posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to:
Thank you dear Cody.
How is your family?
Are you having a nice summer?
Hi RR thanks for asking
Considering the amount of rockets that have been fired, they are in remarkably good spirits
if a little tired from lack of sleep. We are in
constant contact, and I'm very proud of how they are holding up, even the ex wife. Mrs C is loving teaching a little too much LOL. It's wonderful to
see her so happy.
Summer has been glorious so far, here's hoping it stays that way.
Since attacks have been launched from the north as well, are you OK ? As soon as I heard it I thought "Bugger hope RR won't be affected."
I'm not around much at the moment, I got involved in few Israel threads ALWAYS a mistake, I'm pretty stressed so my head isn't in ps at the moment,
but maybe I should go in and use it to de-stress a bit.
OH and I need to sleep LOL.
Apart from that life is hunky dory.
I've got one more entry allowed in the comp, I may immerse myself in that for a while.