about it were to stop.

If the internet is the "Mark of the Beast", fine. Woo.
There's plenty parts of the planet and communities all over the place that will be like "inter-what?", "how do you spell 'www'?", "mark of the who?".
They've got more important things to worry about like ... eating something.

As stated previously after I made that reply, if the dreaded "Mark of the Beast" is really all that worrisome, all anyone needs do is become a Quaker, Amish, or declare a new religious sect on religious grounds that refuses involvement.

The rest of us will carry on.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:54 PM


There is no rule explicitly stating that we must use Hebrew and only Hebrew for this translation.

Hebrew is used because it was considered "The Language of God" by the ancients. Its the most obvious language to use in case of divine prophecy.

It's ambiguous and vague at every step of the way.

Its clear and obvious at every step of the way.

Greek and Latin were not considered "Gods Language" and John the Apostle spoke Aramaic and Hebrew.

And you are partially wrong about vav and English W.
It phonetically transitions, but not graphically.

Hebrew is translated to English phonetically, not graphically...maybe because it uses completely different letters.

I can tell you haven't read my threads, hehe.

Im aware of your threads. Its heady stuff and at least as far out as my stuff.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Please then, I would be interested to know how the internet applies to The Amish, The Quakers, Hillbilly Mountain folk of the Appalachians and other backwoods clannish insular communities, The Creole Swamp folk of the Louisiana Bayous, Canadian Fur Trappers, some Inuit Communities, Australian Aboriginals, as well as Aboriginals in PNG and other South Pacific Islands, Substantial rural, jungle, and mountain communities all over Asia and India, traditional desert Nomad communities in the Middle East, and all the other folk all over the planet that still, even now, wouldn't know how to operate a mouse, much less a keyboard, or know how to navigate even a local desktop and far away from anything "internet".

Theologians say that complete unawareness would be the best form of protection.

Your observation that some belief-systems are region-centric is quite important and apt. There is the very real possibility that certain scenarios will only be played out to those who believe in them.
edit on 27-12-2013 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 03:32 PM


Hebrew is used because it was considered "The Language of God" by the ancients. Its the most obvious language to use in case of divine prophecy.

That's not true, Hebrew is relatively new in terms of age of human civilization itself. Tons of languages predate it, and I am sure all of them thought theirs was the best if we asked them.

The earliest examples of written Hebrew date from the 10th century BCE.[9]

Also isn't that really prejudiced ?
Because God is defined as "All" , so therefore all languages are manifestations of God's infinity.

All languages appear to be equal in terms of spiritual significance to the human condition.

Im aware of your threads. Its heady stuff and at least as far out as my stuff.

I don't think anything in my recent threads is far out really.
Yall are just ultra-lazy and don't wanna read it.

It's extremely hard to debunk or even argue with philosophically.
Also the goal of the threads was to inspire others to mix creativity and logic.

I used to worry about someone coming along outta no where and trashing it somehow, but a few months ago I started giving up on that entirely, lol. Speaking of which, I have a ton of stuff to add that I plan on posting today, so gonna go look into doing that.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Also isn't that really prejudiced ?
Because God is defined as "All" , so therefore all languages are manifestations of God's infinity.

This is how the folk who lived in the area at that time saw Hebrew. This is common knowledge among Historians, Theologians, Scholars. If you think you know better, take it up with them.

I don't think anything in my recent threads is far out really.
Yall are just ultra-lazy and don't wanna read it.

No, I think they're really difficult to comprehend. You're too smart. Except in this thread you are not being smart.

Once you agree with everything I say, then you are smart.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 04:49 PM
The hypnotic sway the Internet holds over Billions of people is unprecedented in History and the majority of people, even here, are saying "nah, can't possibly be anything wrong with that".

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:34 PM


From a practical standpoint, I doubt that a bunch of supernerds had diabolical intentions when naming the web. I mean, they would have to be computer programmers on one end, and evil occultists on the other. It just seems a bit... wonky?

Sure...Im not seeing evil occultists behind the naming. Not even behind the big internet players such as Google, Facebook, Amazon.

But what I am seeing is an overall system set up that would be the wet dream of any tyrant. As I said, if Hitler got his hands on Google...

What you're talking about is better related to the act of datamining than it is the internet. Granted that the internet greatly expedites the process of collecting data on people, it is simply a tool that Google and similar net giants employ.

The net, in and of itself, is not inherently evil. It's a tool, and a rather powerful one at that. Yes, if a genocidal tyrant got his or her hands on Google it would increase his or her power thousands-fold, but you can't just "seize" Google, as Google is not a physical manifestation; it exists entirely as code. You'd need a legion of hackers to take it down, and that's probably an understatement.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:48 PM


Theologians say that complete unawareness would be the best form of protection.

Your observation that some belief-systems are region-centric is quite important and apt. There is the very real possibility that certain scenarios will only be played out to those who believe in them.

Thus, what would be the concern?

Nonsubscribers can take their "Mark of the Beast", if they so choose, where applicable, and remain blissfully divorced from and unaffected by any divinely sanctioned atrocities.

People subscribing to the Norse Mythology (and there are indeed some adherents as well as a resurgent demographic of observers) can still sit around sharpening their axes, polishing their helmets and shields, stocking up on furs and supplies in happy preparation for their own Ragnarok that starts with 3 years of uninterrupted Winter (for them), all quite happily unaffected, unworried, unbothered by any of the Abrahamic stuff.

Atheists everywhere can go about their lives and be all like "wut?"

Hindus, Buddhists, Local indigenous tribal belief systems, and everyone else that's a non-subscriber to the Abrahamic mythology could all simply go about their days.

Why would anyone that doesn't believe in something considered by many as just another of many mythologies be affected by such?

It's almost like someone trying to scare people into being concerned about Ra, Osiris, Anubis, and that whole pantheon of characters from a belief system long dead and no longer observed by anyone.

The Sumerians too had prophetic tales about the return of their gods. Considering that's got greater historical precedence in having a couple thousand years more maturity on the Abrahamic tradition, shouldn't the Sumerian prophecies be of greater concern and importance?

In fact, by the time the Biblical text of Revelations was written, there was already a quite well established tradition of some 40 or so Apocalyptic Prophecies of varying sorts.

Member Kantzveldt just authored this thread on The Vara of Yima which discusses the building requirements for a Neolithic Bunker some 2 miles square on each side meant to contain 2 of every kind of beast, tree, flower, etc., similar to and predating the Noah Flood myth.

In all respects, taken into context with all the other apocalyptic prophecies that predate this one containing the "Mark of the Beast", as well as all the many other apocalyptic prophecies that have followed in the well honored tradition of apocalyptic prophecies, all of which that were more specific on a date for their occurrence coincidentally never happening, it's a fairly certain likelihood of high probability that there is no such thing as a Mark of the Beast, except as so named or imagined by adherents to this mythology.
We could just as easily call/interpret the stockpile of nuclear weapons all around the planet cummulatively The Spear of Odin, or Thor's Hammer. The internet could be the Eye of Horus, the arms of Kali, or associated with any part or implement in association with any other mythology.

The only thing all that remarkable about this "Mark of the Beast" stuff is that Christians hold such a large market share in the collective consciousness of observed modern mythologies as well as media access.
This can, in turn, create something akin to Asch Conformity in Psychology where it creates the impression that "everyone" else is concerned about something and it thus then has merit, where in fact, Billions of people believing in something that isn't true all based on a superstition is still billions of people believing in something that's just a superstition.

We see this in History with other traditions of faith.
We see this recently even with the Ghost Dance and the massacre that followed.
Faith and hype don't make it true.

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